Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 19: Super fierce

{}Chapter 19 Super Superman

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The car is still open. ~{}

Always keep moving, this is an effective way to avoid being caught up by Hercules - although that doesn't mean the enemy can't catch up, but at least delay the time.

Black lightning is boring to swim in the river, enjoying the "happy" traffic jam on the crowded streets, but the car is heavy and solemn.

The heavy ones are mainly Zhuang Yu, Auntie and Bei Ming.

They have come to the black lightning from the bumblebee.

“Why don’t you tell us this earlier?” asked Zhuang Yu.

Shen Yu replied: "Because you have to give you confidence, you can fight with confidence. If you don't have confidence, you can only wait for death and surrender."

Why are Zhuang Yu not afraid of the ashes?

It is not because they are not strong enough, but because from the beginning of the mission, Shen Yu has demonstrated a strong confidence in responding, giving one feasible solution and taking them away from the crisis, which gives everyone confidence.

But if they let them know that the real all-out war, the broken blade team will be fully restrained by the ashes, this confidence will disappear, and it may be frustrating, uneasy, or even betrayal.

This is why Shen Shen didn't say it.

"Why are you willing to say now?" Bei Ming asked coldly.

Shen Xiao smiled: "Because I have just been in contact with Hercules... How to say it, it feels good."

This answer makes Zhuang Yu three people again dumbfounded.

Shen Yu has already eaten and laughed: "You don't have to look at me like that. I mean, this is a guy who has wisdom, thoughts, beliefs and a little bit of heroism. He is very powerful, which makes me feel relieved." ”

"He is very powerful, so you are more worried... What logic is this?" The three people were made to laugh and cry.

"Well, the logic is that everything has its positive and negative sides. When a person's positive power is stronger, often his negative effect is equally powerful, so as long as you seize the opportunity to start against his weakness, then even if Strong people will always have opportunities to be targeted. For example... Faith makes some people fear death. But because they are not afraid of death, these people are always very brave in battle, they will not be disadvantaged in battle. When you retreat, you don't pay too much attention to your defense. Sometimes, even if there is a better way to solve the problem, they will not consider it, but they are more accustomed to solving problems with simple life-changing thinking... It is they who are not afraid of death, making them closer to death and more likely to die."

King Kong gentle and so on to see a few waves, Hong wave light cough, not calm, sit firmly.

Zhuang Yu and others have some understanding.

Shen Yu continued: "The same, powerful people may not be awake, but for those who have the power, if they can solve problems with strength, they will not consider other ways. Just like for the rich. It’s not a problem to be able to solve problems with money. Hercules is very powerful and not stupid, but because he is too strong, he will be very happy to solve problems with his own strength. Even if there are some things Knowing that it is dangerous, he will not mind going in. I mean... If we set a trap, maybe we can't fool him, but he might still step in. Because he doesn't care, because he is strong, he is confident, He is proud, this is his only weakness. I feel much more relaxed when I see this, because there is such a trap, even if I don't need to dig it, he will dig it out and jump in..."

"Is there such a trap?" Zhuang Yu asked some questions.

Shen Yu said with a deep meaning: "It has existed from the beginning, but you have not paid attention to it. But don't worry, this is the last resort. Before it works, we still have a lot to fight."

When I heard Shen Shen say so, everyone finally got peace of mind.

After thinking about it, Zhuang Yu said: "I think you should have a piece of information about the ashes. Can you show us?"

"Of course." Shen Yan took out a stack of information and handed it over.

The three people looked very carefully, and Bei Ming even looked at it and said: "Sure enough, it is a gray chariot. Everyone is a good hand, but if it is properly arranged, there may not be a chance."

When I saw the last page, Aunt suddenly saw a glimpse. He looked up and looked at Shen Yu: "How come there is no information about Hercules? Is it a mismatch?"

Shen Xiaoxiao did not answer, but instead looked at Zhuang Yu, Zhuang Yu sighed: "No, how can Hercules' information be different? It is our news alliance, and we have some information about him. He I don't want to take it out... I don't want us to lose confidence again."

When I heard this, the aunt and Beiming had a feeling of creepy at the same time.

Is it rare that Hercules is already strong enough?

As if it was a verification, Shen Yan sighed softly: "The strength of Hercules has already exceeded the scope of the three difficulties. Even in the four difficulties, there are not many who can defeat him... He and the colonel have handed over."

"I heard that the battle of Hercules lost?" Zhuang Yu asked.

"Yes." Shen Yu replied: "But it was a battle. Both sides did not use blood, the colonel triumphed, and Hercules' bloodlines were actually stronger than the colonel. As for now, he is stronger than that, the colonel has already It can't be his opponent..."

"So powerful?" Auntie and Beiming looked at each other and said: "Let's let us see, anyway, you have to be prepared."

"If this is the case... then okay."

Shen Qian took out the information of Hercules and handed it to the two.

"Herris, the first heir to the Dane family. It is arrogant and wise, believes in God, fights fiercely, and is absolutely powerful."

"Attributes: Strength 168, Constitution 160, Agility 148, Spirit 90, Will 120."

"Master-class fighting specialization, advanced class throwing specialization, basic water-based specialization, basic jumping specialization (special specialization ability, can also be used to reduce high-altitude fall damage)."

"Abilities: Hercules. Transform energy into power to introduce itself, so that power increases greatly. Every ten points of energy increases a little power attribute. The maximum growth value of each level is 40 points, and then every 2 points of power consumes 1 point per second. At the current level three, the energy value is 1800, the upper limit of power is increased by 120 points, and the maximum sustainable time is 10 seconds."

"Gift: fearless heart. With a strong will to fight, no matter what kind of attack, it will not shrink. When life enters dying, it will not lose its ability to act, and spiritual consumption will not lead to temporary coma. The negative curse that weakens the damage class is extremely resistant, and the effect or duration will be greatly reduced. There is intermediate resistance to control skills, regardless of the effect or duration will be reduced to some extent."

"Working Method: Book of Power. For each level, add 5 points of strength. A total of nine levels, now six." (shop purchase)

"Skills skill 1 empty claw (double c special skills) (market purchase)"

"2 Life Recovery (Double C) (Store Purchase)"

"3 blood-sucking attacks (class b special skills) (task harvest)"

"4 Extreme Acceleration (Class B Special Skills) (Wild Harvest)"

"5 Ultimate Fortress (Class A Special Skills) (Family Sale)"

"6 vacancies (skillbar expansion, not used yet) (family sale)"

"Professional Berserker:"

"Occupational Skills 1 Throwing Attack (Class C Special Level) (Task Harvest)"

"2 violent (b grade) (store purchase)"

"3 war roar (double b-level special skills) (task harvest)"

"4 Intensive Strike (Double b Class Special Skills) (Wild Harvest)"

"5 Bones Strike (Class A Special Skills) (Task Harvest)"


"The blade of the first weapon ruling (artifact)" (provided by the family, the privilege of the first successor, the return of the abdication, which should have been given for the four difficulty, but given in advance for the pursuit of the sinking)

"The second weapon killing blade (a class special weapon) (the harvest of the four difficulty wilderness)"

"Fearless Shield (Double b-class special shield) (market purchase)"

"Eternal Saint Cloth (Class A Special Armor) (Family Sale)"

"The Ring of Insight (Wilderness Harvest)"

"The Ring of Ice (Family Gift)"

"Blood Bracelet (Family Gift)"

"The Chain of Ice (Family Gift)"

"Special items:"

"1 bulletproof props (family offer): 40 times, for armor-piercing bullets."

"2 different dimension exile scrolls (family offer): One-time consumables, can exile the specified target to the different dimension plane for a period of time. The specific time depends on the target strength, the stronger the strength evaluation, the faster the return time. One of Megatron's preparations."

“The three teams assembled two pieces (family provided): the means of preparation for dealing with clutch tactics.”

"4 Charger (family): An item for charging a bulletproof prop."

"5 Huangquan Trial: The Magic Hall props."

"The immortal bird lineage (higher devil level, the number of soul blessings is not less than two), specifically unknown."

"The number of undead blood is unknown, estimated to be no less than 400 drops, and each mission world automatically responds."

"Family giving, the first order heir privilege."

"God position: the demon (level with the saints)"

“Evaluation: clear mind, fanaticism, and brave fighting.”

"This is a super fierce person who dares to confront Cosgrove. When you play it all, attack 600+ and defend 200+. The best way to deal with him is to never fight him positively!"

Looking at the series of shocking data from Hercules, and the description with obvious fear, the three trembled at the same time.

This is a violent warrior like Honglang, but the fighting power is more amazing, the ability is more comprehensive, and the equipment is more sophisticated.

Even the Honglang sighed with a sigh: "This is the real violent warrior."

To say that the attack is six hundred, he can do it, but it is based on the blessing of **** fanaticism.

Hercules is the real warrior who can be in front of the war, attacking and defending both ends, and fighting strength.

Perhaps the only place he can be stronger than Hercules is that he still has a world tree that can be shared with his own life, but look at the other side's defensive and powerful bloodsucking attacks, and the powerful **** level. Armed, think again about the world tree that is now just three levels. Honglang thinks that this is not enough to support him to win this battle.

To know the current Honglang, it is no longer the original Honglang. He can already say that he can't find a few opponents on the three levels of difficulty.

Gentle way: "I should be able to deal with Honglang."

Zhuang Yu shook his head, and the gentle Honglang teamed up. Maybe he could deal with Hercules. But he was teamed up with Auntie Beiming, and it was impossible to win this horror guy.

The problem is that this is also the most cutting-edge force of the Broken Blade team. Let's deal with Hercules. What about other people?

Still sinking and laughing: "You don't need to deal with him, he is mine."

you? Zhuang Yu three people are indulging in a few words, and they want to say a few words and they are not very embarrassed to say it.

It seems to see the thoughts of the three people, Shen Shen directly gives the answer: "Don't worry, I can do it."

At this moment, Sarah Daniel, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, "Park, I am leaving."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Yan looked at Sarah with surprise.

"I said I want to get off! I don't need your protection anymore!" Sarah exclaimed.


Ps: There is a detailed introduction to various abilities. But after I finished writing, I couldn’t see it. The number of words went up to six thousand and broke through the sky. This is not a piece of information.

Yes, I change it, just leave the name, the specific content will be introduced later, well, this is also good, leaving some mystery.

I know that everyone will be interested in what, if I don't write it out, everyone can use it to imagine what features the artifact should have. It is powerful and does not break the balance. If I think that the ruling blade of your design is better, maybe I will change my mind to use your plan.

Of course copyright still belongs to me, not plagiarism.

In addition, other equipment skills are also available, except that some have been solidified, as long as I feel better than my design, I will absorb.

Don't worry if you can't deal with it, this problem is solved by me. The solution ideas and preconditions for some problems have already been given, so we can see if you can find them.

Then there is the noun explanation.

Provided by the family means that it is borrowed, it is to be returned, of course, the consumables are counted.

Family gift, as the name suggests. At present, the only gift is a three-piece set of bloodlines and ice, including reinforcement points, which belong to the family's first heirs package service.

If the family sells, it still has to pay, but depending on the value, different discounts will be given, with a minimum of 20%.

Others mean that you earn yourself.

Finally, due to the large amount of information in this chapter, the plot is less, and it is definitely added today.

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