Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 21: Dragon pendant

Black lightning was driving in front, and a police car screamed at the rear alarm bell, but none of them really caught up, not because they were not fast enough, but because they were already scared. [very literary].*.*

This makes them look less like chasing.

Zhou Yiyu asked while driving.

Shen Yan thought for a moment and replied: "The hacker of the ashes is very troublesome. Look for a large communication facility nearby to see if it can cause him trouble after the destruction. Zeus, check..."

"There is no need." Zhou Yiyu suddenly braked, and was hitting the police car that was chased afterwards. It was parallel with a police car on the adjacent road.

Zhou Yiyu screamed out and shouted: "Hey, buddy, do you know where there is a wireless signal tower nearby?"

The policeman on the co-driver stared at Zhou Yiyu instinctively, instinctively replied: "There is there on Highway 1."

"Thank you." Zhou Yiyu retracted his body and drove away. The two policemen looked at each other. The policeman driving the car shouted: "Ballot, you idiot, what do you tell him?"

"What do you want me to do? Shoot at him? You see, the guy can stop the bullets!"

Black lightning is already laughing forward.

Perhaps they laughed so much that they didn't even notice the face of Ethan Kenic.

He was sitting in the car, but no one cares about him.

He can only ask Hong Lang: "Where is she?"

"You will see her." After the Honglang finished speaking, he put a headset on himself and listened to music.

"Don't you call me over to let me see how you mobilize the police?" Ethan was angry but didn't dare to attack.

"No, it's for this." Shen Yan squatted from the neck of Ethan Kenrick.

This pendant is the most important prop in the Dragon War. That is to say, in the end of the Dragon War, a sudden burst of powerful power, making the entire Dragon Legion, in addition to the leader, all died, can also be said to be the biggest golden finger opened by the director for this film.

The reason why Sinking wants to find Essen Kenrick is to say that this pendant is for white. This is also the biggest reliance he can think of in this movie, except for the US and Old Jack.

He only hopes that this thing will not let him down.

"Give it back to me!" Ethan Kenrick was in a hurry.

Sinking pressed him back to the position and looked down at the pendant while saying: "We are robbers, we don't blink, you better remember this and think about how to talk to me."

Zhou Yiyu summed up in one sentence: "You are in a thief car, man, you should be mentally prepared."

Ethan looked at them with a sigh of relief and couldn’t say a word.

He didn't know, but at this time, he had already set off a stormy wave in his heart.

Just at the moment when the pendant started, the **** coat of arms reminded.

"Get the dragon pendant."

"This is the second artifact that Heaven gives to the guardian of the dragon and destroys the evil."

"Because you are a dragon guard, you have the right to open the pendant."

Indulge in this, I realized that the dragon guards given by the city still hide such a power.

It’s no wonder that Ethan Kenrick is the guardian of the dragon, but the guardian’s strength is too scum, and it’s just ordinary people, but because he has this identity, he can use the dragon pendant at the last moment of the movie. Power, destroy the Dragon Legion.

Of course, this mission, Shen Wei does not expect the dragon pendant to have such great power, but since it is the prop of the name of the last artifact, it should not be too bad.

This should be the compensation made by the system for innocent disasters. Otherwise, it is estimated that the authority of the dragon guards should be obtained. I am afraid that some related tasks need to be carried out. As for now, this title is directly given.

Of course, Shen Yu does not think that a second artifact can make him compete against the huge number of disadvantages, so that Hagris holds an artifact in his hand, but there is always better.

"The dragon pendant is open."

"Bring your own special effects 1 Dragon Soul: This pendant is integrated into the spirit of the high dragon, can add to the blood of all dragons, the specific addition depends on the pedigree level, wearing effective."

"Bring your own special effects 2 Dragon's Blood: Shenlong Pendant is a dragon blood container with special functions, which can convert other higher blood into dragon blood (formal blood of the blood), which can provide the dragon blood upper limit for the dragon blood system. How much depends on the grade and variety of the transformed lineage and the type and grade of the transformed dragon blood./Very literature/"

"Bring your own skills 1 Dragon Wrath: Inflicts 1000 damage to all enemy targets within a radius of 300 meters. The current number of uses is 11. The consumption of 50 drops of dragon blood can be resumed, and the maximum number of uses per mission is three."

"Bring your own skills 2 Dragon's Blessing: Create a defense against the specified target, the resistance is all 20, the guardian of life thousand, the number of uses 33. Consumption of 20 drops of dragon blood can be resumed, the maximum number of uses per task in the world is nine. ”

“This item is an unidentified item and can only be used in this world.”

“Two s-level identification reels are required to identify this item.”

Seeing this, Shen Yan called: "Come, take the identification scroll out!"

For the big universe plan, the Broken Blade team was desperately trying to hoard the identification scroll until the emergence of the energy transmission array, which solved the most important bottleneck problem in the big universe plan.

Nowadays, the five home worlds plus a book of identification are producing identification scrolls for the Broken Blade team every month. Nowadays, a large number of books have been accumulated, in order to meet the artifacts or secondary artifacts that need to be identified one day. Can be brought directly to the city.

I didn't expect it to come across today, but it was so easy.

However, it is no wonder that the acquisition of space items has always been two ways, one is the task harvest, the high difficulty and high income, the other is the sale and harvest, the high price of high-end goods.

In this respect, the dragon artifact pendant is available to everyone, as long as you can pay enough price.

Two s-level identification scrolls, which can not be equal to one double s, can be seen that this item has exceeded the double s category.

However, for the Broken Blade team, it is not worth mentioning. They are prepared far more than two s-level reels. The seven a-level reels given by the evil emperor are enough. It is estimated that the artifacts will be eaten again. under.

However, the restrictions on this item are relatively large, and only those who have the dragon's blood can really play its role. Although it can be used without the dragon's blood, it is a headache for the recovery of usage.

Even if it can be supplemented, Dragon Blood is extremely precious for those who have Dragon Blood.

Perhaps because of this restriction, plus no attribute blessing, the dragon dragon pendant is quite generous in terms of power effect. It is a dragon's wrath that can cause a maximum of 1000 damage to all enemy targets within a radius of 300 meters. The power is quite scary.

Even the edge of Hercules's ruling, there is no strong dragon in the skill.

Fortunately, this thing also has the advantage that there is no attribute restriction.

A batch of identification reels are combined into two s-class reels after being synthesized by the Hradic square. ~ Interestingly, when Shen Yu used the second s-class reel on the dragon pendant, the coat of arms actually reminded him:

"You have the Son of Heaven, and you have 15% discount on the purchase of items above the artifact. This appraisal can be reduced by two levels. You only need to use a level a reel to complete the appraisal. If you insist on using s-level reels, the system will not make a refund."

"Mom!" Shen Wei did not expect this hand, but fortunately they also have a level of identification scrolls, Shen Yan quickly replaced the s level with a level, this dragon pendant is officially belong to the broken blade team.

Seeing a c artifact is so attached to everyone, everyone is uplifting at the same time, Honglang is even more shouting: "This time must take the optional task, earn a dragon bloodline back!"

Zhou Yiyu suddenly said: "I think we should first consider how to pass the Hercules."

Honglang is dissatisfied: "Don't disappoint!"

Zhou Yiyu shrugged: "Well, I don't say this name. But don't blame me for not reminding you, look out the window."

Everyone looked out of the window together. I saw a team in the distance flying fast. The headed car stood on Hercules. He stood with his hands on the roof and looked at the black lightning. His face was missing. The slightest expression.

"Mom, they are coming!" Hung up.

Sinking and leaping to the top of the car, standing in the fast-running car, hunting in the windbreaker, and confronting Hercules, there are a total of four Lincoln pilots in the field of vision, each with a purgatory angel logo on it, just follow those Behind the police car.

"Fucking the standard as well..." Shen Yukou slowly spit out these words.

Behind the Lincoln Navigator is a Land Rover Freelander 2 generation, a Ferrari, a Lamborghini, each sitting on several adventurers, should be the adventurers outside the purgatory sect.

This time, 32 adventurers are all coming.

"I will open them!" cried Zhou Yiyu.

Playing road racing, he is really not afraid of anyone.

"No, wait." Shen said, his eyes stopped on the four Lincoln navigators, his eyes piercing the tinted glass and looking directly at the crowd.

"It's the second team...and it adds one more!" Shen Yu shook his fist.

The infernal sects have many believers in the Western District, but they are really affiliated with the sects. There are only eleven teams that are completely obedient to the sects.

In addition to the ashes chariot is the first main team, with its own name, the other ten are auxiliary teams, so they are named after the Purgatory Earl 1st Team, the Purgatory Earl 2nd Team, and so on. The reason for this is because the other party's contract level is low, there are only four main places, two reserve places, no team skills, it can be regarded as a reflection of cost savings.

It is not easy to make money.

The so-called Piaget is actually three difficulty levels, five difficulty areas, respectively, male Hou Bozi male representative.

In the information that Cliff gave him, the Alpha team and the Purgatory Earl 1 team, which were originally only the ashes, participated in the killing of Shen, and there was no reminder about the innocent disaster, but there are still ten team captains with the name and Look, it can be regarded as prevention.

Now, Shen Wei sees the three infernal sects sitting in the four Lincoln pilots.

Shen Yan glanced at Hercules and saw that he did not catch up. He turned back to the car: "It can be confirmed as 3 teams, 22 people, and the remaining 10 are not infernal sects."

"What do you guys do?" The question is Zhuang Yu, who has heard about the situation on their side through the team channel.

Looking back at the seven cars, four words emerged from the teeth: "Distracted escape."

“Disperse escape?” Everyone exclaimed.

"Yes, distracted and escaped, led them to split up, and then we used team assembly orders to deal with them."

"Ha! Are you kidding?" Bei Ming cried. "You said that they also have team assembly orders. Our clutching tactics are useless to them!"

Sinking: "The problem is here! Yes, they have a team assembly order, but you ignore one thing, that is, they have three teams, and we only have one!"

What do you mean by staying at the same time?

King Kong’s eyes are bright: “Three teams... damn, why didn’t I think of this! The team assembly order can only work for one team, but they have three teams, if they want all teams to move to us. You need to use three pieces at a time! Unless they only send one team to chase us, but a team who is afraid of them!"

At the same time, everyone came to realize that Zhuang Yu called out: "Sink you want to spend with them?"

"Yes, there are two pieces in Hercules, one in the first team, I have no information in the second team, but there is only one piece. And we... we have four pieces ourselves! Who is afraid of the number of assembly orders? ?"

When they first indulged in the wilderness, they got eight team assembly orders. Since this thing has to limit the sale, it must be ensured that it is only sold to low difficulty and has nothing to do with their enemies. Therefore, only five pieces have been disposed of now. Together with the original one, there are four team assembly orders in the hands of the Broken Blade team.

Although Cliff reported to the Dane family that there was a team assembly order, he did not know how many pieces they had indulged. What he reported was only what he saw. He did not see it and would not ask Shen. So as not to cause more trouble for Shen Yu.

This is a tacit agreement between Shen Yu and Cliff. In order to protect himself, Cliff must give information about Shen Shen, but it is limited to what he saw, and there are some cards he did not see. No need to report.

The specific number of team assembly orders is one of them. The Dane family will never think that there will be so many assembly orders in the hands of the Broken Blades, but they are the only four of the three teams.

Before the hotel, it was because only the ashes chased over. Everyone was fighting for the team to assemble, and the indulging was not cheap. Now everyone is here, and he can be sure that only the ashes will be sent to deal with them - since It is kingly to have more people and fewer people. Who will give advantage?

In addition to Hercules.

Fortunately, this kind of thing he said does not necessarily count, the two counts came over not to watch the show - always can not go back to report like this: the ashes of the chariot passed over, we did not save the order, no pass.

Can be killed alive.

"But if they don't divide their soldiers?" Zhuang Yu is worried. If you don't chase the soldiers, then the indulgence will be ruined.

"No, they will be scattered. If you don't distract, it means that it is useless to catch up with the target. We can escape by a team assembly order. Only by chasing after the pursuit can we ensure that no matter where we move, they can move over. ... This question, he didn't have to choose!"

"That's it!" everyone shouted at the same time.

Shen Yu has quickly ordered: "My own group, with the bumblebee, gentle oneself, and Hera cooperate, King Kong you open black lightning, with Honglang, fat, Yi Yu you open off-road vehicles, a group. Zhuang Yu Auntie Beiming, you three are out of the team, so you will not be sent over, there is something to use the talker to contact."

This is the inadequacy of the team assembly order. Once used, all team members will be sent, whether you like it or not. If it is a high-level assembly order, you can freely choose whether to transmit, but unfortunately they do not.

"Do you still want us to take it?" Zhuang Yu sighed.

"Since it is not to destroy the opponent, then why are you going out? You are our biggest card." Shen Xiao smiled.

This made the three people feel more at ease, although the three of them did not look like a card and more like a bench player.

"What about this guy?" Zhou Yiyu pointed to Ethan Kenrick.

"Take him off the car, he is useless to us." Shen Yan replied, this statement is extremely indecent.

"You can't do this to me, you robbers, I want to protect Sarah!" Ethan Kenrick yelled.

King Kong disdain sneer: "Is it by you? You don't have old Jack, you hang up."

Said to throw him out of the car.

Sinking but not a glimpse: "Old Jack... wait!"

King Kong had to launch Essen Kenrick, and even grabbed him back.

Shen Hao has turned around and looked at Ethan Kenrick. His face has changed into an apologetic expression: "I am sorry, Mr. Ethan, in fact, I don't want to do this to you, but you also saw it, our opposites. They are very powerful. We want to protect you before you get off the bus. We must know that we are like you, and we are also guardians of the dragons. We are all fighting for the protection of Sarah Daniel!"

Ethan looked at Shen Yan: "I will not believe in the words of your bandits."

Sinking is very sure: "I can swear to you with my personality!"

Ethan shook his head: "No, no, your personality is worthless."

"Take this to prove it." Shen Yu replied, he put the dragon pendant into Ethan's hand: "This is your thing, I will return it to you."

Looking at the dragon pendant that came back again, Ethan Kenrick couldn't speak.

Shen Hao has laughed: "Can you tell me where I can find you now? We still need your help, and I assure you that I will bring Sara to you when I see you again." ”

Ethan Kenrick was finally convinced: "This is my business card with an address and a phone number."

"Thank you." When I got the phone address, Shen Yan threw Ethan out of the car.

His power was so good that Ethan flew straight out of the road and rolled a few laps on the grass without being hurt.

"Poor guy." King Kong muttered.

Hong Lang is jokingly saying: "I said the boss How much is your personality?"

"One artifact, sell it today." Shen Yan replied casually, looking at the Essenkeneck that had fallen to the rear, let the dragon pendant hang on his neck first, anyway, as long as he is willing, he can always accept it. come back.

Just then, Zhou Yiyu suddenly pointed to the front: "Look, the tower."

"Crushing over, ruining it, smashing the explosion and escaping, doing something like it!"

"Understand!" Zhou Yiyu stepped on the gas pedal, and the black lightning had rushed toward the tower. At the same time, Shen Yu had thrown the explosives, and with the black lightning rushing over, another huge explosion smashed everywhere. It was a smog of fire, and all kinds of debris were lifted up in a huge explosion and scattered in all directions. While the people in the car were exploding, they had been divided into four vehicles and rushed in four directions. The rear of them had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Oh, my God! These gangsters destroyed the tower!" The policemen who had been chasing them were screaming.

The policeman driving the car looked at his partner and said with a sinister voice: "You told them where the launch tower is, Barot!"

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