Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 29: First blood

Leaving the lake, Shen Qian quickly walked forward: "Gentle, what happened to you?"

"Everything went well, old Jack recognized our Guardian Guardian identity, the evil general hangs, is retreating. *.AN is the most stable,) (. Floor)" gentle answer.

"The evil general is dead?" Shen Yan could not help but sigh, although he also believed that the evil general could not be Honglang, the three of them added Zhuang Yu their opponents, but when they heard the gentle and light tone, they were surprised: " Zhuang Yu, did they shoot?"

"No, in fact, he was killed by Honglang alone... the strength is low."

"What have you got?"

"Shit!" gentle answer: "A scroll, sealed with a few lizard cavalry, that's it."

"This is not the right thing." Shen Yan frowned.

The goodness they enter is a world of three difficulties. Even if the monsters in the Dragon War are in their own right, they will be enhanced to a certain extent after becoming the task of the three difficulty adventurers.

This performance of the evil general can not match the performance of the ss, which is second only to Braki in the Dragon War.

"We have discussed this issue. The answer is that when the quality is degraded, the quantity will definitely increase."

Sinking continues to move forward: "Do you think this time the Dragon Legion may not have only one evil general?"

"Yes, not even the most powerful general, we didn't see the sword that looked so awkward... It's not necessarily luck, without you, we can't make sure to get the sword. Right, what's on your side? What?" gentle smile.

Sinking around and seeing: "Get rid of them... and so on."

His gaze was slight and he looked at the depths of the endless darkness. Fortunately, he had a witch king helmet and could ignore the darkness.

Then Shen Gan turned and ran: "What a hell, they catch up!"

"The Eye of the Sky?"

"No, it's not the eye of the sky. There is a time limit for the eyes of the sky. It is impossible for a woman to lock me all the time. It must be something else!" Shen Hao rushed and flew over a block.

"What will it be?"

"I don't know, check their information to see if there is any information I missed!"

"I am checking... no!"

"Damn, it must be a member of the second team!"

Since there is no information about the members of the Piaget II team, it is not clear what the other party is looking for by himself. He can only run desperately now, followed by a large number of adventurers such as the skeleton of the skeleton: "You have to find What do they follow me!"

"I am looking for..." Gentle and loudly responded: "There are twelve tracking skills that have been recorded, six kinds of tracking technology and props, and there are not enough conditions to confirm which one."

"I will try it!" Shen Hao fiercely flew up, jumped onto a high-voltage electric wire, pulled the wire out, and tens of thousands of volts of high-voltage electricity were connected to Shen Hao himself, while sinking to release the energy storm. A large number of electromagnetic waves are "shooting" in all directions, and Shen Shen people in the air seem to be a huge lightning ball, and the long night flashes.

This is another use that he discovered in the study of energy storms in the city.

If the technology-related props are tracking down, then this current shock is likely to make it scrapped.

However, Shen Hao himself was also under the power of this power, fell from the air, hit a roll on the spot and continued to run forward. ~

"How?" asked tenderly.

Shen Yan looked back and sighed: "Still still chasing, not technology!"

"What am I asking you?"

"Except for the hairstyle, everything is fine." Shen Yan did not answer with a good breath.

"I still need more clues to help you troubleshoot."

Shen Yan glanced at his clothes: "I was caught by a piece of clothes when I was fighting with Hercules. I remember that he likes to use his fists to go straight, maybe this is a clue."

"...found! Smells, from TV drama abilities, as long as you have any objects that have been in contact with the target, you can follow the smell and always find you. *Very literature*"

"It seems that I have to find a place to take a shower."

"What he remembers is your own smell. No matter how you wash it, your taste will not change. But it should still weaken the effective distance of his ability, and mixing clothes may help you escape."

"Where should I go?"

“There is a car wash room on the adjacent street...”

Shen Yu turned to break the wall and was rushing into a nearby family. A couple of old people watching TV watched him at the same time.

Sinking and waved: "Put a shortcut, sorry."

He smashed the opposite wall and went through the wall.

The old lady looked at the back of Shen Yan and said, "I told you at the beginning... This house is not strong at all..."

Passing through the building, the front is a fully automatic car wash shop, Shen Yufei fluttered, squatting in a car to follow, the high pressure / water gun instantly will sink all the sinking.

Sinking quickly took off his clothes and rushed out.

He slid out and was hitting a car washer, and the car washer looked sluggish: "Sir, have you been robbed?"

"No, it’s you who was robbed." Shen Yu had already picked up the car washer and took off his clothes in a few moments. While putting on the work clothes of the car wash, he indulged his clothes into the hands of the car washer, and at the same time waved his hand, an off-road vehicle appeared in front of him.

Shen Yan pushed the car washer onto the car, and then took out a stack of dollars and a key to the car washer: "put on my clothes, drive the car wherever you go, ten minutes later, money and The car is yours."

"what did you say?"

Sinking and helplessly shaking his head, taking out the "shooting" month is a shot at the foot of the car wash.

This time the car washer understood that even the clothes were not worn, and the car was blinking and disappeared.

Shen Xiao smiled and ran to the other side: "I changed clothes, but this clothes are really stinky."

Gentle eating and laughing: "Do you need us to come over?"

"No, you have to change your hotel, it should be no longer safe."

"Understood, find a good place to inform you."


Two minutes later.

Hercules looked at the car washer on the ground, holding the Armani, and the face was dark and gloomy: "It seems that he has found the problem, Adolf, can you find him?"

"Please wait." Adolf closed his eyes and pushed his abilities.

The scented person is not only chasing others by tracking the smell like a dog, but also temporarily allowing the scent target to appear directly in the mind of the stalker.

At this moment, Adolf searched hard and his mind gradually appeared in his mind. He was walking down the ladder and walking leisurely.

He came to a station and stood still with a stop sign on his head.

"He is at the subway station on the Luf Street!" Adolf blinked and screamed.


Everyone ran to the subway station at the same time.

Luf Street is not far from here, and can be reached quickly by the speed of the adventurer. Previously, they were not quick to chase down the sinking. It was because Adolf needed to smell the way, but now that he knows the specific location of Shen Shen, everyone can sprint all the way, but left Adolf in the end.

Because it is a night relationship, there are not many people in the subway station. Hercules and others came to the subway station and looked around, but they could not see the intoxicated figure.

"Hell, where is this bastard?" Gwawat groaned.

He hates to chase after this, the battle between the adventurers should be face-to-face, directly with blood and blood, rather than this boring catching "fan" game.

"When I pull out the mouse, I will take out his intestines and stuff it into his mouth and let him eat his own stool." Gwawart snarled.

Adolf closed his eyes again and re-feeled the position of indulgence.

He sighed: "There is a smell left by him... It’s fucking, this guy seems to have been hanging around here, and he has his taste everywhere."

Hercules replied in a loud voice: "This is not a stroll. He knows that you can use the sense of smell to track him, so deliberately walking around, like walking on his own footprint, makes you unable to determine his specific location."

"But the legacy will always dissipate, I can find him!" Adolf replied with conviction, his nose continued to sneak in the air like a dog.

A subway slowly entered the station.

People waiting for the bus have got on the train.

Just then, a figure suddenly flashed in the compartment.

It is sinking!

Claudia first saw and pointed at the subway and shouted: "He is in the subway!"

Everyone rushed to the subway at the same time.

The sinking inside the car obviously saw Claudia, and the face changed. He turned and ran toward another car. More than 30 adventurers entered the subway at the same time.

Adolf was about to enter, and suddenly there was a familiar smell coming from him.

He instinctively stopped, even sniffing a few times, found that the smell came from the rear, turned around, opened his eyes, Adolf found himself in front of nothing, but a low sneer sounded in his ear.

Adolf’s heart was awkward, and his knowledge was not good. The instinct swooped at the same time and called: “Back...”


A heavy punch has been fiercely hit on his back, and Adolf’s next words are completely played back.

The subway has started and re-routed to the depths of the dark road.

The indulgent figure appeared like a ghost in the back of Adolf, grabbing Adolf and slamming toward the pillar next to it.

This lower impact is not the same, it is actually the big pillar directly broken.

Even with Adolf's physique, this one fainted in front of him.

However, he still instinctively reversed his hand to the sinking chest: "cracking claws!"

"Shit!" Shen Yu left his hand and grabbed Adolf's arm and slammed it outward. This split heart claw not only failed to catch the sinking, but the whole arm fell in the hands of Shen. Shen Yu had already deceived the situation, and a fierce knee hit the top of Adolf, hitting him with a beggar, and then several consecutive palms hit him on his back.

The special effect of the feathering dragon snake power was launched. This time, the aging effect was launched, and Adolf’s attack ability directly decreased.

However, he is also a three-level adventurer with rich experience. He knows that he can't be an indulgent opponent, or he runs. Because of his "sexual" relationship, he also runs away from indulging. He simply gives up the idea of ​​counterattack and escape, but immediately launches defense. Skills, a layer of defensive hood has appeared on him.

At the same time, he quickly retreated to the rear, while screaming at the attack and yelling: "Sink, you can't kill me, they will immediately find that the subway is fake, and will come back soon! I just support them back. When you are dead, you are dead."

"You can't support that time!" Shen Yan replied coldly, and it was a palm print to Adolf.

"Life is endless!" In the palm of his hand, Adolf is again a use of restoring "sex" skills. This skill can greatly increase his life resilience in a short period of time. He put all his hopes on the return of Hercules at this moment, so he uses all kinds of life-saving ability without hesitation.

Even with indulging methods, it is extremely difficult to kill Adolf in a short time.

However, Shen Wei did not continue to attack.

He directly rushed forward and played more than ten palms against Adolf. The ten more palms used his quick combo tactics that he had always been good at. The attack damage was not high and the frequency was super high. The feathering dragon snake effect was launched again. This time It was paralysis, and Adolf’s speed was reduced.

Shen Hao had hit a shoulder on Adolf and slammed him out and was falling on the rails.

In the distance, the whistling sound of the subway entering the station.

Adolf was shocked, and the instinctive climbed up to return to the platform.

However, at this moment, Shen Yu has already flew down, facing Adolf’s knee is a claw:

"Cracked claws!"

The five fingers clasped Adolf's left leg and knees.

"Ah!" Adolf made a scream, his left leg and knee bones had been crushed by a sinking claw.

However, this is also tough, and with one hand on the ground, people have volleyed and leaped toward the platform.

It is a pity that there is indulging in it, how can he not let him come back, sinking into the air, kicking a kick, kicking a kick in Adolf: "Go back!"

Actually, Adolf was kicked back into the orbit. The special effect of the feathering dragon snake was launched three times. This time it was blind.

Adolf only felt that his eyes were black and he couldn’t see anything.

However, the sound of the subway station in the ear is clearer, and Adolf can even feel the violent vibration of the railroad track.

Adolf was in a hurry and hurried to get up and run. This time he no longer tried to return to the platform, but went straight along the rails. At his speed, even if he broke a leg, there is a high probability that he will run to a safe distance before the subway stops.

However, he has just taken a step and the next step has not been moved.

The sinking claws have been buckled on Adolf's right foot, and he is fixed in place.

Adolf yelled, and returned to the palm of his hand, slamming toward the flying claw chain, with the toughness of the flying claws, it is impossible to block his attack.

Shen Yu quickly retracted the flying claws, Adolf's feet were loose, and the blindness effect was also removed, and the eyes finally recovered.

He was overjoyed and was about to flee, but he saw a huge front of the car that had been rolled towards him.

"No!" Adolf made a horrible scream, and the last instinct of life broke out. When the subway hit him, he leaped to the platform.

However, at that moment, the appearance of Shen Yu again ordered his life.

Shen Qiang pushed forward with one hand and pressed it on the top of Adolf. This position is the concentration point of power when Adolf is fully leaping. Once stopped, Adolf can't jump again.

The next moment Shen Shen had seized his arms and sent him forward, half of his body pushed back below.

The subway rumbling through, and the trains passed over his body. At first Adolf could still support the defensive hood, but as more cars passed, Adolf couldn’t help, fluttering, like a bursting balloon. A bright red burst in the lower body has been completely crushed.

Adolf’s body followed the subway a few times until the subway stopped completely.

He is still not dead, and the strong physical qualities of the adventurer ensure that they will survive if they are not crushed all over the body, but he is crushed too much, and the whole person is completely rotted from below the abdomen.

Adolf endured the pain and pulled himself out of the subway. He dragged the half-cut body and climbed out. He also wiped out a horrible blood line on the platform.

Then he shuddered and took a bottle of "medicine" water from the coat of arms. He wanted to drink it for himself, but he saw the expressionless sinking in front of him.

"Oh... no... no..." Adolf’s tears of despair and helplessness: "I beg you... don't do this..."

"I still think that every believer in the Inferno sect is not afraid of death." Shen Yan cold and cold.

He kicked the "medicine" bottle in Adolf's hand with a kick, and a plunder took away his ownership and said: "Continue."

Adolf took out another bottle of "medicine" water.

Then Shen Yu kicked the "medicine" bottle and plundered it, and dropped another sentence: "Continue!"

"No..." Adolf's voice has completely turned into a cry: "Don't be like this... let me go!"

Sinking looked at Adolf with a look at the dead. In the distance, Hercules was screaming and angry: "Adolf..."

Sinking helplessly shrugged: "Your people are coming to you, but unfortunately... late."

Said Shen Shen raised his foot and stepped on Adolf's head.

The figure of Hercules has appeared in the subway. It seems that he found the wrong way and directly smashed the window and jumped back from the subway. As he was blocked by the subway, he had to break a subway to enter from inside, which made his speed greatly affected.

Sinking a little smile, fiercely exerted a force, a huge force has erupted from the right foot, Adolf's head suddenly exploded like a watermelon.

Through the window, Hercules just saw this scene and was eager to break: "Adolf!"

"Unfortunately, I wanted to kill a team. I didn't expect this first blood to be a second team. The plan is always unable to keep up with the changes... but it doesn't matter."

Sinking and laughing, the wind is moving, and people have disappeared.

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