Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 42: Guild Wars (below)

The appearance of Wolverine made the situation turn sharply in an instant.

Only at this moment, the adventurers will know how powerful they are.

As the first protagonist of the X-Men, the most terrible thing for Wolverine is not his claws, but his undead character. He has an undead body, he does not need to pay attention to defense during the battle, only need to attack, attack, and attack.

Wolverine’s attack is exactly the opposite of sinking. Sinking is a kind of continuous small-scale continuous attack. It is fast and continuous. It can cause several attacks in one shot, but the attack power is very low, and Wolverine's shot is clear and clear. Big open and powerful, powerful.

This distinction is entirely related to their personality and ability. The indulging mode of combat is actually a controlled type of fighting. The purpose is not to maximize the killing of the enemy, but to exert the maximum effect of the weapon through the high-speed and coherent attack, and his own precise mind is indeed suitable for this kind of fighting. Way of fighting.

Wolverine is a feature that makes full use of his body's strength and fear of injury. When the enemy attacks him, he makes full use of the opportunity to cause a fast and fierce attack on the target. Those who have been beaten by a dozen or twenty fists can often continue to fight, and may not have much to do. But as long as they are hit by a few Wolverines, the combat power is often already smashed.

A Wolverine, let Verna Feller and Lake three injured, not to mention the storm girl in the sky and the iceman Babi on the side...

The next moment, the thunder and lightning of the storm girl has already been completed, and the huge thunderbolt slammed down and was hitting Paro. Paro screamed, and the whole person was almost hit by this lightning strike.

Bloody Heraldic Tip: You have been dealt by a violent lightning attack by a stormy woman, dealing 180 damage.

Paro's physique was only 25 points, and this hit killed two-thirds of his life. It was scared that he quickly took out the recovery medicine, but the cold current of the iceman Barbie has already hit again. The whole battlefield formed a low temperature area in the cold wind, which made people's movements difficult. Weina and others only felt that their speed was slowed down a lot. Wolverine seemed to be completely unrestricted.

Years of combat drills have made them adapt to each other.

On the battlefield, the cold currents are dense, the thunder and lightning in the sky, the Wolverine is courageous and brave, and the life of the four men is precarious.

Sinking and shouting: "Gentle King Kong, you go to help Weina, this guy is handed over to me!"

"Understand!" Gentle and others quickly jumped away from Land Rover.

The ice man turned his hand, and the large ice fog had already sprinkled toward the gentle ones. The thunder and lightning in the sky slammed down, and the people were completely shrouded in this terrible ice storm.

"First deal with the ice man!" King Kong yelled.

The Hong wave waved a big axe to Barbie.

Barbie rose with one hand and an ice wall stood in front of him.

The giant axe chopped on the ice wall and made a loud bang. The ice wall collapsed and turned into countless pieces of ice flutter.

Hong Lang laughed and was about to rush, but saw a smile in the eyes of Barbie behind the ice wall.

As soon as he stayed, he saw that the icy fluttering of the sky suddenly burst into the waves like alive.

"Hong Lang is going back!" Gentle and shouting.

However, Honglang has not retreated.

The glaciers in the sky reflect the colorful glass-like colors in the sunlight, and the eyes of Honglang are dazzled.

He slyly saw that these borneols are like a snowflake elf, dancing lightly around him, wrapping him up, like a lover's hand, touching him...

"They... so beautiful!"

Hong Lang whispered.

The next moment, the action of Hong Lang stagnated and gradually solidified into an ice sculpture.

"Hong Lang!" King Kong yelled and fired at Barbie.

Another ice wall squatted in front of Barbie, and he was firmly protected behind the ice wall.

At this point, Wolverine had already flew a spur of the squad, and stretched out his arms to the Donkey Kong, and his eyes flashed with high spirits.

Gentle and delicate, the long whip is rolled to the Wolverine, and the whip of the snake is wrapped around the Wolverine. The Wolverine has a glimpse of it, and the gentle wrist has turned over and has thrown the Wolverine into the air. King Kong's machine gun squirted a large number of bullets to the Wolverine.

The body of Wolverine flying in the air was actually beaten by bullets.

Hundreds of bullets poured out at this moment.


Wolverine's body slammed into the ground like a meteor, and the concrete floor was pulled out of a large pit.

But the next moment, this guy slowly climbed up from the ground again.

In the countless blood holes left by the machine guns, a bullet was being squeezed out and bounced off the ground, giving a rush of Ding Dong.

The Wolverine loosened the bones and relaxed, as if it was a fierce and terrible blow, it was just a massage for him.

King Kong shook his head in despair: "It’s a **** little man who can’t die.”

A huge thunder in the sky snarls like a thunderbolt.

"King Kong is careful!" Gentle shouting and whip, and the body of King Kong was thrown away.

King Kong’s body flew over the horrible thunderbolt. At this moment, the huge thunderbolt suddenly released more than ten small thunder pillars, flying like a snake to the gentle, and slammed into her body.


The King Kong people were in the air, and they saw that the gentleness was flying by this blow. The whole body flashed a gorgeous electric spark. The mental armor was instantly melted under the terrible lightning attack. The gentle wow spit out a large blood knife. On the ground.

Huo Ran looked back, King Kong found that not far away, Wei Na and others were lying on the ground.

In the battlefield, there was only one person left.

All staff are defeated!

No, there is still one person.

The sinking is still fighting.

And Wright Wagner.


Without gentleness and others, Shen Wei and Wright Wagner immediately became a one-on-one situation.

寇 特 Wagner screamed and slammed into the sinking, sinking the bullet in the hand and madly pouring bullets. Wagner seemed like a dexterous monkey, leaping into the air, the shadows flickering in the air, leaving only Large patches of blue smoke are not touched by the ground. Sinking is like facing an enemy in all directions at the same time, completely in a pattern of exhaustion.

However, in this case, Shen Yan was smiling coldly.

He suddenly turned his left hand, and the vampire touched the empty space.

Just at this time, the body of Kate Wagner appeared from the void, and was about to attack Shen Shen, but found that a sharp dagger had penetrated his chest. His groaning screams, the body scatters into a large blue fog, and the teleport moves behind the sinking, and is about to kick, but finds that the sinking spirit gun has turned to himself.

The fire at the muzzle flashed.

Peng, Wright Wagner again teleported, and the bullet flew through the air at the moment he touched his skin.

Two times of thrilling evasion, Twant Wagner’s heart was scared.

He couldn't figure out how he knew his direction of teleportation.

Subconsciously, Wright Wagner believes this is a coincidence.

Once again, he came to the top of Shen Yan’s head. The entity in the void has not yet fully appeared, and the sinking left fist has already risen.

A beam of light bloomed on his fist.

Thunder strikes!

Thunder hits. Consume 3 points to cause damage to the target and add 45 additional damage, with 10% stun effect, 3 seconds of stun time, 10% critical strike effect, double attack power.

Kate Wagner only felt that a huge force had flown into the soles of his feet, and he flew him into the air.

The Thunder hit a 10% double attack effect actually played a role at this time.

Wagner wowed out a large amount of blood, and the body moved several times in a flash.

Unexpectedly, the sinking hand shot a shot, three flame bullets whistling in the air and turned a corner, is playing on the newly appeared 寇 W Wagner.

Kurt Wagner screamed and landed on the ground, burning a blazing flame.

Wagner once again teleported, this time he did not want to attack the sinking, but wanted to be far from sinking. Unexpectedly, he just appeared in a place more than ten meters away from the sinking, but he saw that Shen Yu had drove straight into the Land Rover.


The Land Rover car hit Wagner like a toy, and Wagner's body flashed several times in the air, but it was finally unable to offset this huge impact.

Shen Yuling’s rifle was collected, and the Land Rover was stopped. While flying to Wagner, the vampire’s touch/plugged into Wagner’s throat.

At this moment, the stormy woman's thunder and lightning will just fly gently, the iceman Barbie raised a group of white ice sand, rolled to gentle, Wolverine rushed to King Kong.

"Stop!" screamed.

"Stop!" Wolverine shouted.


It is like the videotape in fast-forward is suddenly paused, and the picture freezes in an instant.

The fierce electric column, the mad rushing Wolverine, the spine of the spine, all fixed at this moment.

The fierce eyes of the emergency stop of Wolverine stunned, and the ice sand in the hands of Barbie returned to his hand like a dancing snow elf.

King Kong quickly rushed over and returned to Shen Yan with gentleness. His muzzle will refer to the storm woman, and he will refer to the iceman Barbie. Instead, he will sink into the wag, and the vampire touches his throat. Use medical techniques.

With a snoring, gentle wake up from the coma, see Shen Shen, chuckle and say: "You have been saved once again."

Shen Xiao smiled and said: "No way, I am a ‘health doctor.' My parents have a foresight.”

Gentle and gentle King Kong laughed at the same time.

“How did you do it?” King Kong pointed to Wagner: “How do you know which direction he will teleport?”

Shen Yan smiled and said: "I will tell you when I wait for the time to come. I don't have time to talk about this now."

The stormy woman in the sky slowly landed and was screamed by the wind-swept clothes, which looked like a goddess.

She landed on the ground and strode to stand with the Wolverine and said loudly:

"Let our partners go."

"This is exactly what I want to say." Shen Yan smiled.

He looked at the Honglang that was frozen into ice sculptures and gave him a mouthful.

Barbie put his hand on the ice sculpture, the ice melted, and the Hong wave coughed and fell to the ground.

He was drenched and shivering.

Wolverine grabbed the backhand and put Honglang in his hand. The steel claws were on the neck of Honglang: "So I have a suggestion, how about changing one?"

"I don't like this suggestion." Shen Yan shook his head. "I can't see it like this. You put all of my people out, and then immediately leave here, and promise that the next time will stop looking for me. So... After five hours, I will let the blue-shelled monkey leave."

"It's not fair, you only have one hostage." Barbie screamed.

Shen Yan quickly asked: "Why are you coming?"

"Jerry." Wolverine answered.

"Then I have two hostages." Shen Yuzheng said: "The former hostage exchanged all my partners. The latter hostage exchanged you for not asking me for trouble in the next fifteen hours. How about?"

"Yes? Maybe I should kill your partner and only have one left, then trade with you." Wolverine glared at the eyes of Honglang with steel claws.

"Do you think I care?" Shen Xiao sneered, he lifted the spirit gun and pointed at the Wolverine: "You have five people on your side, you kill one, I will cut Wagner an arm. Kill two It’s two arms. Kill three, then add another leg. Let’s see who is better off, do you want to start now?”

Stormwind and Wolverine and Barbie look at each other.

Barbie muttered: "The guy must be intimidating, he is scaring us. He can never care about the life of his partner."

"Maybe, maybe not, we don't know them, we don't know who they are." The storm girl whispered.

Wolverine called: "He doesn't dare, if he dares to do this, all his partners will die."

"Oh, is it?" Shen Yan smiled and said: "That's not like this, this partner I will kill."

He said that he suddenly fired three shots at the Honglang.

Wolverine was shocked and quickly dragged the Honglang to his back. In addition to a bullet hitting the Honglang, there were two more hits on Wolverine. The blazing flame burned on the Wolverine, but the Wolverine did not know it, and quickly looked at the situation behind the Honglang.

The shot was hitting Honglang’s chest and he had a **** hole.

"You crazy, you almost killed him!" Wolverine yelled.

"Yes, I said that I have the determination and preparation to exchange death, then are you ready?"

The face of the storm girl and other people suddenly changed.

The left-handed vampire touched and slashed to the left arm of W. Wagner.

"No, wait! He is not dead yet!" Stormy woman yelled.

Indulge quickly cut into a thorn, and slashed into Wagner's arm and woke Wagner on the spot.

Sinking punches Wagner and hits him again, so that he can be stunned again, lest he use escapement to escape, then look up at the storm girl and smile, and smile: "Since he is not dead, then this arm is Don't break. Hey, I am still fair."

"Bastard!" Wolverine roared.

He yelled at the storm girl and Babi: "The **** came out! He did it! He is not kidding!"

For Wolverine, those who value their partners, they may never know what it is, and what kind of people can ruthlessly abandon their fighting partners. Especially in this case, I took the initiative to shoot at my partner.

"Okay, okay!" the stormy woman shouted: "You won, we can return everyone to you, and promise not to find you again, but you must return both Kate and Jerry. We. Actually, there was no need to play this one. We just wanted to bring back Jerry."

"If you come and take it away, it will be fine." Shen Yu regretted: "I can only give this blue-skinned monkey to you first. As for Xiao Jerry, you can't take him away for the time being."

"This can't be done!" Wolverine roared.

"I promise that I won't let him be hurt." Shen Shen said seriously: "I never thought about hurting a child. I think you also know that we are here to kill mutants, but some variants are not hunting." In the category of killing, such as you, such as this child."

"Then why can't you let him go!"

"Because I can't do it fucking!" Shen Yan yelled angrily: "Don't talk nonsense again, after fifteen hours, the child is back to you, but now he must follow me. I said I don't Will hurt this child, if I want to kill him, I will kill it!"

"No, never. Even so, he is too dangerous to follow you. Wan Wang is killing you!"

"Oh, is that? Then how do you help me block them?" Shen Yan asked.

The storm female Wolverine and others were stunned.

"This **** really dare to ask for price." Wolverine muttered.

Just then, the fat man took Jerry and jumped out of the car.

He leaned into the ear of indulging and whispered: "I feel that there is a strong danger behind me. It may be that the people of the magnetic king are catching up, and the speed is very fast."

Sinking in my heart.

He said quietly: "It doesn't matter if you can't talk about it. I can't see it like this. If you put my people back, I will give you Went Wagner. As for the child, that belongs to the next question. how about it?"

"You let people go first," cried the Wolverine.

Sinking and sneer: "When I am an idiot? I am here, you have five in your hand. Of course, you are the first to let go."

"That won't work!"

"You'd better do it!" Shen Wei took Wagner and walked to the middle of the field: "Hey, I am standing here, I am a hostage, I can't run. Let my people come back, then I will return your people. For you guys."

The storm girl and the Wolverine looked at each other and finally nodded.

Weina Honglang and others were released. When she walked past Shen Shen, Vera cried to Shen Shen: "Feller and Paro are not going to work."

Shen Yan raised his hand and pressed it on Feller's wound. The mean medical technique was Honglang yelled at his chest: "And me, your turtle son actually shot at Laozi."

Shen Yu threw the novice to the Honglang with a gun: "There is no time, you can handle it yourself, now leave here now!"

The storm girl and other people changed their faces, and Shen Yan shouted the vampire's touch at Wagner's throat: "Don't move! I will return the person to you, but wait for my person to leave!"

"What about Jerry?"

"He has no conditions to talk about."

"You liar!" The storm girl finally understood that she was indulged. He was willing to take himself as a hostage and would not give Jerry to them.

In the distance, King Kong and others are looking at the sinking, and screaming and screaming: "What are you still stupid to do? Fast roll! Leave Jerry with this!"

King Kong and others did not hesitate to jump on the Land Rover, and Wei Na and others once again robbed a Ferrari and screamed behind the Land Rover.

Seeing that King Kong and others left, there were a large number of variants in the shadows.

It was the master of Wan Wang, they finally arrived.

The storm girl screamed: "Give us back to us!"

Sinking dragged back and forth: "I want him? Yes."

The vampire's touch suddenly made a fierce arc in the air, slamming down to Went Wagner.

"No!" Stormwind Wolverine and others yelled at the same time.

The indulgent dagger instantly connected four or five large holes in the body of Kurt, **** madness.

Throwing out the squad, the stormy woman raised her hand and held the body of Wagner.

Wolverine screamed and rushed to sinking, sinking his hand and lifting his hand was a shuttle bullet to Wagner. Wolverine was forced to shift direction. He used his body to block the indulging attack. Shen Shen had turned and walked into an alley. .

In the distance, hundreds of mutants are emerging in madness and rushing toward it.

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