Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 42: Change prisoner

Sarah had just ran out of the steel mill and heard the deafening explosion behind her. -_()

In the violent vibration of the ground, a thick glare rushed into the sky, interspersed with countless rubbish, gravel, and flying debris.

The heat wave formed by the shock wave scatters toward the square, turning the entire steel plant into a scene of burning hell, and seeing Sarah stunned.

In this craze of extreme eruption, a large iron box rushed into the sky, which is a room in a different dimension.


An iron plate suddenly flew out, spinning and falling in the air, and squatting beside Sarah, scared her to scream.

Then I saw that Hercules had already grabbed the aunt from the room, but just jumped and flew more than a hundred meters away, and was falling beside Sarah.

"I finally caught you." Hercules grabbed Sarah.

"Exchange!" Sarah screamed loudly.

Then I saw the Sarah figure flashing, the original Sarah disappeared, and an identical Sarah appeared in front of Hercules.

But this Sarah looked at Hercules without fear, but instead moved to Hercules.

Hercules knew that it was wrong, and quickly retreated. At the same time, she changed her hand into a fist and punched a punch at Sarah. At this time, he completely abandoned the idea of ​​completing the task.


With this Hercules boxing out, Sarah suddenly exploded, and the shock wave rolled toward Hercules and the aunt.

"Bastard!" Hercules screamed, not even dodging, and turned to protect the aunt.

He wants to use the aunt to change Meryl, naturally he can't let him die so easily, so that he can only protect himself. When he thought that he had to fight to protect an enemy, Hercules was a bit of aggrieved.

The explosion has already hit Hercules, perhaps because of the lack of explosives, the power of the explosion is not great, just a little breakthrough in his defense, the damage is very limited.

But for Hercules, this is a great insult.

"Standing... Hey... bastard!" Hercules squeezed his fist, and he didn't expect to be put in a mess in this case.

Just then, the talker on the aunt suddenly sounded.

It’s a sinking voice: “Herris, can you hear me? I want to talk to you.”

Hercules has grabbed the talker: "I have nothing to talk to you, sinking. Don't think that if you catch Meryl, you can threaten me..."

Shen Yu has interrupted Hercules’s words: "I can see you, Hercules. If you think that you can pretend that you don't care about Meryl, you can get the bargaining power with me. Then you are wrong... I see you protect. Auntie, you want to exchange, I know this, you can't lie to me."

When Hercules glanced, he realized that the explosion of the emotions was a test of his reaction. It is estimated that even if he did not protect the aunt, the aunt could not die.

Shen Yu has continued: "No more nonsense, if you want Meryl to live, you will sign a 36-hour non-war agreement with us and then exchange."

"You can't think about it!" Hercules roared out.

The 36-hour non-war agreement means that they will not want to deal with Shen Yu in the next time. This requirement has broken through the bottom line that Hercules can bear, and he will never accept it.

Shen Yan leisurely replied: "Merrill is your main player, the important main assistant, the holy lady of the Inferno sect, but Auntie is not my direct men. You should understand this truth. I am too poor to change one. ""

When Zhuang Yu heard this, he immediately looked for anxiousness. He was trying to say something. King Kong had already held his mouth and motioned that he was only deliberately saying so.

Hercules sneered: "Then I don't care. This person is one-eighth of your strength, and Meryl is just one-fifth of our strength. One-on-one exchange, I still feel that I have lost. ""

"In this case, then there is no need to exchange. Anyway, Meryl has two armored Tyrannosaurus Rex, and without her, my Megatron can also come in handy. Big deal and wait for the first main line mission to exchange. Forgive me, you can't change."

"I still have a different elementary exile scroll, so I can deal with your Megatron."

“How long can you baive? Five minutes? Or ten minutes?”

"Even if it is a minute, it is enough to kill you."

"It’s a pity that I’ve been giving you an hour, and you haven’t been able to tell us.”

"You won't be so lucky next time."

These two people are screaming, you come to me. Sinking wants to use Meryl to bargain, deliberately raise the value of Meryl, Hercules does not show weakness, both sides are dead grass, life and death will not let go.

However, if there is no Zhuang Yu around, maybe Shen Yu will leave Meryl to the end of the first main line and then consider the exchange.

The problem is that Zhuang Yu is obviously unable to accept this practice.

He was saved by his aunt, and he would not accept the aunt to stay in the other hand anyway. If Hercules knew that she couldn’t kill Shen, who knows what crazy it would be, maybe she would give up the exchange, and it would be awkward to smash aunt.

But he was asked to let Meryl go, so that Meryl was able to drag Megatron, and he was not willing.

So he can only retreat to the next and ask for a 36-hour non-war agreement.

However, he also knows that this requirement is that Hercules cannot agree in any way.

So Shen Yu finally changed his mouth: "Well, I can relax the time limit to thirty hours, and you have the last six hours to chase us."

"This is impossible!" Hercules still refused: "I will give you up to twelve hours of non-war time!"

"Hey, no Meryl, can't you deal with us?"

"I can't scare me with a Megatron!"

"Really **** stubborn." Everyone groaned together.

Shen Yan looked at the impetuous Zhuang Yu, but shook his head: "OK, 24-hour non-war agreement, I will give you 12 hours to chase our time, I will never give up another step, if you do not agree, then you will now Auntie killed!"

Zhuang Yu was so anxious to jump up, and Honglang King Kong barely held him down, and he held his head and hugged his feet.

Hercules took a long breath: "24 hours... well, I agree."

"Well, you come to the jungle behind the steel mill, remember, just one of you!"

After saying this, Shen Yan turned and said to everyone: "The 24-hour non-war agreement, he agreed."

Everyone collectively exported gas, especially Zhuang Yu, and heard that Auntie could not die, and finally quieted down.

On the other hand, Hong Lang looked at Meryl on the ground and said with regret: "I just let it go? It’s a pity, and it’s a stunner."

Gentle and disgustedly glanced at him: "You don't want to **** her?"

Hong Lang replied: "How is it possible? This kind of thing is absolutely not done."

Everyone wondered how the goods turned, and Honglang had already received one sentence: "I will give her some aphrodisiac first, and let her ask me to go to him, then it is not raped."

Everyone: "..."

It was not long before Hercules had appeared in the jungle.

He looked at Shen Yu, and looked at gentle, Zhuang Yu and others. It seems that everyone's face should be carefully seen. This is to show their own coat of arms and reveal the contents of the agreement.

Shen Yan carefully looked at the content, confirmed that there is no problem, there is no text loophole, this is a little bit of hair to accept the agreement request.

After the agreement was completed, the two men placed Auntie and Meryl on the ground at the same time, and then each of them grabbed them back as quickly as possible, while carefully looking at each other.

After confirming that the other party has not engaged in any ghosts, they will start checking their own people at the same time.

Hercules took a few shots on Meryl. She had found a miniature signal transmitter from Meryl's hair and sneered: "Do you engage me with this kind of ghost?"

Shen Yu took out the same signal transmitter from the aunt's wound and said with a smile: "Let each other."

A group of people look at each other and talk without words.

Hong Lang said directly: "I originally thought that only a guy like Shen Yu would do this shameless thing. I didn't expect that you will be doing this because of your big eyebrows."

Gentlely gave Honglang a look: "You can't die without saying two words, and you are gone."

The crowds yelled and left, and Hercules watched them leave, and screamed at the sky, and the screams were fierce and strong, as if the thousands of horses were rushing past and lasting.

Hercules seemed to vent her endless grievances through this scream.

Then he slammed into the ground and put all his strength into the boxing. He ignited a lot of energy and rolled everything around him, sweeping away all the trees nearby, and in front of Hercules, it appeared. A huge pit with a diameter of several tens of meters.

Honglang looked back and was shocked by the big pit: "I said, buddy, why are you, the earth is innocent."

King Kong took his neck and walked forward: "You shut me up!"


In a battle, six people died in the West District, including two heavyweights, Claudia and Ibi Acheson. On the side of this, he died of old Jack, Ethan and Bei Ming.

In absolute terms, they earned them. From the perspective of the ratio, one loss is one quarter, one loss is one-fifth, and the insult is small, but the advantage is not obvious.

In this battle, they have consumed two assembly orders, one teleport, one substitute and one nuclear bomb, and the bottom card consumes more. Now the Broken Blade team has only one team assembly order to use, and the piece of Hercules has not been forced out, so in terms of team transmission, Hercules is reverting to some lost ground.

Of course, due to the death of a team of three players and the shackles of Meryl, Shen Hao’s original part of the card was released. The Thor’s Warhammer can finally be used. Although the Terminator’s Legion has no restraint of the Alien Legion, it still There is control of the EMP impactor, but this high-tech energy weapon has only one chance to use. Unless the terminator becomes an army size, Hercules cannot be used, so the small-scale use of the terminator is no problem.

Finally, the Hornet, Hera was liberated, and everyone got two strong support. Megatron’s restrictions were also loosened by the capture of an armored Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now, if it is released, Hercules will have to last forty minutes. It’s not easy to be afraid.

In general, this battle made the Broken Blade team close to the enemy's strength, but the hard battle is still impossible to be the opponent, unless they can weaken the opponent's strength again.

In this regard, Shen Yu is full of confidence.

This battle, for him to earn the most is not to kill a few people, get a few spoils, but a 24-hour non-war agreement, for him to get a lot of strategic buffer time.

At least as far as now, everyone can walk leisurely on the road without worrying about the chasing of the ashes.

But at this moment, Shen Yu suddenly noticed something and stopped to look at the other side of the jungle.

"What happened?" Gentlely noticed the insults of Shen Yu, concerned.

Shen Yan looked at the jungle over there and said slowly: "Nothing, it is an old friend. I will see you. You are here for me for a while."

Said that he went to the jungle over there.

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