Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 56: Dragon Ball

At dusk, the Central Library is supposed to be closed as usual. /very literature / (_)

But for the adventurer, the door lock is the same as the lock.

So when the library staff are off work, gentleness is already sitting in the librarian's office.

Holding a photo album in her hand is a photo of Mia’s father and Mia.

Tenderly turned over, she looked very serious and very careful.

Until Shen Jin came in, he took a look at the photo and chuckled out: "What? Want to check my black history?"

The gentle head did not raise the answer: "It is purely curious, and even if there is anything, it is eliminated by the city."

Sinking and laughing, sitting down on the arm of the gentle side, just gently turned to a photo of Mia and his daughter at the entrance of the library. As soon as I saw this photo, I smiled and pointed at the photo and said: "This photo I just shot it when I first met her. There should have been another person, that is me, but it was eliminated... the ps level is good."

"So what about this?" Gentle pointed to another photo.

It was also a photo of Mia and her father, the old man wearing a red hat, behind a Christmas tree.

Shen Yan shook his head: "I haven't seen it. Isn't there time in the lower right corner? It was taken last Christmas. I was already in the city at that time."

"That's weird." Gentle slightly bowed his head: "Since it was a photo of Christmas last year, why is she and her father only? If she is married and has children, should she not spend Christmas with her husband and children? Yes, I rummaged through the entire album, why did I only see her father and her photos? Didn't she even have a picture about her husband and children?"

Shen Wei slightly stagnate, he noticed that his eyes were a bit sharp.

I couldn’t help but smile and smile: "You are getting better and better, well, I admit, she is not married, I just don’t want you to be jealous."

"The child is gone?"

“No!” Shen Zhengzheng replied: “She is indeed pregnant.”

There is murderousness in the gentle eyes.

Sinking quickly said: "Don't look at me like this, the child is not mine. Well, I admit that I did go to bed with her, and I am her first man, but that doesn't mean I have to be her last man... I can't throw my wife and give up my revenge, so I refused her. She was so sad that she later found a man who was not married, but she told me that she was pregnant that day. I advised her to marry. But she said she didn't want to, she would rather have a child with her. From the time I entered the city, now the child should have been born, and at least half a year old."

"So what about the child?"

"No, he doesn't exist." Shen Yan shook his head.

Looking at Shen Wei with a gentle look: "What do you mean by this?"

Shen Yu seriously answered: "In this world, Mia has no children. From the first sight I saw her today, I saw the answer... This is why I would recommend it to the library. I just want to know this, and this is the only thing I can combine with the situation of the earth and the city."

Gentle and completely confused: "You mean... On the earth, Mia did not give birth to the child..."

"No!" Shen Yu grabbed the gentle hand: "Not that Mia on the earth did not give birth to the child, but here, the city did not create this child!"

“Why?” Gentle and puzzled: “Even if you use the Earth as a background to imitate the whole process, it is actually a big project to modify the part of the adventurer and the task.* Very literary*The Supreme Council does not have For any reason to do something extra, from a city perspective, copying a newborn baby is much easier than modifying his existence and modifying the relevant memory."

Shen Xiao smiled: "This is the key to the problem. Do you still remember the white girl?"

The gentle spirit is shocked: "You mean..."

Shen Shen nodded: "I suspect that she is an adventurer or a child of the plot. For some special reason, she has a strong ability. It is also an unknown reason. She is against the city. Her existence should be some A rule loophole, but I'm not sure which one, I don't even know if the direction of the guess is correct. So I remembered Mia, I remembered that she told me that she was pregnant before I entered the city... I decided When I came here to look at it, I didn't plan to have any gains, but when I saw Mia and found that she still sat there reading like a girl, and she did not act like a mother, I knew I guess the direction may be right..."

"You mean, the city didn't create this child, maybe because..."

"It may be because of a loophole in the rules, or because of fear of the same or similar things, and of course other reasons, but in any case, they are avoiding all this, there is no doubt."

As far as the life of a girl in white is concerned, in fact, there have been many speculations before this.

The product of which she may be an adventurer or a plot character is the most suspected.

But for a long time, everyone has no evidence to confirm this.

To this day, Shen Yu used one of the easiest ways to prove: Mia's child does not exist.

This means that the city is very likely to be really trying to avoid anything.

A simple counter-inversion is counter-evidence.

Although it may not be accurate, at least the possibility of this aspect has greatly increased.

Of course, the key to the problem is never the result, but the process... When Shen Ruixia of the Valley of the Beasts did not have children, the result was a buried wilderness. So it is not important that the girl in white is not an adventurer. What matters is that if she is, then how did she become like this?

But for Shen Wei, the first thing he wants to confirm is the direction of the idea, and then the reason for finding all these changes.

At this moment, I understood the indulgence of the motive, confirming that he did not have any attempt to rekindle with the old world's old lover, and gentleness finally let go of his heart.

She began to think about the sinking words in the temple: "What are the rules of the loopholes?"

"I don't know how the city is designed. It's useless to think about it." Shen Yan took the photo album back: "But it is certain that this vulnerability should not exist now."

“Isn’t that the city can’t make up for the loopholes?

Shen Yu looked at the album intently: "I can't make up, it doesn't mean that the loopholes will continue to exist. If your pocket breaks through a hole, you won't be able to needlework... The easiest way is to not put money in your pocket. ”

Gentle eyes narrowed up, seemingly thought: "The former adventurer is fertile, but the current adventurer can not give birth, you said, will it be related to this?"

Shen Yan looked at the picture of Mia, slowly closed the album, and sighed: "That may be the cause, it may be the result, some things, did not go to that step, we will not understand."

At this moment, Hong Lang suddenly rushed over: "The banquet is about to begin, just wait for you."


The library hall is now opening partty - everyone is celebrating her 20th birthday for Sarah.

Zhou Yiyu pushed the car over and placed a three-layered cake with 20 candles.

"Happy birthday!" Gentlely gave Sarah a good wish.

"Wow! Great cake!" Sarah cheered with surprise.

"There is this." Shen Yu changed magically into a luxurious evening dress: "Put it, you are the princess tonight."

"God, it's so beautiful." Sarah took the evening dress and sighed.

Then there are Honglang, King Kong and others, one by one for Sarah to send their own gifts, diamond necklaces, brand watches and other valuable items.

"Where did you get it?" Sarah took the gift one by one.

Then she heard the answer that made her dejected.

Hong Lang said: "What can be robbed, and the fat man went out in the afternoon and got back."

Sarah rolled her eyes: "What a hell, I said that none of them was brought back through legal channels?"

"Yes." Shen Yan smiled and said: "How about a kiss?"

Sinking said, holding Sarah and kissing her forehead: "This is a thank you for helping us to destroy an enemy, and a reward for your extraordinary courage."

"Then your reward can be too light."

"I am very eager to give you further rewards, but I am afraid that some people are not willing." Shen Xiao laughed. His words were puns, causing a lot of buzz.

Gentle has brought the cake up, and he didn't have a good white glance: "Don't ignore him, it's not a reward that is cheap. Or just blow the candle, don't forget to make a wish."

Sarah’s very pious hands clasped a few words in a low voice, and did not know what to do.

She blows out the candle and then clap her hand and smiles: "Okay, you can cut the cake."

Said she picked up the knife and cut it to the cake.

She sent a large piece of cake to Shen Shen’s hand: "This is yours."

Shen Yu took over: "Thank you, can you tell me what is it?"

Sarah smiled and replied: "Live."

Everyone at the same time.

Sarah has lowered her head and said: "When Dragon Ball is born, I will die, right?"

Sinking at Sarah, everyone is silent at the same time.

For the Broken Blade team, Sarah’s true arrival moment is also the moment when the first main line mission is completed; for Sarah Daniel, that is the moment when her life reaches the end.

Although everyone did not mention this, the girl itself is smart.

Why, five hundred years ago, Ethan’s predecessor gave up the heavenly mission for love. Why do everyone see her eyes always bring some sympathy and compassion, why do you never mention this afterwards... Some things even if not Can also guess.

Although Sarah is only one, she has flesh and blood and has her own thoughts. Compared with humans, she is only born in a different way, but the internal structure is no different, and as such, she guessed the fate of her coming.

Shen Yan sighed and nodded gently: "Yes."

Sarah’s face was pale.

She turned to the window and looked at the moonlight and said nothing more.

Shen Qian walked over and gently held Sarah's shoulder: "I don't know how to comfort you, but Sarah, death is never terrible. Sometimes, death itself is a rebirth."

"But I don't like this." Sarah sobbed in a low voice.

Indulging Sarah: "Don't be sad, Sarah. You are a good girl, maybe you don't believe what I said, but the world really exists because of you. When you leave one day, you have to believe, the world. It will also lose meaning because of you."

Sarah curled herself into the indulging arms: "It sounds great..."

"You have always been great." Shen Xiao smiled: "Otherwise, how can Heaven send us to protect you? So remember, you will not die, but reborn in another form."

He said that he wanted to push Sarah, but Sarah grabbed him and refused to let him go.

She whispered, "Hold me, it makes me feel safe."

Sinking, he looked back and looked gentle.

Gentle Muir smiled: "It’s late, let’s go to rest, you are here to accompany her.”

She said to leave, everyone looked at each other and left together.

When I left, Honglang looked at the cake and felt a little sad. He grabbed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth while eating and muttering: "Don’t waste it."

Sitting in front of the window sill, Sarah looked at the moonlight out of the window: "When I was young, I often sat in my mother's arms to watch the moon, listen and watch, but every time, the story was not finished." Sleeping... can you tell me a story?"

After thinking about it, he nodded: "Well, what do you want to hear?"

"What do you say, I will listen."

"That is the hour, the story that my adoptive father often tells me. It was a long time ago..."

Shen Yu began to tell stories in Sarah's ear.

I don't know how long it took to talk about, finally, Sarah fell asleep.

She slept very peacefully, like a child, only two lines of tears remained on her face.

Shen Yan sighed softly and fell asleep on the window sill.

Time is gradually passing.

Suddenly, I felt my body move. He opened his eyes and saw that the sky was already bright. The dragon tattoo on Sarah’s shoulder seemed to be alive and was emitting a lot of light.

The light condenses in the air, forming an image of a dragon ball, but Sarah in the heart of the sinking is blurred in the light.

"Sarah!" Shen screamed.

Sarah opened her eyes and smiled at Shen Shen.

In the next moment, her body suddenly burst into countless spots of light, and the whole person completely dissipated in the sinking arms.

At the same time, in the distance, there was a sound of crisp and bright dragons.

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