Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 44: Backhand

The 58th hour.

The Land Rover car flew on the road and Ferrari followed.

It is a pity that the Paro is no longer there.

"Can you talk about your problem now?" Gentle and suddenly.


He is busy changing clothes for himself.

Throw away the original dirty clothes and replace them with a new Armani costume.

Opened two boxes from Kinniel and another mutant.

Just glanced at it, Shen Yan was thrown angry at King Kong: "Hey, Jinnier's addition to an energy bead, there is only a bundle of yellow explosives, but that is the first-class mutant who has three bundles of yellow explosives, It’s cheaper for you.”

King Kong smirked, unknowingly used the energy beads, the energy increased to 210 points.

Tenderly glaring at him: "Don't shift the topic, how did you do it? Kill the adventurer's tactics in the palm grove, and how do you see the direction of the smashing of Wagner?"

"Ah, what about this question..." Shen Yuzhe nodded in something, and he thought about it: "It belongs to the fee answer."

Gentle and shouting, holding up the whip, and screaming, he screamed: "OK, OK, I replied. I started the talent."

Everyone looks at sinking at the same time.

King Kong mammoth steering wheel: "I should have thought of it, you have entered the talent recovery period. But what talent are you, how can you do that?"

Shen Yu said this about his talent characteristics, and Jin Gang Hong Lang and others listened to the singularity.

Hong Lang grinned: "Know that your kid's brain is good, even the talent that opens is related to the brain. Then you can see, record and learn a lot of things in an instant? So you can fight like the guy in the North District. ?"

Shen Yu immediately replied: "It is not only simple to copy the behavior, but also must be practiced and perfected through constant fighting. I have just begun. My attack is only fancy, and in fact there is no harm at all. It is entirely dependent on the effect of the weapon."

Gentlely asked: "So how do you see the movement of Went Wagner?"

Shen Shen shrugged: "This is thanks to the ability of precision talent to give me the details. His observation of his actions far exceeds his imagination. But this is not the most important, the main reason is that he should not I fight one-on-one."

"Isn't one-on-one not good for you?"

"On the contrary, it is against him." Shen Xiao smiled: "Don't forget what this guy's ability is. He can move freely to any corner. For him, it makes no difference to deal with one person and deal with four people. He doesn't care how many enemies he faces. When he attacks us four people at the same time, no one knows who his next attack target is, so I have no way to predict his next moving position. But when When he deals with me alone, it is different."

The gentle eyes screamed and shouted: "He has to deal with you, so no matter how he jumps and jumps, it is impossible to leave you. Is that true?"

Sinking and smiling: "Yes, this has invisibly bound his moving position. Don't forget that I was still sitting in the car, which further limited his moving position."

"But even then you still have no reason to master every move he makes, especially in the end he jumped out of the car."

Shen Yan squinted at his tenderness: "Oh, it depends on another problem. You must know that the telescope can only move to where you can see it."

In the second part of the X-Men, Professor X was hijacked by Stryker to kill all the mutants. It was Gwent Wagner who used his transfer to transfer himself to the iron gate and saved the professor. In the process of saving people, he once said that his teleport must be a place he can see, otherwise he is likely to send himself to the wall.

Even though, he resolutely ventured into the door he couldn't see, but it was a calculated adventure.

In normal times, it is impossible for Went Wagner to do the same.

Therefore, in this case, Shen Yu wants to know the next teleport position of Wright Wagner. In fact, it is very simple, that is, to capture the other's eyes.

Still at a very young age, Shen Yu once made a guessing game with Qing Qing. A green plate was placed in the palm of the hand by Qing Qing, and then Shen Yu came to guess which hand she was placed in.

It was at that time that the careful indulgence found that Qing Qing would habitually take a look at the hand of the money when he extended his hands from behind. Through the capture of this look, Shen Yu set a record for guessing coins.

However, this method of eye catching is only useful for children, and adults are more adept at hiding their own eyes.

But Wright Wagner can't.

Every time he moves a place, he must ensure that it is within his own field of vision. This is already an instinctive habit, otherwise it will cause great harm to himself.

Of course, people's vision is very broad, one eye, the range of distances that can be accommodated is very different, and it is impossible to predict the moving point of Wright Wagner.

However, because of the one-on-one relationship between 寇 华 Wagner and Shen Hao, it is only possible to appear in the side of Shen Yu, so his teleport position immediately becomes extremely limited, so it is easy to get the Went Wagner. Most likely to teleport to the location and react quickly.

As for the final use of the car to hit the fly Wagner, it is added to the psychological analysis.

The three movements were accurately captured by the sinking, which made the confidence of Wright Wagner lose, and he took his mind. In addition, his front is the windshield of the window, and Went Wagner has no reason to move that. The position attacks himself, so Shen Shen knows that he must want to run.

A lot of things seem bizarre, and it’s not worth mentioning.

When I heard the indulgent answer, everyone turned their eyes.

Capturing each other's eyes in a fierce battle, this kind of thing is simple to say, but it is only easy to open the sophisticated talents.

Hong Lang looked incredulously and looked at Shen Yu: "So to say... you not only have a strong observation ability, but you can even rewind the memory you have seen before rewinding, and from various angles?"

Sinking nodded.

"So can you see anything that has never happened in your vision?"

"I haven't tried it yet."

Honglang quickly asked: "If you are in a room, I am in another room, can you see what happened in my room?"

Sinking answered: "I guess it is impossible."

Hong Lang sighed with relief: "That is the best, otherwise I will have no privacy."

"But like I do now, I sit in the back row. When you sit in the front row, even without 3D memory, I can see something I might not have seen, such as..."

"What is it like?"

"Your pants are zippered."

Honglang looked down and screamed and hurriedly pulled his trousers on the zipper.

Everyone in the car made a loud smirk at the same time.

The laughter passed to the Vena ear driving in the rear.

Her face is gloomy.

Suddenly she accelerated the car, drove the land tiger, and stopped Ferrari in the middle of the road, blocking the way.

King Kong was suddenly braking, and the danger hit the other side.

"Hey, mother, what are you doing?" Hong Lang shouted.

Sinking on the shoulders of Honglang, whispered: "They only died a companion, but we are laughing loudly... I have to learn to understand each other."


Vera walked out of the cart door.

Her cold eyes stared at Shen Shen: "If I propose to you, cooperation will stop here, you won't be surprised?"

Shen Yan sighed out of the car and came to the front of Verna. He said, "I know that we have not done the right thing. I am saddened by the death of Paro..."

"You don't care at all!" Verna shouted. "Don't talk to me in this fake voice. For us, we are just a group of people who can use it!"

Indulge in looking at Weina, this blonde is angered and makes her chest undulating, stacking up, **** and moving.

After thinking about it, he nodded. "You know that lies are a communication tool for human beings. It can help us do a lot of things without paying any price. Sometimes people will be immersed in the feeling of deceiving their opponents. The lie is also a double-edged blade. When a lie is used to treat one's own person, it will in turn hurt us. Fortunately, you reminded me in time, I just lied... I did Not sad for his death."

"Because you never took him or said that we are friends?"

"No." Out of Wei Na's surprise, Shen Yan shook his head very seriously: "I don't deny that I only used the minds of you at first, even though I think this is fair, because I gave you a return, but I do I don’t see you as friends, but that’s the past. You know that people are people, not only because we can look at things rationally, but also because we have feelings. In acquaintance, get along, fight together. In the process, each other will gradually become familiar with each other, slowly understand, create friendship, and even love, and eventually become a good friend by strangers."

"You mean you have regarded us as good friends?" Verna asked incredulously.

"Maybe I haven't reached that point yet, but at least it's no longer an opponent who needs to guard each other, isn't it?" Shen Yan asked.

Weina is speechless.

Sinking continued: "I feel sorry for Paro's death, not because I didn't treat him as a friend, but because we don't have the time or energy to taste the pain, sadness and sadness. The contradiction of mankind is that on the one hand we are dominated by emotions, on the one hand we are subject to rationality. In our original world, sensibility is often greater than rationality. But here, we must reverse. No matter what we die for as comrades How sad, we all have to understand... that is our last destination."

"The final destination?" Verna looked at Shen Yan.

Shen Shen nodded: "Yes, this is the final fate of everyone here. The only difference is who can go further. So we don't have time to be sad for anyone, and there is no need for it. Because One day, one day, we will die by ourselves. Here, every adventurer, selfish person will choose to be responsible only for himself, and some will choose to be responsible for the living, only the short-lived ghost will choose to be responsible for even the dead. Luo is dead, he can't and shouldn't affect anyone here. So I won't be sorry for him. If you don't accept this answer, still insist on leaving... I won't stop you."

Said Shen Shen took a few steps back, leaning on the Land Rover, quietly watching Weina.

There was some confusion in Verna’s eyes.

She is obviously hesitating.

At this moment, Lake strode out of the car, sinking his brows and knowing that it was not good.

Sure enough, Lake said loudly: "Vina, don't listen to him, he just wants to let us give him a life, we don't care about them."

"Selling life?" Hong Lang screamed with big eyes: "You guys, American babies, rely on us when they want to kill the devaluation. Now when they are in trouble, they want to smash us? When we followed our experience Why don’t you say that you can’t be accompanied? It’s a **** wolf.”

Damn it!

Shen Yu can't wait to give a loud punch to the mouth.

Sure enough, Honglang’s words made Wei Na’s face slightly discolored. She sneered: “Oh, is it? In your eyes, are we the dogs behind your ass? Lek is right, we really don’t have to continue to cooperate. Because we can't be a dog's consciousness. Sinking you are right. In the world of **** cities, people's rationality should be greater than sensibility, isn't it? Wan magnetic king is chasing you, not us! That hidden task is also Yours, it doesn't matter to us. As long as we are separated from you, we are not in danger. People always have to make choices that suit their own interests. Isn't the friendship between us yet to the point of life and death, and there is no need for you? Benefit to be born and died!"

Hong Lang is about to continue to refute, screaming: "Enough! Don't be noisy!"

He glanced at Honglang, and Honglang immediately shut up. Gentlely came over and whispered to Honglang: "You stupid, the truth is not what you said, you provoke them."

Honglang did not hear the white-eyed clothes.

Shen Yan sighed and raised his hand and said, "Well, congratulations to Vera. You calmed down from anger and entered rationality from sensibility. When you are angry, you have to leave. When you are calm, you have to leave. I just solved it. You are angry, now I have to convince a calm person, is that the case?"

Vera shook her body: "Yes, although the reasons are different, the results are the same. I just acted like a child, but decided to leave because of your laughter, but now think about the decision itself. Great benefit, isn't it?"

"Exactly, but I am afraid that things are not as simple as you think, you can't go."

Feller also jumped out of the car: "Is it going to do it?"

"You are not an opponent..." Honglang just opened his mouth and was blocked by King Kong. He turned back and pointed to Hong Lang: "I will talk to people in the future and you will not open your mouth. Otherwise, you will knock out his mouth full of teeth."

"I am willing to obey." King Kong smiled and said, he gave Honglang a punch.

Looking back, Shen Yu said: "I will not do it with you. If you want to leave, we will not force it. I just want to tell you something before you leave. It is not too late to make a decision after you have heard it. ""

When Vera stunned, Lake and Feller had shouted at the same time: "Don't listen to this guy, let's go now."

"Just listen." Weina said quickly.

Lake cried: "After hearing, maybe we can't go! The guy is very embarrassed."

Vera looked at the sinking, and the faint smile on her mouth was obviously not at all.

He knows that they will listen to what they say.

After all, during the period of working with myself, although they did not take advantage of it, they did not suffer any losses.

Weina sighed: "In fact, you also want to hear what he said, right?"

Lake and Ferrer bowed at the same time.

"So well, what do you want to say?" Verna asked.

Sinking immediately said: "If you leave now, I can guarantee that in the next fifteen hours, if it is not the last one in the Western District, the whole staff will kill it, that is, you will re-enter the killing list, all the staff will kill ""


Speaking of the ability to be alarmist, Shen Hao boasted the second, and no one really dared to call the first.

This sentence makes everyone face each other.

Weina stared at Shen Shen and bite her lip: "Tell me why. Because you look down on us? I feel that we are incompetent? Without you you can't hunt down the mutants?"

"No." Shen Yu shook his head: "Because the speed of others will increase and increase dramatically."

When Vera stunned, Shen Yu had already said quickly: "Competitors sometimes don't necessarily only be opponents. They can also be friends, like you. When we are in crisis, we can think differently, sometimes we will get unexpected discoveries. ""

Vera frowned. "I don't understand what you mean."

"There are more than ten hours, and the competition task is about to end. I believe that many people are very anxious now. It is different from the beginning of the mission. At that time, everyone still has time to catch up. Some unsuspecting characters will not go. However, as the rest of the time is getting less and less, some hard bones are afraid to be obsessed. The only problem is that even these hard bones are not found by finding them... New York is big, isn't it?"

Speaking of this, Shen Xiao smiled and said: "So if at this time, someone gave them a message, for example... I know when the magnetic king will appear at what place, you said, what will be the consequences?"

The face of Wei Na and others changed.

Shen Yu has already said quickly: "The people in the Southern District must have come all over. They are the last one. Unlike us, they are not afraid to deal with the magnetic king. They are not afraid of dealing with him. They are dead and dead. Hope is better than nothing. Hope is better. Some people in the North District will definitely come over. They now have 21 adventurers, ranking 2nd in the region. If this phenomenon does not change, then 11 people will be obliterated when the mission ends. People don't want to face this situation, they have to take risks. There are 17 people in the West, but only five people are eligible to live, and there are three standing in front of me. In other words, there are 12 people who have no choice. They must also come over. In the end, the Eastern District, all the adventurers on the killing list, will not miss this opportunity. Yes, if I guess it is correct, some adventurers who are not on the killing list may come over. Because they are very clear, the list is changing at any time, and people who rank behind themselves may replace themselves at any time. In short, as long as I say a word, I can take the vast majority of the world. The adventurers are all pulled to me and I am against the magnetic king and his men, let them be my cannon fodder, my soldiers! Of course, the consequence is that the rankings will be huge variables, no one can know what it will be The change. But what about the difference for the dying person? Have you seen drowning people? People will struggle when they drown, grab everything they can catch, and if that can save They are not important. What is important is that people will not miss any chance of survival. In terms of probability, the chances of surviving after I call the reinforcements are definitely much greater than the chances of not calling the reinforcements. For me, for others. In terms of it, it’s all..."

Verna Lake and others also changed their faces.

"You bastard!" Lake yelled.

"You can't tell them to get them." Verna cried: "You don't know where they are!"

Shen Yan took out the sound reinforcement props: "Hey, this is the arrangement of fate. The fate allows us to get this little thing that looks useless, but now it has become our lifeline, and those competition opponents have become ours." It is ridiculous to support the soldiers, but it is very real."

Wei Na and others are as dead as gray.

Feller screamed: "I really want to kill you this **** now! Do you want to kill us?"

Sinking and sneer: "Oh, is it? You seem to have forgotten what we are here to do. We are hunting the mutants instead of being hunted by the mutants! We see that they should be like a wolf." Instead of running like a dog! You seem to have forgotten that killing is a thing that everyone is eager for. As long as anyone gets a chance, they won't miss it. You are afraid of yourself, but you still want others to be afraid? No, that is a very naïve idea. Know who is most afraid of change? The vested person of interest. You are like this, you are afraid of change, but ignore the essence of the competition task is to chase after you. You want to stop moving forward. It’s your problem, you can’t blame anyone’s head, and you can’t blame me. I just accepted my destiny and made a choice that suits my interests. The rest is God’s will!”

Lake jumped his feet and pointed and yelled: "I knew I shouldn't listen to this bastard! I shouldn't listen to him. He used us all! He is a devil! He counts all of us into it." The advantage is that he has to, but it is difficult for us to give him the top. The last time he saved his partner is this, this time it is still the same! The person who will be obliterated will give him the top disaster, and the person who will not be obliterated will give him The catastrophe! This bastard, he caused trouble to lead the task but asked us to help him complete it. What benefits are not ours, he directed all of this!"

"No, you directed all of this." Shen Yu said loudly: "If you didn't decide to leave, this could have been a wonderful cooperation. The mutants chased us, we don't have to worry about finding mutants everywhere!" We can learn more about each other in More trust in each other, our friendship can be deeper, I can even treat you as true friends! When we see other adventures at the most critical juncture When we come to the rescue, we will cheer for it instead of anger! But unfortunately, you return the problem to the point of reason, use the benefits to measure the gains and losses, and decide to stay. The original call for reinforcements has become a persecution for you to stay. The same thing, because of the different choices you made, the nature has completely changed! You said, is this my fault or your fault!"

Shen Yu said that this is a big fight.

Wei Na and others are stunned and speechless.

It is really ridiculous to think about this.

Indulging in fact has already had a self-help plan, but because of the change in their attitude, the nature of the self-help program has turned into a threat program.

No wonder Shen Shen will be so annoyed.

Gentle and gently plunged into the ears of Hong Lang: "You also have a share, big fool."

Hong Lang closed his mouth and did not speak.

Weina was so depressed that she wanted to cry: "You won't trust us anymore, right?"

Shen Yan said: "No, you have the last chance, but don't let me down."

Weina: "What about you? How many opportunities will the magnetic king give you? How many chances will it give us?"

"That would have to ask him." Shen Wei turned back and pointed to the fat man.

Behind them, the fat man was wearing a mask, standing rigidly and standing there.

His voice is dull and has no feelings: "We can... win."


The game of guessing coins was played by my sister and I when I was young. Until now, I still remember it. At that time, I guessed the king of coins, hehe. As for the current child, will this be the case, I will not know.

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