Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 61: Death 1 battle (3)

This sword surging, bringing out the power of the Quartet, smashing the chest in the middle, countless silver light, the T1000 can not stop the sword that Hercules hits all the way, Shen Shen was shocked and stunned At the same time, while Hercules was a memorial, the sinking figure had disappeared. Great literature

"The wind step? Hey, useless!" Hercules left the light flashing.

Ring of Insight: Can be used to discover hidden enemies. The lower the priority, the farther the distance is found.

When he was in the air, he had been swept across the arm and he was once again flying, sinking and whiring blood.

At this time, another disadvantage of Shen Li to Hercules finally appeared, that is, his simulation skills can not fully play its role.

Simulation skills can only simulate active skills, but they cannot simulate passive skills.

In the past, indulging in confrontation with the enemy, they often used the method of using the plan to control the Yi, but when they touched the characters like Shanghai Gres, they became somewhat useless.

However, Shen Yu did not care, but continued to avoid the strong attack of Hercules, from time to time to give himself a bottle of potion, or simply put a few medical bullets, his mouth muttered, but I do not know what to say, the sea Gris could neither hear nor understand.

But he doesn't care.

At this moment, Hercules sneered and rushed to Shen Shen: "The armor-piercing bullet is invalid, the stealth is invalid, the avatar is invalid, the distance is invalid, what else can you play with me?"

"There is this..." Shen Yan coldly replied: "Smoke bomb!"

Several smoke bombs have hit the ground, and a large smog of smoke will cover the entire Hercules.

"Useless!" Hercules screamed and slammed a punch on the ground.

He punched it all out, just like a blockbuster detonated and slammed on the ground. Because they were fighting in the wilderness of the suburbs, the plains were out, the wind was strong, and the grit of Shanghai Gres was shocked. The smoke that had never been blown away was even scattered.

Hercules has seen the faint silhouette of the man, and he has accelerated to the past, and is a punch in the sinking.

Shen Yan apparently did not expect that Hercules would find him so quickly. He was shot in a boxing, fearless shield and stunned. The stun effect of the shield hitting 10% was actually launched on the spot.

There was a low sound in the ear, but there was no movement, and Hercules did not care. It was just arrogant: "Sinking you are dead, the bones are hit!"

The blade of the ruling was fiercely smashed, and the chest slammed into the chest, and several swords were continuously drawn in an instant. He didn't ask for the strength to play, but he only wanted to exert the horrible superposition effect of the sacral bones. Therefore, after the three swords were smashed, the fourth sword broke out completely: "Hercules!"

Just in the last second of Shen Hao’s coming out of control, Hercules has now increased Hercules to the maximum limit of 120 points, facing the sinking.

This blow concentrates all his strengths and skills, with a four-hundred percent damage effect of the fourth strike of the sacral bones, enough to kill any adventurer.


With the ruling of this ruling, a strong force poured into the sinking body, and he was blown apart, and Hercules took a long breath.

Finally, the **** was killed. Great literature

However, the next moment, Hercules felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart - is it too easy to kill Shen Shen?

Is it a substitute?

No, Shen has just used the mirror to split, there is no reason to cool the skill so quickly.

At that moment he suddenly thought of Sarah Daniel.

For the avatar?

The strange sound of the smog continued, and the team channel suddenly heard the horror of Muron: "Berman!"

Then I heard a soft bang from the **** coat of arms.

"No. W3588 is dead!"

"It's bad!" Hercules discolored.

At that moment he finally understood what was going on.

The low sound of this rush is that someone is shooting with a silencer!

It is sinking!

Hercules thoroughly understands the indulgence of the heart.

In the previous battle, he desperately retreated, in order to let Hercules gradually move away from the members of the ashes during the pursuit.

Although both sides are far away from their comrades in the battle, unlike Hercules, Shen is still a remote adventurer in nature.

Although his positive attack ability is not as strong as Hercules, his battlefield intervention ability is far stronger than Hercules.

After sacrificing the power to increase the range, the long-range shooting ability of the shooting moon has reached several kilometers. With his over-the-horizon and the Wuwang helmet that ignores the darkness, he can attack the enemy no matter where he is.

He used the smoke bomb not to fight with Hercules, but to use a substitute and smoke to haul Hercules, and he took advantage of the opportunity to kill Berman - from the beginning his purpose was not to fight with Hercules, but Just to take Hercules away, and then use his own ultra-long-range advantage to kill each other.

Of course, this requires the cooperation of King Kong, so in the battle with Hercules, Shen has been using the internal language to connect with King Kong, waiting for the cooling of his control skills.

When a control skill of King Kong was cooled down, Shen Yu immediately used the smoke bomb, released the substitute, and installed a silencer for the shooting moon. After King Kong controlled Berman, he continuously shot armor-piercing to kill the opponent.

A simple, repeating routine of the previous behavior, the only difference is that this time Hercules could neither see nor know.

Since he did not need to rush back from the battlefield, Shen Shen was killed in the fog.

Bellman’s death is incredible.

There was only one reason why he was locked up again and again. He was taken by Hercules to take his bulletproof props. Hercules saved him once, but he could not save him for the second time.

At this moment, with the death of Berman, the situation on the battlefield of Honglang King Kong suddenly changed.

The first is that Gawawal screamed, taking the lead in using the apocalyptic knight's bloodline transformation, followed by Angelo Libez also launched his blazing angel blood.

At first, the ashes did not use the blood system, in order to wait for the victory between Hercules and Shen Yu, the ashes have absolute confidence in the strength of Hercules, so there is no fear that Hercules will be dangerous. The great literature did not expect that there was no danger to Hercules. In the pursuit of Hercules, there was still a lingering attack on this side.

The death of Bellman finally provoked the anger of everyone, and Gwawal and Angelo took the lead in transforming their bloodlines.

"Go!" Seeing each other's bloodline transformation, King Kong regressed and shouted.

"Don't think about it anywhere!" Murun had rushed over. For the tactical thinking of the Broken Blade team, the Ashes chariot is now quite familiar.

The most hateful thing about these guys is that you will run when you zoom in and you will run. If you are a lot of people, I will run. Anyway, if you can’t beat you, I will definitely not fight. The guerrilla warfare of Chinese people can be said to be played by them.

However, here is the world of **** cities.

This is a world that only can't be imagined, and many tactics are no longer invincible.

At least for now, the ashes have already prepared for this.

Since they dare to come, they are not afraid of the other party even if there is another team assembly order.

Therefore, at the same time as Molun called, a member of the former Earl's second team suddenly pointed to a gentle finger, a strange lock has been hit on the gentle body.

This lock does not cause any damage to gentleness. It hits gently and disappears directly, forming a mark.

Gentleness is a glimpse first, but after seeing the imprint, it finally changed: "This is a war shackle? Worse!"

War shackles, one-time consumption of props, after the target is used, all transmission ability and props are invalid for the target. If the target is in the team, the entire team will be affected and the target will be exposed to the user's vision. This item has the highest priority, and the effective time is three hours. It must be in a state of war when both parties are used (the criterion: the two sides each create at least 100 points of damage to each other within 30 seconds).

This is another preparation for the Ashes chariot to fight against the team assembly order. Unlike the past, this is a special item. Perhaps because of this, the previous ashes have not been used, but this time, they finally used this war props.

"Sinking, I am in the war shackles!" Gentle screaming.

Hearing this, Shen Yan could not help but stay.

According to several plans prepared by the Broken Blade team, once the other party has used the bloodline to transform or the situation is unfavorable, one of them will leave with a jumper or escaped scroll, and then take the team assembly order to take everyone away.

I didn't expect the other party to have such a war shackle. This way, the escape plan failed.

Just then, there was a loud scream in the distance, and the diamond dragon, which was resurrected, had already arrived from three kilometers away.

It is controlled by the system and must be separated from the ashes. Therefore, even if the ashes are not looking for trouble now, it will not let go of the ashes.

Hearing this sound, Xiao Shen was not happy with the shock, and shouted: "Come on, Imoji is coming!"

They are guardians of the dragons, and it is reasonable to say that Imoghi will not attack them.

But Shen Wei did not forget that he had fired three shots against Dragon Ball.

The reason for his three shots is also very simple. It is intended to weaken the strength of Imoji and encourage the assault of the ashes and the holy dragons. They are good at fishing.

Although Imoji is not an optional task for the Broken Blade team, there will be no rewards for killing it, but at least the props of the pedigree will still have some gains.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident. Hercules left a hand. He knew the Piaget II team very limited. He did not expect the other party to have this ability. As a result, Hercules came to the dark.

Now Imoji has absorbed Dragon Ball. The Dragon Ball itself has the soul fragments of Sarah. After absorption, I don’t know who the Dragon Ball was wounded. It is basically impossible.

Therefore, Shen Yu never expected that Imoghi who came here at this time would give him a good face.

In this respect, Shen Yu can also be said to have lifted a rock and licked his own feet.

However, this is what the world has always been. Nothing can be foolproof. Just as they first identified the dragon pendant, how could it be thought that this would trigger the death of the old Jack.

There is no perfect plan in the world.

But the key now is that they must leave the battlefield immediately, or once Imoghi arrives, it is still unknown when it first kills.

Perhaps its hatred of the ashes is still on these betrayal dragon guardians, but Shen Yu is not counting on the three-way melee in this case, the short-cut team will get what is cheap.

Whether it is a dragon or a gray chariot, the strength is stronger than them.

However, he wanted to go, but the ashes did not let them go.

As Shen Shen shouted this, Hercules had already followed the sound source, and a boxing bombarded the door.

At the same time on the other side of the battlefield, because Gawawal and Angelo have used bloodlines to transform themselves, Honglang and others can no longer resist, and they are in a state of retreat. They are not able to use the bloodline to transform themselves, but the problem is that Imoghi is coming, and there are several people who have not used the bloodline to change their body. Even if they change, they cannot prevail in this situation.

The result is gentle and bound by war shackles. The result is that you can't beat it, you can't run, and everyone is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. No one knows what to do.

Gentlely looking back at the distant dragon, Immersed in the distance, the eyes have flashed anxious color, at that moment she bite her teeth, suddenly retreat, avoiding the other side of the attack, open the **** coat of arms, right After pressing a few times, everyone in the Broken Blade heard a bang.

"No. E3325 is out of the team."

"gentle!" Hearing this voice, he was shocked.

Gentle has called the fat man: "Dead fat, ready to take everyone away!"

The fat man's face glimpsed: "The soft sister you..."

"Less nonsense, fast! They are not so easy to kill me!" Gentle has shouted.

"You guys don't want to go!" Kiplikov has rushed to the fat man, raising his hand to fly a prop, which is a prisoner of war, has trapped the fat man in the cage.

"Quickly use the escape scroll!" gentle has already called.

It is entirely instinct, the fat man has come up with a escape scroll.

Final escape roll: automatically disengage from all types of cages and space after use, and can carry all designated personnel within 30 meters, escape distance of 300 meters, priority value of 200 points, the highest limit level, each nine thousand points.

(The essence of the escape scroll is that it is out of the captivity space rather than the transfer. It can be taken away from the designated person to take the person out of the space out of space. Therefore, it cannot be transmitted as a team assembly order, nor can it have a role in war. ).

With the use of this escape scroll, the fat man has appeared three hundred meters away.

But just as the fat man got out of the war cage, another adventurer from the Piaget II team rushed up: "Space Binding!"

Space Binding: Space bundling between the own team and the opposing team, so that the other party can follow the transfer no matter where they move, only once, and must use more than half of the target team at the same time to play the role.

Unlike the war shackles, the space binding is to directly bind the two teams together. Because the previous battles have avoided direct confrontation, they have no chance to use them like war shackles. Now they are used one after another. Come out.

Of course, they can choose not to use space binding. It is impossible to kill the gentleness that can't be teleported first. However, if you want to eliminate the broken blade, you will have no chance. Under the tradeoff, the ashes are more willing to catch the blade first. The whole team is not gentle.

After all, after the war shackles, her position can be found by the ashes at any time. From the perspective of destroying each other, chasing the broken blade is the most appropriate.

The fat man in the distance didn't know what was happening here. After he got out of the war cage, he used a teleport to fly to a farther place, and then took out the team assembly order.

With the use of the last team assembly order, everyone in the Broken Blade team flew to the fat man at the same time.

At the same time, the ashes of the chariots also began to transmit in the direction of the Broken Blade.

Just at the moment they transmitted, in a gentle eye, suddenly the murder flashed: "Give me one!"

She raised her hand to play a prop, and it was also a war cage, aiming at the Abra of the Piaget team.

The priority of the war cage is lower than the escape scroll, but higher than the space binding. Abra watched a group of people flying over, but he was trapped in the cage, angry and attacking the cage again and again, shouting: "The **** You put this out of me! You have the ability to come in and play with me!"

At this point, due to the role of team assembly and space binding, the two sides are equivalent to a battlefield, leaving only the gentle Abra, so Abra is completely shouting at the gentle ~www.mtlnovel. Com~ gently smiled and glanced at Abra, who was attacking the war cage with anger, waved at him and said with a sigh: "Goodbye!"

She turned and ran.

Gentlely running so fast, Abra couldn't help but scream, but then he heard a low whistling sound behind him.

He turned his head and saw that the diamond dragon Imoji had flown behind him, and a pair of longan eyes looked at Abra as if he were looking at the dead.

Abra stunned and looked at the behemoth in front of him, screaming incompetently: "My God...!"

The diamond dragon, Imoji, has raised a huge dragon claw and photographed it in a war cage...


PS: I said that the title is not pleasing to the eye. How did it make me write a deadly battle? What are I thinking in my head?

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