Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 64: Death 1 battle (six)

The liberation of the Four Dragons' Green Dragons: Separation of the Qinglong armor, transforming all the defenses of the Qinglong scorpion into damage directly to the target, causing eight hundred points of the dragon's scattering attack, which produces a sputtering effect on all surrounding targets. ^/Very literature/^~ After the use of "Wu Jiu Literature Book Friends Upload", the world of this mission will no longer be able to gain the addition of Xuanwu's defense.

The liberation of the four sacred sacred martial arts: Separation of the white tiger armor, causing six hundred points of white tiger impact damage, and the other side fixed for 4 seconds can not move, the attack is subject to 20% damage attached during the fixed period. After use, the world of this mission will no longer be able to gain the addition of basaltic defense.

The sacred scorpion scorpion liberation: Separating the Suzaku armor, forming a 10*10 flame burning area centered on itself, inflicting 30 Fire damage per second to all targets for 15 seconds. After use, the world of this mission will no longer be able to gain the addition of basaltic defense.

At this moment, the three aunts of the aunt blazed, forming a blazing flame, wrapped around the surrounding area with the power of the original, not only wrapped the Molun, but also brought the people around him together.

When the power of the Four Holy Grails is completely liberated, its power is terrifying and terrifying. If the only Xuanwu who is responsible for the promotion of defense is not used in the original battle against Hercules, then Shen Shen has the confidence to save him. But now with the liberation of the Four Noble Truths, his defensive power is greatly weakened, but Shen Gan is too late.

He watched the two dragons of the Qinglong white tiger whistling through the body of Mo Lun, but the fire of Suzaku did not hurt much to Muron, who had strong fire resistance, which made Molun fail even if he suffered strong damage. The first time he died, Molun, who came out in countless **** battles, also inspired his most fanatical bloodyness at this moment. He screamed and concentrated all his strength, punching his aunt on the chest: "Life Flame, Creation of the World !"

A flame that seemed to burn the world more fiercely spurted from the body of Muron toward the four sides.

Gwawate's face changed: "Mullen, no!"


The flames skyrocketed, and in the midair, the scene of the demise of the fire was extinguished. The aunts and the Moluns almost turned into ashes in an instant, and a black fly ash floated in the sky.

The two people went so far as they did, and nothing was left.

This sudden scene shows that everyone is screaming, and the ashes are sorrowful and angry, and they are not.

"You have to die!" This voice is full of anger and wild **** whistling while sending out from the crowd.

They once again rushed to the other side.

But this time, Shen Hao took out the dragon pendant.

Shenlong Pendant comes with the skill of the Dragon's Wrath!

A red light spreads around the center with indulgence, like a whirlpool of waves, accompanied by a roaring sound full of dragon's majesty.

Dragon Wrath: Deals a thousand damage to all enemy targets within a radius of 300 meters.

This is a super group attacking skill that is comparable to a small tactical nuclear bomb. It has not been used until the sinking. It is because this skill is powerful, but considering the target defense and the life of the ashes, which are extremely powerful in the three difficulties, still Do not have the power of one hit, so he must first fight with the other side, so that the other party's life is less than 800, and then use this pendant, so that the other side will kill, so as not to give the other party a chance to reply.

However, the ashes chariots are all experienced adventurers. Everyone is cautious. If they are slightly injured, they will immediately start to reply. If they are more serious, they will temporarily leave the battlefield. Few people keep their lives. Eight hundred or less.

In addition, there is another reason that he did not intend to kill Meryl. In this way, Meryl’s life must be considered when he shot, even if there is an occasional chance to come, but because Meryl is also within the scope of death, He has to wait for a better chance.

It is precisely because of these two reasons that the dragon pendant has not been suitable for use. Until this moment, Zhuang Yu and Auntie died, and Shen Yu finally gave up waiting for the perfect time to launch the dragon pendant. *very literature*

At this moment, the wrath of the dragon, which hurts up to a thousand points, swept over. No one in the ash chariot had thought that the Broken Blade team had such a powerful group injury skill.

An adventurer of the Piaget II team bears the brunt of the tragic death of the dragon in the majestic roar of the dragon. He is also the only one of the owners of the ashes, who is in the future due to the fierce battle and has to keep his life at more than 800.

Then Gwawwater and Kiplikov flew under the impact of Dragon's Wrath. Both of them are good players who have experienced a lot of battles. When they see the red light from the hands of Shen Hao, they know that they are not right. They have already begun to withdraw before the attack of Dragon Wrath, although they still have not escaped the wrath of the dragon. The impact, but in the first time away from the battlefield, at the same time they were born, they released their own recovery skills, while drinking the medicine bottle, a two-pronged approach, and finally saved their lives.

The rest of the people fell down on the mold, and almost everyone was beaten to the state of empty blood, although not dead but all serious injuries.

The Honglang had already rushed to the first place. He took out the Thor hammer and threw it at the adventurer of another Piaget II team: "The Wrath of Thor!"

The adventurer was first hit by the wrath of the dragon, and then was hit by the Thor hammer, and died on the spot. Shen Yuyi refers to other people who have been traumatized: "Open fire!"

The rear 20 Terminators are simultaneously aimed at their respective targets, and one plasma acceleration gun is starting to shine.

At this time, in addition to Meryl in the field, there are still three people, such as Angelo, even if they kill each other, they can lay the absolute victory.

However, at that time, Meryl suddenly took out one thing and pointed at the front terminator: "Go!"

As a glimmer of light flashed, all the Terminators suddenly swayed at the same time, and they fell silently.

EMP impact bomb!

This is a high-end product unique to the five-star StarCraft World. It can directly smash most of the technology products. It is also the old Kato to deal with the Broken Blade team, especially brought to the Ashes.

The reason why the Ashes did not use it to deal with the Terminator was because Shen Shen did not take out all the Terminators.

After losing the alien army of Lor, the only thing that can be relied upon by the ashes is the EMP impact bomb, so like Shen Shen, they also hope to wait until the most suitable time to use.

But what I didn't expect was that the EMP impact bomb was actually used by Meryl.

"Merrill, you!" Zhou Yiyu saw a pain in his heart.

He wants to say that you know that Zhuang Yu is dead because it is because we care about your life and didn't use the dragon pendant early. Do you know that you can use EMP because we don't have one person attacking you?

From the beginning to the end, the Broken Blade team did not have a shot to Meryl.

If it is a general battle, a priest like Meryl is always the first killer of adventurers.

But after all, he didn't say it because he knew that even if he didn't say it, Meryl could see it.

But she still did it.

This makes Zhou Yiyu feel very sad.

At the same time, Angelo and other three have already stepped back, and Meryl is a group treatment release, which will restore life to Angelo and others in time.

She looked at Zhou Yiyu and replied in a loud voice: "This is my duty!"

"You..." Zhou Yiyu shook his head and said nothing.

Suddenly Meryl’s face changed: “Don’t!”

She raised her hand and shot a light.

Zhou Yiyu instinctively noticed that the first one was low, and a lightning sword light had flew over his head. He escaped the sword but could not escape the shocking noise from behind. He only heard a loud bang, Zhou Yiyu’s machine. A actually burst into a crush in this hit, and the whole person should fly up.

It was Hercules, who had walked out of the ice cage and spent less than a minute. In fact, he could have been faster. It was just that using the power of Hercules to destroy the cage was equivalent to waste, which would lead him to be weak if he came out early, so he was not in a hurry.

He thought that even if he was not there, the ashes could block the broken blade team. Who could have thought that this minute, the ashes chariot even hangs four people, and the heart is also annoyed.

At this moment, his shot was a killing, a shot to crush Zhou Yiyu's mech, and then a sword to Zhou Yiyu.

Since the fat man's mental armor and holy light have been used, it seems that Zhou Yiyu is about to die in the hands of Hercules. Merrill's holy blessing has saved Zhou Yiyu's life.

The blade of the ruling was heavily slashed on Zhou Yiyu. He was beaten and spurted out of the blood, but he finally died. The next time he had already taken the lead, he raised his hand and shot T1000 to cover Zhou Yiyu.

Hercules slammed and stunned Meryl: "What are you doing, Meryl."

Meryl is already pale.

To be honest, she just saved Zhou Yiyu completely instinctively and never thought about anything. On the one hand, she told herself that she is the saint of the purgatory sect. God's loyal followers should fight for the sects wholeheartedly. Therefore, they support their own efforts in the battle, and it is because of her that this group battle, the assault chariot In the absence of Hercules, she still has the upper hand and killed Zhuang Yu until she used the dragon anger to change the situation.

But in the same way, when she used the EMP impact bomb to destroy the Terminator, causing the Broken Blade team to miss the good situation of chasing everyone, she remembered the previous thing, remembering that she was lying in Zhou Yiyu’s arms, crying, remembering No one was shooting at her when she was fighting, and her heart was uncomfortable.

Therefore, when she saw Hercules getting out of trouble and attacking Zhou Yiyu, her instinctive reaction was to save people. It was not until this moment that she found that she seemed to be doing something wrong, and her mood was even more chaotic.

Reasons and emotions contradict each other, and beliefs and reality conflict with each other. All this makes Meryl himself do not know what to do.

Not only was Hercules shocked, but even the rear Gwawal and others looked at Meryl and couldn't believe their eyes.

"How can you do this kind of thing? Are you still a sect of the sect?" Gwawate roared.

However, this is not the time to ask for sin. With the escape of Hercules, the four people have broken into battle with Hercules.

Because the previous battle was almost all the skills of all the people, this moment is four-on-one, but it seems that Hagris has the upper hand.

He used a pair of four, a left-handed fearless shield, and blocked a heavy punch of Honglang. This is the only opponent he needs to be careful about. The right-handed ruling blade slams the touch of the vampire, and at the same time progresses to bend the knee. Hit the King Kong and kick him out. The fat man was cut from the back of the sword on the back of Hercules, but this guy just shook his body, turned abruptly, looked at the fat man, full of murderous eyes, the fat man was shocked, and stepped back two steps and said: "Sorry!"

"Get out of the way!" Hercules' left-handed fist has been fiercely hit on the fat man's face. Fortunately, while he punches, Shen Shen shot in his arm and took off his power. This fist failed. Playing hard, but still hit the fat nose blood, Hercules has stepped back to the elbow and slammed into the sinking.

Sinking over the hand frame, I only think that this guy's power is extremely great. He couldn't remove the other's strength. He was shocked and stepped back. Hercules had turned over a big roundabout and slashed. Forcing him to have to roll sideways, and the wolf escaped.

This guy in the one-on-one, the fighting skills shown is not strong, mainly through the pure force directly crushing the opponent, this moment with a strong force to pick the blade team finally showed his strong fighting strength.

Unlike Xie Rongjun and others, Hercules does not care about the grasp of the fighting rhythm. To be exact, he never caters to any battle, but instead turns the situation directly through tyrannical power, letting the battle follow its own rhythm. go.

It should be said that this kind of unreasonable play is the real one to break the law, but it is so normal in Hercules, it is just as natural, as if the world should be centered on him.

At this moment, with the wild attack of Hercules, with a pair of people, Gwawatt and others have finally recovered.

Gawawal rushed toward them, and glanced at her as she passed by Meryl: "Go back and settle with you!"

Seeing Gwawawa, five of them rushed over, and Shen Yan finally released the Hornet and Hera: "Hornet, Hera, stop them!"

"Don't think about it!" Hercules swayed.

"Hey!" Two huge armored Tyrannosaurus rexes appeared, rushing out of the oblique thorns, blocking the Hornet and Hera.

Before the sinking, he did not let the bumblebee and Hera shot, just to deal with the Tyrannosaurus in the hands of Hercules, and thought that Megatron’s appearance was ready. Until the situation changed dramatically, they had to use them. I didn’t expect Hercules to actually Actively releasing the Tyrannosaurus interception, this does not meet the original plan of Hercules.

He had a slight glimpse in his heart and noticed that something was wrong. It was true that Hercules had been arrogant: "Sink, let me put your Megatron out of the way, and see how I can solve this guy without the Tyrannosaurus!" ”

"Fuck! This guy won't have any cards. We don't know?" Hong Lang also stunned.

Sinking: "There is no Megatron, do you think you can win us now?"

He turned back and sprinkled, as if he had sprinkled beans into a soldier, and sprinkled a Terminator.

This time, it is forty, and it is all the rest of them!

Not only that, but Shen also summoned forty soldiers including Frost and others and two heavy tanks that were repaired – and two of them could not be repaired.

For the Broken Blade team, EMP has made them lose the chance to hunt their opponents, but they also created opportunities for the remaining mechanical troops. They are psychologically prepared from the beginning, so they are more surprised. Still because of Meryl.

At the same time, Zhou Yiyu also recovered almost. He also mixed in the Terminator and began to block the Gwawatt and others. With him, all the mechanical units will gain a certain strength.

The battlefield was thus divided into three parts.

One is the Hornet Hera against the Tyrannosaurus Rex, evenly matched.

One is a five-person warfare regiment, such as Gawawal, and Zhou Yiyu.

One is Hong Lang, King Kong, Fat Man, and Shen Wei fights against Hagris in four to one.

Meryl is standing in the middle of the battlefield, looking around and looking forward to it, and then I don’t know what to do.

The battle thus entered a relatively balanced situation.

Balance always breaks, but it depends on who breaks it, but how to break it.

For Hercules, although Gwawat is temporarily unable to break through the mechanical army, it is because they used to consume too much After waiting for a period of time, the skills are cooled, mental strength With some recovery, a new round of explosions is enough to destroy the mechanical corps that blocked them. What's more, the existence of the mechanical legion, this is the death of a strength will weaken a point, the more dead the weaker.

For Shen Yu, as long as the battle can be delayed, gentleness can come back sooner or later. As the main force of the Broken Blade team, her return will also become an important weight to break the balance.

The sinking is waiting, and Hercules is waiting.

However, the ultimate break of this balance is neither gentle nor Gawawal.

The dragon screaming in the sky suddenly sounded.

The silhouette of the diamond sacred dragon shines in the sun with colorful brilliance.

As soon as he saw the people in the battle below, he made an angry cry. It swooped from the air and spewed a blazing flame against the bottom.

Cover the audience!

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