Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 73: Diamond Sutra

() This article is endlessly armed with 73 chapters, if you like endless armed 73 chapters please collect endless armed 73 chapters! ? The mission is over, everyone returns, other book friends are watching: the chaos of online games to enhance the reading of the whole party. *very literature * "La Niu Niu"

Zhou Yiyu originally wanted to persuade Meryl to simply give up the ashes and go with them, but was rejected by Meryl.

This makes Zhou Yiyu very helpless, or he is comforting him, and it is not yet time.

But don't worry, the ash chariot will return home, and Meryl's life will never be better. The Dane family, the infernal sect, will be around her to ask what happened.

In other words, she went back this time to ask for trouble.

Maybe it won't take long for Meryl to run over and ask to join the Broken Blade team.

As for Megatron, after there is no mandatory agreement, Megatron naturally cannot change back to the statue, but if he wants to follow the entry into the city, it is inevitable to enter the heraldic space, so he actively forms a big gun. In the hands of Shen Yu.

"Devil's Gun (Megatron): Over-limit attack, damage to the adventurer is 900 points, damage to the plot and wilderness is 3,600 points, attack frequency is once per second, range is 10,000 meters, energy consumption during use Up to 30 rounds, can be recharged with a recharger or energy stone. The energy consumed by the Demon Gun does not affect Megatron's own ability to move, but the damage of Megatron will affect the attack power of the Demon Gun."

"Free will, can not be used without permission."

There are three forms of Megatron, which are the devil's gun, the devil's gun and the demon sword. The devil's gun is the least powerful, but it is the only form that can be freely used by adventurers. The Devil's Cannon is a ship-borne form with more power and a longer range. The Demon Sword is an airborne form with its own usage restrictions.

In the Transformers world, because Megatron was a single-personal war, it could not be transformed into three powerful weapons, but now it is no longer hidden.

The question is what is the use of this gun? It’s better to fight with it, and it’s better to play it yourself... Well, like the battle with Hercules in the ice cage before, it’s worth using, and the form of the devil gun is at least on the attack output. The doctrine of heaven is much stronger. If he had this weapon, he had already collapsed Hercules a few shots, and he didn’t have to work so hard. Shen Shen could only comfort himself so much that the official circles read it.

The task has been completed, and everyone is naturally returning to space.

Just back to the space, everyone saw that Lan Yan had been waiting for them there.

When Shen Yan saw Lan Yan, he smiled: "It's really interesting. Why don't I feel surprised to see you now?"

Space managers are not easy to appear in the adventurer's scoring space.

But since the Terminator mission, the Broken Blade team has almost never dealt with Lan Yan. The only exception is probably the World of Destruction. In addition to this, almost every task has to make something to do with moths. . This time, even the innocent disasters have been made out. If Lan Yan does not appear, it is strange.

Sure enough, Lan Yan looked helplessly at this moment: "Do you think I am willing? Every time I make things so big..."

"Hey, this is not our responsibility. Is this a purgatory sect?" Honglang was very dissatisfied and said: "It is right to find trouble if you are looking for trouble. / Very literature /"

Lan Yan took a look at Hong Lang: "As you said, every time I appear, I am looking for trouble for you?"

Honglang Lizhi said the wrong words and bowed his head.

Lan Yan snorted: "The troubles of the purgatory sects, naturally someone will find them to settle accounts. I am looking for you to have something else to talk to you..."

Shen Yan smiled and said: "I guess you want us not to tell the secret of innocent disaster."

Lan Yanyi: "Do you know?"

"If this is not the case, why should I fight with Hercules after completing the task?" Shen Yu faintly asked, other book friends are watching: the latest chapter of the gods change.

From the very beginning, it became clear that one thing: on the surface, he can release innocent disasters as long as he returns safely, and the infernal sect and the Dane family will be unlucky. But this kind of thing only considers natural factors, but ignores the blocking factors.

Exposing innocent disasters may allow the infernal sect to die, but it will also bring trouble to the city.

There are not only infernal sects in the powerful organizations in the city, no one can guarantee that other organizations will learn the same after knowing about the innocent disaster.

Such news falls into the ordinary team, perhaps it is a stunned, an angry, falling into the hands of powerful people, but it may form a kind of turmoil, a change.

The worst thing is that once this matter is fully publicized, it will make many adventurers who are not very clear about the situation understand that the city is not omnipotent, shakes the sanctity and authority of its existence, and its consequences are serious. know.

Therefore, the city will never allow him to vent this thing. The idea of ​​trying to use the innocent disaster to attack the infernal sect is unrealistic from the beginning.

This is like a high-ranking official in the movie deliberately treason, committing suicide after the conspiracy is revealed, and the state has declared that the official has been detained for public service, etc...

The reason is the same.

The bugs in the city are like scandals in the government. The more scandals, the less secure the foundation of governance, and the more chaos and opposition that will follow, and the increase in snowballs...

Sinking is to understand this point, so resolutely choose to fight with Hercules.

Some people may be surprised that since Shen Shen can understand, how can the Dane family not understand, why bother to kill with the camp adventurers.

Rather, they don’t understand, but they understand it.

This is like knowing that even if the rebellion fails, there will still be a good reputation. It does not mean that you can let the news leak, and the drug lords read it.

Some things, you have to do it.

As far as the city is concerned, it is better to talk to six people than to talk to twenty-six people.

However, in the eyes of Lan Yan, I am afraid that he is more willing to negotiate with 26 people, and is not willing to negotiate with a sinking person.

This **** will definitely open the mouth of the lion.

Sure enough, at this moment, Shen Yu said: "I don't know what the Supreme Council is willing to use to make compensation for my seal?"

Blue Yan sighed: "Sink, since you have been involved in the design of super artifacts, you should know that nothing can be obtained without any work."

"That's not necessarily, have you forgotten the legend of the night?"

After the end of the night legend mission, Shen Yu and the city reached an agreement to stop doing things for the white girl. In return, the city raised the blood level of the bottle of Alexander, making the three bloodlines complete.

Therefore, at this moment, Lan Yan said that he could not send anything. Shen Yan is absolutely unbelievable.

Lan Yan stupid a bit, stunned and glanced, whispered: "Well, I helped you, don't you not give face to face?"

Sinking and laughing: "Your love, I remember. But now you are talking about the transaction for the city. I only heard about the private use of the public device. I have not heard of using personal friendship for the public. You are sure to ask me to What about your love in this matter?"

Lan Yan stayed, and he found himself speechless.

I thought about Lan Yan and finally said: "The reward can not be sent again. The last time was a special event... I know this time is special, but you have already obtained system compensation."

"System compensation is system compensation, sealing fee is sealing fee, and other book friends are watching: anti-God."

"The problem is that the system does not recognize the sealing fee!"

"The Supreme Council recognizes it." Shen Yan said with a smile: "If the Supreme Council has some difficulties in getting me out of the equipment, I can also help from other angles."

Lan Yan snorted: "You don't want the information of the next mission world again?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "I am of course interested in the information of the mission world, but I am more interested in the information of the Dane family and the inferno sect."

"What do you say?" Lan Yan lived.

Shen Yu has already said: "You have heard it, I want information about them."

Lan Yan shook his head: "No, if you promised you will be equivalent to supporting you and the Inferno sect, the city does not like internal consumption. It is better to change the conditions."

"Then one piece of an artifact." Shen Yan lazily yawned: "I don't agree with this chip."

Blue Yan is silent.

Shen Yu knows that he is in contact with the people above.

After a while.

He looked at Shen Yu: "About the purgatory sect...what do you want to know?"


The transaction was good, Blue Yan left, and the system began to evaluate the performance of the Broken Blade team.

In fact, there is nothing to evaluate.

Due to the innocent disaster, the settlement of the task is very simple. It is to directly allocate the total 201600 **** points obtained by 32 people to the six people in the broken blade team. Because it is a team, no matter who is less or less, it is not important at all. Good-looking novel: The latest chapter of Taiping China.

Because of the death of Zhuang Yu and the signing of a partnership agreement with Megatron, they finally indulged them to 1.96 million.

This is also the time when they have earned the most points, the most profit, and the most dangerous one.

Of course, in order to get rid of the ashes, they are also very expensive. The two nuclear bombs bought from the secret store, two blessing reels, two escaped reels, two avatars, all used, the blood system restarts the pharmacy and uses one bottle. There are still four left, and there are three left in the advanced fixed character. In addition, the sharpening liquid and the teleport are all used up. The paralyzed ring is a little longer and has two chances to use. A few pieces of consumables harvested from the mission world are also used up.

However, compared with the return, it is nothing. In addition to eliminating the benefits of Blaki, Imoji and other missions, they are greatly benefited from the ashes, except for the ruling blade of Hercules, Eternal Saint. In addition to clothing and different exile scrolls, there are many members of the weapons and equipment. In particular, the main members of the ashes chariot, well-equipped, just Gwawwater, Kiplikov two people contributed a double b-class weapon.

Sinking estimates that the equipment and mission benefits that are not used can be dealt with, and the Broken Blade team can still get no less than 200,000.

The space is still being evaluated.

It is reasonable to say that they have not completed the optional tasks this time and should not be evaluated perfectly, but it may be because of the innocent disaster, the system still gave them a perfect score, you can randomly choose a double b-level reward, and the dragon The world of war remains the world of the game.

"Working method, it is best to add attribute type!"

This time the perfect reward, Shen Yu chose the exercises.

As the number of points required to strengthen the attribute becomes higher and higher, the attribute of the later stage increases, and it is completed by the method of exercise.

“Get the perfect reward: Double b-class special practice Diamond Sutra, the underworld is always: the all-rounder of the campus.”

"Diamond Sutra: This power method has a total of ten layers, and each layer adds 2 points of full attribute."

"The effect of defense with the effect of defense: After mastering this method, each physique adds a little defense, and all damage to all four hundred points is permanently weakened by 10%, the highest priority. This effect cannot be upgraded."

"The effect of the power method is guarded by the King Kong Law: When you use the normal attack, you can generate the King Kong method by 2%. You can take the attack damage for the user. This effect increases with the level of the power method, and increases by 2% for each level. Generate probability."

"To learn this method, you need to pay 36,000 blood points."

This is a defensive-based book of martial arts. Whether it is defensive enhancement or guardianship, the effects are very powerful.

Because of the low vitality of the adventurer, will often learn a lot of skills or exercises in the later stages, such as the Diamond Sutra, and its practicality can be said to be quite powerful.

It is said that to the four difficulty levels, each adventurer has almost the same kind of exercises, and some even have a variety of them, and the ability to withstand damage is greatly enhanced.

Shen Hao is also quite satisfied with this book of law. For this, he looks at King Kong and Hong Lang: "You two study who learns."

"Give the wave ball, this is not a thing to attack and defend. This work can make up for his shortcomings." King Kong said lightly.

"Alright, go back and compensate you again, anyway, we have enough money to squander this time." Shen Yu said to throw the Diamond Sutra to Hong Lang: "Learning, the next Hercules is you."

The rewards were issued and they were sent back to the city.

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