Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 7: Hate the devil (on)

In the jungle outside the group of demons, Megatron is fighting a giant monster with six arms and a giant arm with six arms. It is the hatred of the goddess Murphys. /Very literature/~"Wu Jiu Literature Book Friends Upload"

When it comes to Murphys, it has to be countered that Blizzard made the dark setting.

In the background setting of Diablo, Murphys, the king of hatred in the three gods of hell, is the boss, the strongest, followed by the king of fear, Diablo, and finally the king of destruction.

But in the game, Murphys is the worst of the three devils, becoming the final SS of the third level, the original weakest Bar has become the final customs clearance SS.

(Some people may think that Diablo is the hardest to play, and Bar is the best to play, but in fact, playing well with strength is not a concept. After all, players are also improving in strength, so the strength comparison in the game is directly from the distribution. It is not by who is better to determine who is stronger. For example, when Shen Yu played Xie Rongjun and died for a lifetime, now the evil emperor is the same as the abuse of food, but can you say that he is more than Xie Rongjun in the Caribbean?

That's it. The problem is that the name of your sister's game is still called, Diablo has become the core.

The order of the strength of the three devils was so messed up.

For the game, these don't matter, anyway, it's fun, everything starts from fun.

For the city, there is no order, that is what is terrible.

Therefore, the city has revised the order of the strength of the three devils. The first is to restore the identity of Murphys, and confirm his strength. Barr ranks second and Diablo ranks third.

The reason why this row is because the city follows the principle of only modifying the necessary procedures, and does not change the identity of Diablo and Barr in their respective difficulties. They are still the four difficulty and the five difficulty SS, so that the strength of Barr must be in Di Above Apollo.

What about the more powerful Murphys?

The city used one of the easiest ways to deal with it - Super Murphys.

There is a hidden SS of super big pineapple in Diablo, which automatically appears under certain conditions.

This method is used by the **** city to position Murphys, making it the hidden ultimate SS in the dark world.

These things indulged in them and didn't know them at first, but they later realized that after Diablo became their own home world. ~

But for this reason, Murphys is not stationed at a fixed location, but may appear anywhere above four difficulty levels.

Originally, his appearance required related tasks to be motivated, but as the dark world became home, many related tasks were cancelled, and the girl in white had made such a last time, which made the home a little out of control, and Murphy’s appearance. It began to become full of variables.

Megatron encountered Murphys in this situation.

At that time, he was becoming a fighter flying around, and he did not do anything bad. At most, he saw a monster with no long eyes slamming a shot, or saw that a building did not fit his mind, he sent a missile. He said that he was very self-confident, and then suddenly jumped out of such a six-armed guy and pulled him out of the air. .

This made him very annoyed, and he really wanted to slap the other side, but he found himself not the opponent of this guy...

So when they rushed to the scene, the land of several kilometers of the desperate plains had been beaten into a scorched earth.

In the faraway place, you can see that the two giants are fighting in the ping-pong table. The confrontation between the two super-powerful characters is like a big collision between the world and the sky. It’s like watching a super-big film, the scene is grand and full of momentum.

“Wow!” Zhou Yiyu whistled and stopped at a distance of 800 meters from the battlefield: “It’s really Murphys, I didn’t expect to hit the most fierce when I first came in.”

"It seems to be the richest wonder it's called a model worker." Shen Yan is also watching the battle between Murphys and Megatron, but he is more concerned about the six hands of Murphy.

This guy's six arms are holding the same weapon in each hand, and the golden glow looks pretty good. Shen Yu estimates that no one will be lower than the double B.

Six arms are cut together, even if the five-difficult generals can't stand it, it's no wonder that Megatron can't afford it. Not to mention that this guy is not only fierce, but also able to apply fire, poison, and ice...

The previous Murphys off was mainly fierce and melee, but after being modified by the city to hide SS, this guy's melee strength improved significantly.

Gentleness is nothing to say, pick up the handheld computer and start recording. She has recently developed like a photographer.

Just then, Murphys took a punch on Megatron’s face and even smashed the guy’s chin. The whole face was distorted, and the bumblebee laughed loudly – ​​he and Megatron It’s a dead day before, even if it’s a gang now, it’s not pleasing to see each other. ~

"Asshole, you guys are watching what is fun!" Megatron yelled.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, you are playing with him first. We are collecting information to do pre-war analysis and do tactical arrangements." Shen Yan replied loudly.

Megatron is also the leader of the Decepticons. He can't resurrect his losses compared to the real demon, not how bad the combat power is. Therefore, even if it is not the opponent of Murphys, it is not so simple for Murphys to kill him. If he sinks, he does not mind to use a certain enemy's hand to clean up Megatron. By the way, let him converge on the arrogance. Sex.

But at this moment, King Kong suddenly pointed to Murphys and shouted and shouted: "Death...death...death glove!"

"What?" Shen Yiyi: "Death Glove?"

"Left hand, look at his left hand!" King Kong pointed to Murphys screaming.

Looking back, this time he looked carefully, and surely, wearing a glove in the middle of the left side of Murphys, it was the style of the death glove, and there was a death mark on the back of the glove. .

The left hand of the broken blade that has been searching hard has appeared in the hands of Murphys!

This is why even Shen Shen can't sit still.

"That's still doing something, go, go up and do him!"

Saying that Shen Yu has shot the gun.

"Tactics? What tactics?" Honglang asked aloud.

Shen Yu shook his head: "Is there a big boss in front, but also use tactics? Fight his mother!"

It is said that Murphys has been disengaged from the fire, and people have already rushed forward.

"Hey!" everyone was excited together.

The Broken Blades have always been used to dealing with powerful enemies. They are used to making careful arrangements and taking various measures to avoid smashing, but this time, they finally have no need to face up and fight against each other.

Not surprisingly.

When no one likes to fight, I still have to think about how to play next. The correctness of my fist is still wrong. How to cooperate with my comrades...

The battle should be simple, fanatical, brave, inspiring with blood, crushing the enemy with the will, that is the coolest and most enjoyable thing.

Hercules likes to press people hard, not because he is stupid, but because it is a place where fighting can bring pleasure to people.

When conditions permit, even if you are indulged, you will be willing to crush your opponent in the simplest and most rude way, instead of carefully choosing how to deal with it - the latter is the means of victory, but never pursued.

Just like making money is only a means, spending money is the pursuit.

At this moment, he was the first to charge, and as he approached Murphys, he used spiritual exploration and then called: "40,000 vitality, 250 power, 6-arm attack, defense 150, this guy attacked fierce, defense Limited, I will fight it!"

Said that he has launched the holy dragon to the end of the transformation.

The adventurer's lineage is shared in the home world, the wilderness and the city. The three places share the cooling time. Since Shen has used the final transformation in the city, this time he will not have more vitality. Cheng, but other aspects are unchanged.

For this reason, Shen Hao started to make a big move, because he has nothing to lose - the vitality limit of Shenglong's transformation, so that the bloodline transformation has not been used all the time, once used, you can break the cans and use it all the way. It is.

Sinking understands this point, so use it directly when dealing with evil spirits.

In his view, this is equivalent to giving up the life-added effect when the bloodline is transformed, in exchange for absolute freedom of use. In addition, due to the repeated blessing of his sacred dragon's bloodline, the duration is abnormal, and the true dragon blood slowly recovers. Therefore, his blood is improperly pedigree, but it is used as a skill.

However, Shen Wei is still very cautious not to use the body of the diamond and the wrath of the dragon, but with the additional strength and defense against the transformation of the state.

He now has his own defense 88 (50 points of strength and physical fitness plus the physique bonus of Shenglong physique belongs to his own attribute bonus, so he also increases the defense, and the sacred dragon has brought four points of full attribute increase, so he sinks the current power. With physique 179, but if you spend the **** point to improve the property, or according to the 129 standard), the Devil's Warrior defense 76, after the transformation of the scales defense 50 points (the scales defense can be broken, after the break, the scales defense is invalid) The combat boots have 12 defenses, so the defense has reached 226, which is stronger than Hercules.

At this moment, the bloodline has turned into a body, and Shen has already made a punch against Murphys. The dragon claws attacked the double power and played a hundred percent of the play, and Murphys also made a cry.

His body turned and the six arms were cut down at the same time.

Don't look at his power 250 and Diablo, the problem is that Diablo has no weapons and he has weapons, and six hands take six weapons, this slash, hook, knife, claw, boxing, spear, The axe came together, and an attack was equivalent to six attacks, even if it was indulged in the current defense.

Sinking and slamming, he escaped the two weapons of the shortest punch and claw, but the hook, the axe, the spear, and the four weapons in the knife were cut together on him. The middle part hit a spark of gold and iron collision. Sinking just took a step back, and the backhand bounced the spear, and it was a punch against Murphys. At the same time, he snorted: "The Spear of the Sun, Class A, damage 66 to 68, comes with Skills are long-term, causing 400,1200 damage to individual targets, according to the proportional reduction of the opponent's defense...good."

Murphy took off his arm and the big axe was cut again.

Sinking and fierce double-handed together, even before the big axe cut himself in front of the axe, he now has 255 strength, no loss to Murphys, this clip actually completely resolves the attack of Murphys, but it is Murphys himself was attacked by Megatron and an energy cannon.

Shen Yu has been cold and cold: "Axe of the sky, A grade, damage 7375, comes with special effects broken armor ... is also a good thing."

He suddenly jumped up, flew up and kicked his arm in the middle of the left side of Murphys.

"Death Gloves ~ ~ Double B... Yes, that's it!"

His spiritual exploration was not given priority, but at this moment, he was in close contact with Murphys, and he finally found out the equipment of Murphys.

Master the weapon's characteristics, even if you don't plan, you will have targeted defenses.

But in the eyes of Shen Yan, what is more important is what he should plunder at that time. Although his plunder has improved, the success rate of looting for Class A equipment is still low. In the case of uncertainty about how much benefit can be obtained, Shen Shen must prioritize the targets to be plundered. The Grim Reaper is certainly the first, but the second one has not yet found out, so this time while fighting, while studying the characteristics of Murphys other weapons.

Murphysta knows that this **** is already thinking about **** people when he is fighting with himself. I am afraid that he will go away on the spot.

But it doesn't matter if you don't know, because it will soon find that it doesn't work.

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