Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 15: Forged hammer

Perhaps it is because of the lack of strength of the Iraqi army. It is not too short for this goods to be exiled by different dimensions. Everyone waited for a while before waiting for him to come back.

I've not even seen the surrounding situation, and a round of skills has been smashed into the face, including some of the powerful skills that have been restored.

Ijul hangs directly to the ground, and even the last words have not been confessed. Shen Shen went up and touched two, but the Diablo Sword did not touch it.

Shen Yan can only sigh, he looked at the time: "Seven minutes, if used to imprison you, up to five minutes."

He said this to Megatron, but Megatron apparently did not like to ban himself, and snorted with dissatisfaction.

As the Iraqi dying, its body flew out of a spirit.

Megatron’s move to the air, the soul of the **** has fallen into his hands, it seems to be much easier than the original King of Killing and Diamond Dragon.

The soul of the gods violently resisted a few times in the hands of Megatron, and finally stopped, and there was another box under the Iraqi army.

Open the box with four things inside.

Two pieces of streak, a bottle of fallen angel's blood, a sacrifice, and the dark sword that did not touch it.

The polluted blue anger: the original artifact, now A-class weapon.

Original attribute:

Lethality 124-126.

Special effects - a primary critical strike: 20% rate with a primary critical strike effect.

Special effect two frozen: After attacking the target, it will become 12 points of continuous damage, and cause 20% slowdown effect for 5 seconds.

Special effects three energy intake: attack target 10% probability to absorb the other party's mental strength 1 point.

Current properties:

Lethality 72-74.

Special effects - a primary critical strike: 10% rate with a primary critical strike effect.

Special effect two freeze: After attacking the target, it will produce 6 points of continuous damage, and cause 10% slowdown effect for 5 seconds.

Special effects three energy intake: attack target 10% probability to absorb the other party's mental strength 1 point.

Evaluation: This is a contaminated holy sword, which causes its power to be greatly reduced. If you can find the sacred spring water of the legend, wash away the evil on this sword, and restore its holiness, then its brilliance will bloom again.

Even the contaminated holy sword is a good weapon, but it doesn't make much sense to the broken blade team. Ten percent of the primary fatal blows, the Hong Kong's hegemony has the axe, and the chance is even doubled.

Therefore, Shen Qiang put the sword together in the hands of the lord: "If you want to use it, you can sell it if you don't want to use it. It is a good weapon to put it on the third difficulty."

A group of boys laughed and laughed and accepted.

As for the soul, Shen Yan gave it to gentle: "Try it."

Gentlely took over the soul and started using it.

Bloody Heraldic Tips:

"No. E3325 tries to use the spirit of fallen angels to enhance the bloodline."

"System testing, the soul is not the soul of the corresponding lineage, the use of the soul to improve, will have a certain non-standard impact on bloodline ability."

Gentle immediately asked: "Does it lead to pedigree variation?"

"The soul is not of pedigree, the safety factor is extremely high, and there is no pedigree variation."

"What are the consequences of non-standard upgrades?"

“It will cause you to be unable to use the official spirit to improve your strength.”

Shen Yan sighed and took the spirit of the spirit: "That is still the case, or use this **** soul to catch the debt of God."

Although this soul can not be used to enhance the power of other pedigrees, it is also a powerful prop that can upgrade weapons, resurrect corpses and other functions, the value is not low.

For the adventurer, the soul is never too much.

However, Hong Lang was still muttering: "It’s black, I guess the guy can’t agree. He can catch the soul of the gods. It’s not suitable for such a low-level.”

"Then it is no longer necessary to add bloodlines? The bloodline is equipped with the soul, it is enough." King Kong said.

Although the blood of the Iraqi bottle is the blood of the demon god, considering his performance of the slag, his bloodline is not very attractive to the broken blade team. It is better to exchange the **** net with the soul.

Speaking of arrogance, even if the friend is more concerned about catching the **** net, it will be agreed to use the blood system plus the soul.

Many things are said to be priceless, not for sale, or plain, or the price is not in place.

If you are willing to pay three million, the artifact can be sold to you.

However, it is the turn of the turn to be reluctant - he also wants to use this dragon to change the dragon pendant to the blood of the dragon. Although the blood of his dragon is 750 points, it is very bad, but Shen Yu does not mind that it will go against the sky.

He still likes the feeling of using the blood as a skill.

I thought about him and said, "Let's let go, let's see what the armor makers are giving."

The armor maker is the second SS of the Hell Furnace, and it is also the target they have to deal with below.

Since there are no branch tasks, it is much simpler to indulge in their actions, that is, killing them all the way. Since the carrier aircraft could not enter the Hell Furnace for pre-reconnaissance, Shen Yu had to send a large number of Terminators to open the way ahead.

As a four-level intermediate scene, the strength of the Hell Furnace monster has been significantly improved, and it has begun to show the strength of the four difficulty scenes.

There are monsters coming out all over the road, smashing into groups, and each one is powerful. If you look at the attributes alone, just come out with a monster that has about the full-featured 125 adventurer's strength, but there is no skill, the equipment is obviously lacking, and there is no medicine.

However, for the Broken Blade team, this level of monsters is not in their eyes.

In front of the Terminator is exploring the road, attracting firepower, two Tyrannosaurus Rex and Hornet Hera protect the two wings. Each time a monster is killed, Lao Meng will go up and peel the bones to make the undead, and then collect it in a serious manner. . Occasionally there are powerful monsters, and gentle will use the spell to control them. Her monster-controlled monster army has expanded at an unprecedented rate as she goes through the mission again and again, and now the number of monsters has broken through ten and continues to improve. According to their estimation, if the dark cleaning task is solved in ten days, the number of gentle spell control will reach 50 or so.

These monsters are generally used in a single strength, but when they come together to form a larger number and fight under the command of an adventurer, the ability to generate it can be quite amazing.

The aura of the fat man really plays a role in such a battle. With the addition of evil, glory and other auras, the risk-recovery speed of the adventurer is greatly accelerated. This kind of acceleration doesn't have much effect when fighting SS, but it can greatly reduce consumption in this long-lasting battle with less intense intensity.

In addition, they take turns to serve as the front line, taking turns to rest, so that there is almost no loss in all directions.

Four hours later, the joint force finally came to the end of the **** furnace, and the front was the armor maker.

Armor maker: life of 14,000, power 300, possesses skill ghost strike, sprint, belief aura, aura recovery, frozen special effects, toxin effects, lightning effects, resistance enhancement, damage rebound. Have weapons.

This guy is a typical Honglang-type macho. Most of his skills are mainly to strengthen ordinary attacks. It can also be regarded as a violent warrior in a monster. In combat, not only attack violence, but also various kinds of special effects such as ice/toxic lightning, and it has resistance enhancement, damage rebound and two defense capabilities, basically like ice-fire skills or ordinary melee damage, it is not effective for him. A weakening is a rebound attack.

Even so, he is actually weaker than Iger.

The easiest way to deal with monsters like armor makers is to have all the Terminator along with the ranged attack and kill it before he really gets the power.

The armor maker is also considered to be a thick and thick material. Although it is not a big SS of four difficulty levels, it is not so good to deal with.

It’s just a team made up of Murphys as the ultimate goal. If even the armor maker can't solve it easily, don't mention fighting.

Therefore, after encountering the armor maker, the adventurer is not nonsense, going up is a wild skill to greet, Shen Shen is also a **** to get rid of death, but unfortunately this did not work.

Although it was not as good as killing Yiluer, it took only a minute to get the opponent quickly, and even the medicine did not even drink a bottle.

After killing the armor maker, the goods broke out with a gold box, which is already the limit that the non-God SS can give.

There are also four things in the box, a medium sacrifice, two high-grade rhyolites, a halo of faith, and a hammer.

Faith Aura Reel: Active aura skill, which uses 10 points of defense against all enemy targets within 100 meters, and adds 5 points for each level, which can be superimposed with any defensive ability, up to level 3. Using this skill consumes 12 points of mental power, lasts for five minutes, and cools for ten minutes.

This scroll is good, naturally it is given to the fat, so that the fat aura of the fat has increased one more. As he became more and more aura, its additional effects became more and more obvious, and the benefits brought to everyone during the battle were also significantly improved. Nowadays, even fat people don't have to do anything. Just stand there and open the aura, and the power it brings will not lose any adventurer.

But the real good thing is the hammer.

Different from everyone's imagination, this is not a weapon.

Forged Hammer: This is the most popular hammer for the armor maker Haifas. It can be used to create a variety of weapons with magical abilities.

Forged Hammer: Damage 10-12.

Bring your own skills 1 forging: By smashing an identified piece of equipment, extracting some of the abilities contained in the equipment, and concentrating the attribute into another piece of equipment, the extracted ability depends on the smashed equipment level. The extraction level is 5 to 20 percent. With forging specialization can increase the degree of extraction.

Bring your own skills 2 Smash: Smash an unidentified item, you can transfer the own skills or special effects on the equipment to the user, the user temporarily gain the right to use the skill or special effects, but only in the current world. Disappeared after leaving the world. A skill or special effect requires a skill bar with at least one vacancy, or the skill corresponds to the user's occupation. If the user has similar skills, the power can be superimposed.

This is a props that can change the quality of the weapon, and the effect is extremely amazing. However, the use of forging skills requires forging specialization, which is a very special specialization ability, but the 18 people in front of them do not have this ability.

Fortunately, the crushing ability of this forged hammer does not require forging specialization.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu took an unidentified weapon used by a small monster from the ground. There is a special effect on it, which can make 5 fire damage to the individual target after use.

Sinking with a hammer, knocking on the weapon, launching the smashing skill, and then sinking to hear the **** coat of arms:

"You have acquired a low-level flame bonus effect, and the damage is increased by 5. This skill cannot be upgraded and disappears after leaving the world. This effect takes up one of your skill bar positions. You cannot learn other skills in this position until the skill disappears. ”

"Interesting." Shen Xiao chuckled, he noticed that there was already a flame impact skill on his skill bar, but the mark representing the skill was virtual, which means that this is not his real skill.

I thought about him and said, "Request to cancel the special effect."

"You will not be able to get the effect after you confirm?"

"No, just ask if there is any power."

Sinking casually replied, although there are not many flame attachments at 5 o'clock, it is also an additional injury. He is also a gunman. If each gun can bring 5 flame effects, the effect is quite good.

There are often such ribs in the little monsters. If it is too expensive to buy, it is still good.

Indulge in the crushing skills of the forged hammer, cooling time of three hours, not too short, but not too long. In other words, if you encounter any unidentified equipment with strong skills or special effects in the future, you can use this weapon to smash it.

Then he sighed long and said, "It's a pity."

It is a pity that he said that it is not that the forge hammer is not good enough, but it is so good that he can never use him to pay the debt of the soul net.

Isn't there anything worthwhile and we don't need the equipment to make me pay back the debt? This makes Shen Yan feel very painful.

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