Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 17: Blood of the devil

Entering the Chaos Refuge along the River of Fire, you can see Diablo is at the deepest point of the refuge. (

Different from the game.

In the game, if you want to play Diablo, you must open five seals first. Every time you open a seal, you have to face a large number of monsters. Only when you open all five seals, Diablo will appear in the center.

Perhaps it is a city modification, or it may be a task exemption. In short, Diablo is no longer needed to appear in this way.

Not only that, he is no longer single. In addition to Diablo himself, there are three small ss around him, the majestic chaos minister, the soul communicator and the king of Chennai. Along the way, there are a large number of soldiers, including the Doom Knight, the Forgotten Knight, the Demon King, the Styx Doll and other powerful monsters. The situation is exactly the same as the original Razmodan.

Group games have to have a group gameplay, you can kill a group of people, I naturally have to deal with a group of people.

Diablo has apparently noticed an enemy invasion outside, and he issued a roar of demonstrations to deter the enemy.

However, when he saw the person entering the refuge, the roar of screaming came to an abrupt end, and Diablo was as incredulous as the chicken who had caught his neck and looked at Shen Yu and others: "Is it you?" !"

"Wow." Honglang whispered: "He still remembers us. It seems that he really has memories of the last battle."

"Well," he snorted.

In this way, Diablo, who killed them, did complete the resurrection, but not in the three difficult battlefields, but in the chaotic refuge.

"I don't know if there is any blood in killing this guy now." King Kong muttered.

"I wonder if this is not easy?" Shen Xiao smiled and started a journey.

This is the special ability that the Supreme Council specially designed for him. It can predict the benefits given by the target after death. It’s just that the indulgence has always followed the principle of killing the mistakes, no matter what the goal, as long as it is to give benefits. Therefore, there is no need to waste that hundred blood points.

Only this time, Shen Yu wanted to know in advance what benefits would be given after killing this guy. I didn’t expect it to be a "fun" after use, but the search for a thousand miles did not show up.

The **** coat of arms has already suggested:

"The goal cannot be analyzed."

For the first time, Shen Yu’s use of Qian Lizhi’s search led to such a result, which made him not help.

He knew that this indicated that the existence of Diablo was indeed an abnormal situation.

The problem is... you **** to give me that one hundred **** points.

At this moment, Diablo screamed: "Do you dare to come back?"

Indulging in the previous step: "There seems to be no reason to dare, the last defeat will not be us."

"Bastard!" Diablo was angry and roared. In his memory, his last defeat was entirely due to the obscurity of these embarrassing human beings, and he was the projection of the soul, that is, fighting in the same way as the Hydra, so that he could not be revived after death. . In this case, he unexpectedly lost some of his power.

At this moment, he suddenly looked at King Kong and shouted: "It is you who steal my strength, **** the kid! Give me back my strength!"

He said that the big hand has been caught by King Kong.

He clearly has a distance of tens of meters from King Kong, but this moment his big hand stretched out and even broke through the space to hinder him from coming directly to King Kong. King Kong violently slammed and slammed against Diablo. Now he is not as strong as the first two difficulty. This is the next attack. King Kong is shocked by a palm. Diapo’s attack is also Did not get any benefit.

On the contrary, Shen Yan snorted: "The vitality is twenty-nine, the strength is 225, the defense is 115... It turns out that his strength has dropped."

Diablo's original life of 32,000, power 250, defense 130, is now reduced by about one-tenth.

This reduction is obviously unrelated to the soul, so the only thing that can be explained is that it is related to the bloodline of the demon that King Kong has acquired.

In other words, the bloodline obtained by the adventurer is, in fact, the original blood force of about one tenth of the target.

Shen Hao did not know what effect this discovery has. After all, it used to kill the other side to obtain the bloodline. It is rare to see that the other party is still alive after obtaining the other's blood. But in any case, there must be an inextricable link between the two, and it may be possible to explain the rule setting of the city in terms of bloodlines.

The rules are precisely the most important part of all information.

Just as you only know the law, you can play with the law.

However, Diablo has no interest in discussing the rules with Shen Shen. At this moment, he has failed to scream: "Kill them!"

Huge big monsters have swarmed.

In the eyes of Shen Yan, Li Guang flashed: "Let's see who killed who."

With a wave of his hand, a large number of Terminators are already on top, facing the monsters that rushed. At the same time Lao Meng, often brothers, Li Jianren and m7 have also joined the battle group, the Hornet, Hera and the two Tyrannosaurus are on the three small ss, only the broken blade team, Luo Sheng, Shi Mumu and Wei Na still gaze Diablo, who has not yet shot.

Let Luo Sheng and Shi Mumu be responsible for blocking Diablo with the Broken Blade team. The main reason is to look at the auxiliary ability of both of them. Diablo’s attack is extremely strong and requires strong support, while Weina is because Her own strength has also been quite strong in the three difficulties, and she has been qualified to work side by side with the Broken Blade team.

On the contrary, Lao Meng, while his undead spells are being upgraded, his own combat power is declining. In the face of such wild oss, it is better to stay away from it.

"Are you sure you don't need my helper?" Not far behind, Shen Zhentian embraced his arms and asked.

Shen Yu replied: "I don't need it for a while, I have to observe it first."

At this moment, with the start of the war, Diablo finally couldn’t hold his heart in anger, and with a big hand, he had already taken it to King Kong.

At this moment, his eyes are only King Kong.

At this moment, with Diablo's attack, Hong Lang, gentle, King Kong, Fat, Zhou Yiyu and Wei Na also attacked Diablo.

"Blood fever!" Honglang took the lead and rushed out. He launched his most powerful attacking skills and smashed it against Diablo. At the same time, his body flashed and he opened the Nether Shield.

It was followed by King Kong’s tyrants, gentle dark arbitration, and greetings to Diablo.

Only Shen Shen, he did not intervene when he looked at the battle with cold eyes.

He didn't even open the gun, he just kept watching Diablo.

This made Megatron deeply curious: "I don't understand what is good to observe."

"I want to see what is the relationship between the decline in strength and pedigree of this guy? Maybe we can find a way to improve the bloodline." Shen Yu replied.

In the urban system, there have been only two ways to improve the strength of the lineage.

A use of the soul. Second, exchange special items, wash off the existing lineage, and replace the better bloodline.

The former is subject to the spirit of the soul, the opportunity often misses once and then does not come, the latter pays a lot. Washing off the pedigree means that all the previous investments are wasted, unless the family is big, it is not worth it, not to mention that it is not cheap to wash off the blood.

However, when the coat of arms was customized for the first two days, he let Shen Shen realize that since the practice has a hidden promotion method, why can't the bloodline be?

I don’t know why the city wants to hide this content. It is reasonable to say that this is not conducive to the development of adventurers. It is not in line with the needs of the city, but it does not prevent him from looking for opportunities that may exist to make his own stronger.

As for the battle... To be honest, that is really not what he needs to care about now.

Nowadays, they are no longer the adventurers who need to use all kinds of props to compete with Diablo in the second difficulty. Even in the face of this fierce demon, they are not afraid of a positive battle.

What's more, now that Weina and other three people are helping, and there is another self and Megatron in the back. Diablo is not good at strong single attack, but now the strength is declining. If there is anything in this case too The big risk, then everyone washes back to sleep, and don't have to think about Bal and Murphys behind.

"Do you think that light can get what you want through this observation?" Megatron continued to ask.

"No." Shen Yan shook his head: "But I think Diablo may know something."

"He?" Megatron’s face was exposed to disdain: "He is not like me, is it a fantasy product of the world? How can he know the secrets about the world?"

"Because there are things that may not be secret to him, more likely to be instinct. Look..." He pointed to the battlefield ahead, where Diablo was fighting with everyone.

"See what?" Megatron is puzzled.

Shen Yan sighed: "Diapoluo's attack, you didn't notice it? He almost only played King Kong alone."

"Oh, I saw it, but what about it? This kid has his blood, he just wants to retaliate."

Shen Yan asked Megatron: "So if I **** your laser sword and then pass it on to my friend, do you hate me more, or hate my friend?"

"Of course you, you are the culprit!"

"The same is true for him. I was the culprit in killing him last time. He knows this, but you can see that he ignores me now."

Megatron "touched" the "touch" chin: "You also make sense when you say this, then why should he do this?"

"If you change to be in his position, is there any reason for you to be desperate to shoot him?"

Megatron was not an idiot at the end, and his eyes lit up and shouted: "Of course it is to grab my sword!"

"Yes!" Shen Hao nodded. "He is the same, he wants to take back his blood."

Because of the reason that Megatron shouted before, the conversation between the two of them was heard by the former belligerents. King Kong was shocked and shouted: "What do you say when you sink? Can this guy take my blood back?" ”

Shen Yanyang replied: "There is this possibility, but it seems that you have to kill you to do it."

King Kong shook his head: "Fuck, is he ss when he is old? Was he still dying after death?"

"It may not work for others, but it is possible for him, because it is the master of this lineage." Shen Yu has called Shi Mumu: "To protect King Kong!"

"Hey!" Hearing the indulging words, Diablo gave him an angry call, and the big hand took it again. This time, a little red light bloomed in his palm. It was a fiery star, and he slammed into King Kong. Shouted: "Return my strength to me!"

At the same time, he also launched the roar of the demon god. At the same time that the fire star hit the King Kong, it was also a Thunder purple power. It was obvious that he had to go all out to kill King Kong.

Not only that, but the chaos ministers who had been fighting with the Hornets, the soul communicators and the kings of the Chennai also issued their most powerful attacks against King Kong.

This next four-party pinch suddenly came, even the fat man's mental armor t1000 only blocked two attacks and smashed, while Diablo's ruined land and thunder and heavy punches have been launched, desperate to kill King Kong.

"Hey!" At a critical juncture, King Kong suddenly screamed and launched the power of bloodline transformation.


A series of three powerful attacks hit King Kong vomiting blood, but fortunately, there is a blessing of bloodline transformation, he finally spent this robbery.

But just as he was grateful, Diablo had laughed and grabbed him: "This is right!"

He pointed to the face of King Kong, and at the same time he sank the "color" change: "Not good!"

King Kong has spit out a blood.

This blood is different from usual, only one drop, but it flashes a strange energy light and flies straight to Diablo.

King Kong has already screamed: "My transformation time has been shortened!"

"Wei Zhentian!" Shen Yu has rushed over and rushed over, and the big hand that caught Diablo to Diablo was a few shots.

At the same time, Megatron’s right arm was lifted, and the laser cannon had locked Diablo’s fire.

The huge energy shock hit the Diablo, even if he was a demon **** can not bear, the mountain-like body was shocked to fly, watching the drop of blood swept away by hand, Diablo waved: "Do not!"

King Kong has opened his hand to the blood and said: "Come back!"

He never knew how to control his own blood, but this moment is just like Diablo.

But just after he pointed at it, the blood was in the air.

There is a door!

King Kong has a happy heart.

Shen Yu has called: "concentrate attention, feel the connection with it!"

King Kong took a long breath and put all his spirits on himself and the blood. The others all rushed to the madness to stop Diablo from giving him the opportunity to chaos.

In the meantime, King Kong felt that he had a spiritual connection with the blood, and seemed to be able to control the movement of the blood far away.

He tried to order the blood "liquid" to return to his body, and the blood was moving in the air.

At this time Diablo has once again pointed at the blood, the blood is obviously more subject to Diablo, King Kong can no longer control it, blood drops have been directed to Diablo Fly away.

Diablo, a big mouth, swallowed the blood, and then released a smirk: "Ha ha ha ha, my strength is back!"

At that moment, King Kong obviously felt that as the blood "liquid" entered Diablo's body, in his body, more blood of the demon **** was boiling, and he faintly connected himself to the other party.

"It turned out to be like this!" King Kong spirited, he finally understood something.

The next moment he screamed: "It is not only possible to kill the other party. As long as it is in the state of transformation, the blood is stimulated, the blood of the same kind can be plundered each other! This is the best way to improve the bloodline, attacking its heart. , there is the concentration of the blood of the devil."

He looked at Diablo, and he had "showing" the color of the bloodthirsty blood: "You grab a drop of blood from Laozi, and I want you to pay 10,000 drops!"

"The hammer of the storm!" King Kong has already hammered toward Diablo.

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