Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 28: resurrection

The first battle took a very short time and took only about ten minutes. /very literature /

The two sides compete in one of the simplest and most cruel and bloodiest ways, that is, to put skills and see who will fall first.

But the next battle can no longer be done in this way.

Whether it is Shen Yu, Hong Lang, or other people, in fact, with the fall of Barr, entered a period of weakness after the release of skills.

This period of weakness has a limitation of cooling time and a limit of mental retardation.

The previous problem could not be solved, but the latter problem has a solution.

Just as the spirit of Barr flew outside of Harrogas, the M7 and the Dragon Tooth team also ran over.

Luo Sheng pointed to a finger of Shen Jinang and others.

Mental Transfer: You can transfer your mental power to a specific target, or transfer the mental power of others to yourself. There is no cooling time for this skill.

With the help of spiritual transfer, Luo Sheng took the spiritual power of the lords and other people who watched the battle, and then transferred to King Kong and others to make up for their previous consumption, which is one of the methods they used to solve the shortcomings.

In this battle, the m7 and the Dragon Tooth team are mainly responsible for the spiritual supply.

"He ran out of Harrogas. What should he do now?" Luo Sheng said while transferring the spirit to Wei Na.

Shen Shen looked at the distant sky, and the soul flies to the top of the wilderness outside Harrogas and has begun to reunite.

At this time, they are still in the attack range of the demon gun, but these guys feel very guilty. After eating a loss, even if they are condensed, they maintain the high flying ability, which makes the attack difficult to work, but it will be wasted. Valuable energy.

Shen Xiao smiled: "He is not Murphys, it is the ultimate ss is not hidden ss, killing the invader is his talent mission, don't worry, he will come back."

Even if the home world does not have the task limit of the city to the demon, but for the final ss Bar, the basic condition of killing the adventurer is impossible to change.

Balkuran wants to transfer the battlefield to the outside of Harrogas, but he will not give up the strategic position of the transfer point.

In the case of the two, the adventurer has an innate advantage.

Therefore, the final situation can only be that Balfour resurrected outside the city and then flew back to the city to fight. It is impossible to transfer the battlefield.

The resurrection of Barr in the distance has come to an end.

Shen Hao quickly said to m7: "He wants to complete the resurrection, and you will return to the transfer point."

M7 and the Dragon Tooth team retreat at the same time.

At this time, Balga’s body shape has entered a comprehensive re-condensation.

He stood in the desolate wilderness and sent a look of hatred and hatred towards Harrogas.

Then he roared in the sky and the next moment he was transferred to Harrogas again. This time he was sent directly to the m7 and others. //

The blood on his body was mad, and he was stunned in his heart: "Carry!"


A **** ocean has enveloped the entire sky.

No one expected that Barr would attack them on m7, and that one shot is the strongest **** move.

At the same time as the bloodstream, everyone starts and leaves at the same time.

However, the little nurse was slowed down. Under the strong impact of the **** river, her body flew toward the sky...

"Nurse!" Shen Yu had a heartache and long call.

"Hey!" Barr has smugly screamed.

He finally killed the other person.

For Bar, who has 56 lives, this is a great victory. He wants to kill all these wicked bastards.

At this time, Shen Yu has rushed over like lightning.

Bal returned to glare and sighed, and said: "This is your destined ending!"

He has rushed over to the sinking, and the big hand is smashing.

"Get out of the way!" Shen Yu instantly rushed out a hundred meters away, his body slammed short, drilled from Bal's armpit, suddenly grabbed Bal's big foot and jerked him up.

The big guy is ten meters tall and weighs in tons. But under the shackles, he is actually picked up by him. He is holding a few laps of Barr’s feet and slamming into the ground. At one click, the bar was plunged into the city ground.

"Bastard!" Barr climbed up from the ground angrily. He hadn't fully got up yet. A laser cannon in the distance had slammed into his chest and slammed him.

A group of people have hurryed to catch up and the war started again.

Sinking has rushed over to hug the little nurse at this time.

She is already dead.

Under the powerful blow of the blood river, the little nurse did not even have the chance to recover, and was killed by a blow.

In the talker, the rumor of the lord’s heartbreaking pulse came: "Sink, the nurse is dead!"

"I know..." Shen Xiao whispered, "Don't worry, I can save her."

It is said that Shen Shen has taken out the soul of the fallen angel.

The soul has the ability to resurrect the dead, but there is a limit to the time of death and the corpse must be complete.

It must be thankful that although the Blood River is a high-killing skill, it only targets vitality but does not have the effect of limb separation.

The soul of the fallen angel was gently placed on the chest of the little nurse, quietly hidden.

Then the little nurse's body released a ray of light.

As the light faded away, the body of the little nurse did not move.

Shen Shen was shocked.

This is also the first time he used the soul of God, do not know what is going on.

Anxious in my heart.

at this time,

The little nurse suddenly yelled, her body moved in her arms, and then she suddenly opened her eyes and shouted, "I am dead!"

The screaming breath gasped out: "Yes... but lived again."

The little nurse looked at Shen Shen slyly, then she grabbed the sinking neck and gave him a deep kiss.

This kiss with the passionate feelings of the girl wild and unrestrained, the hot body full of youth has completely penetrated into the indulging arms, and the nose can still smell the seductive atmosphere of the nurse.

The little girl's tongue is more flexible and leisurely swimming in the indulging mouth, provoke the feelings of indulging in the heart, in the context of this **** battle, actually let Shen Yan have an uncontrollable impulse.

Fortunately, he can finally restrain himself.

For a long time, the nurse reluctantly left Shen's lips. She looked at Shen Shen and whispered, "Thank you, Shen Da Ge."

Sinking and flicking the nurse's forehead with his fingers: "Get out of here."

The nurse then quit the sullen embrace and stepped back. Her figure has disappeared at the transfer point.

Sinking, this turned back to go to Bal.

The two sides are killing at this time.

Seeing the sinking, Honglang whistled: "Wow, the children on the battlefield add a third party to join the foot, the iron and the fire in the chivalrous tenderness and then add to death, save a thousand dollars only to win the return of the red... ... I said the boss, you can write the story of this dog blood."

"Close your mouth and fight." Shen Yan replied with a sigh of relief: "It is usually the same as a pig. It is a time of extraordinary literary grace."

He glanced at the gentle, gentle but just smile.

She actually laughed.

Sinking is a bit strange.

Gentle has replied in a loud voice: "Don't think that anyone else's vinegar is eaten. If you want to open the harem, I can accept her to join."

A sword smashed out and was kneeling on Barr, screaming the opponent's crazy howl.

Sinking with a black line: "I have no plans to open a harem."

Zhou Yiyu has called: "Don't mind, boss, every man has his own harem dream."

Shi Mumu immediately asked: "So Ivy? One of your future harems?"

Zhou Yiyu shut up immediately.

The bumblebee suddenly said: "He is right, every man has a harem dream, this is not wrong."

I didn't expect the bumblebee to say this, everyone is a glimpse.

The bumblebee seems to be able to feel everyone's surprise, and then said: "Don't look at me like this, it's not about justice!"

"Then you have to be close to Heratdor." Shen Xiao smiled.

The bumblebee looked at Hera, who couldn't see the distance, and then shook her head: "Oh, no... if every woman is like her, I would rather play bachelor."

"What are you talking about?!" Hera yelled out in anger: "You dare to look down on me, you bastard!"

Megatron has laughed and said: "I like your temper, Hera Baby, I still insist on my initial proposal, you can always be my queen."

"Oh, Megatron, you don't have a soldier under your hand!" Hera picked up her proud heavy metal lips.

Megatron eats cockroaches. He looks at the bumblebee and nods. "This woman really hates it. Which pot does not open the pot?"

King Kong also smiled: "The most Chinese words in Megatron are more beautiful."

They were joking while fighting, and they did not put Barr in their eyes, and they were not very angry.

The blood in his body is the harbinger of the second blood movement.

Shen Yu has taken out the Heiner bottle and is aiming at Barr.

The spurting blood of the sea just spewed out, just like a trickle into the bottle of the Heiner bottle, disappeared instantly.

When he stayed in Bar, he did not expect that his most powerful attack would be eliminated by the other party. Shen Shen has slowly put away the bottle: "Save the soul and soul skills, that will at least allow you to rise again several times. From now on, you The blood river is no longer able to kill anyone."

"This is impossible!" Barr snarled.

"There is nothing impossible, even if you have the ability to use it!" Shen Yu has already shot out and shot at Ballian.

Although Bar does not want to admit it, it is an undeniable fact that the adventurers who have been killed again have been fully prepared for all their abilities.

His hoarfrost was weakened, scarlet lightning was weakened, the wrath of the Styx was diverted, the illusion was restrained, the decaying branches were restrained, and even the blood river was restrained.

Of course, he still has expectations, and perhaps the kind of peculiar bottle that can restrain his own spirit has a very limited number of uses.

So when he was resurrected again, he did not hesitate to use the spirit again.

The battle was in full swing, from the day to the night, when Barr was resurrected for the sixth time, he finally saw the bottle burst.

Barr screamed proudly: "What tricks do you have to deal with now?"

Another **** river.

Then he saw that Shen Yan took out the second Heiner bottle still absorbed.

Barr is completely stupid.

At this moment, Bar finally realized that the preparation of the other party was far from his imagination.

Perhaps the only chance he can win the opponent is to delay the time and fight the war of attrition.

Even if there are other two teams to provide them with mental strength, their mana will always have a time to exhaust, and by then, it is his chance to fight back.

Perhaps because of this, when he was resurrected again, he did not use the blood river again.

This makes Shen Wei very satisfied.

What he wants is this effect.

After destroying Barr again, Shen Yu looked at the soul of the distantly reduced number and said: "Withdrew, come here today, let's continue tomorrow."

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