Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 53: Sleepless night in New York (seven)

In order to deal with the magnetic king, Shen Yu can be said to be racking his brains.

The most powerful and powerful place of Wanwang is that he can disarm all the adventurer's weapons.

This is very deadly for the adventurers.

Whether it is a sinking spirit gun, a vampire touch, or a Honglang D-class axe, or other people's gun weapons, all have metal components, all of which are controllable. When you run into the magnetic king, all these weapons can't be used, and the strength will be abolished by a large part. In addition, even the rings they wear have metal components. As long as the magnetic king is willing, all the adventurers can lose their helmets.

The only way to compete with the Wanwang is to not use any metal weapons.

In this regard, Shen Hao did not think of a way.

For example, looking for ceramics and plastic guns, the problem is that these things can't help the adventurer to work at all, but it is more suitable for the second airborne camp soldiers.

Therefore, the best way to deal with the magnetic king is to attack with bare hands.

In this case, Shen Yu discovered Xie Hongjun, who has the ability to divide the bones.

If it is for someone else, Shen Hao has already killed Xie Hongjun.

But at this critical moment, Shen Yu has to consider the big picture.

Therefore, he chose to pretend that he did not see that An Wen was harmed by Xie Hongjun, but took the initiative to bring Xie Hongjun to join him. According to his plan, he first used Xie Hongjun to fight against Wang Wang, and then killed Xie Hongjun after the matter was resolved. For this reason, he did not say anything, and he kept this secret, that is, he was afraid that someone would leak the wind.

Unexpectedly, Xie Hongjun was so cautious, and he was determined not to show his own staggered hands in front of them, and even took the initiative to run.

After the second wave of the mutants, Xie Hongjun was ready to leave. He didn't want to kill them and fight against the King. The hands of a million magnetic kings can make everyone play so hard, and it is completely imaginable that the magnetic king himself will be horrible.

The reason why he wants to take the fat man away is because the fat man is dead, there are fifteen people left in the eastern district, and the minimum guarantee is there. Take away Jerry, and you can safely kill and kill. There is a million magnetic king, he is expected to sink and others will die this time. Even if they are catching up alive, they are not worried about what they are. As long as the mission is over and back to the city, he will not have to be afraid of anyone.

However, I did not expect that his forefoot had just left, and Shen Shen chased him up, and he was so hurry and so tight.

At this time, Shen Yu said, everyone suddenly realized that Xie Hongjun also stayed for a while, and finally laughed out loudly: "You are indeed a very difficult guy to deal with, but I have two lives in your hand now, you dare to move me, they It’s dead.”

Sinking looked at each other with a playful look: "Is it? Unfortunately, I don't think so. Xie Hongjun, I will give you the last chance..."

Xie Hongjun shouted: "Shut up! Don't expect me to let go."

There is a weird color on the face of Shen Yan: "Let's let go? Who said that I let you let go. What I said is that I will give you the last chance, and you will pass me the wrong hand."

"What are you talking about?" Everyone was shocked.

Shen Yu has been cold and cold: "The difference between the exercises and all the abilities is that it can be directly taught by adventurers. We generally study exercises, which are directly cultivated after paying **** points and cheats, but apart from this. There is also a method that is taught by the adventurer who masters such exercises. However, there are many restrictions on the method of teaching. The first method of teaching can not be improved. Secondly, an adventurer can only teach one skill. The law, and the adventurer who is taught the practice can no longer be passed on to others. The last is to pass the exercises to other adventurers, which will result in a drastic drop in the power of the exercise. Of course, this decline can be It’s made up by cultivation, but it’s costly. I’m right, Xie Hongjun?”

"How did you know?"

"Because I also have a book of exercises!"

For the sake of the feather dragon snake, Shen Yu can be said to have no headaches.

In the days of the city, in addition to the exercise skills, he has been inquiring about the exercises, so he will know the secret of Xie Hongjun's distraction. Despite his limited knowledge, he has learned a lot about the information collection process. For example, the method of distraction, skills, such as exercises can be directly taught by adventurers. Although the exercises can be taught by adventurers, they are limited in their ability to continue their cultivation, and they need to pay the price of their own strength. Therefore, few people will do so.

But today's situation is somewhat different.

The skeletal hand is a skill-like method. Skill-based exercises are much higher in terms of initial value than in the heart-like class, while the mind-like class must gradually discover value in cultivation. For Shen Yu, in the face of the threat of Wan Wang, if he can have the wrong hand, even if it is only the most basic, it is also effective growth in strength.

After all, he is no longer able to use Xie Hongjun.

At this moment, he said this, Xie Hongjun looked at Shen Yu slyly, and he suddenly laughed wildly: "Sink, you are! Your own person is in my hands, you dare to ask me for a practice. You **** when I am Is it a fool? I will give you the exercises. If you kill me, you will not be more scrupulous. You want to be beautiful! You should first consider how to save your people."

"I don't have to think about it at all. Xie Hongjun, do you really think you have mastered the situation?"

"You don't have to scare me, I won't be yours."

"Frightened?" Shen Yan smiled and shook his head: "You can see yourself too much, remind you, you made a mistake that was the same as we used to."

"What?" Xie Hongjun stayed.

Sinking spit out a word: "Look at the child."

Look at the child?

Xie Hongjun was shocked and looked down at Xiao Jerry in his arms.

At this moment, a painful pain in his back, Xie Hongjun shouted, and looked back, the start is a slippery slender snake, the triangle head is facing him the sound of magnetic magnetic threat.

Xie Hongjun fiercely pinched and smashed the snake head. At this moment, Xiao Jerry suddenly bite on the back of Xie Hongjun's hand. Xie Hongjun instinctively let go, Xiao Jerry immediately ran towards Shen Shen.

Xie Hongjun was in a hurry and grabbed Jerry in the backhand. He used the power of the skeletal hand. Once Jerry was caught by him, he immediately broke the ribs. I didn’t expect it at this time. A black shadow rushed toward Xie Hongjun's face.

A crow fluttered on Xie Hongjun's face, blocking his eyes and licking his eyes.

Xie Hongjun was unable to prevent it, and an eyeball was actually smashed out by the crow, and his face instantly became bloody.

His "ah!" screamed, grabbed the crow with his backhand and tore it in half.

However, the trouble has not ended. The next moment, Xie Hongjun’s voice has been heard.

At least dozens of big mice didn't know where to run out, and they flocked to Xie Hongjun and climbed into his pants.

Xie Hongjun screamed and jumped.

He finally lost the opportunity to finally catch the little Jerry.

At the same time, they also suddenly shot.

Gentle and long whip, wrapped around the small Jerry who flew, and he flew him over. King Kong and Hong Lang both rushed to Xie Hongjun, and Shen Yan screamed and said: "I want to live."

Xie Hongjun knows not to run anymore, I am afraid that there will be no chance to run in the future.

He ignored the entanglement of the crow rat snake and turned away.

I didn't expect the foot to be tight at this time.

Xie Hongjun's heart was cold, looked down, and saw the fat man Luo Wei is holding his thigh, his cold eyes staring at him.

Xie Hongjun shouted, the right wrist turned, the thumb and the **** were looped, and the cockroaches were pinched toward the throat of the fat man. This hand is the lock throat of the hand in the wrong bone. With the current physical condition of the fat man, most of the blows are mortal. He didn't expect to kill the fat man, he only hoped to force the fat man to let go, so that he could escape.

I didn’t expect the fat man to know where to come. In the face of this fierce and daring attack, what he did was to lower his head and use his head to hit the fingers of Xie Hongjun. While avoiding the attack, he took a bite. On the thigh of Xie Hongjun.

This bite was bitten and heavy, and Xie Hongjun’s screaming painful roar.

The left hand turned over, the skill was launched, and the beating was on the fat man.

The fat man suffered this blow and his vitality plummeted. Fortunately, the indulging medical bomb hit his body at the same time, and he saved his life.

The next moment, Honglang King Kong arrived, Xie Hongjun no longer had the opportunity to attack the fat man. At the same time, the gentle whip had also saved Jerry, and screamed with Xie Hong’s bullets to Xie Hongjun...


Although Xie Hongjun is still resisting, the defeat has already appeared.

After all, it’s a pair of five. Even the adventurers in the two difficulty areas can’t say that they can compete with the adventurers of the five first difficulty areas.

When King Kong hit a heavy blow on Xie Hongjun, Hong Lang’s screaming arrogance almost violently beat Xie Hongjun. If it wasn’t for the time of obscurity, watching the attention to Xie Hongjun’s life changes, and pulling this guy in time, I’m afraid Xie Hongjun would really be killed by him.

When everyone stopped, Xie Hongjun’s life had fallen below 10%, lost most of his ability to move, lying on the ground and dying.

He lay on the ground, looking at the sky with a single eye, and gasping for a big breath.

The sinking figure slowly appeared in front of him.

One foot slammed on his chest, and Shen said: "Teach me the wrong bones. I will give you a good time."

Xie Hongjun’s spit out blood, grinning: “You can either let me go, or you can’t get anything.”

Shen Yan shook his head: "In this case, you will die."

Xie Hongjun stayed, Shen Yu had already hit his chest. The force of this palm is in place, just interrupting his two sternum, but not hurting the internal organs.

Xie Hongjun’s pain almost fainted, but Shen Yu grabbed Xie Hongjun’s hand and whispered: “I usually don’t like to torture people, but occasionally, I will use some methods that I don’t want to deal with. Kind of treatment...if you are still a human."

With a bang, Xie Hongjun’s finger has been cut off by him.

Gentle and timely caught Jerry's eyes and prevented him from seeing this **** and cruel side.

The torture is still going on, sinking one by one, pinching off Xie Hongjun’s fingers, his toes, and then his wrists and ankles. Although I don't know how to make a mistake, I don't know how to effectively and quickly remove the other joints. How can I find the weak parts of the other's limbs? However, this rough work will bring more pain to Xie Hongjun. .

Just a small moment, Xie Hongjun has become a blood man.

His whole body's skin is oozing blood, and the whole person has become a boneless chicken. He can't move any more. He screams: "Kill me! Kill me! You are a creature, you have no humanity! You are Wang Ba Egg! You have the ability to kill me!"

If you are ignorant, you are only studying the human skeleton and its composition.

When Xie Hongjun’s right calf cheekbones were sunk, his life had fallen to the bottom line.

Indulging in sinister medical practice, it is just to save this dying guy back.

"Don't worry, we have time." Shen Yu's cold words, such as the cold winter, Xie Hongjun trembled.

"Kill me... I beg you... kill me...!" Xie Hongjun was lying on the ground.

He has not expected Shen Shen to let him go, only hope to die.

Death is not the most terrible.

"An Wen also said this to you?" Shen Yan looked at Xie Hongjun, his eyes were cold and without emotion: "Give me the wrong bones and hand over all the equipment, I promise you, give you a happy."

Xie Hongjun gasped and sighed, and he laughed.

One eye squinted into the sinking, and he spit the **** mouth full of mouth: "Sinking... You really... enough... I know... I am not...what...good things...but...just in This... **** city... staying long... who is... good bird... sinking... you want me to... hand over the exercises... equipment... good to deal with... million magnetic king... …This is impossible."

Sinking only slowly and replied: "I have the patience to try, and my friends and I don't mind getting your scum more painful and tormented. If you don't get it, it doesn't matter. It's a enjoyment process. Didn't you say it yourself, is it a good thing to hear people's wail? I feel very good now."

Sinking slowly crossed the face of Xie Hongjun with the touch of a vampire. He said in a stern tone: "I never thought about tormenting others before. I learned it today. I heard that if one's technology is good enough. It is possible to protect the next person's skin and ensure that the other party does not die. Therefore, in the ancient peeling penalty, there is a saying that it is stripped twice. However, peeling is not the most famous. In ancient Chinese punishment, the most famous one is Ling Chi. I heard that. It’s not enough to kill three thousand eight hundred knives, and one less knife is technically inadequate. I want to try these things on you... I don’t have any harm in learning more things. Right, forget that you are an adventurer, I estimate You can afford more knives."

Xie Hongjun’s pupil was magnified by extreme panic, and he screamed: “Even if you are doing this... I won’t... agree... but... if you can... promise me one thing... I’ll... ..."

"That depends on what it is." Shen Yu did not move.

Xie Hongjun struggled to get up and was close to Shen Yan’s ear and said, “Take my death... to the ordinary area... Go... tell a... called Xie Rongjun’s... adventurer... tell him"

Xie Rongjun?

Shen Yu looked at Xie Hongjun: "Who is he?"

Xie Hongjun laughed happily.

His smile, affecting the wounds on his body, hurts even more: "My brother... my... invincible...big brother..."

Shen Yan shook his head: "I am not interested in finding trouble for myself. The things on your body are not enough. I am taking such a risk. I am sorry to let you down."

"Wait!" Xie Hongjun screamed with all his strength: "I have something on it... you definitely need... that's right for you... it's important to you..."

Indulge in a look at Xie Hongjun: "Do you know what we need?"

"Team contract... you need this!" Xie Hongjun answered with a bite.

Team contract?

Shen Hao and others stayed on time.

The team contract, as the name implies, knows that it is used to form a real team.

It's not a spontaneous combination, it's a truly effective combination that is recognized by the city.

All along, there is actually a flaw in their hearts.

It is because of the different military ranks and the different military strengths, which lead to different time zones for entering the two difficult areas.

Like this time, Shen Yu, Hong Lang and King Kong are all superior soldiers. Among them, Shen Yu needs to get a perfect task to promote the corporal into the second difficulty. Hong Lang needs an excellent performance. King Kong only needs one ordinary performance and can be promoted to ~www. and gentle, she still needs two perfect performances to be promoted.

This leads to different time for everyone to enter the second difficulty, and it is bound to cause the task to be impossible together for a period of time.

With a team contract, adventurers can form a formal team and enter the same mission world.

The difficulty of the mission world is based on the average military strength.

With this thing, Shen Yu will no longer have to worry about separating them before entering the second difficulty.

"How come you have this thing?"

Xie Hongjun smiled: "Of course... it's me... my brother... give me... and that... the secrets of the law... together... give it to me."

"Why don't you join his team?"

"Team contract... the level difference... can't exceed... two levels... otherwise... invalid..." Xie Hongjun gasped in a big breath: "My brother... hope... I can... here... set up... team ... I am too... greedy... Kill them... I want to catch up... My brother... Like him... Powerful... It seems... It’s impossible...”

He grabbed the indulgent hand and used all his strength to say: "If you agree... just sign an agreement with me... I will give you all..."

Sinking back and looking at Honglang King Kong.

"What do you say?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Honglang loudly said: "I am afraid of him! Not a common area of ​​dregs. After this pass, Laozi will enter the ordinary area! Sign it and see who is afraid of it. When his brother dares to come Trouble, even his brother killed together!"

Shen Yan then look at King Kong, King Kong nodded.

Then it was a gentle, stubborn one, which fully demonstrated her attitude.

Shen Qian thought about it and turned back to Xie Hongjun: "You will be five minutes longer, and you will be able to survive."

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