Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 55: The last battle (2)

When the battle came, it came suddenly, violently, without any warning.

The artificial lake in Central Park, the waves of the waves, such as the tide of the sea, instantly burst into a huge wall of water, pressed against the adventurers.

The sinking turned and the gun shot at the lake.

The bullets hit the water wall like a meteor, and disappeared without a trace.

The overwhelming water wall suddenly involved everyone in this sudden "lake whistle", and the raging torrent of the torrents was like breaking the water and falling leaves to instantly scatter everyone.

On the far side of the lake, there were three figures in the air. It was actually stepping on the surfboard to wind up the waves, and the speed was like a wind.

"It's a mutant!" King Kong screamed.

"Lick, you crow's mouth, you brought them in." Hong Lang screamed.

"What about me!" Lake's grievance answer.

The mouth is calling, everyone's actions are not slow. Everyone shot and fired at the three mutants in the lake.

At the same time, the three mutants took a look at the body, and they suddenly picked up a huge wave of water and waves, forming a flood peak. The bullets passed through the huge waves and they did not know where to fly. The three men shuttled through the water, the speed is faster and faster, obviously in the artificial lake of the city, but like surfing in the beaches of Hawaii, free to gliding. While passing through the huge waves, they fired at the adventurers, and the bullets screamed at them, and the speed was nearing the limit.

"Sinking!" King Kong shouted: "They move very fast, we can't target them!"

"Don't worry." Shen Yan ruthlessly fired a gun and shot a bullet at one of the mutants. The mutants have once again created a flood peak while they are shooting, and while the lake is rolling on the shore, they are taking the opportunity to walk through the water. Unexpectedly, the bullet whistling in the air and turned a corner. He even ran into the flood peak along the sliding track of the mutant, and chased it from the rear, and rushed into the body of the mutant.

The mutant screamed and insisted that he would not fall, but a wave was hit, but he was completely plunged into the water.

The sinking is two consecutive shots into the water. I saw a few red blood in the water, and the mutant disappeared in the water.

A mutant is dead, and the waves are much smaller. Sinking and picking up the novice gun, the huge waves in the distance are two shots.

Huge smog is generated in the water, and the two surfers who are surfing are lost and can't see the surroundings.

When they rushed out of the flood peak, they suddenly found that their partners were rushing toward themselves, and then they could not restrain themselves from screaming.

A loud bang, the heads of the two mutants slammed together on the lake...

At the same time, everyone shrank their necks, revealing an unbearable expression, as if they were feeling the same - they would not be able to withstand the adventures at such a high speed.

Two bullets hit the two mutants.

The lake retreated.

"How come three?" Gentle asked.

Sinking and dumb, the scorpion replied: "If you are standing in front of you, the big troops may come soon."

The voice just fell, a large number of vehicles roaring outside the Central Park came, and listening to the sound of the motor, you know that a large number of variants are coming.

On the far side of the lake, six speedboats were also screaming, and three helicopters flew in the air.

The mutants under the hands of Wan Wang Wang made a big move, and they actually killed them from the three directions of water, land and air. They were grand and even more than the psychological expectations of Shen Yu.

On the first yacht, Wan Wang Wang held his hand and stood up to look at them with a sly look.

"Mom, they really can see us." Lake screamed.

King Kong turned his back and looked at Xiao Jerry. He snorted: "What kind of task is this little guy, how can it bring so much trouble, so difficult?"

"All are urban arrangements."

Honglang refers to Shen Yu: "Are you a super-hard task magnet? It always attracts big troubles... I have to do this with you after I finish this wave."

Gentle and tightly tightened the gun in his hand: "I hope to have a good return."

Feller yelled: "Turn me off, I was kidnapped by you! Damn, I should have left you early!"

Sinking: "Don't complain, do it."

Everyone is shooting at the same time.

A bullet arc illuminates the night sky of the city, whizzing to the lake.

People in the distance are completely indifferent.

The magnetic king just lifted his hand gently, and the bullets that screamed in the air stagnate in the air, as if they were flying into a mass of colloidal air, condensed, including the flame bullets that were shot by the sinking. The control of the magnetic king.

The so-called expert polar gun specialization has no meaning in front of Wan Wang.

Thousands of bullets on the lake surface hovered into a huge fan-shaped void, and the fingers of Wanwang Wang gently turned, and all the bullets turned in the same direction, aiming at Shen Yu and others.

"Hell, you know it will be like this." Hong Lang whispered.

It’s not that I don’t know that the magnetic king can control the bullets. It’s just that everyone will try to try it out before they can completely use the heart of normal weapons.

The next moment, the bullet that had been shot at the magnetic king was whistling and flew back.

"Get out of the way!" With the loud screams, everyone shoveled to the sides.

The bullets whistled from the top of their heads, rubbing them around, and the slamming bumps hit the lakeshore, playing with debris.

At the next moment, everyone put the gun back into the **** coat of arms at the same time, and the ceramic gun and the plastic gun were in their hands.

They fired again at Wanwang.

"Oh? Is this your loyalty?" Wan Wang Wang’s mouth smirked with a disdainful smile.

An iron ball suddenly flew into the air, bursting into numerous tiny lead pellets in the air, and slamming into the bullets.

There are countless starlight fire spots in the air.

All the plastic bullets that were shot at the Wanwang King were all knocked down by these tiny iron pellets, and none of them were missed.

After hitting all the bullets, the tiny iron beads dancing in the air are like thousands of fireflies flying in the air, as if they have life surrounded by the magnetic king, floating with faint light, the night sky It’s flashing and flashing.

Looking at the gorgeous resistance of Wan Wang, everyone was dumbfounded.

Sure enough, the power of a person sometimes does not look at what you have, the key is how much you can play.

Wan Magnetic’s control of metal has been subtly refined to the extreme that humans cannot understand at all.

Honglang looked at the magnetic king in the heart of the lake, and said awkwardly: "Hey, King Kong, have you seen it? Can you do it?"

King Kong smiled and replied: "I can't even count how many bullets are cleared... Hell, I thought he would directly block a metal wall."

"That's really simpler, but it costs more energy." Shen Yu replied, thinking about it, he added: "Does he also have a sophisticated talent?"

Forcing the bullets to retreat, Wan Wang gently shook his fingers and all the speedboats stopped.

It seems that he does not intend to shoot immediately.

At this time, a large number of mutants outside the Central Park finally appeared.

On the top of a Porsche Cayenne, a long-haired woman wearing a black leather trench coat, wearing dark sunglasses, holding a samurai sword, looking at them with arrogance, is Angelica.

With the self-proclaimed identity of Wanwangwang, the fight is to make the small soldiers charge differently. When Angelica sees them, they are red.

Angelica jumped into the air, and the samurai sword in his hand made a knives wind and went straight to the adventurers.

With the attack of Angelica, a large number of mutants drove motorcycles and the off-road vehicles rushed toward them.

Shen Hao suddenly turned back and shouted: "Open fire!"

In the woods on the banks of the lake, a large number of soldiers in the second airborne camps appeared, and they shot at the rushing mutants.

The bullets flying in the sky were densely woven into a giant net in the air, and the stalkers were rushed to the rushing mutants. Several mutants were dodge. On the spot, they were beaten into horses and planted in the sky. The body opened a big blood hole, crazy direction. Foreign blood stasis.

However, most of the mutants are not afraid of fire attacks, and continue to pounce like tides.

Some of them are as hard as iron, ordinary bullets can't be penetrated, let alone these weakened plastic bullets, and some people are super fast, like swimming in the rain, free to go. The leading Angelica card is waving the samurai sword and shooting all the bullets in close proximity. Occasionally, she will not have much influence on one or two shots.

She is like a female Valkyrie, bravely rushing to sink.

Just as the knife waved in the sinking, the side of the sinking flashed a tall man in front of him.


A clear knife and axe collided with the sound, and An Jielika was sure to be blocked by a knife.

It is Hong Lang.

"Sorry, your opponent is him." Shen Xiao laughed.

The best way to deal with the ultra-strong opponents of Angelica is to be strong and strong. Honglang is the most powerful and melee-skilled adventurer of all. Although his speed is not as fast as An Jielika, he can make up for it through the violent effect. The high strength of his own makes his offensive and defensive ability extremely high, which is the best opponent against Angelica. Angelica can be played with a pair of two, and it is not an opponent, but it is a lot harder to win the flood.

Everyone has their own specialties, and Shen is good at team melee. Honglang is good at one-on-one melee fighting.

At this moment, welcoming Angelica, Honglang immediately turned on the violent effect, and the vitality dropped sharply in half to increase the speed of the increase. It was already fiercely fighting with Angelica. Shen Yu is stepping back and not looking at it. The left pistol has sent two medical bullets into the Honglang body to restore vitality, and then immediately put back the **** coat of arms.

He is really afraid that the magnetic king will also start his gun that seems to be useless.

Fortunately, Wan Wang Wang looks not so boring.

Just blink of an eye, An Jielika and Honglang have been attacking more than ten times, An Jielika cut the Honglang three knives, Honglang also cut An Jelika axe.

Although he started the violent effect, he was still inferior in speed compared to Angelica. However, when it comes to anti-strike ability, he far exceeds Angelica. The injury failed to make this big man afraid, but his heart raised a more fanatical war.

He put out his tongue and licked his lips, screaming, and the skill axe slammed. Angelica’s knife instantly sparked a brilliant light. She blocked the axe, but could not stop the skill damage brought by the axe. It snorted and the bloodline popped up in the corner of the mouth. The samurai knife collapsed. A small gap.

An Jelika’s samurai sword was made by her famous sword-making master. She has always loved her treasure. She did not expect that there would be a collapse, which made her feel scared and angry.

She screamed, and the samurai sword in her hand was fiercely rushing to Honglang, and the speed was fast and fast. Honglang sideways dodge, I did not expect Angelica to have been deceived, the left hand fist hit the face of Honglang, hit the head of Honglang back, Anjielika hit it and hit On the nose of Honglang, he bumped into his nose and blood, then jumped up and kicked it, kicked his foot on the neck of Honglang, and kicked him back. As soon as An Jielika landed, the samurai sword slammed in a whirlwind. The offensive was like a wave, and the endless breath, even the chance of breathing, did not give Honglang a sigh of relief. "I haven’t slaughtered your man, so Do you work hard?"

An Jielika is entangled with Honglang, and a large number of variants have already rushed here.

A mutant man rushed in with a heavy-duty motorcycle, and the gun in his hand fired at the adventurer.

Gentle and delicate, swaying the long whip and rolling the other side, pulling the other side down the motorcycle hard, the mutant screams, flies along the whip to the gentle, a right fist suddenly rises like a washbasin, 狠狠砸To gentleness, I did not expect to be gentle and tossed, but instead of pulling him to himself, he threw him to Feller who was not far away. The mutant saw that Feller’s fist was infinitely big, and a punch hit him on his face, and he flew him out. The man did not land, the gun in the hands of King Kong had already opened fire, and the body of the mutant was stunned in the air. When he landed on the ground, he was already dead and could not die any more.

Another mutant jumped out, like a monkey jumping up and down the tree in the park, swinging from one tree to another, then leaping over the top of their head, flying over the top of the head. At the same time, the mutants threw a grenade at them and made a sly laugh.

King Kong had one hand and one finger, and the control was launched. The grenade in the air immediately settled, and then suddenly flew to the mutant, and slammed from behind.

A huge explosion, the transformation of the human flesh into the sky fluttering.

More and more variants are coming in. With the exception of Honglang and Angelica, the other adventurers each face several or even a dozen variants.

These mutants are more sturdy and brave than their previous encounters, and their combat methods are even more varied.

A mutant is as fast as a flash, moving freely through the crowd, punching around Feller, and Ferrer just turned his head, and the mutant has come to the other side of Feller, facing his face. The side of the department was another punch, and Feller’s pain was called: “Don’t hit my nose! Mom’s surgery!”

The mutants moved at a very fast speed, and they kept moving around the front and rear of Feller. They slammed Feller with one punch and another and beat Feller. Seeing that Feller had turned his head and turned his head, the mutant giggled a few times, and suddenly there was a sharp dagger in his hand, and he blew it to Feller’s throat.

At this moment, a bullet suddenly hit the mutant's dagger and opened the dagger.

The mutants stayed and found that they had lifted their guns at a distance.

Two shots were shot at the mutant.

The mutant body twisted, leaving a long afterimage in the original place, the bullet disappeared through the shadow, and the mutant had come to the sinking. He was so fast that he couldn’t react. He didn’t expect that when he came, Shen’s left hand stretched out, and the **** of the thumb were caught in a button-like shape and grabbed the space behind him. The mutant came to him as if he had taken the initiative to the sinking hand. He watched the **** of the sinking into his throat.

The **** are close together, and the force pulls outward. The deformed human tracheal blood vessels are simultaneously broken and the blood is mad.

The mutant wails and falls down, and he does not look at it. The right pistol has been fired at the side of the body and a screaming screamer has fallen.

"Good job! How did you do it?" Feller yelled.

"Confidential." Shen Hao rudely answered, and Feller shrugged helplessly.

The visual lock in the arc trajectory can quickly capture the position of the opponent regardless of the displacement of the opponent. Visual locking is a truly valuable existence compared to curved ballistics. Unless it is a mutant with such a momentary mobility as Twant Wagner, the visual lock cannot be locked due to insufficient priority, and the general mutant can't escape the indulging vision just by high speed.

To get rid of this adventurer, Shen looked back and looked at the magnetic king in the distance.

He extended the **** toward Wan Wang.

This provocative action makes the face of Wan Wang Wang slightly change.

He finally got angry.

The right hand is gently raised and the finger swings forward slightly.

This instruction, which represents a full-scale attack, was immediately understood by the people.

In addition to Wan Yaowang's own speedboat still stayed outside the lake, the other five speedboats screamed at the same time, while the three helicopters in the sky also flew toward them.

The full-scale offensive from the mutant organizations has finally officially launched, and they have been wrapped up to sink them.

If you look at it from the sky, at least two hundred mutants are surrounded by wolves. Although the poor little points in the center are fierce tigers, they can't stand the huge number of people. They are about to be swallowed by the wolves. Light.

All the adventurers are all gathered together.

There is no fear in their eyes, but a look of hope.

As soon as the speedboat was docked, the mutants on the boat jumped and rushed to sink them.

King Kong looked at Shen Wei: "Almost?"

"Well, unfortunately, the magnetic king did not come."

"Some cockroaches can't always be avoided, and some cleverness can never be stolen."

Sinking nodded.

He took a small thing from the **** coat of arms.

He handed things to the gentle hands: "You come."

"I am coming?" Gentle and somewhat surprised.

Shen Yan nodded very seriously: "Yes, you come."

Take it gently.

At this time, Angelica, who was fighting against Honglang, finally felt that the atmosphere was somewhat wrong.

In the face of the comprehensive attack of the mutants, the adventurers are not only afraid, but have a sense of excitement.

When she saw the things that Shen Yan took out, she finally realized what was going to happen next.

She screamed loudly: "All back! Everyone... all retreat! They buried explosives in the ground!!!"

"It’s late." Shen Yan said with a smile.

With the yelling of Angelica, gentle has pressed the remote control in his hand.


A huge explosion rang at the feet of the mutants.

Variants will not think that Shen Yu has long arranged for the second airborne battalion soldiers to bury a large amount of explosives in this area.

The detonation at this moment is like the dozens of artillery pieces that are launched together, and at the same time hit the same area. The air is filled with smoke and smoke. The strong shock wave, such as the sea wave, swept across the square, and the bang smashed the entire space.

Even the magnetic king on the lake feels this powerful and terrible impact.

The huge shock wave not only swept all the mutants on the shore, but also rushed into the air.

When the three helicopters flew, they were affected by this shocking and powerful explosion. One of the helicopters was blown up on the spot, and another helicopter was hit by the flying debris. The driver died on the spot and the helicopter swayed in the air. After a few laps, it fell. Only one helicopter left barely fled the center of the explosion.

As the sound blew, the **** coat of arms on the wrists of all over New York was screaming at the same time.

The tone becomes fast and sharp:

"E3325 kills a 1st grader and gets 1 kill."

"E3325 kills a level 2 mutant and gets a killing value of 5."

"E3325 kills a level 3 mutant and gets a killing value of 10."


As if the dialogue in the online game is generally screened, there is a reminder that the E3325 kills the mutants and brushed out a large row, and jumped to the first place in a blink of an eye.

Seeing everyone stunned.

For the adventurers, this represents a sign of success and victory, but for the mutants this is a complete disaster...

Only a few mutants have escaped the catastrophe of the explosives explosion. The dust rising from the sky filled the vision of the survivors, and they could not see the situation inside.

Wait until the smoke is slightly scattered, and the survivors see a scene of **** on earth.

The bodies of dead mutants are everywhere, the broken limbs are broken, the viscera that has been blown up, and the numerous bodies and broken heads are almost covered with the entire space, and the blood and water are gathered under the river into the river...

Angelica did not suffer any harm.

Although her body was not injured, her heart was almost killed by the explosion.

At this moment she looked around.

There are dead people everywhere, and there are dead bodies everywhere.

The sound of the slap in the ear made her feel dizzy, so that the field of vision was somewhat blurred.

She knows why she can survive.

Those who can survive are not the mutants at the outermost level, but the mutants closest to the adventurers.

At the very center of the explosion, Shen Yu and others stood proud.

At their feet, it was the only safe place in the explosion, without any explosives.

In the center of everyone, King Kong slowly lowered his arm.

His powerless softness went down.

To resist the shock wave generated by such a huge explosion by one person, even a one-second explosion is enough to consume all his energy and vitality.

If it wasn’t for Shen Yu’s belt to give him the guard’s belt in advance, the skill would work to ensure that he would leave the last line of life no matter how fatal the blow was. He had already died.

At this moment, he was holding on to King Kong, and the mean medical technique was launched: "Thank you, brother."

King Kong replied to the mouth while he was mad at the drug. "I need at least a few minutes to get back to normal. Then I have to see you."

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