Doctor: "Little Yang, what is your plot identity this time?"

Wu Heng picked up the communicator and sent a message that could be received by all three people. He did not avoid Lao Deng.

Avoiding Lao Deng, there is also the possibility that Lao Deng will check the information with Xiaoyang privately. It is better to send it directly from him to increase a little more trust.

"My identity this time is that of a 65-year-old old woman. My husband is dead and I have no children. I have hundreds of millions of dollars in my card." Xiaoyang replied instantly.

"I'll send you an address. Come to this place before tomorrow morning. There is an important plot character who needs to be taken care of."

This kind of thing cannot be hidden, just like when the cap girl came into contact with Frank and he came into contact with Christine in the world of the monks, there will be a reminder of the first contact with the plot characters, and the lamb will know it when he meets it.

"Important plot character, doctor, have you figured out the plot?"

Lao Deng had just finished picking up the garbage and emptied the garbage truck. When he saw the news, he didn't bother to wipe his hands and asked quickly.

"I found a plot character, but I don't know the main plot, so I have to find out more about it."

"The little sheep just entered the lighthouse and has no ability. Why don't you let me take care of it? I can sweep up enough garbage on the road."

Just as Lao Deng was about to continue typing, a middle-aged woman wearing a red scarf came over and glared at Lao Deng. She was the street sanitation supervisor. He hurriedly pressed the send button and put the contact device in his pocket.

"No, it's enough for a lamb to do this kind of thing. You have to play a role in a more important position."

"By the way, Lao Deng, can I ask what your strength is and how strong it is."

Wu Heng finished sending the message and waited quietly for a reply. He had actually always wanted to ask, but he just didn't have a good word.

Of course, he would believe at most three points of what the other party said, it was just a reference.

Xiaoyang: "Don't worry, Uncle Deng. The doctor is very smart. We are teammates. Just listen to him. I'll be there right away."

After waiting for two minutes, Lao Deng sent a message:

"I am a martial arts god, and I hired a self-demon body, probably in the middle of the first level."

"By the way, doctor, you asked me to disguise my original identity, but I really can't do the cleaning work. I'll just stay in the room these days!"

Lao Deng had already gone to the toilet to send a message. The garbage truck outside had been overturned by him, leaving a middle-aged woman dancing around.

"Well, you can take care of the arrangements for such a small matter. Just try to maintain your original identity. Also, don't take out the contact device casually. There is a risk of exposure, especially Xiaoyang."

After Wu Heng continued to say one sentence, he ended the chat.

Then I checked some information on the Internet at the hotel, and at the same time found an agent registered by the company, and I had to do a full set of acting.

Early the next morning, Zhang Heku, dressed in mourning clothes, had already arrived in front of the mourning hall set up in the funeral parlor. Close relatives and friends who had received the obituary had already arrived one after another.

He checked his cell phone, then hurriedly walked outside the door to greet Wu Heng and briefly introduced him to the people around him.

Amidst a burst of compliments, Wu Heng, dressed in black with a solemn expression and his arms tied with white cloth, walked into the mourning hall, laid incense sticks on Zhang Long, and then walked to the sitting area next to him and sat down.

Zhang Heku diligently handed Wu Heng a newspaper and opened the video on his mobile phone to show Wu Heng the success of his labor.

Wu Heng glanced around and saw that the news newspapers had published information about the funeral and plans to send meat dumplings. He also introduced some reporters and Internet celebrities who would visit the scene.

Among them were Wu Jiawei, "the most popular anchor who shoots meat rice dumpling videos" and Grizzly Xiong, an "exploration internet celebrity".

An interview was conducted to explain the local custom of delivering meat rice dumplings as Zhong Kui, as well as an analysis of folk culture.

It seems that the TV station is using the "expensive funeral" as a gimmick to save face, but in fact it is paid interviews for promotional content.

This is enough.

Zhang Heku clicked on the next video, which was a video of obituaries posted on walls in many places to prove his ability to act.

"Why bother? I'm very satisfied with what you're doing so far. I believe your father will be pleased if he knows better. I have to spend time preparing for the company these two days, so you will have to work harder here."

Wu Heng looked at Zhang Heku who was full of energy, praised him, turned around and walked out the door.

When he was in a deserted area, he checked his phone. There were 13 missed calls in total.

They are all the same number, and the dialing time is about 1 minute apart. It can be seen that the other party seems to be very anxious.

When the ringtone rang again, Wu Heng answered the phone.

"Hey, is this uncle, the mage on the street yesterday?"

Jia Min's excited and anxious voice came from the phone.

"Oh, I am. You must be the poor girl yesterday. I recognize your voice."

Wu Heng softened his tone and replied like a priest.

"Uncle, I have prepared the things you asked me to prepare. Where can I find you?"

"Oh, it seems you have already made a decision. You can come directly to this location."

Wu Heng sent the location of an abandoned house in the wild that he had chosen.

"Oh oh oh, I know, I'll come right away."

Jiamin hurriedly hung up the phone, packed up the items she had secretly prepared, and stuffed them all into her backpack.

"Auntie, I'm going out to work."

Jiamin said to Aunt Yulan, who had some mental problems of her own.

"Press? Oh, oh, oh, come back soon." Chen Yulan, who looked slightly dull, was stunned for a second before replying.

Seeing that Aunt Yulan had understood, Jiamin hurried out the door with her shoulder bag on her back, all the way to the place designated by Wu Heng.

In front of him was an abandoned and dilapidated house. The bricks and stones on the walls had fallen off, the wooden doors and windows had weathered, and the roof tiles were broken, exposing the rafters inside.

If it weren't for the fact that there was only this house surrounded by wild grassland, Jiamin would have doubted whether he had gone the wrong way.

I was hesitating whether to go in or not.

Wu Heng, neatly dressed and with meticulous hair, had already arrived at the door and waved to Jiamin.

Jiamin hunched her neck slightly and followed Wu Heng into the old house.

There were a few flies flying in the house, and there was almost no furniture. There were only some tattered debris scattered on the ground, covered with thick dust, and only the edges were exposed.

"Uncle, are we here?"

Jiamin felt a little scared about this environment, but she had no choice.

For so many years, every moment has been like living in a nightmare, but I have never been able to wake up.

The uncle in front of her gave her a glimmer of hope. This was her last life-saving straw. She was no longer allowed to question or escape.

She didn't even dare to doubt that this bright-looking uncle was a bad person, because that meant everything was just a lie, and she still had to live in the nightmare. Rather than that, she might as well choose to believe it.

Even if the belief is wrong, the most you can do is die. It will be more comfortable if you die!

"You may not look at the mess here, but it is a place where yin and yang meet, which is good for attracting and removing evil spirits. It is just not suitable for people to live for a long time, which is why it is abandoned."

"Oh, that's it." Although Jiamin didn't understand, it seemed to make sense, so she affirmed and felt relieved.

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