Infinity Supernatural

Chapter 7 - 7: Building

Specter made his way back to his Academy, Teleported to his Office, Tessa was in his Chair and she was shocked and stood up instinctivly when Specter appered but Specter ignored her, Specter took Things out from his pockets as his suit changed back to His Wizard set even his cane is back to a Staff form, He Started making something with the items he took out, First it was a Glass Orb Runes Surrounded it, then he made runes and made more Material he needed, then he Starts placing them in the Glass Orb it Rippled like a Bubble when the Materials enteres it, the Glass Orb slowly changed and when Specter put water into the Glass Orb it was finished.

Planet Earth was created, but their is a difference to this and a globe, this is a Live World Wide Coverage, this is able to see Live actions on the planet and zooming in will see even a person, Specter put his finger on America and then he put his finger on Florida, the Globe moved to that place seeing Florida Live in the orb, Specter got this idea from the Ghost house, the replica of the mansion but this to see the world.

Okay, Step one is finished now Step two. (Specter)

Specter Sent his voice out, it was dark when he arrived but the Glass Orb took time to make and now its morning the Students are now awake eating breakfast.

Good morning. I am back Temporary, I will be telling you something new, Everyone is Rank Five, So I will now be telling you something very important, their is more out their like Ghost, Demons, Vampires and many more of the like you already seen the Dragons flying about. (Specter)

So Today and onwards, you can Register as a Mage Hunter or Mage Supporter. (Specter)

I will explain Mage Supporter first. (Specter)

Mage Supporter: Need Help? Supporter will help on Jobs from acting as a Cop on a call or anyone else you can even become a cop and jot need to act if you want, Mage Hunters need help on a hunting Job to Take on a beast or Creatures Mage Supporter will help, Mage Supporter can Enter Government buildings and Remove things like say you been found killing someone but the thing you killed was acting human as its cover and you become a wanted criminal the Mage Supporter will remove it. Mage Hunters Travel everywhere and need Money, Traveling is hard without Money, Mage Supporter will give Mage Hunters Money when needed, its still limited to prevent Abusing. (Specter)

Next is Mage Hunters. (Specter)

Mage Hunters: Mage Hunters Go out and hunt Creatures, Demons, Everything that's trying to kill people. You are to find and remove them to keep the peace, each Mage Hunter will receive a Book and you can use it to look up what you are fighting when you come across it. If you need help to fight what you are fighting Ask a Mage Supporter for help. You will be traveling and be by yourself most times Unless you want a Mage Supporter to follow along with you. (Specter)

You are now able to Choose one of them or Just do what you want. If you want to do any of the options Said come to me at Noon today and I will start preparing you. (Specter)

Once Specter was finished, Specter made a portal and Teleported to the Door. Walking out, Specter Teleported again back to Sam and Dean, when he arrived, Specter was in the back seat.

F.u.c.k! (Dean)

Damn it! Specter! (Sam)

Can you stop popping up out of nowhere! (Dean)

What do you want to see our Book? (Sam)

I want to copy it, I want to learn more about the things you hunt and this will help build a foundation. (Specter)

Its in the truck. (Sam)

Well, Pull over, it will only take a second to copy it. (Specter)

Right, you do know how big that is right? (Dean)

Just pull over. (Specter)

Thanks. (Specter)

Shocked at how fast it was Sam and Dean looked at one another, Specter Made a portal and left.

We need to stop getting shocked by what he does every time. (Dean)

Yeah. (Sam)


Making a portal, Specter walkes through it and made his way back to the Academy, once he arrived, Specter Got into his office and threw the book in the air, the book was Taken apart, Papers and all was Seperated. Once the book was apart, Specter sent runes and a Hard cover book appered it was Empty, Specter made Runes over the pages and even the small extra papers added later to fill pages with extra details also was added thay are all in the air and the Runes that flew from the Papers and into the book he just made that is thinner then the Book he copied had vanished into the book, the same with the other runes on the other pages.

Soon the Last rune was added in the book he made the book thin and using Space Runes to enlarge the Space to add more pages but keep it thin and Specter repaired the original book he copied, Specter made the Symbols and other things on the Book to ward off Evil so they cant touch the book.

Specter then finished making the first organized Mage Hunter Book, Making a Copy of it, Specter put both the first book he made and the Copy of the Original book on his shelf, taking the Copy of the book he made Specter can now just make a copy and give it to the Mage Hunters.

The book is thinner to help carrying it but when opend it you can flip through it until you need to find what you look for luke the original but organized and with printed words that look like its from a printer to help Clear up bad handwriting, their is also blank pages to ADD information if they come across something not in the book.

Specter found out as he Traveled with Sam And Dean a few times that their is almost no Mana on Earth, only from his Infinity Core he made is the Source of the Mana, so at the same time the Infinity Core will send the Mana through the Magic Web of Buildings soon to be set up to send the Mana over the US, as its going to be slow more Mages will appear over time.

Noon arrived, and Specter had a line of people, One by one, Specter talked about what they can do, and some asked if their is other things that dont required fighting, Specter Thought of the Magic Doors that he needs to make but with other Mages he dropped the problem of building them to them, they can make them it will not be as good if he did it but it will do.

It will still be under Mage Supporter they will just be Building the Mage Safe Houses in a way and they will go and check on them every week.

In the end 22 Thousand Mage Hunters and 16 thousand Mage Supporter Joined, mostly they did not know what to do after learning Magic this Helped open a Plan of action for them.

Day of rest, Specter was once again giving another speech.

Before your allowed to leave, Mage Hunters you need to make the weakness of everything in the book that was provided. Mage Supporter needs to learn Healing Magic, and Defence Magic First, Builder Mages in Mage supporter section needs to learn Building Space Rooms that will be learned from me. (Specter)

Off you go, Builder Mages head outside. (Specter)

Arriving outside, Dragons flying Students on some, some landed and started to take a nap, Specter with 1300 something Students stand before him.

First I am going to show you how to make a Space Rune, this Rune will be your Foundation. (Specter)

This is the simplest one, you will be needing to learn this before you can start building the Rooms. (Specter)

Remember it, Copy it, Make it. (Specter)

They all started making the spell bedore them, Specter watched, as they started getting it but some did not, Specter made his way over to the ones having Problems and helped them by telling them the problem.

Half an hour they finished copying the Rune.

Now, again. (Specter)

With a wave all the runes vanished, specter removed the mana made the rune collapse. Doing this over and over, The spell making got faster and faster, Mages always learned fast.

Three hours, They all got to make the spell like it was part of them.

Good, Now you are to learn the next rune. (Specter)

They all let out a long sigh, Specter Laughed, and made the next Rune.

Okay, Make the Safehouses. (Specter)

The spell they learned was so simple that it anyone can learn, but its also got Problems, To prevent the spell from being misused it will be Marked anywhere on the world, and it cant be removed as its part of the spell also anything altered will Disabel the Rune.

Specter watched as the Doors was made first, then they walked inside the doors and sent the spell out, one by one they vanished.

Specter slowed time, and remained the same speed for himself and walkes through each door, they are all the same, a counter full of food, the food will always replenish, Beds for five Rooms for each Bed, with Normal Clothes, Room full of Materials need to hunt things, From Silver, to Iron, Salt, Ect.

And last, a room that has a teleporter that links to a Master Teleporter that will be built soon.

Returning back to the normal time, Specter stood before the now exiting Mages and Spoke once the last walked out.

Congratulations, you all have passed, your now ready to start building these Safehouses where they are needed, and that is quite the number. (Specter)

Yeah! (?)

Whoo! Whooo! (??)

Specters Eyes had Runes appered his smiling face slowly changed to a Calm stone face without any emotions.

Was not expecting that big of a change in the Future. [Specter]

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