Infinity Throne

Chapter 1090

September 2112.

Little Molly returns to school.

I was in a special recruitment class.

The day before school started, the family sent Molly off.

Of course, the "family" mentioned here is only Mo Rendi and Uncle G.

Mo Rendi held Molly and talked about it for a long time, but he couldn't get around the idea: don't worry about home, you don't need to go home if you have nothing to do, just stay in school more.

Molly stared at her grandfather with one big eye and one small eye, somewhat uncertainly: "Grandpa, I hear what you mean, why do you seem to have finally left me alone?"

"No, no, no, how is that possible! Grandpa loves Mengmeng the most." Mo Rendi's eyes widened, trying to make his expression appear innocent.

Yi Lin was holding back a laugh.

"Hmph, that's pretty much it." After saying goodbye to her grandfather, Molly handed Yi Lin a note: "Uncle G, my number is encrypted and you can contact me this way. Don't laugh, I didn't mean to ask you to The reason for calling me was that I was afraid that grandpa would accidentally lose it, and if something happened to him, he would be in trouble if he couldn't find me."

Yi Lin looked at the was a combination of "secondary code" and "sonic code".

I didn’t expect Molly to use it for so many years.

No wonder you have no friends. Who would be so mean as to call you?

Yi Lin folded the note and cursed secretly.

Molly put her hands on her hips, pointed at the two old antiques and told them a few words, asking them to stay in peace, break down the house less, and take care of themselves more. Then she carried a small bag and got into Mo Rendi's special car.

After watching Molly leave, Mo Rendi breathed a long sigh of relief. At this time, he noticed that his "old friend's" expression was indescribably weird, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother, what does this look on your face mean?"

The corner of Yi Lin's mouth kept twitching: "It's nothing, I'm just curious about how you will become a 'granddaughter-controller' in the future."

"I said, it's impossible!" Mo Rendi said firmly, completely unaware that his current performance was like a prelude to "True Fragrance".

"Please remember what you said today, Lao Mo."

"Brother, you underestimate the perseverance and perseverance of martial arts practitioners."

"..." Yi Lin silently took out his notebook and wrote down the next diary entry.

【September 1, 2112】

School season.

This is a year worth remembering.

The first batch of "chosen people" stepped into the ivory tower called "university".

Mengmeng has also returned to school, which is a joy to celebrate.

I suddenly felt like watching my niece grow up, but I knew that this shouldn't happen. Logically speaking, Mengmeng and I are the same generation.

The seniority is messed up.

But that's not important.

The important thing is that Mo Rendi arrogantly made a declaration today: He will never become a granddaughter control.

I look forward to the day when Mo Rendi can say "it smells so good".

Close the diary.

Yi Lin suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of Capital University.

Mo Rendi noticed the change in Yi Lin's expression and wondered: "Brother, are you worried about Mengmeng? You don't have to worry, I have secretly arranged six standard squad elite special forces to lurk in Mengmeng as 'undercover' In our class, they have rich undercover experience and will never be noticed by Mengmeng."

Hearing this, Yi Lin immediately couldn't laugh or cry: "Ah, what? Six teams? Thirty people? Lao Mo, you are so ruthless, are you sure there are amateurs in Mengmeng's class?"


"It means...'ordinary people'."

"Yes, why not!" Mo Rendi said confidently: "I have already investigated. In addition to the people I arranged, there are three other people in the same class as Mengmeng... ahem, amateurs, their family backgrounds are innocent, and they are all He is the son of an old friend and is very safe."

Yi Lin lowered his head, carrying Mo Rendi on his back, and added at the end of the page [September 1st] in the diary:

[PS: Wait for the opening of the large-scale ‘True Fragrance’ event. 】

Mo Rendi tilted his head and looked at his old friend writing and drawing behind his back. He didn't know what he was writing. It was mysterious.

Capital University.

Molly entered school as a special admissions student, and the news spread on the campus BBS.

There is no shortage of geniuses in any era, but a genius at such a young age is enough to be recorded in the history of the school.

Some people are speculating about Molly's identity or which rich family she comes from.

But Molly's aloofness made her like an immature flower bud in a greenhouse, carrying thorns with it, which made many young men who pride themselves on being handsome and wealthy feel itchy and intolerable. She's a little loli, she has long legs, and she's a classmate, who wouldn't like her? Even though it's a bit flat now, isn't there still room for development?

There was nothing wrong with Molly. The only thing that made her feel weird was that... her classmates seemed to be very old, as if they were uncles.

She still doesn't know that in the special recruitment class she is in, she and the "undercovers" have widened the age gap in the class by nearly 20 years.

I stayed in school for a few days and didn't learn many courses, just some basic subjects.

She skipped all physical education classes.

When Mo Rendi was a child, he wanted to make Molly a heroine. He told some old-fashioned stories about "who said women are inferior to men" from ancient times all day long, and even forced her to do leg exercises. Mo Rendi didn't know where to find some female martial arts skills such as "legs under skirts" and "swords in sleeves" for her to practice. She was not very proficient in serious martial arts skills, and was only half-assed. However, her legs grew longer and longer as she practiced, far beyond those of her peers, as if they had grown real.

Therefore, the "painful experience" she had as a child made Molly never want to take physical education classes again in her life.

Contrary to her attitude toward physical education classes, Molly was very interested in "projects." The first and second batch of "Grey Fog Exploration Team" returned from the Gray Fog Area safely and brought back a lot of information about "that tower". The unique "environment" and "ecological" laws around the tower are completely inconsistent with the knowledge she has learned in the past. These "weirdness" aroused Molly's desire to explore.

She spends almost all day in the laboratory, analyzing data, vegetation and soil samples brought back by the exploration team.

It's November in the blink of an eye.

A magical year is coming to an end.

Under the high-pressure control of public opinion, the people gradually accepted this magical fact.

There used to be an old joke, "Your XX was taught by your physical education teacher, right?". Starting from this year, the irony is that this joke will become a reality.

Capital University has added an interesting course to the Tower Studies major - [Ancient Mythology].

[Ancient Mythology] This new course is said to be specially created for the mysterious phenomenon of "Tower". Some experts said that the end of science may be theology. If you want to interpret the mysterious phenomenon related to "Tower", you need to start from ancient times. Look for relevant clues in the illusory myths and theories of various countries.

Of course, this course is an elective course.

But in the end, what surprised the school leaders was that the large classroom, which could accommodate 180 people, was almost full.

As soon as Molly found an empty seat and sat down, a group of "undercover students" who had been waiting for a long time filled up all the empty seats within twenty meters to the left, right, front and back of Molly. Their movements were crisp and uniform, which made Molly couldn't help but frown.

The classmates whispered.

Everyone was curious about this strange course.

After arriving, a man with slightly curly hair, a smile, and a sickly pale complexion walked into the classroom.

Molly looked at the new "Ancient Mythology Teacher" with a stunned expression, and a strange sense of immediacy came to her heart. She didn't know why, but this man's temperament reminded her subconsciously of Uncle G.

"Hello, classmates." The man smiled, and his neutral voice was hoarse, mysterious and full of magnetism.

"Hello teacher!"

The man turned around, grabbed the electronic pen and wrote two words on the screen: Gu Qingtian.

"Well, this is your first time learning this course. To tell you the truth, it's also my first time teaching this course. Haha, since it's your first time, you and I don't need to be too nervous. Just Treat this course like clocking in for work, and just wait until get out of class is over happily."

The teacher's humorous words made many students who "understood instantly" laugh strangely.

Suddenly the distance between the classmate and the teacher became closer.

The conversation is witty, and the humor is a little obscure. Who doesn't like such a teacher.

After a simple opening remarks, Gu Qingtian closed the textbook.

"Actually, we all know that ancient mythology covers a very wide range. It should be difficult to make you interested in boring courses for a while." Gu Qingtian smiled and took out a stack of Tarot cards: "Someone knows What is this?"

A classmate raised his hand: "Tarot cards!"

"Well said." Gu Qingtian continued: "Tarot cards originated from Europe in the Middle Ages. This small object used for divination in ancient times contains fascinating myths and legends. It is said that in the Middle Ages in Europe, 'Hunting During the "Witch Killing" operation, some people regarded tarot cards as props for witches to perform "magic" and burned them. I think you have all heard of "Witch Hunting", right?"

A student raised his hand and asked: "Teacher, do you want to say 'magic'?"

"No, it's "magic". Gu Qingtian corrected his classmates with a smile, and took out a card from the deck: "Then, the teacher will take out a card at random and have a little chat with the students. There is a mythical story attached to this card." This card is called...[Hermit]. "

Looking at Teacher Gu Qingtian talking eloquently on the podium.

Molly, who had been struggling with the source of the inexplicable "sense of sight", slammed the table.

"Huh? That young female classmate, do you have any different opinions on the teacher's speech?" A loud bang made Gu Qingtian look at Molly with a smile.

"No, no objection." Molly quickly lowered her head, her face slightly red.

I see.

Molly finally understood why this teacher reminded her subconsciously of Uncle G.

Their speaking styles and temperaments are very similar.

A good sentence can be divided into three paragraphs and then half a sentence is hidden.

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