Infinity Throne

Chapter 1096 My authority is a little higher than yours

"War Knight, it's okay."

Yi Lin waved his hands calmly. After he rinsed the giant python in boiled water, he rubbed his hands together, and white ice mist came out and was quickly frozen. With a flash of colorful light, he cut the cooked python into thin slices, chilled it and served it.

Mirien was dumbfounded by Yi Lin's answer, and the solemn atmosphere was somewhat diluted. But the delicious food that was served next completely destroyed the heavy feeling between the two of them being in different camps. Miriam swallowed back the saliva secreted from her mouth. Now she was like a locked beast. It seems to be waiting eagerly for the "keeper" to feed it.

Mirien was finally full.

She burped.

After feeding Miriam, Yilin looked at Miriam through the light curtain: "Are you not angry anymore?"

"It's too late, Rin."

Yi Rin smiled and crossed the border.

[NO PASS] The light curtain did not block Yi Lin. Instead, it took the initiative to separate a path and let the administrator pass.

Permission dogs can do whatever they want.

Yi Lin stood in front of Miriam: "'We' still have hope."

Miriam stared at Yi Lin blankly for a long time. Finally, she put away the red and black holy sword and followed Yi Lin like a frustrated little daughter-in-law, following her step by step.

Yi Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This week's hard work in the mountains and seas was finally not in vain.

Yi Lin came to the stone house where Miriam lived.

When he was not far away, he smelled the faint smell of blood coming from the stone house.

Mirien tugged on Yi Lin's robe, as if she didn't want him to enter.

Yi Lin smiled: "It doesn't matter."

He went in.

Of course, his sleeves were pulled off.

There were no lights in the house, it was just a small hut made of stones. There isn't even a door.

On the floor, there were some blood-stained gauze all over the room. The blood on the gauze had long dried up, and some of it had even oxidized to black. There was a simple table next to the bed, with bottles of disinfectant on it and a basin of cold metal instruments - tweezers, scalpels, pliers and the like.

What about the anatomy?

Yi Lin was about to complain, but suddenly, when Yi Lin noticed what was happening with these crude surgical instruments and the blood-stained gauze on the floor, his breathing paused for a moment, and his chest felt tight, and he couldn't stop crying. It's a dull pain.


Miriam lowered her head.


Yi Lin pulled Mirien out of the stone house.

Mirien was like a puppet that had lost its soul, being led by Yi Lin.

After leaving, Yi Lin turned around, rubbed his hands together, and a dark sphere appeared silently in Yi Lin's palm. He smashed the "Annihilation Ball" towards the stone house.

There was no earth shaking or landslide. The moment it came into contact with the annihilation ball, the stone house in the distance was like an erased painting. There was no trace left and it disappeared from this world without a trace. .

Yi Lin drew her right hand in front of her body, and a circle of light appeared. Yi Lin took Miriam to the noisy market.

This is an unknown little fruit in Europe. Many locals in ragged clothes are shouting and selling some small items in the market.

Yi Lin took Miriam to a small stall selling masks.

"I want this mask."

He took a fancy to an exquisite lady's butterfly mask, with white lace tattoos on the black butterfly edges.

Throwing down a shining gold coin, the stall owner bit the coin, and then happily knelt on the ground and bowed down to the generous Easterner. He muttered, but when he raised his head, mysterious The Oriental and the blonde beauty had already disappeared without a trace in the market.

Two people appeared in the sky.

Overlooking the land, no one disturbs you.

Yi Lin carefully put on a mask for Mirien. The black butterfly mask could just cover the eyes on Mirien's forehead.

"Don't cut it off yourself, it can't be cut off." Yi Lin sighed softly, and gently rubbed the gap on Mirien's forehead with the pad of her index finger. Mirien stroked the mask on her face, and flashed in her eyes. A hint of pain, and relief.

"I promise, one day, I will help you get rid of it, once and for all, and set you free. I owe it to you, Miriam."

"Okay, Rin." Mirien nodded vigorously.

She hugged Yi Lin with a mixture of sadness and joy, tightly, and her ribs cracked, as if every bone would be shattered and broken at any time, letting out a crisp whine.

Miriam's mood was very complicated at this moment.

It was as if, in the darkness of despair, a beam of light suddenly shone in front of her.

Yi Lin now is like her light.

Yi Lin was stunned. He felt like... it was too fast? But it didn't take long for Yi Lin to feel relieved. This was a pure hug between good friends and had no other meaning.

"Rin. There is something I want to know..." Miriam put her ear against Yi Lin's chest, listened for a while, and then suddenly raised her head.

"Huh?" Yi Lin smiled softly.

"Where is the Pendragon family's lost 'Utopia'?"

"..." Yi Lin's smile completely froze on her face.

Yi Lin is easy to talk about,

Explain that he deliberately hid the [Distant Utopia] in a safe place.

[Distant Utopia] Can you still pull it out?

Miriam thought in confusion.

However, although,

She still believed it.

She felt that the cook would not lie to her, and the rice would be delicious.

After Yi Lin bought a mask for Miriam, she asked about what happened after coming out of hell.

Sure enough, as Yi Lin had guessed, after Millian came out of hell, she discovered that this was the year 2111. She suddenly realized that she had returned to the "past".

At the same time, she also understood her identity and the "mission" she carried. She must win victory for the [Lord of War] behind her when the end comes.

The Knight of the Apocalypse has only one mission, to become a competent chess piece and win victory.

She is not a knight now.

When Yi Lin carefully asked if Mirien had really seen the [Lord of War], Mirien crossed her arms and trembled slightly.

After a long time, Mirien revealed that the moment she became a knight, she had looked into a cold eye for a moment in the boundless darkness.

Miriam didn't know how to describe that feeling.

But her pride, her conceit, her anger, her sadness, after Yi Lin pushed her into the "abyss", the complex emotions in Miriam's heart disappeared completely after looking into that eyeball. Without a trace, it feels like being "erased".

She didn't even have any dialogue or communication with the [Lord of War], but she understood the meaning of her existence and everything.

From that moment on, she was no longer human, no longer the pride of Pendragon, and no longer the King of Knights.

She is...a war knight.

Yi Lin raised his hands in the air. He looked at Miriam who was panicking when she recalled the posture of the [Lord of War], and subconsciously wanted to give her a friendly hug. But soon Yi Lin felt it was inappropriate and held back.

This is not good. So he smoothly changed it to "touch".

Yi Lin touched Miriam's silky blond hair, silently missing the old hair that was like a compass that "moves at will", and comforted: "Don't worry, we haven't lost yet."

The two chatted.

Walking aimlessly on European soil.

From south to north, from north to west.

Finally, the two of them appeared in front of an ancient European-style castle.

The mottled city walls record the years, and the afterglow of the setting sun spreads a layer of golden light on the stones.

"Want to meet your old self?"

Yi Lin asked with a smile.

Miriam lowered her head and replied: "I have seen it before."

"Oh?" Yi Lin was a little surprised. But on second thought, he felt that this was only natural. When a person travels back in time, the first thing he should do is to be curious about what he looks like at this time.

Mirien shook her head: "Rin, you don't understand."

She said as she walked into the castle.

But when she took two steps, she was shocked, and there was a look of surprise under her mask.

"What's wrong?"

Yi Lin noticed Miriam's emotional change and felt strange.

Mirien didn't say anything. She lowered her head and thought for a moment, then took off the black butterfly mask that Yi Lin gave her as a token, and took a few steps forward.

The next second, the surrounding scene was distorted, and Yi Lin's expression changed. Miriam, who was supposed to walk into the castle, appeared a hundred meters away. She tried walking several times, but was still unable to enter the castle, as if In the dark, there seemed to be an invisible force interfering with her.

Once she put on the mask, Mirien was able to do it again.

The two looked at each other, dumbfounded by this strange result.

"This is 'interference', isn't it too perfunctory?" It turns out that wearing a mask can break it, can this [Navigator] get some refreshments?

Yi Lin knew that this was the result of the navigator's interference, but what he didn't expect was that the navigator turned a blind eye to Miriam's wearing a mask. This really opened Yi Lin's eyes to the "loopholes in the rules" thing.


But after feeling dumbfounded, Yi Lin thought seriously for a few seconds and thought of a possibility.

Could it be because... the [loophole] itself is not because of the [mask], but because this is the [mask sent by the administrator]?

"Million, wait a moment, don't go in first, I'm going to do a little experiment."

Yilin located the coordinates of the market where she bought the mask, opened a portal, and asked Miriam to try making a mask herself. Whether you are robbing or buying, the source of the mask is not a problem.

Miriam clutched the [Black Butterfly Mask] and reluctantly stepped into the portal.

After a while, there was a commotion from the crowd on the other side of the portal, and someone seemed to be crying. Miriam returned holding a gypsy-style wedding mask.

Under Yi Lin's instruction, she put on the mask she bought and tried to enter the castle.

Before entering the castle, she was pushed a hundred meters away by the "navigator's interference" again.

Miriam was stunned.

She is not stupid, and now she certainly understands that the changes in these two experiments are due to the different origins of the "masks".

Yi Lin showed her cards, and pinched her index finger and thumb:

"Sorry, maybe it's because my "authority" is a little higher than yours. "

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