Infinity Throne

Chapter 1148 Apocalypse! (2 in 1)


Yi Lin slammed the door and walked out.

There was a tit-for-tat quarrel between the two people inside.

Yi Lin despised Ruth's age, but in fact it was just a casual joke.

He has two memories, three reincarnations, a ten-year cycle, and a twenty-year time house.

Do the math.


His real age is already over a hundred years old. It's pointless to talk about age, so just don't mention it.

From now on, he should call Mo Rendi Mo Laodi.

No one should call him Brother Lin.

never mind.

Yi Lin shook his head and thought to himself, we are not people who care about everything.

Standing outside the door of the infirmary, Yi Lin tapped her forehead.



Yi Lin knew that the "Green" currently living in his hub was just one of the many clones of the "Nightmare Lord".

Although Green is doing nothing all day long, she may actually be busy with other things.

Yi Lin was just about to tell the information obtained from Ruth.

Green already knew everything and said with a meaningful smile: "Oh~ someone else actually targeted him first."

"The gods under their command?"

The "they" Yi Lin refers to refer to the four masters of the pit: war, famine, death, and conquest.

Hearing this, Green stretched out his nose and sniffed at the closed door of the infirmary.

She seems to rely on "taste" to identify the big guys.

"No," after a moment, Green's small and exquisite nose wrinkled: "its tentacles have already reached in before the official start of the gambling game. This stench should be the 'salvage team'."

Salvage team?

Such a lowly title made Yi Lin's eyes twitch involuntarily: "Please elaborate."

"Alas~" Green raised his wings, looked at Yi Lin's polite words, and sighed with regret: "I still miss your unruly appearance back then."

Yi Lin: "...Hurry up, don't talk nonsense."

Green's sudden "unruliness" made him nostalgic.

"Hehehehe." The little bat covered his mouth and smiled. His posture was like a blood-red cloak rolled up in front of him. Little Greene was seen bending his wings and flicking around, and pieces of red light intertwined into a complex map in front of Yi Lin and her. grid.

"Although it's a bit inappropriate, in order to make it easier for you to understand, I divided the 'Ocean of Origin' into three layers."

up middle down.

Green pointed to the middle layer.

"There are ten channels in total on this level, nine of which are ruled by nine masters. There are many, many, many world ships the size of your main world on these channels."

Green pointed to the lower level again.

"And the 'ship' that has lost its 'god' and cannot continue sailing will sink into the 'land of sinking'. Here, there are countless 'wrecks of the world'."

"Among the ten channels, the only one without a master is called the 'Chaos Channel'. There is a group of unruly 'wild gods' who are unwilling to join our command. Some of them are united into small and large groups. The 'Salvage Group' specializes in salvaging the wealth of the 'Sunken Land' for a living."

"In the 'wreck' of the Sunken Land, there are some rare gadgets. After they salvage these gadgets, they will sell them to us at high prices, or use them to improve their own strength."

"Speaking of which," Green suddenly looked deeply at Yi Lin: "A long, long time ago, your family, the goddess Xi, almost opened the 'Chaos Channel' and became the tenth master."

"Oh," Yi Lin responded calmly. He had managed Xiyuan for many years and knew how wealthy Xiyuan was before it ran aground. It takes about 3,000 resources to create an artifact world that "may exist but does not exist". However, after facing the invasion of the four masters and stranded in the Land of Sinking, Xi was able to use Xi Paradise to create countless The world of artifacts is used to deduce, defend, and confuse. It can be seen that before this, Xi'er was really a rich woman among the gods, the kind that made countless gods salivate and wanted to marry her home.

So damn profitable.

Who wouldn't love this kind of Xi'er?

After thinking for a moment, Yi Lin asked: "So, this place has been targeted by the 'salvage team' for a long time?"

Yi Lin wanted to ask clearly a long time ago what it would mean if the "tenth place" appeared in Yuanhai. But Yi Lin would not take the initiative to ask. After being prevaricated by Green once or twice, Yi Lin knew that Green was unwilling to mention it for some reason, or was deliberately concealing it. Even if there was no malice in it, if Yi Lin kept asking blind questions, firstly, he would make the stingy Green lose his temper, and secondly, he would be asking for trouble. Why bother. So Yi Lin silently suppressed this doubt in her heart.

Yi Lin was thinking about the next step.

Greene rolled her wings and opened her gambling game.

Her background interface faithfully records the progress of the gambling game, and she will open it from time to time to take a look. But of course, in the main world of Xile Garden, it was obviously a big melee situation. Yi Lin was forced to push the limit into a 2V2. No matter how hard Famine Lao Hei pulled his hips, Conquering Knight Connor was the one who stood out. This formed a subtle The balance is such that the main world will not be able to tell the winner for a while, and it will fall into an anxious situation.

The masters used this to harvest leeks back and forth. Green seemed to be an experienced gambler and was not in a hurry. Once the bet was placed and the stock price rose and fell, Green watched quietly without being arrogant or impetuous.

While she was talking about this with Yi Lin, she occasionally opened it and took a look, but she frowned slightly and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

Yi Lin got behind the little bat, so naturally he couldn't see Green's domination interface. Too high-end. If Green didn't transmit the [Battle Report] to Yi Lin, Yi Lin would only be able to watch it lonely.

While shaking her legs slightly and picking at the dead skin, Yi Lin pretended not to care, but in fact she was a little concerned, and deliberately asked: "How's it going over there?"

Green did not sell out: "There is one more option in the handicap."

"I guess it has something to do with the salvage team?"

"It is indeed related. The identity of the salvage team has been revealed. They are newcomers who have emerged during the years when 'Xi' has been silent. It is said that they have the intention of joining 'Conquest'."

After Yi Lin inquired briefly.

Have a rough understanding of the current situation.

After Yi Lin escaped from the main world with Gaia Fortress and her friends, the four masters were happy to see the [Nightmare Lord] away from home, and turned a blind eye to it.

But they made a handicap by the way, naturally they didn't want Green's Nightmare Knight to be so well-developed and go back to fight back.

But the gods under their command obviously cannot interfere, otherwise they will arouse Green's anger and even overturn the table.

But now things are a little different.

A long time ago, the "salvage team" had been eyeing this world, but the Nightmare Knight broke into the territory they had designated.

It could be said that it was destined, or it could be said that the Nightmare Knight was unlucky.

In short, everyone is happy with this wave.

There are two betting options on the market:

[The Nightmare Knights are destroyed. 】, odds 1:0.1.

[The salvage team was destroyed. ], odds 1:10.

The difference in odds between the two is a hundred times.


Yi Lin was a little angry: "Who are you looking down on!"

Green was also angry: "Huh! Who are you looking down on!"

The reason Yi Lin was angry was that Handicap obviously didn't expect the Nightmare Knight to counterattack the salvage team.

Green was angry for the same reason. She was angry that others looked down on the "knight" she had chosen.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The sky was stained with ominous blood. Under the dark red light, Green smiled evilly.

She curled her wings and stabbed the space in front of her desperately. Waves of ripples shook, and the power of the nightmare leaked out. In the world, there are countless people who have been unable to wake up all night because of Green's actions, or have dreamed of embarrassing things. .

"What did you do?"

Yi Lin looked up at the sky. Green was just one of the avatars of the [Nightmare Lord], but now that he was making such a noise, it could be seen that Green was doing something big.

After pressing the button for ten seconds, Green let out a long sigh of relief: "I've placed my bet!"

Yi Lin was stunned: "Huh?"

"Here you go, 10 million yuan. If you buy it, you win."


Half of the drones released were shot down by air defense equipment on each island.

Although this world is submerged by sea water, it has developed strange technologies that, to some extent, even surpass the main world where Yilin lives.

"Since pure technology cannot compare..."

Yi Lin personally built a batch of drones.

He carved a hidden magic circuit on the drone.

It took a few days to complete.

Thousands of drones were placed in the air, the magic circuit was activated, and thousands of drones instantly became invisible without leaving any trace. This scene made everyone marvel and call the president awesome.

The drone took two weeks to circle the world.

This world is set to be round and spherical.

After circling the world for a week, the drones flew back to Gaia Fortress, and their power supply was almost exhausted.

After integrating the data recorded by the drone, Gaia Core creates a complete holographic three-dimensional map of the world.

"so boring."

I had nothing to do for two weeks. During this period, I went into the Time Room again.

Now Yilin's remaining source is only a little over 3,000 dimensions. Yilin can no longer resist endless consumption. In addition, for the sake of the health of guild members, Yilin has limited the frequency of entry. No more than once a month, and must be reported in advance.

Mo Rendi complained that he was bored every day. In addition to Mo Rendi, many people in the guild also complained of boredom.

To this.

Yi Lin saw it. As the saying goes, if you go all out in one go, you will be exhausted again and again, Yi Lin cannot let the anger he felt when he escaped from the main world dissipate easily.

Ruth revealed a lot of information. In the past two weeks, Molly and Ruth had become very familiar with each other.

Privately, Ruth secretly told Molly that she liked Yi Lin, who was dressed as a woman, but unfortunately the president had become a man now, which was beyond the scope of her fetish.

When Molly heard this, she was secretly amused. There is a subtle change in the name of Ruth.

When they first met, Molly called Ruth "grandma" and now she calls her "sister."

Two weeks down.

Molly used modern scientific methods and technology to thoroughly study Ruth's awakening ability.

The report she typed showed that Ruth did have something similar to a "nano chip" in her brain. Once this thing is activated, it will connect to another dimension and transport the Dewdrop Queen to this world.

The Dew Queen turned out to be an advanced mechanical life form, so Yi Lin took the time to summon the Cybertronian Gentleman Night Dire.

A car, a boat, a fortress, chatting privately through the radio waves, the conversation was so exciting that it was so late to see each other.

The Cybertronian gentleman seemed to be coveting the sexy hull of "Sister Dewdrop Queen". He protested many times, saying that Yi Lin should upgrade him, at least to the size that matched Lady Dewdrop's.

Yi Lin naturally rejected this unreasonable request.

It is worth mentioning that.

When the disguise of [Apocalypse Knight Module] was peeled off and the true form of [Xi Paradise Core] was revealed, Yilin's module space did not change much.

He still needs "chaos points" to upgrade his skills.

But the origin of this chaos value seems to have nothing to do with Xile Garden.

He asked Green about it. Based on what she saw, Green speculated that the "chaos value" is the special "energy" that the blood of the entropy beast can absorb. The source sea is ups and downs, and disordered information is generated every moment. The increase in entropy will lead to chaos in the source sea. This is the meaning of the existence of the entropy beast.

The disordered expansion of all information is "entropy".

With the help of the Entropy Beast bloodline, Yi Lin can slowly convert the "chaos and disorder" in the Source Sea into the "chaos value" used to upgrade his skills. Although this process is slow, it has entropy. With animal blood, his risk is extremely low.

However, right now, there is a salvage team eyeing the world, and the gambling game in the main world has put their nightmare knights on the table again. Under the Apokolips Star, Gaia Fortress has nowhere to hide, and Yi Lin is not willing to travel to the source in such a high-profile way. Hai can only put this matter aside for the time being.

Of course, Yi Lin no longer has to rely on skills now. With his free method, he has countless tricks. Instead of thinking of ways to improve the level of skills, it is better to read more books and learn more knowledge.

After rejecting Night Dire, and watching the motorcycle leave with a small amount of exhaust fumes, Yi Lin squatted in front of the Gaia Fortress, opened the holographic three-dimensional map, calmed down, and started to calculate the formula.

a week later.

Yi Lin yawned and walked out of Gaia's core. After taking a comfortable bath, he changed into clean clothes and spent some time with Xue'er. He called everyone in front of him.

"Brother, I'm almost exhausted!"

When Mo Rendi saw the meeting, Lao Mo, who usually had few opinions, was the first to speak, beating his chest and expressing his troubles.

He spoke for a long time in one breath, and Mo Rendi's long speech could be summed up in two words: itchy hands.

As the president's "old... friend" and a native of this world, Yi Lin specially invited Ruth to attend the meeting. Ruth knew the rules here, and rarely bothered Yi Lin. Instead, she sat aside seriously and put forward her own ideas.

When the world was submerged by the sea, this boundless ocean had no order, no country, no army, only islands.

Different islands have different customs and customs. Most of the islands are under the jurisdiction of the Yonko.

As one of the "Four Emperors", Ruth has the awakening ability to "summon the advanced silicon-based life Dew Queen", and she quickly gave a suggestion.

"Why don't you go to sea?"

"Why go to sea? Become a pirate?" The person who spoke was Li Yingjun, one of the guild members brought by Yi Lin. His height and strong body were comparable to Su Xiaosu's, with a thick and unkempt beard on his chin, making him look powerful. It is said that before he became an apostle, he was a dedicated physical education teacher who also taught mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical health and other subjects. His usual interest was civil engineering, and he was a talented person.

When Green was selecting people, she noticed that the coordinates recorded by Li Yingjun had the shadow of "Loki", which would be of great use, so she suggested that Yi Lin take them with her.

Li Yingjun has no parents and no wife. He is a classic protagonist template. He has no worries and worries. He follows the president to another world to conquer the world without saying a word.

No, Li Yingjun, the usually taciturn physical education teacher, has been holding back for several weeks and is almost exhausted, and his temper has become a little more lively.

When Ruth heard this, she rolled her eyes charmingly. She knew that one day she drank too much, and she bragged about the story about herself and the captain, and it became a conversation after dinner. Of course, she was very smart and didn't mention Elizabeth Lin.

"Pirates? There are no pirates now!" Ruth corrected: "Now active on the sea, they are all scavengers!"

"Well..." Li Shizhen asked weakly: "The scavengers... aren't they going to rob them?"

Ruth: "Of course you rob! How can you be a scavenger if you don't rob?"

Yes, that's not a pirate.

Everyone is tacitly understanding.

It's just another name, selling dog meat over someone else's head.

There is no clear news about Xiao Wu and the other 20-man expedition team, and Yi Lin happens to need to let people out as well. The remaining thirty people are united in wanting to experience the pirate life, which is exactly what Yilin wants. He then smiled and said, "Okay, you go."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, thinking that the president was joking.

Yi Lin knocked on the table, and a ball of light appeared in the sky above the conference room.

It's Gaia.

"Gaia, if we have the drawings, can our assembly line produce a small ship?"

"Beep beep, calculating." The configuration and functions of Gaia's fast computing pipeline, and after a moment, the answer was given: "Some adjustments need to be made."

"how long it takes."

"34.1 hours. But qualified steel is required."

"If there were a ready-made ship modification in this world, how long would it take?"

"Recalculating... The calculation is completed and it will take about 6 hours."

Everyone listened to Yi Lin and Gaia's questions and answers, and the more they listened, the more frightened they became. From the president's seems like he means it!

Just do it.

After the meeting.

Yi Lin asked Meng Chaoqiang to lead people to move building materials from the warehouse and build a temporary dock in the "Midsummer District" of Gaia Fortress.

At dusk on the first day, the president went out.

to the early hours of the morning.

Seagulls started up one after another and flew over the Gaia Fortress.

The scarlet Apokolips, strangely overlapping with the bright moon, comes from overseas.

Everyone heard the strange movement and hurriedly came to the dock.

A huge portal opened silently from the sky.

In the air, they saw their president, like a god descending to earth, holding up a hundred-meter-long ship with one hand, hanging in mid-air, and passing through the other end of the portal. Landing lightly in the dock.


The sea water fell all over the sky, like a waterfall falling from the sky.

"Phew~ So tired."

Yi Lin left a dilapidated ship with explosion scorch marks all over its body and an empty ship inside, and called Gaia: "Start rebuilding."

【Analyzing. 】

[Transportation type, included. 】

[Transportation completeness: 87%]

[Transportation armor damage degree: 89%]

[Conclusion: Too harsh. 】

"Stop talking nonsense and get started quickly."

Gaia immediately shut up and started working overnight.

Mechanical arms grew out from the depths of the Gaia Fortress and began to repair the ship that Yi Lin had "borrowed" from an unknown place fully automatically.

Ruth was in the distance and took a sneak peek.

Instantly, tears streamed down his face: "He's back, everyone's back, that captain, he's back!"

When Molly heard this, she seemed to have a strong sense of gossip, and quickly asked: "What's back?"

Ruth wiped away her tears: "Back then, the captain was so unscrupulous, using all kinds of tricks, cheating, and bombardment to steal our 'Queen'."

Molly: "..."

The president, who was directing the transformation work, twitched his eyes. He silently pretended not to hear.

Renovation work continued into the early morning hours.

The sky is bright and the morning sun warms your eyes.

A 100-meter-class small ship was parked quietly in the dock.

The hull cannon, the main magic crystal cannon, the jet port, the radar, the drone launch chamber, the main mast, the brand-new ship exudes the flavor of money everywhere.

"Something's missing."

Yi Lin lowered his head and thought about it. After a moment, he smiled and stretched out his finger. The light on his fingertips condensed into a beam, like a laser sword, and he carved three words on the hull of the ship in the air.


Everyone who had been busy all night watched in amazement as the president carved these three words, then turned around and said to them calmly:

"Look, actually building a ship is not that difficult."

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