Infinity Throne

Chapter 1192

The waves are crashing on the beach.


The moment Ares, the God of War, reported his "real name".

The stormy waves stopped and the huge waves calmed down.

The scene in front of me was like the sea, which was shocked by the appearance of the "God of War". It didn't dare to move and took the initiative to calm down.

One person, one god, one shore, one sea.

Makes up all the scenery on the ground.

On Gaia Fortress.

They watched nervously the confrontation below.

Ares's voice was like a live broadcast of a chicken battle. It was not loud, but it spread clearly throughout the world.

The name of God should resound throughout the sky.

The friends are already scolding each other in the team channel.

Crazy scolding the four masters of the pit is really shameless.

Connor's true identity is actually a god.

When was it replaced?

"over there!"

Oda Mai recalled the "dream of hell". Although Oda Mai who fought side by side with Yi Lin in hell was just her "artifact", at the moment the "artifact" disappeared, some of the broken memories were related to Oda Mai. Fusion, two into one.

Oda Mai recalled those fragmentary fragments, gritted her teeth and nodded: "There, Connor was replaced!"

Li Erpang: "Shameless!"

Li Changge: "Shameless!"

Meng Chaoqiang: "You are shameless!"

Everyone looked at each other: "God of Cricket!"

Although they complained like this on the channel, they had experienced the "God War" and they all knew it.

Gods are beings who are under the control of the Lord and can control the life and death of all living things.

They spent many years developing and upgrading their jungle. When they finally gathered, they worked hard to bring down a Mechanical God.

It's bitter, if others don't understand it, how could they not know it.

And now,

In front of everyone, there stands a true god!

A god who doesn’t talk about martial ethics!

Mo Rendi confronts Ares.

One minute.

Two minutes.

One person and one god did not make any move.

Ares just stood casually, pointing his giant sword at the ground.

But this strange silence made the friends speculate.

"I suspect they have started fighting."

"Their speed may exceed the limit of the naked eye, and they are fighting at the atomic and molecular level. For example, the God of War's 'Atomic Splitting Slash' blocked Mr. Mo's 'Molecular Meteor Fist' or something like that."

Li Erpang, a veteran Erpian Ape otaku, reasonably speculated that he had made up many classic scenes in his mind, and smacked his lips in them, which was both tense and exciting.

"I don't think so." Li Changge thought: "Mr. Mo was probably dragged into the mental space by the other party. Their fighting level has gone beyond the 'physical' level and entered a more advanced realm. When they really When it starts to move, when the winner is decided, one punch breaks the long river of time, and the gods in the sky are shocked. No one can do it for all eternity..."

"Fuck, you're talking about fantasy novels!"

Others glared at Li Changge.



While they were making various speculations, there was a violent vibration below.

The moment the ground collapsed, the sky was filled with smoke and dust that obscured everything. They couldn't see what was happening inside at all. The sea water was rushed into the sky by the strength of the two men's duel.

They all guessed wrong, one person and one person, they just stood there for a few minutes to get to know each other.


The three-thousand-meter-high wave hit the "forbidden air zone" barrier and then hit it hard.

Cracks appeared in the sky. They were cracks in the restricted air zone. The night sky was cracked by the "sea water" like an egg shell!

Boom, boom, boom!

Waves of fluctuations visible to the naked eye swept through the strong wind and sea water. A white figure was like lightning. It was invincible. Another red light and shadow was like a towering mountain. It stood still in the center of the vibration, allowing the white lightning to move. Hammering all around.

The white figure is Mo Rendi, and the red figure is Ares. The vibrations on the ground even spread to high altitudes, and the Gaia Fortress tilted up and down, teetering on the edge of collapse.

They suddenly woke up, even if this was the main world of "Xi Paradise", it would never be able to withstand the torment of a true god here. To put it ten thousand steps back, the main world can withstand the torment, but they can't either!


The aftermath of the fight between the two was captured on the Gaia Fortress's defensive canopy. A single encounter knocked the "durability" of the defensive canopy to cripple. Li Kai made a prompt decision and commanded Molly to drive Gaia Fortress to retreat again.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Grandpa, please don't leave Mengmeng to live alone!!"

While Molly was crying and desperate to mourn her grandfather in advance, she skillfully drove the Gaia Fortress away from the Asian continent.

Gaia Fortress jets away from the Asian continent with all its might.

On the mainland.

Under the night, it was pitch black.

The white and red figures, like lightning, collided all the way from the eastern seashore to the inland.

In the blink of an eye, the area where one person and one god was fighting spread thousands of kilometers.

The mountains collapsed and the streams stopped flowing!

A red sword light struck down, and the bottomless sword mark split the entire Asian continent, splitting everything into two, and the land on both sides lifted up.

This kind of attack power that can change the terrain and climate with a single movement is no longer something that others can easily mix in. No wonder Mo Rendi stopped the others and Mo wanted to intervene. Because, whoever goes down, even the aftermath can kill them instantly.

The two colors of light moving at high speed suddenly separated, and the white figure spat out blood and was slashed hundreds of kilometers away by a sword, smashing countless mountains along the way and driving into the ground.



three minutes.

The high-speed and fierce fight between the two lasted for a full three minutes.

It was tragic, and only Mo Rendi, who was in the center of the whirlpool, knew full well.

Around Ares, there was already a piece of broken land. The sword he just struck didn't know what it was. Magma gushes out from the ground, emitting scalding heat under his feet.

The high-temperature magma turned Ares's indifferent face slightly red. He took a long breath and stared into the distance.

The enemy's spiral energy protected his body like a drill and drilled out of the ground.

He shook his long sleeves to shake off the dust on his body. One of Mo Rendi's arms drooped limply, and blood flowed down the tattered sleeve like a spring.

Ares ducked across the continent and arrived not far from Mo Ren Enemy.

Condescendingly, overlooking the world, Ares sighed and shook his head: "Yes, but unfortunately, you are not a god."

Mo Rendi's face was gloomy, but he grinned: "There is nothing good about being a god."

As he spoke, steam rose from his body, as the giant bloodline was rapidly repairing the wounds in his body.

"Inferior demi-human blood," Ares saw the details of Mo Rendi at a glance: "It is very good to be able to develop "pale" lower-level authority. "

Ares landed on the ground, dragging his giant sword, and walked towards Mo Rendi step by step.

He looked far away at the Gaia Fortress outside the continent and said to the enemy:

"You are qualified to live, but they are not qualified."

Ares's tone was half acknowledgment and half pity. That was the mercy of the gods to the ants.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Mo Rendi made no move.

When Ares walked to Mo Rendi's side.

Mo Rendi suddenly raised his intact arm.

Ares stopped and frowned: "Is life bad?"

Mo Rendi was silent for a moment and took a deep breath: "Do you have children?"

Ares lowered his head, then nodded calmly: "Yes, they are all 'human-god hybrids', and they all died in the end."

He didn't understand what Mo Rendi meant by asking at this critical moment.

Mo Rendi said: "It's good to be alive, but I don't want to live alone."

Ares slowly raised the giant sword with a solemn expression: "I recognize you and will grant you the most noble 'death in battle'."

"What I wish for!"

Mo Rendi laughed three times, coughing out blood while laughing, and surging white flames rose into the sky, shining like the morning light that dispersed the dark night.


"Grandpa is going to die!"

"Old Mo!"


"Fight him!"

Everyone on Gaia Fortress saw that something was wrong.

No enemy wants to be cool.

Oda Mai silently raised the knife, said little, and prepared to jump out of the plane, looking for the landing place.

"Should we leave Old Pan behind?"

I don't know who came up with a wonderful idea.

"good idea!"

Molly, who was wearing a VR helmet, directly pushed out the Gaia cannon: "Pan Zhengyi can fit into the chamber of the main cannon!"

"What a great idea! Let's shoot out Old Pan!"

"Cum out!"

"We will not promise not to use Lao Pan!!"

Everyone was hurriedly preparing to lift Lao Pan and shoot him out like a cannonball.

Lao Pan seems to be the trump card of Apocalypse Guild.

Lao Pan was a bit of a thief this time and refused to die. He stuck a stick in the ground and held it tightly with both hands. He giggled and sprayed "乐色乐色" without knowing who he was scolding. However, Li Erpang and several other forces came to the side, but they could not successfully remove Lao Pan from the stick.

Just when everyone was panicking.

A voice sounded from above.

"Stop torturing Lao Pan, it's useless."

Yi Lin fell down as usual, with a natural expression: "His 'strong luck' also has limits, restricted by the 'sequence'."

The moment Yi Lin appeared, the sky above Gaia Fortress was filled with silence.

Oda Mai smiled slightly and released her hand from the handle of the knife.

I don’t know why, but from the moment Yi Lin appeared, Oda Mai had a feeling - we will not lose.

"Yeah, we won't lose."

Yi Lin suddenly turned around and said something to Oda Mai.

Oda Mai was stunned.

She clearly didn't say what was on her mind just now.

Li Erpang rolled up his sleeves and was about to say something.

Yi Lin turned to Li Erpang again: "I didn't mean to appear last. I've been here for a while."

Then he turned to Molly, who still had tears on her face: "The reason why I waited for a while was because of your grandfather's wish. He longed for a 'hearty' death fight."

He turned to Li Changge again: "Come on, you performed very well this time. I give you a thumbs up."

Before the dog had time to lick it and complain about its intestines, Yilin hugged Wang'er and said, "After tonight, I'll find you a wife, Wang'er."

Wang'er burst into tears instantly.

Something is wrong with Yi Rin's performance.

Li Erpang figured it out and was so frightened that he covered his chest: "How the hell did you realize that you can read minds?"

Yi Lin smiled and did not explain.

"Sorry, I'm not familiar with the current situation and I'm a little uncomfortable with it."

As he spoke, three ripples appeared behind Yi Lin.

Nie Hongxiu, Gayage Qinmei, and Bai Xiaoyi appeared from behind the ripples.

The moment they stepped out of the spiritual residence, they pinched their arms in shock: "We... became humans?"

Yi Lin didn't explain, turned his back to everyone, walked to the edge of the fortress, and raised his hand towards the sky.

"It's time to clear up."

The darkness breaks open and the sun rises from the east.

"It's sunny! It's sunny!"

Li Kai sat in the corner, like a child, slapping his thighs and crying and laughing. He had long lost his original composure and calmness.

"Thank you for all your hard work these years." Yi Lin walked out of Gaia Fortress step by step.

"Where are you going?" Mai Oda, who had been silent until now, finally couldn't help but ask.

"There are still 22 seconds left for Lao Mo's 'Fight to the Death'," Yi Lin seemed to be able to see through the future and accurately reported the time when the battle between Mo Rendi and Ares would end: "I'm going to end this."

After speaking, Yi Lin paused for a moment and nodded affirmatively:


Yi Rin arrives at the battlefield.

On the battlefield.

The sun sets, dispelling all the haze and discomfort.

In the center of the land, Mo Rendi was covered in blood, with his hands crossed in front of him.

At the intersection, Ares looked at his sword in surprise.

The bones of Mo Rendi's two arms were completely broken, and only the skin and flesh were connected. He and Ares sank hundreds of meters below their feet.

He blocked the sword.

Snap, snap, snap.

Yi Lin didn't know when she was sitting in the air, smiling and applauding: "Old friend, are you happy?"

Ares instantly retreated tens of thousands of miles and came to the sky above the sea. He looked in the direction of the land with his eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

Only Mo Rendi was left motionless, breathing weakly.

Yi Lin stepped forward and patted Mo Rendi on the back.

"Cough cough cough..." Mo Rendi looked rosy after coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood.


"You are so..."

"What the hell..."

"You're finally here?"

Mo Rendi finally managed to say a complete sentence.

Yi Lin scratched his head: "Isn't this what you long for?"

After Mo Rendi came back to life, he looked at his old friend in surprise, with an expression as if he was meeting him for the first time, and asked in surprise: "You now...?"

Yi Lin smiled calmly: "It's hard to say, it's a very strange state. I call this state 'omniscience and omnipotence'."

"I can know 'everything'. The moment I think about the problem, the 'answer' naturally appears in my mind."

"For example, I know the outcome of you and Ares,"

"I know how many seconds it will take for you to die fighting,"

"I know what Mengmeng and Xiaowu are thinking,"

"I know how many gods there are outside Xiyuan,"

"To be honest, I don't like this state, because for me, there are no 'questions' in all 'things', only answers are left, which means that I have no surprises."

"Even when I think about..."


After Yi Lin finished speaking, two lines of tears fell down. His eyes seemed to have penetrated time and space, staring at somewhere.

Yi Lin's change stunned Mo Rendi, and he started to cry while talking.

"Haha..." Yi Lin quickly wiped away her tears: "Suddenly I no longer hate this state. It turns out that she has always been there. It seems that I have to clean up the mess here quickly. I can't Take a little time."

"But I lost." Mo Renhui was deeply upset that he lost to Ares, the God of War.

"It doesn't matter, this is an unfair battle." Yi Lin looked at his old friend thoughtfully: "Do you want to win a fair game?...I'm talking about God."

Mo Rendi was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "I'll beat him to death."

"Then beat him to death."

Yi Lin stretched out her hand towards Ares, who was thousands of miles away.

In an instant, Ares fled frantically out of the world, but in the blink of an eye, he had been captured back here by an unknown force.


Ares's red hair burned with anger and he shook his head wildly: "Impossible!"

Yi Lin was too lazy to talk nonsense. When he stretched out his hand again, a dark red "authority" with a golden arm and an iron horse inside was spinning in Yi Lin's palm.

The whole god Ares was stunned.

He couldn't recognize it. The pedestal spinning like a toy in Yi Lin's hand was exactly his power - "invincible"!


Yi Lin crushed it.

Then he pointed at Ares easily and smiled at Mo Rendi: "Go, Old Mo, beat him to death."

"Well, that's right, one minute and twenty-nine seconds. I'm just in time."

Yi Lin even told the result without any suspense.

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