Infinity Throne

Chapter 307 Crazy Apostle

Yi Lin skillfully pressed the "pause" action, causing Cao Anbang, who was observing on the side, to tense up and couldn't help but ask: "Did you find anything?"

Yi Lin said nothing.

Just played the above short video again.

"Is there any from the past few days?"


Cao Anbang thought Yi Lin had discovered something strange. Although he didn't believe it, he quickly pulled up the surveillance video.

for the next hour.

Yi Lin carefully watched all the videos of Sheng Chunrou's elevator opening facing Sheng Chunrou's door in the past three months several times.

Read it.

Cao Anbang did not interrupt. Seeing Yi Lin's serious expression, he silently waited for Yi Lin's research results.

Yi Lin looked at Cao Anbang.

The other party seemed to be waiting for his answer.

Think about it.

Yi Lin smiled and expressed her thoughts after watching the video: "It can be seen from the video that Sheng Chunrou should be a very self-disciplined person. But considering her profession, this is not surprising."

"Oh? How did you tell?"

Cao Anbang's stern face revealed a smile.

"The time she goes out every day varies by no more than ten minutes, and her schedule is very regular. And when she comes home every day, it is basically the same time period. It is conceivable that she does not live in a large circle and does not have much communication. However, in the past one Yue is a little weird. She goes out at night every two or three days, which is not consistent with her usual self-discipline and small circle. Can you find out where she went during this time?"

Cao Anbang nodded, as if he was not surprised by Yi Lin's observation: "Because time is tight, we haven't had time to check it, but this is a little weird, and we also discovered it when we were studying the video. But it doesn't matter if we think about it carefully. Too suspicious. Although Sheng Chunrou has a small social circle, she always has friends. Every time she goes out, she never comes home too late. There was nothing unusual when she came back. It should not have much to do with her disappearance. .”

Yi Lin shook his head: "It doesn't matter. There seems to be no other clues at the moment anyway. You are more professional than me in criminal investigation. Just go and investigate this line."


"By the way, have you been to Sheng Chunrou's house?"

"This..." Hearing this, a hint of embarrassment flashed across Cao Anbang's face: "Because Sheng Chunrou is not a criminal, but a victim, and she is still undergoing treatment. So without applying for an investigation order, we cannot Randomly entering the victim's home."

"If you have to go in, is there any difficulty?"

Cao Anbang pondered for a moment: "There are difficulties, but it should be no problem. After all, we have been investigating this case in Litai City for several months, and there is a lot of pressure from above. If people continue to disappear, maybe we will be like the Qingcheng Police Department , has been nailed to the shame board of the police community, so I should be able to apply in the end.”

Cao Anbang didn't notice Yi Lin's suddenly weird expression, and said firmly: "But it may take a while."

"Ahem. It's okay. Just get ready as soon as possible."

Yi Lin coughed twice to hide the embarrassed expression on her face. Unexpectedly, what happened a few months ago had already spread throughout the police industry.

Cough cough cough.

Yi Lin was very helpless.

On the way back, the two briefly discussed some details about the case.

Although Yi Lin is not a member of the system.

But in Cao Anbang's view, since it is a team dedicated to investigating this matter, they are not outsiders. Then he revealed all the information about the case and seemed to have nothing to hide.

Of course, it was said to be intelligence, but in just three days, the conclusions Cao Anbang could draw from his investigation were extremely limited and not very helpful.

When she returned to the special ward of the hospital, Yi Lin found that the security in the hospital was even tighter.

Yi Lin saw all this and looked around without saying anything else.

The "doctor" Zhao Yulong mentioned...hasn't come yet.

The little fat man was wearing an XXL uniform, squatting boredly at the door of the ward.

When Yi Lin saw the little fat man's costume, the corners of his mouth twitched and he almost made a pig noise without holding back his laughter.

Li Erpang's uniform obviously didn't fit him, and he couldn't even button his upper body, and even half of his white belly was exposed. When he ran out with this posture, no one would believe that this guy was a professional police officer.

When the little fat man saw Yi Lin, he immediately became angry: "I'm so laughing at your sister!"

"Huh? Did I laugh?" Yi Lin subconsciously touched the corner of his mouth, and it turned up. So he said very apologetically: "I'm sorry, I can't help it."


Cao Anbang walked behind Yi Lin, his face tense, but his facial muscles trembled slightly, obviously he was enduring a lot of hardship.

But they have received professional training.

While on duty, no matter how funny the situation is, he will never laugh out loud.

Unless... I can't help it.

"Are the cameras in the ward turned off?"

Yi Lin asked casually.

Cao Anbang asked someone and said that he had not had time to open it after it was closed just now.

Yi Lin pulled the little fat man into the ward, told Cao Anbang not to come in under any circumstances, and locked the door.

When the little fat man saw it, he was stunned. He hugged his chest and was horrified: "F*ck, what do you want to do to me, fat man?"

Yi Lin was too lazy to pay attention to Li Erpang's coquettish words. She closed her eyes and her telekinetic tentacles moved invisibly.

His current mental attributes are very terrifying. Although he has not yet broken through the shackles of the mental lock, he is not far behind.

If someone is peeking at him through the camera, Yi Lin can vaguely sense it. Although it may not be accurate, she can still detect this uncomfortable feeling.

Tentacles surge...

on the bed.

Sheng Chunrou's pale face was slightly twisted and red, and her whole body was twisting and shaking on the bed.

Li Erpang also noticed something strange about Sheng Chunrou on the bed. He looked at Yi Lin curiously, squinting as if thinking.

After a while.

Yi Lin opened her eyes with a helpless expression, walked towards Sheng Chunrou, and said, "Sure enough."

As he spoke, Yi Lin walked up to Sheng Chunrou and suddenly pulled up the clothes behind Sheng Chunrou.

"Birds, birds, beasts! Wait, let me, let me come!"

Li Erpang rushed over quickly, very anxious.

How can I bother you with this kind of thing?

I, Li Erpang, specialize in all kinds of hard work!

I, Li Erpang, am considerate!

But this is too, too direct!

Li Erpang burst out with all his speed, rubbed his palms together, and ran to Yi Lin's side with a look of shyness and anger.

But when Li Erpang ran to Yi Lin and looked at Yi Lin's fixed gaze, the wretched expression disappeared in an instant.

The two of them stared directly at Sheng Chunrou's back for about ten seconds.

Li Erpang finally couldn't help it and asked: "Is this so? How did you know?"

Yi Lin didn't reveal his ability, and when he did, Yi Lin was afraid that Li Erpang would be jealous, so he just said casually: "I just guessed."


Li Erpang gave Yi Lin a thumbs up.

Yi Lin thought of another level.

The matter becomes more complicated.

Behind Sheng Chunrou, there was a skull mark on the snow-white skin.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this looks like just a slightly rebellious tattoo, but this tattoo is familiar to both the little fat man and Yi Lin.

——"Death Brand"!

In other words, Sheng Chunrou turned out to be an apostle!

A stupid apostle!

"This can also explain why she was able to escape."

Li Erpang smacked his lips: "It's not easy to torture her like this. What the hell? If I had known better, I wouldn't have interfered!"

The little fat man was horrified when he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it.

He really just wants to escape from marriage!

How can this cause trouble?

Sheng Chunrou was like a zombie. After Yi Lin withdrew his telekinesis tentacles, her body no longer trembled. Her blank and empty eyes did not look at Yi Lin and the little fat man. She just stared at the air in front of her, as if There is something there.

"Dawn...embrace the dawn...embrace the dawn...hehehehe..."

While muttering to herself, Sheng Chunrou suddenly giggled.

If it were an ordinary person, the little fat man wouldn't think anything of this scene. But when he learned about Sheng Chunrou's other identity, a chill came out of his heart.

Even an apostle was made like this, so what kind of terrible thing is hidden behind this incident?

"Look...hehe." Seeing that Yi Lin had helped Sheng Chunrou tidy up her clothes, Li Erpang reluctantly looked back, rubbing his palms with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Look, is it too late to regret now? Fatty, I just You're new, you shouldn't be qualified to participate in such a big operation, right?"

"Okay." Yi Lin smiled calmly and said, "It's okay. I'll tell Mayor Li later that you changed your mind and don't plan to work hard for your career. You plan to go back and get married."

"No." Li Erpang gritted his teeth: "Young people should put their career first. Please whip me hard. You're welcome. Just do whatever you want."

"You have awareness." Yi Lin chuckled and patted the little fat man on the shoulder.

But tears of regret had already squeezed out of the narrow slits of the little fat man's eyes.

If there are no outsiders here.

He will definitely cry.

A very loud one.

Yi Lin looked at Sheng Chunrou.

Her eyes were unfocused.

The pupils are also out of focus.

To put it in layman's terms, her eyes have no soul.

Yi Lin was even hesitating whether it would be effective to use the same method of treating Lao Pan on Sheng Chunrou's body.

But after thinking for a while, Yi Lin gave up this plan.

Sheng Chunrou's current situation looked like her spirit had been crushed to pieces, and it was quite complete. Before knowing the specific situation, Yi Lin's unprofessional tossing would probably completely destroy Sheng Chunrou, and then the only clue would be cut off.

Bang, bang, bang.

at this time.

Outside, Cao Anbang slammed the door worriedly.

Afraid of what happened inside.

Yi Lin looked at the time and quickly sent a few messages to the little fat man in the communication function.

The little fat man was still crying in his heart, but he had no choice but to go up when it was time to go up. He could only wipe away his tears and nodded to show his understanding.

"Nothing unusual, right?"

After opening the door, Cao Anbang walked in with a nervous expression. He was really afraid that something had happened to the only missing person.

"Officer Cao. It's getting late today. Our professional medical staff may still be on the way. I'll ask you to keep an eye on her tonight. See you tomorrow."

Cao Anbang was not surprised. After all, this matter could not be resolved today, so he nodded and expressed that Sheng Chunrou's safety was guaranteed to him.

Yi Lin glanced at Cao Anbang calmly, and then left the special ward with the little fat man.

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