Infinity Throne

Chapter 380

Big engineering tower.

63 floors.

Living Area.

In Adeng's office.

The great engineer A Deng was dressed neatly. There were no secretaries or female students inside, and he was making black tea happily.


"Why has this name been cut out?"

"Pfft-cough cough cough..."

A Deng was so frightened that he spat out the sip of tea he had just taken.

I almost choked to death.

After coughing for a long time, A Deng turned his head in shock and looked at Yi Lin, the "explosion student" who had run up behind him at some point. His eyes widened with an expression as if he had seen an unscientific being.

"You, you, you, when did you come in?"


"But I obviously locked the door..."

"You didn't lock it."

"But I obviously..."

Yi Lin sighed: "I think you don't want to see the news that 'Grand Engineer A Deng suffers from Alzheimer's disease and is seriously brain-dead' spread throughout the entire College of Engineers within an hour, right?"

"Oh, I remember, I forgot to lock the door."

A Deng looked at the door not far away that had never been opened and said against his will.

Yi Lin did not continue to dwell on such details. She slowly walked around in a circle and walked to A Deng, stuck between "A Deng" and "door".

This is the only door out of this office.

There is also a hidden exit under the crystal ornament on the right.

Yi Lin knew it very well and blocked all routes to prevent A Deng from escaping without respecting martial ethics.


Yi Lin slapped the worn-out "History of the World" with few paragraphs missing on the table, smiled kindly, and repeated the question that A Deng had not heard clearly not long ago.

This time, Yi Lin's tone was very polite.

"Excuse me, my respected mentor, why has this name been cut out?"

A Deng wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth.

He looked down.

After seeing the book in Yi Lin's hand clearly, her brows twitched and she whispered: "It turns out this book is on the 54th floor..."


"Uh, I mean, why are you suddenly interested in 'world history'?"

Yi Lin shook her head, stared into the eyes of the great engineer A Deng, and said slowly: "I'm not very interested in 'history'. What I'm interested in is that there are two words on it that I didn't have time to dig out."

"The evil god."

A Deng was stunned and fell silent.

A few seconds later, A Deng wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to himself: "It turns out that I didn't clean it thoroughly..."

Yi Lin: "..."

"Hey -" A Deng suddenly winked and laughed, stretched out his hand to steal the book away from the table, and said at the same time: "Actually, this book is too old, there is nothing to say. , how about we..."

Yi Lin did not stop A Deng from grabbing the book. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and showed a kind smile.

"If the dean knew that you secretly looked at the 'Bunny Girl Photo'..."


"If the vice-dean's wife knew that you often peeked at the tight buttocks of female students in engineering clothes in the yard during the day..."

"What the hell?" A Deng was immediately angry and stood up, slapping the table. His beards were trembling with anger, and his voice trembled like waves: "You, you, how dare you spy on me? Where can I look at my bag, look,... Are you looking at your butt? I'm looking at your legs!"

Yi Lin sighed again: “You can’t even get the dean’s wife—”


A Deng held Yi Lin's hand tightly. His movements were fast and his handshake was tight, just like a lover who would never leave her for eternity.

"Allow me to explain in detail."

A Deng was helpless.

I had no choice but to start the class again for the "explosion students" who had been avoiding them for many days.

This section is "World History".

He subconsciously touched his face.

It's just healing there.

In this class, there is no circuit practice. It should, maybe, maybe, there will be no more accidents.

A Deng drew a "circle" on the blackboard.

A string of text was written inside the circle.


"Although I have always made you believe in science, you should know that there are 'gods' in this world."

Yi Lin raised her hand and answered: "Uranus."

"The answer is correct," Aden praised, and while drawing seven more dots in the circle, he explained: "At the beginning of the creation of the world, the god 'Uranus' used seven giant beasts to rise above the clouds. Created this world. These seven giant beasts are: Gaia, Aiolos, Boros, Pagos, Aurora, and Poseidon."

Yi Lin kindly reminded: "Teacher, you only mentioned six giant beasts."

A Deng suddenly fell silent.

"The dean's wife..."

"Ahem, forget it, there's actually nothing to hide. The seventh Titan is the two words that I didn't have time to dig out in the 'history of the world'. It represents the 'extreme darkness of the world'...the evil god."

The moment he said those two words, A Deng looked around subconsciously, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Why did you dig it out?"

"Because," A Deng saw that nothing special happened after he said those two words. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Two thousand years ago, in 1333, legend has it that the world There was a 'war of gods' in the world. The seventh giant beast was dissatisfied with the rule of the world by the god Uranus and launched a war against the gods."

"The specific circumstances of that battle have been lost in history. But the only thing we can know is that before the 'War of Gods' took place, there were no 'monsters' in the world, but the blood of the seventh giant beast was scattered all over the world. Everywhere, they turned into various monsters.”

Yi Lin lowered his head to think and whispered to himself: "So the final BOSS is set like this."


A Deng didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?"

"No, I said that's how it is..." Yi Lin swiped her finger down, opened the panel, stared at the current target of the "main mission", and continued to extract information about the main mission from A Deng: "Then this awesome guy now Where is the burning giant beast?"


Yi Lin was startled.


The BOSS is gone?

Then who should I swipe?

"Are you gone?"

A Deng glared at the explosive student Yi Lin, carefully sorted out the subject, predicate, and object of the entire sentence, and said it again: "The seventh giant beast has fallen!"


After this class, Yi Lin asked over and over again, but Lao Deng would not change his confession even to the death.

Yi Lin even threatened to build a hundred and eight large "amplification loops" in the corridors of each floor to compile all of A Deng's secrets into a song and sing it a hundred times. But A Deng said directly: This is the truth, you kill me!

This shabby answer made Yi Lin undecided whether she really wanted this poor old man to die socially.

It’s not easy to fall in love at dusk.

What a pure and flawless spiritual companion.

In fact, Lao Deng was just secretly chatting with the dean's wife.

Yi Lin thought for a while and decided to let A Deng go for the time being.

After all, Yi Lin still has a lot of knowledge and needs to find answers from A Deng.

"Is the BOSS really dead in the end?"

"Wait a minute..."

Yi Lin opened the [Task] panel again.

The content of the main quest remains unchanged.

In other words, the information he has obtained so far is not enough to complete the current task.

[Current mission goal: Find more clues about the "Evil God". 】

Yi Lin rubbed his eyebrows depressedly.

More clues. System, please explain the mission more clearly. How many clues can be found to complete the mission?

Wouldn't it be far-fetched to continue like this?

Although Yi Lin is enjoying this game now.

It’s not unacceptable that I can’t leave here for a while.

But Yi Lin has not forgotten that he still doesn't know what kind of condition his body is in in "reality".

In case the energy of the life-sustaining cabin is insufficient.

What if there is a power outage in reality.

Or maybe some natural or man-made disaster happened in his "real" home.

Then isn't he cool?

Returning to the real world is the only "main mission" Yi Lin urgently needs to complete.

Knowing that time was tight, Yi Lin compressed her rest time and squeezed out as much free time as possible. She spent time in the library on the 54th floor, reading various books on "Crystal Textology" and the key points of various Crystal Textology examinations. , difficult points, and test points are deeply remembered in my mind.

It doesn't matter if you don't fully understand it yet. He believes that in practical application, as long as the knowledge is firmly remembered, everything will be integrated quickly.

Yi Lin sat on the bare floor of the library.

The floors were spotless.

Yi Lin stretched out a finger and while thinking, she subconsciously drew on the floor, simulating the construction of circuits for various functions.

In an instant, Yilin recalled that standing at the top of the Holy See branch in Port Isita, in the center of the seven huge white crystals, he had witnessed with his own eyes the entire process of the mysterious and complex circuit from starting to stopping.

At that time, Yi Lin read it and found it somewhat interesting. After systematically studying "crystal pattern", when she recalled the "circuit", she had different thoughts.

"Strange, that 'loop' seems to be familiar in many parts, but when connected together, I have no idea how it works. Just using that loop can create a defensive shield out of thin air that can cover a large port city. ?”

"If I read it correctly, that circuit is composed of seven main cores, fifty-six sub-cores, and countless 'nodes' and 'patterns'. Normally speaking, just seven The main core and fifty-six sub-cores cannot fully provide the 'energy' required for the defensive shield."


As if an idea flashed in Yi Lin's mind, she chewed on these two words carefully.


That circuit is incomplete.

Yi Lin always feels like "something is wrong".

"In 'Crystal Texture', the most fundamental rules for constructing circuits are the 'tightness' and 'integrity' of the circuit. In an incomplete circuit, crystal energy cannot flow. By the way, it is like 'electricity', which does not constitute A closed 'circuit' cannot generate current."

"Although crystal grain science is a black technology in the game world, it should have a similar principle. Wait, what is this..."

Yi Lin was originally sitting on the floor.

Every smooth tile on the ground is engraved with some decorative patterns.

"This is……"

Yi Lin's face froze, and he carefully pushed open several nearby bookshelves. After clearing a clear space, he carefully examined the texture of the floor tiles.

"I remember that the map of Port Isita seemed to be..."

Yi Lin closed her eyes.

Not long ago, because of the convenience of movement, Yi Lin took out the map of Isita Port and memorized it carefully.

Yi Lin sat alone in the library.

There is no one else here but him.

Yi Lin remained motionless, like a sculpture.

If it weren't for the fact that Yi Lin's chest was still rising and falling with a certain fixed rhythm, maybe someone might have accidentally broken into the library on the 54th floor at this time and mistakenly thought that this legendary "exploder" who blew up several large engineering towers was... student" died suddenly in the library due to mental and physical exhaustion.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Yi Lin suddenly opened her eyes and smiled.

"I see."

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