Infinity Throne

Chapter 391 Professional Fusion, Shadow Warlock! (A 7,600-word chapter, please vote monthly)

Half an hour later.

In classrooms.

"Dear tutor, I want to learn magic."

"Nonsense, this is science, you must believe in science! You must respect knowledge!"

A Deng carefully corrected Yi Lin's statement.

"Actually, similar to the defensive circuit of Port Isita, the design of the entire city was the work of the Great Engineering School. But in order to stabilize the 'theocratic power', the Holy See hid all this and declared it to be 'divine grace' '?"

Yilin had already come to this conclusion after personally trying to construct a super-large composite circuit and figuring out the structural secrets in Isita Port.


When A Deng heard this, he fell silent for a moment.

After a while, A Deng was attentive and coughed twice: "It's not important."


"But, my dear student, you guessed right."

A Deng smiled slightly, and he drew a simple "secondary heating loop" with a flask filled with water on it.

"Use 'nodes' and 'patterns' to unleash the power of crystals in various ways. This is the 'circuit'."

"But if we really want to perfectly connect 'loop' to 'loop' and act on more carriers, we can't do it with a simple loop."

As A Deng spoke, he took out a crooked old wooden stick.

The top of the wooden staff is inlaid with a goose egg-sized crystal, which is crystal clear, radiant and invisible.

He gently touched the crystal at the end of the wooden staff to the palm of his hand.


In the blink of an eye, a small flame suddenly lit up in A Deng's palm, making A Deng's wrinkled face turn red.

"What really connects the complex 'circuit' together and makes it work is the 'spell'."

With a wave of Aden's wooden stick, the flames disappeared out of thin air.

"The ultimate in crystal pattern science is the 'crystal pattern technique'."

"Crystal Pattern Technique?"

Yi Lin subconsciously picked at the dead skin on her forehead. The feel was so good that Yi Lin fell into deep thought.

"We are scholars who explore the mysteries of the world."

"We are engineers obsessed with creation."

"We are also 'Crystal Pattern Warlocks' who utilize the power of crystals to the extreme."

A Deng's voice came strangely from behind Yi Lin.

When Yi Lin heard the direction from which the sound came, she frowned and was startled. She turned her head and looked behind her.

At some point, another ‘A Deng’ appeared behind him.

Then look back at the podium.

"A Deng" on the podium had a joking expression and hidden meaning in his eyes. After finishing his pretentious lines, he stared at Yi Rin and smiled without saying a word.


Yi Lin murmured in a low voice. He closed his eyes and spread his "perception".

After closing her eyes and entering that mysterious and unspeakable state, Yi Lin discovered that "A Deng" on the podium seemed not to exist, with no breathing or heartbeat. On the contrary, it was A Deng who appeared behind him who was the real existence. .

Seeing that Yi Lin was really shocked, A Deng couldn't hide his pride and waved his hand to disperse "A Deng" from the podium.

"This is 'projection', just a trivial trick."


A Deng stepped forward from behind Yi Lin again.

At this time, the water in the flask placed on the "secondary heating circuit" on the table bubbled and began to boil.

A Deng casually used the wooden stick to point outside the boiling flask.

Crystal light flashed.

The water that was about to boil suddenly stopped.


The flask cracked, and white mist poured out of it.

"Is it freezing?"

Yilin picked at the dead skin harder.

"This is the 'freezing technique', not worth mentioning."

A Deng exerted his strength again.

The water in the flask flows again.

Stick again.

The cracks on the surface of the flask were repaired as before in the blink of an eye.

"This is 'restoration', so-so."


A Deng used the flask to demonstrate many of what he called "little tricks."

Yi Lin was itching to see it.

You show off, but you teach!

Just as Yi Lin guessed, what A Deng taught Yi Lin before was only the basics of basics. This kind of "spell" that ignores the most basic rules of the circuit and the time it takes for the circuit to take effect is the high-end gameplay in "Crystal Texture".

After A Deng showed off Yi Lin's face, he sighed.

"I didn't expect that the crisis of crystal depletion in the mine was actually caused by the legendary monster."

"If I don't teach you the real 'spell', even if you are the prophesied 'brave', you probably won't be able to defeat that monster."

"This task is still too difficult for you."

Yi Lin looked helpless: "Is this magic?"

"Nonsense, you have to believe in science!"

As soon as A Deng finished speaking, his expression changed slightly, and then he quickly drew a circle in front of him with his wooden stick.

Wherever the end of the wooden stick passed, light flowed, and a door of light appeared in front of A Deng.

Behind the light door, it seems that the space has been separated, and there is another completely different scene.

"Uh, just wait a moment. I'll be back as soon as I go."

The end.

A Deng emphasized again: "Remember, you must believe in science."

After saying that, A Deng stepped through the light door and disappeared in front of Yi Lin in the blink of an eye.

Yi Lin was stunned.

Are you telling me this is "science"?

Wait a moment.

Wasn't the old man using the legendary "teleportation" just now?

Isn't the dean's wife very defensive?


A Deng left and came back in a hurry.

His expression was quite serious.

Yi Lin had no intention of following him and was thinking about it alone in the small classroom.

After A Deng came back, he didn't mention the reason for his short departure.

He carefully explained the principles of "spell" to Yi Lin.

"Before the spell is activated, there must be a carrier."

A Deng pointed to his wooden staff and said with a smile: "Every great engineer's tool is carved out by himself with countless circuits. Circuits with different functions are connected in various ways, and the final result is... Technique'."

"In other words, your staff...ah, the engineer's staff is actually just fragments of various 'circuits'. When you want to use it, you can pick out useful fragments and combine them to form a spell?"

"Absolutely." A Deng expressed his amazement at Yi Lin's understanding. After staying for a while, he continued: "There is another way to use it. The 'circuit fragment' in the engineer's staff acts as an 'internal type'. And The inherent 'foreign' combination produces different effects. It's like this..."

A Deng used the "secondary heating circuit" on the desktop as an example.

I saw him tapping the secondary heating circuit with a wooden stick. The "circuit segment" in the wooden stick and the secondary heating circuit formed a closed "circle", and the crystal energy flowed. In the blink of an eye, the water in the flask evaporated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and not a drop remained.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't understand now. After all, this is not just a matter of time..."

"I probably understand."

Before A Deng could finish speaking, Yi Lin nodded, suddenly enlightened.


"I have one more question."

"Oh? Why the hell do you still have questions?"

A Deng's eyes widened, expressing disbelief.

"I'm just curious..." Yi Lin looked at her hands and pondered: "Can a circuit be engraved on the surface of the body, and the 'human body' be used as the carrier of the 'circuit' to trigger various 'spells'? "

Damn it?

A Deng's eyes widened even more, seeming to be shocked by Yi Lin's whims.

Yi Lin had no intention of paying attention to A Deng's surprise. He had bold ideas popping up in his mind. He kept thinking about the feasibility of this idea and talking to himself.

"Theoretically, I think it should be feasible. Just solve the nodes, circuits, and cores, and you can construct spells with various functions. For example, constructing 'defense spells', 'acceleration spells', and 'movement spells' on the human body ,'Weakness Seeing Technique'..."

"The only thing that needs to be solved is the problem of energy source."


A Deng shouted, interrupting Yi Lin's reverie.

Yi Lin was stunned for a moment, then he raised his head and looked at A Deng with a serious expression.

The master and the disciple stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. No one said anything, they just stared at each other.

a long time.

A Deng waved his hand and drew a "portal", taking Yi Lin to a strange place.

Here is a room.

There are beds, bookshelves, tables and chairs inside.

There is a book spread out on the table.

Next to the books, there is a simple wooden photo frame.

There is a smiling face of a middle-aged man in the photo frame.

Yi Lin didn't understand why A Deng brought him here.

This room is full of furnishings and dusty.

A rare look of sadness appeared on Aden's wrinkled face.

At this time, Yi Lin was vaguely aware of A Deng's purpose in bringing him to this room.

"He was my last student, his name was Ziki Zaszki."


" do you know?"

"It's obvious."

This photo was all taken in black and white. A Deng only had to carve the word "mourning" on his face. It was really difficult for Yi Lin not to guess. After all, the IQ is there.

"Once upon a time, he was just like you. He proposed the idea of ​​using the 'human body' as a carrier of magic. He even wrote a book and wrote all his research theories in that book."

"what book?"

""Real engineers should wear meat suits and engage in melee combat"."


"has a problem?"

"..., no. Tutor, please continue."

A Deng didn't notice anything wrong with the name of this book at all. He still had that nostalgic look on his face. Thinking of the past, A Deng's eyes were filled with sadness.

"He did so in the end. He successfully constructed the spell on himself, and the spell worked."

"Then what? How did you die?"

A Deng was silent for a moment and turned his face.

"It exploded."


"Oh, how can human strength withstand the mighty power flowing from the crystal? Crystal is the embodiment of the power of the god Ouranos. That is divine power! How can a mortal body dare to touch the power of God."

Yi Lin frowned.


Yi Lin remembered something.

"You just said, what is the name of that student?"


"Blow yourself up?"


"All right."

Yi Lin accepted this setting instantly.

It was not an unjust death.

Ten days later.

A Deng patted Yi Lin on the shoulder and expressed pleasure at Yi Lin's learning speed.

"My dear student, you can graduate!"


[You successfully completed the 'Advanced Crystal Texture' course and were recognized by the great engineer 'Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore'. 】

[Deputy engineer, promoted to "senior engineer". 】

[The reputation of the College of Engineers has been upgraded to "Respected"! 】

After A Deng upgraded Yi Lin's title with his own hands, he said profoundly: "Now, after integrating the knowledge I taught you, you will have enough strength to complete your mission and solve the 'Crystal Mine' "Depletion' task. However, you must not force it, it is one of the six legendary monsters created by the 'Evil God' himself."

"Oh, I'm done."

A Deng closed his eyes with a sad expression: "If you encounter any danger, you must not force it. You can fully experience it and wait until you are stronger before going..."

"I said, I'm done."

Seeing that A Deng didn't respond, Yi Lin had no choice but to take out a certain prop.

Damn it?

A Deng opened his eyes and looked at the "props" in Yi Lin's hands, which were suddenly messy in the wind.

Ah this?

When was it completed?

How the hell didn’t I know?


[Congratulations, you have completed an important side mission: the request of the great engineers! 】

【EXP+200000. 】


[Contract of Six Evils]


[Effect] Proof of killing the "Six Evil Generals".

[Explanation] It seems to have no other effect.


In Yi Lin's hand was a handful of black spikes.

It doesn't look like it's a dagger.

It also looks like a sharp corner.

The whole body is pitch black, with blood-red texture on the surface, faintly evil.

This is the prop Yilin obtained from the corpse after killing [Six Evil Generals and Source Devouring Insect Nest].

It doesn't seem to be of any use.

But when he took it out, it was enough to prove that he had killed the six evil generals with his own hands, and he was innocent.

After Yi Lin showed the [Contract of the Six Evils] in front of A Deng, the reminder that the task was completed came belatedly.

A Deng was completely shocked.

I don’t know how long it took, but Aden’s sluggish brain finally started to work again. He smacked his lips, moistened his dry lips, and widened his eyes with an unexpected expression.

"You, you, you...didn't you say you escaped?"

Yi Lin carefully recalled the chaotic scene at that time.

Each of the five great engineers said one sentence, giving Yi Lin no chance to defend himself.

"Where, you said this yourself."

"Why didn't you tell us you had solved the crystal depletion crisis?"

"You didn't give me a chance."


Yi Lin patted A Deng on the shoulder and comforted: "It doesn't matter, isn't everyone happy?"

All, all your sisters!

If you had already said that you had solved it, I would not have taught you any more, okay?

This is the real secret that is not told!

After solving this important side task, Yi Lin was completely free.

Because there were many hostile forces from the Holy See in the Great Engineer College, Yi Lin did not wander around and stayed in the college with peace of mind.

When she had time, Yi Lin sent a message to Emperor Wang Tian, ​​allowing him to move freely and wander around in the wild for a while to avoid being discovered by the hostile NPCs of the Holy See.

Although Wang Tiandi was speechless at this inexplicable development, he was clever and knew that the situation was not right, so he could only silently act like a wandering wild dog and go to the wild to practice levels alone.

Wang Tiandi's health bar is very thick and his level is not low, so there should be no danger in just killing wild monsters.

Plus, it’s a real dog, so Yi Rin has nothing to worry about.

After knowing how the "spell" was composed, Yi Lin spent more time in the library.

As expected, vision determines knowledge.

After Yi Lin's understanding of "Crystal Pattern Technique" further deepened, the same book had a different taste in Yi Lin's eyes.

From time to time, Yi Lin thought of the hero who "blows himself up to death" that A Deng lamented.

"Can the human body really not withstand the power of the 'Crystal Pattern Technique'?"

"But if 'people' can't do it, what about 'players'?"

"The 'player' is no longer a human being, okay?"

In order to avoid A Deng's misunderstanding, Yi Lin stopped constructing dangerous "spells" at will in the academy.

Every real engineer who can be called a graduated engineer must make a unique "engineer's staff" by himself.

Every engineer's "rod" cannot be used by anyone but himself.

Because of the structure and texture of the spell above, only the builder himself is most familiar with it.

If others use it carelessly, it will explode in minutes.

Yi Lin did not have the materials to make an "engineer's staff" for the time being, so she could only put the matter aside for the time being and talk about it later.




Have a meal.


Read a book.

Meditation techniques.

Yi Lin's life is boring but fulfilling.

Gradually, I don’t know when Yi Lin started to stop worrying about “players” and “tasks” and became immersed in the world of science, unable to extricate herself.

One month later.

Great Engineer Tower.

48 floors.

Yilin's exclusive dormitory.

"Oh, no, not there..."

"Oh, damn, Master, it's itchy there..."

"Oh, it hurts!"

"How could you treat an aloof gentleman like this! Oh~~~"

The two female spirits, Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi, floated curiously behind Yi Lin, spinning in circles.

It feels... so cruel!

These days, Master feels weird.

He summoned the strange chariot and carved strange patterns on it with a knife.

Forget it, the sound of the car also made Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi, two mother spirits as pure as little white flowers, blush and feel confused, not knowing what they were thinking of.

In fact, they didn't think of anything, but Night Dire's tone always made them feel something was wrong.

But what was wrong, the two mother spirits couldn't tell for a while.

Yi Lin held up a small blood-red carving knife and concentrated on carving patterns on the Night Dire's armor plate.

People can't bear it... The car should be fine, right?

Yilin thought happily.

The strange and melodious screams of the Night Dire rang in her ears, and Yi Lin felt calm in her heart.

As Yi Lin's understanding of "Crystal Pattern Technique" deepened, she became more comfortable drawing patterns.

It has to be said that the armor plate of the Night Dire is extremely hard, and ordinary tools cannot really carve it into it.

Yi Lin had to take out the good guy and was sweating profusely.

Right now.

The carving knife in Yi Lin's hand suddenly paused.

He frowned slightly, waved his hand, and put Night Dire, Nie Hongxiu, and Bai Xiaoyi away.


Why are the faces of the two mother spirits so red?

When putting away the two mother spirits, Yi Lin noticed that there was something wrong with the expressions of the two mother spirits.

But Yi Lin didn’t think much about it.

"Knock knock knock."

Shortly after Yi Lin put away the car and the mother spirit, there was a short knock on the door.

Yi Lin already knew who the visitor was.

But when he opened the door, he still pretended not to know and said in surprise: "Teacher, why are you here?"

Aden wore a pointed hat. As soon as the door opened a gap, he squeezed his head in, his brows squeezed into a chrysanthemum shape, and he looked around the room.

Yi Lin's dormitory room was tidy and there was no one else.

"It's weird, I clearly heard a strange sound."

Aden muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

"No, maybe I heard it wrong."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. You are old too. I don't blame you."


The furnishings in the room are very simple.

There isn't even a second stool.

Adeng didn't care. He took out his wooden stick and put it in the empty space, and conjured a rocking stool out of thin air. He sat on it with squinting eyes, and then his buttocks shook slightly.

Yi Lin saw A Deng brazenly showing "magic" in front of her under the banner of "science", the corners of her mouth twitched slightly and asked: "By the way, don't tell me that you came here just to show off your magic in front of me. Bar?"

"I've said it so many times, this is science."

A Deng narrowed his eyes and said something, then fell silent.

Yi Lin also fell silent.

The room fell into an awkward atmosphere.

It's really awkward to be alone in a room with nothing to say.

A full five minutes later.

Yi Lin suddenly smiled, narrowed his eyes, and said, "If you have something to say, just say it."

A Deng then opened his eyes and smiled.

In this seemingly vulgar smile, Yi Lin read other meanings.

"I said you've been here for so long, eating and drinking, should you go?"

Yi Lin couldn't help laughing and scolding: "So you've been struggling for a long time just thinking about how to drive me away? Are you ignoring the trouble between you and the dean's wife?"

"Nonsense! Lady Catherine and I have a purely friendship relationship!"

A Deng was angry.

"Is it okay to tell the dean?"

"Well, let's say goodbye..."

Aden's arrogant arrogance suddenly faltered.

"But having said that," Yi Lin changed her voice and said with a smile, "Even if you don't rush me, I've learned enough here, and it's time to leave."


Aden's cloudy eyes lit up, and his brows lit up with joy.

How about it being so obvious...

Yi Lin's mouth twitched again.

"But before you leave, you have to leave some souvenirs, right?"


"For example, give me a 'big engineer title' or something like that."



There was a ding in Yi Lin's ear.

A Deng held up the engineer's staff and held it slightly above Yi Lin's head.

[Your shamelessness has been recognized by the current ‘Great Engineer Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore’. 】


[Deputy engineer, promoted to "Honorary Guest Engineer". 】

[The reputation of the Great Engineer College has been upgraded to "Adored"! 】


Honorary guest engineer?

You name?

The kind where you just have a name and no responsibility?


Just when Yi Lin expressed surprise at A Deng's generosity, there was another ding in her ears.

【congratulations! You have raised your deputy "engineer" to the top level! 】


That counts?

Yi Lin's expression was slightly startled, and she always felt that something was wrong with this prompt.

But that's not important.

[Successfully transferred to the hidden profession "Crystal Pattern Warlock"! 】

What an ordinary hidden profession.

But it's not over yet.

[It is detected that the player has dual professions, triggering the conditions for professional fusion. 】

[The profession "Assassin" and the profession "Crystal Warlock" can be merged into the special profession "Shadow Warlock". Can they be merged? 】

【YES/NO? 】

Yi Lin took a deep breath.


After a while.

"Have you had enough? My dear student, why are you in such a daze?"

A Deng was a little angry when he saw Yi Lin's dull expression.

Yi Lin came back from the unexpected surprise and felt excited.

But he still tried hard not to laugh so exaggeratedly, and nodded quickly: "That's enough."

"Then get out of here." A Deng said with a smile.

"..., so urgent? When?"

"Tonight at the latest."

"Aren't you going to hold a grand farewell ceremony or something?"

"Haha, we will see you off personally."


Before A Deng left.

Yi Lin remembered something.

"By the way, my respected mentor, I have a random question. Where are the crystals in our academy usually stored?"

A Deng glanced at Yi Lin with a strange expression: "Why do you ask this question when you have nothing to do?"

"It's nothing, I'm just worried. If such a precious crystal is placed in the wrong place, and if bad people take notice of it, how dangerous it would be! As a senior... er, no, honorary guest engineer, I would like to pay attention. Isn’t it normal for your own property to be safe?”

When Yi Lin said this, she was afraid that A Deng wouldn't believe it, so she quickly switched to the title [Friendly Assassin], with a kind smile on her face.

At night.

Yi Lin finished packing her luggage.

Before the appointed time, A Deng stood guard in front of Yi Lin's room for half an hour in advance, feeling uneasy.

He was afraid that Yi Lin would suddenly change his mind and refuse to leave.

Fortunately, Yi Lin did not break her promise.

A Deng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm... let me think about it, the giant fire beast, Boros, okay?"

"no problem!"

A Deng agreed wholeheartedly.

Yi Lin followed A Deng in the "elevator" all the way to the top floor.

Wang Tiandi swung his tail and followed Yi Lin.

Before leaving, Yilin almost forgot Gouzi in the wild. Fortunately, Yilin still had conscience and called Gouzi back in time.

What Yi Lin didn't expect was that when he reached the top floor, A Deng shook the wooden stick, and the elevator clicked again and went up to another level.

When she stepped out of the elevator, Yi Rin found herself standing at the top of the Great Engineer Tower. Above the head, there is a pure moon and a cloudless night.

The breeze comes slowly, bringing a bit of coolness.

Except for A Deng, the other four great engineers were already waiting at the top of the tower. Seeing Yi Lin coming here, complex expressions appeared on their faces at the same time.


A Deng urged.

At the top of the tower, there is a huge spell, with crystals firmly embedded in every node.

"Teleportation spell?"

Yi Lin looked surprised. He quickly recognized the function of this large-scale technique.

Yi Lin walked to the center of the teleportation formation, and A Deng stood in his own place.

Five great engineers stand on the five corners of the five-pointed star.

The crystal light shines softly.

A beam of light soared into the sky, tearing the night sky apart.

Yi Lin was bathed in the crystal light and looked at the great engineering college.

The bright neon lights shine like a seven-color crown.

Even Yi Lin himself didn't realize that during this period of his college career, he regarded this place as his home in the game world.


Yi Lin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the five old men with a smile.

"Goodbye, May."

"Goodbye, Ash."

"Goodbye, Forrest."

"Goodbye, Aru."

Big question marks popped up on the heads of the four old men, Great Engineer Merlin, Severus, Rubeus, and Gandalf at the same time: "???"

The end.

Yi Lin looked at A Deng in front of her, smiled slightly, took off her tall wizard hat, placed it on her chest, bowed slowly, and performed a standard engineer etiquette.

"Goodbye, my mentor, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

A Deng lowered his head and remained silent.

Yi Lin closed his eyes, still being torn apart by the light of the crystal.

After a moment, as the crystal light dissipated, the figure of a man and a dog disappeared on the top of the Great Engineer Tower.

It wasn't until Yi Lin and Wang Tiandi completely disappeared in the light of the spell that A Deng lowered his head and murmured to himself.

"Goodbye, my student. Oh, don't come back."

No one noticed that when he lowered his head, A Deng squeezed his eyes hard to squeeze out the moisture from the corners of his eyes, pretending that the wind was too noisy and blurred the old man's eyes.

At the top of the Great Engineer Tower, the five old men fell silent again.

for a long time.

Gandalf, the dean of the College of Engineers, slowly pulled out a simple long sword from his robe. The sword was engraved with dense patterns.

This is actually his "engineer's staff"...a sword.

Gandalf laughed loudly: "It's time to welcome our distinguished guest."

"Welcome the young pope, His Excellency Emperor Georgi Anthony."

"That kid seemed to have stolen our crystal library before he left."

"That nasty little bastard."

"Yeah, you damn little bastard."


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