Infinity Throne

Chapter 450: As humble as an ant, life as small as grass (please vote for me)

Yes, this is "human".

This is the "human being" that Yi Lin has always known.

There are no discrepancies.

No surprises.

As it should be.


Yi Lin laughed a few times, but suddenly she couldn't laugh anymore.

Oda Mai noticed that there seemed to be something wrong in Yi Rin's chuckle, but before she had time to take a closer look, Yi Rin had returned to a calm expression, as if she had never laughed before.

It does not matter.

Oda Mai touched the sword at her waist again, looking at her nose with her eyes, her nose at her palm, and her palm stroking the sword.

Yi Lin closed the apostle forum without saying a word.

In the forum, it has nothing to do with how much turmoil Yi Lin's request for help will cause, how much ridicule and ridicule it will attract.

More importantly, what to do next.

When Yi Lin looked back, Gu Tianqing had completely disappeared from sight and left without hesitation.

It's a little funny to say it.

The development of this matter was beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone, including Yi Lin, thought that this was just an ordinary case caused by the apostles at the beginning. After escalating, it finally turned into a wave that no one could stop.

Even though the Dawn Sect was behind it and even used some weird methods to make a mere leech evolve into such a terrifying "new species" in the real world, the evolution of this matter was really too fast. It was incredibly fast and caught people off guard.

Yi Rin was even reflecting.

If earlier, before the "murderous leech" finished laying eggs, all of this was strangled in the cradle, would this purgatory-like scene in front of us not have happened? Will things not evolve into such an irreversible situation?

Reflected for a moment.

Flood the sewers with concentrated salt water early?

After Yi Lin understood everything, she quickly abandoned this naive idea.

Since the Dawn Sect is behind the scenes, it is very likely that they have already found a way to overcome this weakness of the leech.

Things could not have progressed to this point overnight, not due to an oversight, an accident, or other factors that could have intervened.

When looking back on everything, Yi Lin felt like an ant who accidentally fell into a dam that was about to release floods. The surface of the water seemed calm, but in fact, a storm had been brewing under the water for a long time. It didn't matter whether Yi Lin, the ant, fell into the water.

"Team leader, it's all, all, all my fault... for screwing up."

While Yi Lin was standing in the dark reflecting silently, Yuan Zhiye, who had been slashed on the back, stepped forward after bandaging the wound, with a face filled with self-blame.

There were many red slap marks on his face.

Wang Bing said na na: "Lao Yuan was talking nonsense just now when he was unconscious... I was afraid that the others would be gone, so... I struck a little harder."

Obviously knowing that the atmosphere is serious now, it is not the time to laugh.

But Yi Lin still smiled.

But soon Yi Lin shook her head: "No, the responsibility is mine."

Wang Bing and Yuan Zhiye looked at Yi Lin, who had an indifferent expression. Somehow, they suddenly felt that this seemingly young man had become taller inexplicably.

But Yi Lin quickly added: "The other half of the responsibility lies with Zhao Yulong. He should not have blocked me."

Wang Bing: "..."

Yuan Zhiye: "..."

After saying something half serious and half joking, Yi Lin looked at Yuan Zhiye: "After the rescue comes, you two leave quickly, as far away as possible. Next, it will not be a scene that ordinary people can intervene in."

Wang Bing was startled, but soon he gritted his teeth and blushed, with complex emotions in his tone: "Brother Zhao is coming? How long will it take? If we delay it any longer..."

"It should be soon." Yi Lin interrupted Wang Bing: "This time, he doesn't dare to be late."

Although Yuan Zhiye regained consciousness, he was still very weak due to excessive blood loss. With the help of others, he sat on the ground to rest.

Wang Bing was holding the large glass bottle containing the strange insect. For some reason, the chirping and twisting strange insect had calmed down and was lying on the bottom of the glass bottle. Except for the slight movement of its bulging abdomen, there was nothing left. There was no more intense movement, as if he had fallen asleep.


Shortly after Gu Tianqing left and Yi Lin settled down, the roar of an engine came from the direction of Cangyang City.

A bumpy family car came roaring towards us.

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed. Although he didn't know who drove the car and escaped from Cangyang City, the family car was obviously heading in this direction. Yi Lin raised his gun and prepared to find a way to change the family car. While driving in the direction of the car, the family car whizzing by suddenly twisted and hit a pillar on the roadside, causing a tragic car accident on the spot.

A figure covered in blood flew from the front windshield under the influence of inertia, and rolled to the side. Life or death was uncertain.

"Ah this?"

This sudden change caused Wang Bing and the others who had just relaxed to subconsciously tighten their nerves and bounce up from the ground.

The figure rolled to the side of the road after the car accident. He lay on the ground for about ten seconds, then struggled to get up and walked towards Yi Lin and others step by step.

Wang Bing's breathing was stagnant. Just when he was about to raise his gun to be on guard, Yi Lin lowered the muzzle of Wang Bing's gun and said:

"Bandage her."

It's Gu Sinan.

After Yi Lin abandoned her on the rooftop of Chenxi Housekeeping, he was truly a professionally trained former criminal police officer who was able to fight his way out of a sea of ​​insects.

In addition to the scars left by Oda Mai before, Gu Sinan's leather clothes were already miserable. But in this situation, even though there were differences between men and women, it was difficult for Wang Bing and the others to have any other thoughts. Since Yi Lin had said it, it should be fine, so they carried the emergency medicine box to bandage Gu Sinan's wounds.

"I'm fine, thank you."

The moment Gu Sinan saw Yi Lin sitting there, her pupils shrank slightly, and then she quickly turned her head and glanced. After discovering that the crazy monsters didn't catch up, he breathed a sigh of relief, took the emergency medicine box from Wang Bing, sat on the ground and bandaged his wounds skillfully.

Yi Lin looked at her storage space, hesitated for a moment, but still took out a card and shook it towards Gu Sinan in front of Wang Bing and others.

——[Mekaru Pie].

The reason for Yi Lin's hesitation was... she was a bit reluctant to let go.

The reason for not parting with it is not because it is a mediocre recovery item, but... the Mekaru Pie itself.

That's the smell of landlady Meg.

For Yi Rin, it was filled with memories.

After Fatty beat up Li Changge not long ago, in order to make up for it, Yi Lin treated Li Changge to a meal.

Two servings left...

never mind.

Yi Lin quickly thought about it.

Memories or whatever, just keep them in your heart.

After Gu Sinan took the prop card, he looked surprised when he saw the attributes on the prop. When she was in Qingcheng, she was still a paranoid female detective. Although her past with Yi Lin was not a grudge, it was still somewhat unpleasant.

What she didn't expect was that Yi Lin would give out such precious recovery items regardless of past grudges.

In fact, what she didn't know was... Yi Lin didn't need it at all.

Can the recovery speed of the recovery items be as fast as the self-healing ability of his bloodline?

In addition to being able to miss the taste of the boss lady, this so-called precious "recovery prop" is really just a delicious "pie" to Yilin.

Gu Sinan was not pretentious. She ate the pie with a bit of embarrassment. After swallowing the pie, the wounds on her body stopped bleeding. She felt a magical power coming from her body, which seemed to come from the food. The wounds disappeared all of a sudden. It feels so painful.

Wang Bing and others were surprised.

The interaction between Yi Lin and Gu Sinan was not deliberately hidden from them.

"Could that be the legendary...?"

After Wang Bing and Yuan Zhiye showed envious expressions, they quickly reacted and looked at Yi Lin with strange eyes.

Yi Lin didn't want to explain too much.

It’s up to you what other people think.

He was in no mood to explain.

After Gu Sinan regained some strength, she walked up to Yi Lin with a complicated expression.


"Oh, it seems that you have suffered a lot of beatings during this period, and you have learned to say thank you, Officer Gu."


"It doesn't matter, it's just a gadget." After Yi Lin said, she asked seriously: "Is it delicious?"

"Ah?" Gu Sinan was stunned.

"Is it tasty?"

"Okay, delicious." I have to tastes really good.

"That's enough."

Yi Lin was a little happy.

When it comes to food, people’s tastes are surprisingly consistent!

After a moment of silence, Gu Sinan asked again: "Did you post the request for help on the forum?"

"Oh, you saw it?" Yi Lin smiled: "I didn't force you to stay. After all, your identity is different now, haha."

"..." Gu Sinan didn't seem to be interested in commenting on the various weird replies under the post. She pointed at the pale Yuan Zhiye not far away, her eyes widened slightly: "The reason why you gave your recovery props to me instead of to me Isn’t that what he meant?”

"I didn't say it, you guessed it yourself."


Gu Sinan didn't know what to think. He had managed to escape from the purgatory-like city of Cangyang, but after hesitating for a moment, he still sat down on the curb, panting slightly, waiting for his health to slowly recover.

After Gu Sinan escaped.

Not far from here, about a few hundred to one kilometer away on the outskirts of the city, in several locations, people have escaped from Cangyang City in different ways. In the silent night, even if the distance was a bit far, the movement of people fleeing in a hurry could not be hidden from Yi Lin and the others.

In the dark night, there were many shadows. Many people hesitated in place for a while and quickly moved away from Cangyang City.

Yi Lin lowered his head and smiled. Even without sending a "spirit" to detect it, Yi Lin could roughly guess it. Under such circumstances, those who could escape from that place were naturally not ordinary people. It is very possible that he was the apostle who was lurking in Cangyang City under various identities before everything happened.

Yi Lin's "asking for help" post on the apostle forum is still at the top of the list because of the apostles' replies. After the insect wave disaster completely broke out, they must have learned the relevant news from the forum as soon as possible. After fully weighing the pros and cons, of course they would not stupidly stay near Cangyang City and be affected.

To the apostles,

Life is precious, and the price is even higher.

Ordinary people are as humble as ants and their lives are as small as grass.

And "they" are superior.

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