Infinity Throne

Chapter 455 They are imitating Mo Rendi! (Please vote for a 6800-word chapter)

"Everyone, shrink the blockade as quickly as possible and gather towards Chenxi Housekeeping!"

Yu Meng issued an order.

It can be seen that the monster in front of him has evolved from the leech to the present, and it is no longer a short and sinister route through the sewer.

They... are becoming humans.

Gradually become "human".

In the melee.

Zhao Yulong, who was squatting on one of the cars floating in mid-air, sensed something was wrong.

A moment later.

Zhao Yulong had a look of shock on his face and shouted, "Fuck you."

"Their movements are not quite right! They are not just imitating human movements, they are imitating...the team leader! Fuck!"

That's right!

Although Zhao Yulong usually uses skills most of the time.

But don't forget, he comes from an imperial family.

He himself has a strong foundation in ancient martial arts.

Although those "insect people" who are forcibly combined by countless bugs, even ignore the most basic human joint structure restrictions when moving, they are so outrageous that they can reverse joint movement, and their actions are extremely weird. But Zhao Yulong also vaguely noticed that from the initial staggering to taking off on the same spot, the reason why they progressed so quickly... is because the object they imitated was invincible!

Even though, every move, punch and kick of Mo Rendi has been evolved through decades of training. It is absolutely impossible for these insect-men to completely replicate the movements and postures of Mo Rendi in such a short period of time.

But the problem is...

Their evolution speed is too fast!

There are too many of them!

Even if only one tenth of the insectoids can imitate a little bit of Mo Rendi's fur, it will greatly increase the pressure on the human side.

Although this idea is very bold, after Zhao Yulong witnessed the rapid evolution of these bugs with his own eyes, he could not completely rule out the possibility that they would become "invincible" one by one!

"There is no enemy, just one is enough."

Yu Meng floated to Zhao Yulong's side and stood side by side with Zhao Yulong. The dark scythe was sweeping across the insect world. She said these words faintly, and then looked into Zhao Yulong's eyes, as if she was asking a rhetorical question, but also as if she was asking herself:

"Is it right?"

Zhao Yulong did not appreciate the deep meaning of Yu Meng's words.

He frowned: "No, as long as we kill fast enough, they don't have the time to evolve into 'invincibles' one by one. But what I find strange is why among so many of us, who doesn't choose? Selected the team leader? Logically speaking, the team leader has not taken action since those insect men stood up, how can they understand the awesomeness of the team leader?"

"Don't forget, before we come in."

"So that's it!" Zhao Yulong suddenly realized, and after being reminded by Yu Meng, he figured out the key: "Sure enough, their consciousness is shared! After we started to attack Cangyang City, those bugs noticed through the shared memory Our form is more suitable for them, so the bugs became bug-men!"

"They are learning, thinking, and 'correcting' the shortcomings of their own form! Because the team leader did not deliberately keep a low profile when he came, the fighting power he showed became the target of their imitation!"

Yu Meng was condescending, controlling the sickle to harvest the lives of the insect-men.

At this time, she looked somewhere below and her eyes condensed.

"No, actually, it's not just Mo Ren Enemy..."

"Two days of first class...Zangyue!"

Oda Mai was covered in blood and her clothes were dyed red.

But these are all the blood of the bugs.

Countless corpses fell around Oda Mai.

She was surprised to find that even if the bones supporting the insect-men were chopped to pieces, the squirming insects would use the broken bones to piece them together into even more twisted and deformed postures.

Sure enough, this time it came at the right was so right!

Killing different creatures can indeed bring different insights.

"Master, you are right."

Oda Mai grinned, a smile that seemed to come from the underworld.

The chaotic-edged long sword in his right hand was faintly covered with a layer of light red light as Oda Mai killed.

Behind her, a ghost wearing broken armor exuded endless killing intent, looming behind Oda Mai.

The insects surrounding Mai Oda continued to retreat after Oda Mai showed a terrifying smile, leaving an open space of nearly five meters in diameter around Oda Mai.

"Are you also afraid?"

But just after Oda Mai said these words.

The several insect-men in front of Oda Mai tilted their "heads" covered with mouthparts and made movements that looked like they were meditating.

Immediately afterwards.

On the insect man's palms, white bones protrude from the backs of the palms, twisting into spiral spikes.

"Choo Choo Choo--"

After two bone spurs were strangely protruding from both hands, the insect-men actually began to imitate Oda Mai's sword posture not long ago, and slowly made a "drawing sword" movement.

"Chirp chirp..."

Several bug-men simultaneously performed a copycat version of the two-tenth-class starting position in front of Oda Mai. This somewhat familiar posture made Oda Mai...


The next second.

She smiled wider.

It's like discovering a new toy.

Gu Sinan shot his feet and wandered among the insects.

Fight and retreat at the same time.

There is definitely no way to kill him.

Gu Sinan's strength is limited.

During the fight, Gu Sinan suddenly had a thought.

Why on earth am I here?

Just to put yourself in this kind of crisis?

Or, to witness something happen?

She remembered her dream.

She once dreamed that she was transferred to Cangyang City with a look of displeasure on her face, and still worked as a junior detective.

But one day, she died.

Died in this city.

The person who killed her was a young man with a gentle smile.

When the young man pierced her chest with his hand and took out her heart, he smiled and said:

"May the dawn bless you."

This dream was as real as if the hand had really passed through her chest. It made Gu Sinan wake up every night, with the severe pain in her chest that she could not distinguish between true and false.

But I don’t know when it started.

Her dream changed.

The dead person is no longer her.

But an old man with a straight back.

Died in a desolate ruins.

There were corpses and blood everywhere.

"I came here to find the answer."

At this moment, Gu Sinan finally remembered his original intention.

Night Dire transformed into a Cybertronian biker again, charging ahead and deep into the enemy's lines.

In addition to the red light all over the body, the patterns on the surface of the Night Dire also began to shine with various colors of light, making the Night Dire seem to be wearing a layer of armor and shine in the sunlight.

The engine roared.

The condensation roared.

The turbo roars.

"Gentlemen of Cybertron, come on! Yo yo yo yo!"

The Night Dire is also going crazy.

It received instructions from Yi Lin.

The more monsters you kill, the better.

Therefore, it was a rare opportunity for Night Dire to kill without any scruples. Naturally, he operated at full power and left no regrets for himself.


For "summoned objects", there is no such thing as death. Even if it is dismantled into parts, it is just returning to a different space and entering the cooling down period of the summons. After cooling down, when Yi Lin summoned it again, it became a Cybertron hero again.


Afraid of an egg?

Kill kill kill!

After Yu Meng reminded me.

Zhao Yulong paid careful attention to the movements under the "Steel Floating Island".

The more I looked, the more frightened I became.

Those bugs are not only imitating Mo Rendi, they are imitating everyone's movements!

Of course, the ability of an apostle cannot be imitated by a bugman without the status of an apostle.

But they are learning as much as possible, learning to kill their people, and modify their movements and structure.


This type of person who gets stronger as the fight progresses, is a terrifying creature even in trials.

Zhao Yulong swung his fingers in the void, and with the intense consumption of his spiritual energy, sweat broke out on his forehead habitually.




Under the control of Zhao Yulong, the cars floated high and then fell heavily, crushing the insect-men to death in pieces.

Zhao Yulong's ability looks very magical. At this moment, it was as if his surroundings had become his "gravity field", smoothly manipulating all the heavy objects he had touched with his own hands.

And Yu Meng's sickle, connected to the chain, seemed to come to life, floating ten meters away. When the sickle slashed through, the insects' wounds were first covered with a layer of black energy, and then the flesh and blood around the wounds began to appear. It withered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, which looked very terrifying.

And Marquis Lu was wearing fine armor, riding a flaming Pegasus, and holding a spear, charging back and forth among the insects.

Wherever he went, the insect-men gathered together were knocked into the air and then killed by the cooperation of other senior team members.

Marquis Lu's armor was already covered with insect flesh. The sticky flesh reflected the dazzling light in the rising sunlight.

Under the interference of the mobile team, aerial firepower gradually became effective. The buggers no longer have time to use volley kicks to kick away the incendiary bombs. Gradually, deep at the end of the road, pieces of flames burned the dense insect-men into dregs, leaving behind twitching scorched corpses and scattered strange insects.

This is a war.

The war between man and insect.

As the sun rises, humans gradually gain a firm foothold in the insect army, and faintly see the dawn of victory.

There is hope!

"Sister Meng, Team Leader Mo is less than two kilometers away from Chenxi Housekeeping! We are about to make contact!"


Yu Meng smiled. After one harvest, the scythe floated behind Yu Meng again. The shadow of the skeleton wrapped in black robe quickly disappeared into Yu Meng's body.

When Zhao Yulong heard the words on the communication channel, his expression became solemn and he said, "It seems that after those bugs got bigger, they seemed to be fighting us around that building! In fact, I have never figured it out. Those bugs are obviously so terrifying. of evolutionary potential, but refused to leave.”

Sighing, Zhao Yulong continued: "Speaking of which, they still underestimate human beings and have not truly understood human's 'wisdom'. If these insects understand the principle of 'keeping the green hills there, they are not afraid of running out of firewood', If we are just a little bit cautious, we will be in big trouble if we let them evolve for another ten or eight days."

Yu Meng nodded and did not comment on what Zhao Yulong said.

The special team field personnel and reservists who were originally surrounded by Cangyang City also began to take action.

While searching for survivors in the devastated city, they used the fastest speed to surround Chenxi Housekeeping.

During this period, two more senior team members were accidentally injured and were rescued by Zhao Yulong at the critical moment.

We cannot afford to lose any more men.


A trace of confusion flashed across Yu Meng's face, and then there was a surprise in his eyes, like someone waking up from a dream. He turned around and asked, "Have you noticed that there seems to be one person missing?"


Zhao Yulong was busy looking at the overall situation, and when he heard the words, he didn't react for a while.


"He," Zhao Yulong pointed in a certain direction, where a bus in heat was fighting to its heart's content. Zhao Yulong wiped his sweat and said, "Isn't it right there..."

Speaking of which.

Zhao Yulong was suddenly startled.

"Fuck, that's his car! Where are the others?"

Yu Meng frowned, lowered his head and thought silently.

But when Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong finally remembered that there was someone like Yi Lin.

Yi Lin, who was finally remembered, was lurking in the shadows, moving quickly along the surface of the building.

Not far ahead on the left hand side,

There is no enemy.

Eight o'clock in the morning.



The sky is clear and clear, cloudless.

After Molly finished washing, she put on neat work clothes for the first time and came to the special laboratory with a yawn.

This place is not open to anyone except Yi Lin.

Well, confidentiality still needs to be done well.

Molly had mixed emotions when she thought about having a little secret between herself and him.

Why do I have so many secrets with him?


"That guy hasn't come back yet."

When passing by Yi Lin's room, Molly took a sneak peek and was a little disappointed.

Molly checked today's schedule and there seemed to be nothing special planned.

Keeping the theoretical knowledge of crystal patterns taught to her by Yi Lin in her mind, Molly did not waste time while walking on the road. She continued to use scientific thinking, draw inferences from one instance and think about more possible circuit structures. It stands to reason that Molly's understanding of crystal pattern art must be far inferior to Yi Lin, who received systematic education in the world of Ouranos.

But Molly is a genius, a genuine and unadulterated genius. Although Molly has not received a systematic engineer course, after Yi Lin explained to her the core theory and general basic knowledge of crystal pattern art, Molly gained a theoretical understanding of crystal pattern art, a discipline from another world. The subject gradually gained its own understanding.

"Acridine! It turns out that I wanted Na Hundan to come back quickly and study 'science' together!"


After Molly figured this out, she made a fist with her right hand and slapped her left palm. She suddenly realized her little emotion not long ago and gave a reasonable explanation at the same time.


When she walked to the door of the laboratory, Molly spotted two strange but familiar figures.

She was stunned immediately.

The next second, Molly held on to the wall regardless of the image and laughed. I laughed so hard that I almost kicked off my shoes.

I really can't bear it anymore.

I saw Lao Pan squatting on the ground with two dark circles under his eyes, and Emperor Wang Tiandi squatting on top of Lao Pan...

One person and one dog formed an Arhat in this weird position.

Molly laughed for a while and couldn't help pointing at Wang Tiandi and asking: "What are you doing?"

This question is not about Lao Pan.

Molly asked about Gouzi.

Because Molly knows now that the dog's IQ is not low.

Lao Pan couldn't communicate, but Gouzi could communicate normally.

The dog grinned, stretched out a paw, and waved it coolly in front of Molly.

It's like saying: Don't say it, don't say it.

After asking this question, Molly seemed to think she would look a little silly talking to a dog in a lab.

So she didn't bother to pay attention. After taking a few steps, she turned back. She couldn't help but take out her mobile phone and clicked a photo of "Old Pan and the dog" who were posing in a stacked position.

After admiring it for a moment, Molly hummed a little tune and ducked into the laboratory.

at the same time.

Cangyang City.

Chenxi Housekeeping Peripheral.

Now anyone who is not blind can see that the insect man has evolved again.

The insect-man, which is formed from individual insects attached to human bones, continues to learn and change its form while fighting with the mobile team.

Some have bone spurs growing on their arms, imitating Oda Mai's moves.

Some became taller, bigger and stronger, their bodies covered with tumors, and they struggled with the iron man who was full of nonsense.

They're imitating, they're learning.

But it stands to reason that no matter how strong the Insect Man's learning ability is, the copycat version will never be able to compete with the genuine version.

But there are so many of them!

In the heat-sensing picture transmitted from high altitude, there are small dark red dots all around Chenxi Housekeeping. Even Zhao Yulong, who does not have trypophobia, can't help but feel his scalp tingling when he stares straight at the red light in the picture. .


Yu Meng had been maintaining a leisurely pace, standing on the steel floating island created by Zhao Yulong, controlling the possessed weapons, and flexibly fighting against the large number of insect-men below. When Zhao Yulong was worried, Yu Meng suddenly smiled and said to the communication channel:

"Pay attention to distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy and output firepower!"

"In addition, be careful to keep a safe distance of more than 800 meters from Chenxi Housekeeping to avoid unnecessary casualties!"

From the passageways surrounding Chenxi Housekeeping, military vehicles armed to the teeth arrived at the scene.

Yu Meng made arrangements for the peripheral field teams, reserves, and other combatants in the shortest possible time.

The field team, medical team, and emergency team with weak combat effectiveness continued to search for survivors and carry out rescue operations throughout the city. At the same time, with Chenxi Housekeeping as the center, the encirclement was gathered from all the main branches, and no monster was allowed to escape from Cangyang City.

And the "reservists" who have been undergoing all kinds of cruel training as "reserve apostles" formed an assault team in the shortest possible time, rushed to Chenxi Housekeeping, and came to support!

But now, support has arrived!

As I have said before, this is not a fair fight, nor is it just a duel between apostles. This is a war between two species. As the soul of all things in this world, humans will encounter the most ruthless and inhumane full-scale culling of new species like "weird insects" no matter which country they appear in.

If time were not too tight and the force under the Special Police Superintendent's command was too scattered across the country, the force Zhao Yulong had brought to Cangyang City would not be limited to this.

Maybe Su Xiaosu's father, Su Zhe, would have to be dragged through this unpleasant experience.

In addition, Mo Rendi made a big fuss in the Z5 Council in the middle of the night. All these causes and consequences, and coincidences, eventually led to Zhao Yulong having to bite the bullet and land in Cangyang City as soon as possible to solve this problem. A "major abnormal event" that will turn the world upside down.

After new troops join the battlefield.

In the battlefield, the mobile team finally got a moment of respite.

The addition of new forces, without any precaution, seemed to disrupt the rhythm of the insect people. If you look down from a high altitude at this time, you will find that originally the insects only had to deal with the apostle team headed by Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng. The offensive was like a wave, one after another, continuous.

But things are different now.

Heavily armed reserves came to support each road, distracting the attention of the surrounding insects. Zhao Yulong and others who were surrounded suddenly felt that the pace had slowed down a lot.

"Incendiary bombs! Keep throwing them! Burn them to death for me!"

Zhao Yulong wiped the sweat from his forehead and was frightened when he saw the consumption of spiritual energy. With a wave of his right hand, several cars floating in the air accelerated and fell, slamming into the densely populated area of ​​​​insects. This wave of output allowed Zhao Yulong to kill many more and more abnormal insect-men.

Under the bombardment of modern weapons, the insect men were retreating steadily.

Their evolution is truly terrifying.

But the progress of human science and technology has been accumulated for thousands of years.

"This is not a gap that you can make up for with a genetic mutation overnight!"

Zhao Yulong sighed and sighed as he looked at the retreating insect army.

"take a break."

Yu Meng crushed a card.

The light from the card turned into a rain of light that filled the sky, spreading over an area of ​​about twenty meters in diameter with Yu Meng as the center.

Bathed in the light rain, Zhao Yulong felt that his sharply consumed spiritual energy began to rapidly recover at a speed that was nearly twice the normal rate.

Zhao Yulong had worked with Yu Meng for a long time, and was not surprised that Yu Meng could come up with a prop that could speed up the recovery of the apostle's psionic energy within the range. He was alert to the movements of the insects and waited for the psionic energy to be restored.

"There must be something in there."


Zhao Yulong's eyes flashed, and he did not smile happily because the situation had improved.

Just as they had speculated before starting the action, there must be "some existence" in the Dawn Housekeeping, which caused the insect-men with certain intelligence to die rather than retreat and fight with humans in this radius.

Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong both noticed this one after another while fighting the insect-men.

"That's why the team leader went in first."

Yu Meng smiled.

Speaking of Mo Rendi, Zhao Yulong's eyes narrowed: "What's going on with the team leader?"

Yu Meng shook her head, but she seemed to be very concerned about what was happening on Mo Rendi's side. He immediately commanded an armed helicopter hovering in the sky to serve as a high-altitude vision, to detect the movement ahead from the air.

After receiving Yu Meng's order, the armed helicopter approached cautiously.

There are "unknown" "anti-air weapons" within about 800 meters around Chenxi Jiazheng.

After the drone approached that range, it was shot down instantly. No one could see clearly what shot down the drone in the fleeting picture.

A moment later.

A communication came over the air.

"The team leader has been found ahead! He is surrounded!"

Damn it?

When Zhao Yulong heard this, he immediately lost his composure.

Mo Ren Enemy is surrounded?


"No! One punch, the team leader is too strong! He was surrounded by more than a dozen bug-men for just one second, and the team leader only punched those dozen bug-men away!" In the air, the mobile team The reserve members who were conducting real-time broadcasts of the battle ahead saw their voices trembling slightly after seeing how terrifying the Mo Ren enemy was. They didn't know whether it was excitement or fear.

"The team leader is still about 1.5 kilometers away from the target location! The team leader is surrounded again. A rough estimate is that there are at least hundreds of bugs surrounding the team leader!"

"The team leader rushed out again! This time he only used two punches!"

"Too fast! I can't quite see the team leader's movements clearly!"

"Sister Meng, Meng! There's a situation!"

While the trembling voice was announcing, there was a strange commotion ahead. The announcer... uh no, reserve member, his voice suddenly changed, full of shock: "Sister Meng, all the bugs are retreating! They are all retreating! It seems that because of the actions of the team leader, the insects The retreat is starting!”

Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong couldn't help but look at each other while the messages were being broadcast.

At this moment, both of them read an emotion called "unbelievable" in each other's eyes.

Even if Mo Rendi breaks through the limits of human beings, it would not be so outrageous to break through that layer of "lock" as a non-apostle. Although they did not witness the heroic figure of Mo Rendi fighting into the depths of the insect wave, they could make some assumptions just by listening to the announcer's shocked tone.

How could he be so strong as this?

What changes happened to Mo Rendi?

"I see."

Yu Meng frowned, and the temperature in his voice suddenly dropped a few points.

"Mo... Team leader, maybe he broke through more than just one layer of locks."


When Zhao Yulong heard this, he subconsciously shook his head and shouted, "Fuck you."

The limits of human beings: strength, agility, and spirit. The three "locks" have blocked countless apostles. In the past ten years, many senior apostles have passed numerous trials and superimposed a certain attribute value to the full value of ten points. But because he couldn't find a way to break through that shackle, he could no longer advance in strength, and eventually died in a certain trial.

This is just the first level of locking.

"You misunderstood me." Yu Meng's eyes flashed and he looked ahead.

There, Mo Rendi's silhouette was blurred, he walked with his head held high and walked out of a bloody road filled with corpses.

"The team leader's breakthrough is likely to be strength, agility, and dual attribute locks."


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