Infinity Throne

Chapter 460 Invasion from the Z5 Council (6,700 words)

"Tu tu tu tu——"

On the high wall, the barrel of a gun made of insect flesh was spinning wildly. From the dark muzzle, sticky flesh and blood was sprayed out, and a stream of white "bullets" were fired at the people under the high wall mercilessly.

"Shield barrier!"

Lu Hou's expression changed slightly, and he activated the shield defense skill without hesitation. Bullets like a rainstorm landed on the light screen, leaving irregularly shaped bullet holes.

Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong, the two spiritual apostles who broke through the first layer of lock, stretched out their hands forward at the same time, condensing an invisible telekinetic barrier in front of them, in this way blocking the barrages spread on the high wall.

"It's... broken bones!"

Looking at the white "bullet" floating in front of him, Zhao Yulong's pupils shrank slightly, and then he saw the true face of the "bullet" clearly.

That's outrageous!

It’s okay that these bugs can be reorganized into various elite monsters in the way of stacking Arhats, but I didn’t expect that they can also shoot broken human bones in this way with heavy machine gun fire!

With their thoughts turning, Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong understood almost at the same time why the insect people made such "corrections".

It's an armed helicopter!

The firepower massacre from the armed helicopters gave the bug-men the inspiration to evolve, allowing them to build the Morning Housekeeping into a real flesh-and-blood fortress. After the evolution of war weapons such as "heavy machine guns", the difficulty of breaking through high walls instantly increased by several orders of magnitude.

The Insect heavy machine gun hardly needs to be aimed, and it directly fires in a carpet style, pouring out firepower. Under the high wall, the apostles within two hundred meters of the high wall were invincible and no one could be spared.

Yi Lin has already canceled [Following Like a Shadow]. First, it can save spiritual energy. If you want to activate [Echo of Doom], you have to bear double the consumption of spiritual energy. At this time, for Yi Lin, the skill that can be released can be said to be release. If one person is missing, one must be careful in planning;

The second is that Yi Lin has a big golden "E" on his head at this time, which greatly reduces the effect of stealth, not to mention that the opponent uses a carpet-like area-of-effect weapon without any moral ethics. Even if you maintain [following like a shadow], it is of no use.

Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng jointly blocked the "bone-breaking bullets" one after another, floating into a large white barrage.

"Chi chi chi——"

The bullets penetrated Yi Lin's shoulder, abdomen, and thigh muscles respectively, causing little drops of blood to bloom.

"The castrated version of telekinesis really can't stop these bullets..."

Yi Lin was in pain in many places on her body, but she did not panic. After hesitating for less than half a second, she took out two prop cards at the bottom of the box from the storage space. If not for what happened today, these two cards would Maybe he will be forgotten by Yi Lin forever.

[Bullet deflection]


[Effect] Within 10 minutes, all real bullets targeting the user can be deflected from their original trajectories.

[Description] From the Riddler Easter Egg series of cards. The Riddler has always found it strange. It is a happy guessing game, but why do people always tell him to get out of Gotham?

【Dynamic Vision Up】


[Effect] Within 10 minutes, you can use your eyes to capture the trajectory of high-speed moving objects and make certain predictions.

[Explanation] As long as you move fast enough, you might be able to dodge bullets. Happy guessing game? The Riddler, get out of Gotham!

At the end of the trial in Gotham City, Yi Lin drew three of the Riddler Easter Egg series Buff cards. In the "Zhang Huichun Incident" in Haiting City and in the Caribbean Trial, some were consumed, and now only the last one remains.

However, as Yi Lin's fighting style gradually took shape, and gradually moved further and further away from the path of righteous backstabbing, this series of "Little Riddler Easter Eggs" cards were almost forgotten by Yi Lin. If it weren't for "that person" not long ago She patted him on the shoulder and said a "riddle" in a pretentious manner, but now Yi Lin might not be able to remember it so quickly.

"The more cards you have, the more trouble you have."

As Yi Lin said this, she crushed the remaining "Little Riddler Egg Card" and patted it on her body.

After the BUFF was added, in front of Yi Lin's eyes, the barrage of bone-crushing bullets turned into "ballistic prediction lines". Yi Lin didn't spend too much brainpower, and calculated the gaps in the ballistic trajectory, twisting his body with ease, avoiding the incoming fire. Machine gun fire from the high walls.

As for the bullet embedded in the flesh...

Yi Lin tried to squirm her muscles to squeeze out the bullet...

Well, failed.

This kind of operation is better on the strength side.

After Yi Lin used her fingers to dig out the broken bones from the flesh, the wounds under her clothes healed quickly. Looking up at the crowd again, as the barrage spread, more and more broken bones "stayed" in front of Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong, almost forming a wall.

Oda Mai's double swords slashed in front of her quickly, blocking all the bullets fired at Oda Mai. Judging from Oda Mai's expression, she seemed to be enjoying it.

Gu Sinan, who was hanging under Nightmare's butt, tried his best to dodge and protect his vital parts. His movements were extremely awkward and his body was dripping with blood. It was obvious that he could not hold on for long.

Five hundred meters away, after Yi Lin released a wave of large-scale control skills, the reserve members who took the opportunity to charge towards the high wall with the sharp knife team were also affected by the "stray bullets", like wheat being cut. Swish, swish, and fell into pieces.

In response to an old saying:

The faster you run, the faster you die.

Mo Rendi was walking in the front, his steps were erratic, and the bone-crushing bullets passed directly through Mo Rendi's body, but they were unable to stop Mo Rendi's footsteps, even for a moment.

But in Yi Lin's eyes, the scene around Mo Rendi became a different scene.

Mo Rendi actually swung his body with the smallest amplitude, and the bone-crushing bullet barely missed Mo Rendi. But because Mo Rendi's movements were so fast and his dodge posture was so natural, it looked like a bullet had passed through his body.

"Why do you feel that Old Man Mo is conserving his strength?"

With the "Dynamic Vision UP" bonus, Yi Lin witnessed Mo Rendi's movements. Although they were cool and smooth, Yi Lin couldn't help but feel a sense of disobedience for some reason. It seemed that Mo Rendi's current performance was not as good as the one he just entered. Domineering during the insect tide.

"Yirin! Those machine guns are also living creatures!"

Zhao Yulong couldn't hold on anymore and sweat broke out on his forehead.

Not lasting seems to be the sorrow and worry of every middle-aged man.

After using the power barrier to "fix" the waves of bullets, he finally couldn't help it and shouted loudly through the communicator.

If it were an ordinary machine gun, that would be fine. There would still be a gap to be filled when the bullets are empty and reloaded. But Zhao Yulong blocked it and suddenly woke up. The row of heavy machine guns on the high wall were not ordinary heavy machine guns.

That's a biological weapon!

Their bullets come from human bones. In this city, for them, the bullets can be said to be endless. If they continue to be bombarded by the insect machine like this, not to mention other people, even Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng will run out of spiritual energy.

[Lancer's Blessing] lasts minutes!

The rows of insect machine gun fire lasted for nearly three minutes. Yi Lin's [Disaster-ridden and Doom Echoes] had long since disappeared. The insect-man, who had recovered from various shameful negative states, became more and more ferocious and angry. He once again shot back at Yi Lin from the sky and the earth without blind spots. Surround and kill them in the direction of others.

What Zhao Yulong can think of, Yi Lin will naturally not ignore.

However, only Yi Lin knows that these skills consume a lot of money, and each shot must be fully weighed against the cost-effectiveness before it can be used. Maximizing the output effect of the limited spiritual energy value is a research topic that every spiritual apostle has studied throughout his life.

Right now.

Huge flesh bombs drew perfect parabolas from behind the city wall, dragging bloody flames and hitting the city wall!

Insect Man... has a new weapon!

"not good!"

The corners of Zhao Yulong's mouth twitched crazily. He didn't want to know what kind of innovative weapons were contained in those bullets.

"Be careful, it's probably a bomb!"

Yu Meng's expression also changed slightly.

As this race war continues, the endless methods of the bugs, their terrifying evolutionary speed, and their innovative ideas have truly refreshed everyone's worldview.

Everyone present, including Yu Meng, no longer dared to treat the "Insect Man" as a simple monster. What they faced was an army! It is a perfect army with reasonable distribution of arms and various biological weapons!

Meat bombs, like meteorites falling from the sky, hit the battlefield everywhere.

Everyone's expressions changed at the same time. They no longer reserved their means, no longer cared about the consumption of spiritual energy and skills, and took action with all their strength!

"Let the world feel pain from now on!"

Circles of light black ripples centered on Yilin and spread to the entire battlefield. With Yi Lin's large-scale control skills activated, whether it was the insect man who had just recovered from his humiliating state, or the row of "insect heavy machine guns" on the high wall, the moment they were hit by the ripples, they entered again. In a state of convulsions!

This moment... the scene is so spectacular!

Countless insect-men were spinning, jumping, and pouting in the sky and underground, like dancing in a square.

On the high wall, some of the insect heavy machine guns exploded directly, some turned the gun heads and sprayed a few random shots, and some even twisted into an enchanting "S"-shaped curve... In this scene, even teammates Zhao Yulong also felt his scalp numb.

He couldn't imagine that if such a terrifying skill were to hit one of his own people on the head...

This would be a disaster comparable to an insect swarm!

"Night Dire! Cybertron Mode!"

Although the insect heavy machine gun and the insect army were temporarily eliminated. But the meat bombs dropped from high altitude came with a bang. Under Yi Lin's instructions, Night Dire transformed into a tall Cybertronian without hesitation, took off with a jet, opened his arms in mid-air, and hugged one of the flesh bombs fiercely... Bang! Broken!

The moment the meat bomb exploded, the thick and smelly blood mixture covered Nightmare's body. But that's not the most terrifying thing. After the mucus, countless bone fragments spread in all directions with the explosion. The Night Dire was also blasted to the ground by the impact of the explosion, dragging a long ravine on the battlefield.

"This is a high-explosive fragmentation mine! Damn it!"

“First class for two days…”

Oda Mai takes action!

"The sky and the earth are full of cars!"

Zhao Yulong takes action!

"Titan Power!"

Marquis Lu was greeted by a flesh bomb!

Everyone shows off their talents!

Yi Lin looked at the piece of "super-large fragmentation high-explosive thunder" flying towards her with an expressionless face...

Originally this was an indiscriminate attack.

But at this moment, Yi Lin's luck value had already exceeded the lower limit. As a result, this indiscriminate attack seemed to be aimed at Yi Lin, with a small part of it hitting Yi Lin's direction.

Used to it.

"Mediocre pan!"

Facing this unlucky moment, Yi Lin was not surprised, and was even mentally prepared for it. He put away both guns with his backhand, held the pan in his hand, and directly flew away the two "high-explosion bombs" flying towards him, flying wherever they came from.

This is an ordinary defensive artifact from the series!

This is still in Styx Junior High School...forget it, the dead one is the most important.

Anyway, thank you!

Cao Tiantian!

While everyone was busy dealing with the biological warfare weapons from the Zerg, Mo Rendi had already arrived at the city wall, stomped up the city wall, and in a blink of an eye, he was in mid-air, overlooking the battlefield.

Mo Rendi did not take action.

At this moment, Mr. Mo slowly closed his eyes and assumed a strange posture in mid-air.


Yu Meng's long black hair was fluttering in the wind. In an instant, the cars that were burned into remains on both sides of the street floated from all directions with Yu Meng's strength, suddenly facing the Zerg-destroying high-explosive bombs in the air.

Boom boom boom!

The bloody light of the explosion covered the sky and the sun!

Countless bone fragments, mixed with sticky slurry, were scattered towards the ground without any destination.

Yu Meng was on full fire at this moment, fully demonstrating the strength of a high-level apostle on the spiritual side. The complete version of telekinesis, with a single thought, may not shake the earth, but it can still overturn a territory.

After taking action with all his strength, Yu Meng's face turned slightly pale, but he said in a decisive tone:

"Fully assist the team leader!"

Marquis Lu let out an astonishing roar, slapped the horse's butt, and flew up. He blocked with his spear and put a shield in front of him, blocking most of the bone-breaking explosions for everyone. He shouted loudly: "Brother Yi Lin's advantage The skills are still taking effect, let’s seize this rare opportunity!”

Oda Mai looked crazy, and the ghost behind her almost merged with her, becoming one. A thick layer of demon fire floated on the demon sword. Oda Mai stepped directly up the city wall, climbed up the wall and chopped off half a row of Zerg machine guns.

Yi Lin casually used a mediocre frying pan to shoot away two "high explosive bombs", and when there was no danger, he activated [Shadow Killing] again, turned into a shadow, and climbed directly onto the high wall.

Anyway, everyone else already knows that he is good at sneaking. In this case, it is difficult for Yi Lin to completely hide his strength, so he can only reveal some of his trump cards. Even [Lancer's Blessing] and [Echo of Doom] have been revealed in front of others, and his stealth ability seems sparse and ordinary.

Night Dire was buried in the soil. When he stood up again, he found that almost everyone had climbed onto the city wall. He suddenly looked confused and the Cybertron breathing light on his chest flashed on and off: "Oh, what the fuck? Wait a minute. Wait for this gentleman!"

Mo Rendi originally wanted to pose in mid-air.

But when he saw others climbing up the high wall, Mo Rendi put away his posture and fell from the air.

Yi Lin's heart moved.

The invincible posture just now, could it be that he wanted to use some big move?

But after others suddenly became more powerful, Mo Rendi canceled the forward swing of his ultimate move?


"Snap, snap, snap!"

The walls were entirely made of insect flesh. Several people stepped on the high walls of the wall, and their feet were covered in sticky blood and soft flesh. It was extremely disgusting.

After several people climbed up the city wall in their own way, everyone's feet squirmed at extremely fast speeds, and a mouth opened, as if they wanted to devour all the humans who invaded their territory.

"Watch your step!"

Zhao Yulong's expression changed, and he didn't have time to rest. He directly activated his ability, jumped up high, and floated in the air.

At this time, the Night Dire, who had been thrown into the ground and had been humiliated, was angrily exhaling the smell of alcohol and spraying it onto the high wall with a roar, but Yi Lin decisively turned the Night Dire into a chariot again, riding on it. On Night Dire.

"Come up!"

Yi Rin and Oda Mai made a simple eye contact, and the latter understood Yi Rin's thoughts, and stretched out his hand towards Yi Rin from a distance.

The night dire roared past, Yi Lin leaned over and held Mai Oda's hand tightly together, and easily pulled her onto the seat.

Yilin painfully took out some of the "Styx water" again and poured it into the Night Dire's fuel tank. Suddenly, Nightmare's satiety levels exploded, and the dashboard flashed red crazily, as if she was bursting with excitement.

But at this last moment, Yi Lin had no reluctance to let go. [Styx Water] At present, besides being the explosive fuel of Night Dire, Yilin has not found any other use, so she can only take advantage of Night Dire, an iron-clad calf.

From a high position, Yi Lin finally saw the scenery inside the high wall clearly.

I saw that inside the high wall, the original Chenxi Building had been destroyed by Yi Lin's blast, leaving only a ruin. In the ruins, countless tentacles criss-crossed, forming a spider web.

The tentacles that make up the spider web are deeply inserted into the ground and walls. The tentacle tubes pulse silently and rhythmically. There is a faint red light inside, and they are constantly transporting something deep into the layers of the "web".

That's... nourishment!

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and found the center among the densely packed tentacles in a very short time.

That cocoon... is right there!

The spider web-like tentacles act as blood vessels and are delivering nutrients to the cocoon!

As for the source of nutrients, it is self-evident.

They are the humans from Cangyang City!

The millions of people in Cangyang City were eaten completely by countless bugs, and the flesh and blood essence of the millions of people, after being digested by the bugs, was all gathered into that star in the form of pure "nutrients" with the help of these blood vessels. In the "cocoon".

In that cocoon, the insect people are gestating...the king!

"Quick! Stop them!"

Yu Meng's breathing suddenly became faster. After giving instructions to everyone, he switched to another channel in a low voice and said something to the channel.

In the distance, the armed helicopters that were afraid of being attacked by the tentacles started to move again and flew towards this side one after another.

This is the end!

Regardless of casualties!

Regardless of gains and losses!

We must not allow the monster in the cocoon to be born!

The same thought came to everyone's mind!

The insect-men outside are already so terrifying, it is hard to imagine what a terrifying BOSS their king will be.

If this kind of BOSS appears in the trial, maybe other forces or rules can be used to kill the BOSS. But this is reality. The BOSS that appears in reality can only be solved by yourself.



Lu Hou, who was panting slightly while riding a Pegasus in mid-air, suddenly shouted loudly and called Yi Lin's name, attracting Yi Lin's attention.

"The monster in the cocoon obviously doesn't have enough nutrients! Only you and I have mounts here. You and I will cover the team leader and fight in!"

When Yi Lin heard this, her expression was slightly startled. After being stunned for a moment, he nodded and said with a smile:


at the same time.


Outside Molly's lab.

Because there are no enemies, there are secret sentries of field teams deployed around Molly's laboratory all year round, taking turns on duty. Under normal circumstances, it is very safe.

One of the hidden posts.

Field staff working in pairs, Ximen Xi and Wu Zhang, chatted idly while on duty.

Speaking of which, it is said that their ancestral generation still has some unclear relatives. They are also very close in work and life, and talk about almost everything.

After all, this is everyday life.

Stalking is just a formality.

Usually nothing happens.

In the past, there were only ten secret sentries around Molly.

However, during a certain "exploration operation in no man's land", after mercenaries attacked Molly, Mo's enemy became angry and increased the number of hidden sentries to fifty-four, which can be called an iron wall.

Unless the apostles come in person, it will be difficult to break into this place.

In this world, four towers divide the apostles into four areas without interfering with each other. Apostles registered in different regions are restricted by the "tower" and cannot leave the scope of the tower where they are registered. Therefore, apostles from abroad cannot cross regions and come here.

98% of the Tower of Death area is the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, which fundamentally reduces the possibility of Molly being attacked by foreign apostles.

Generally speaking, it's very safe.

Ximen Xi: "The weather is nice today."

Wu Zhang: "Hey, speaking of which, I recently made a girlfriend. She's pretty and plump. After my evening shift, I can go on a date. Spring is the season when all things sprout."

Ximen Xi: "Go away, are you in love? But when are you going to bring her out to get to know each other? Let me take care of it for you, brother."

Right now.

Two crew-cut men wearing thick leather jackets came to the secret post.

Ximen Xi and Wu Zhang shouted at the same time: "Who?"

Ximen Xi and Wu Zhang, who were flirting just now, reached for the guns at their waists at the same time and entered combat mode. From their professional point of view, the two new men with crew cut hair are definitely Lian Jiazi. Moreover, the bulging bag under the leather jacket obviously hides "something".

"Change the shift."

While keeping a distance, the visitor took out his ID and handed them to Ximen Xi and Wu Zhang.

"Shift change?"

After checking the documents, Ximen Xi breathed a sigh of relief. The certificates are genuine. They both have one copy on their bodies and cannot be faked. But it seems it’s not time to change shifts yet?

"Didn't you hear? Something big happened in Cangyang City, and the superiors made temporary arrangements. Your senior field team members are going to be transferred to Cangyang City for support, and our newcomers will take over here."

"Oh, is there such a thing? Then the safety of the eldest lady will be left to you."

"Don't worry, don't worry! Although we have just joined the field team, we are also from the Special Warfare Section. Chairman Yu is responsible for this matter. You will report to the Armed Police Division later and wait for the next order."


Ximen Xi suddenly realized it and passed by the two new shift workers. As he walked, he said: "Zhangzi, since it is a task assigned by the superiors, we have to hurry up and don't waste time."

Wu Zhang's expression was dull, he nodded and said, "Okay."

The two of them took a few steps in unison.


Wu Zhang and Ximen Xi turned around at the same time, quickly drew their guns, and pointed at the two newcomers.

"If you are really joining the field team through normal channels, you should know one thing very well."

"Oh?" The two crew-cut men in leather jackets laughed: "What's the matter?"

"We are only responsible to the team leader."

"..., you guys are really going to drink wine as a penalty if you don't eat the toast."

A few minutes later.

"Secret whistle at 11 o'clock, solved."

The laughter of other people could be heard on the channel.

"Secret sentry at 48 o'clock, encountered a little trouble, solved it."

"Secret sentry at 02 o'clock, solved."


"Chairman Yu, can we take action?"

After all fifty-four field team secret sentries were dealt with, someone asked on the internal channel.

After a moment of silence.

Yu Liexin, also known as Chairman Yu as they called him, slowly gave the next order in an unquestionable tone:

"Do it. Be careful, there are two 'alternatives' inside, a psychopath... and a dog."



Forget about being mentally ill... can dogs be okay?

This is outrageous!

While he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, someone was about to make a move: "President Yu, their 'qualifications'...?"

"Oh, the plan has not officially started yet. Don't rush, everyone will have a chance. When the time comes, you can just wait for the unified distribution."


The person who asked the previous question had a hint of unwillingness in his tone.

After solving all the secret whistles, this group of people silently surrounded Molly's laboratory and took out various types of weapons from the gaps under the leather clothes. They were equipped with high-concentration anesthesia guns, which could kill even an elephant. Captivated by one shot, convenient, fast, simple and easy to use.

"Everyone, get ready, move..."

Just when this group of people was about to break into Molly's laboratory.

Yu Liexin suddenly stopped this weird invasion in a secret internal channel:

"No...wait a little longer."

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