Infinity Throne

Chapter 488 Version update, public beta era!

"Yiyi! Mengmeng!"

Yi Lin used the fastest speed to find Ling Yiyi in the shelter.

There was no entertainment in the shelter. Molly was playing an "exploration game" with Ling Yiyi in the shelter.

Yi Lin's furious expression startled Molly, who was holding Ling Yiyi's hand.

"Acridine! What are you doing? Scaring people."

Yi Lin walked quickly towards Molly. When she saw that both Molly and Ling Yiyi were still safe, she breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense expressions relaxed a lot.

"You...didn't receive the summons?"

Yi Lin asked cautiously.

"Summoning? What summons?"

Molly looked slightly startled.

"That's you believe in God? Molly, you clicked 'NO' on that call many years ago."

"No! Wait, here it comes again?"

Molly was first confused as to why Yi Lin suddenly asked this question, but then she became slightly excited: "Again, again, again?"

Let’s not talk about why Molly was so excited when Yi Lin mentioned “summoning”.

Yi Lin looked at Ling Yiyi again.

But before Yi Lin could ask, Ling Yiyi noticed Yi Lin's mood and shook her head with a smile: "No, don't worry, don't worry, aren't we here well?"


Yi Lin frowned when she got the answers from the two people, but didn't say much. After a moment, Yi Lin remembered that there was an "ordinary person" named Mo Rendi in the shelter. Without asking, Yi Lin directly spread his perception and enveloped the entire shelter.

Because there are three women in the shelter, Yi Lin usually does not have full range of perception. After all... ahem, it's not good.

But the situation was urgent, and Yi Lin couldn't care about that much now.

The old man was in the room, boxing slowly.

Judging from his expression, there didn't seem to be anything strange about him.

Yi Lin used the fastest speed to open Mo Rendi's door. Knocking from the side, Mo Rendi didn't seem to feel the call from the "tower".

After confirming each one, Yi Lin made arrangements.

"Everyone, come to the conference room for a meeting."

At this moment, he finally seemed like the leader of an organization.

As he spoke, there was no doubt in his voice.

Two minutes later.

Molly, Ling Yiyi, and Mo Rendi all arrived at the conference room.

When Yi Lin and the other three arrived, Oda Wu and Wang Tiandi had already worked together to drag Lao Pan and pinned him firmly in the corner to prevent him from running around.

In this icy and snowy environment, if Lao Pan really ran away, it would be troublesome to find him.

"First of all, let me confirm one thing."

After everyone sat down, Yi Lin stood up, his eyes fell on the faces of Mo Rendi, Ling Yiyi, and Mo Li. After a pause, he said: "We are...'apostles'." "

Oda Mai's face changed slightly and she stood up.

Wang Tiandi's eyes widened.

Yi Lin clutched her chest, feeling no discomfort.

"What do you think you are?"

Molly, Mo Rendi, and Ling Yiyi don't know why.

Lao Pan's brain wasn't recovered yet, so he didn't feel anything.

But Oda Wu and Wang Tiandi, when Yi Lin said these words, combined with the official information they received from "gods", they understood it instantly.

"The prohibition has been lifted."

Molly was stunned.

"An 'unprecedented' event has happened. If I am not wrong, the outside world must be in chaos at this moment."

While muttering to himself, Yi Lin had a complicated expression, reopened the [Announcement] from the gods, and read it carefully.


[To all you who are small, stupid, and ignorant. 】

【I am yours,】

【god. 】

[Starting from today, this ‘game’ will be upgraded to version 2.0, and specific rule changes will be included in the detailed rules. 】

[This enjoyable ‘game’ will enter the 2.0 public beta era. 】

[The real suffering begins. 】

[Oh, this new era is as you wish! 】

[Attachment: Version update instructions. 】(Click for details.)

"This new era is as you wish..."

For some reason, Yi Lin always felt that this announcement was a bit strange to read.

Before that, through various clues and the strange things he noticed around him, Yi Lin deduced that "Xiao Xi" who appeared next to him from time to time was the "god" of this world. Its status is similar to "Uranos" in the previous trial world.

Substituting the first three sentences into the tone of "Xiao Xi", it is very vivid and has no sense of violation.

But what happened next... gave Yi Lin a strange sense of déjà vu.

The second half of the announcement sounded like another person's tone.

Especially the last sentence.

I wonder how "Yumeng" who has been clamoring to welcome the new era will feel and what his face will look like when he sees this announcement?

There isn't much information in the announcement, but it's enough to explode.

Yi Lin also couldn't figure out why the world had collapsed to this point.

The era of public beta testing!

In the [Announcement], the words "National Public Test" gave Yi Lin a bad feeling, so she found Mo Li, Ling Yiyi, and Mo Rendi in such a hurry. Yi Lin knows the trials, cruelty and dangers in this world best.

He really didn't want to, so Molly and Ling Yiyi were summoned to become members of the "apostles", traveling across the world to carry out horrific and cruel tasks.

Mo Rendi was different, and Yi Lin wasn't worried.

If he becomes an apostle, only others will be unlucky.

"Why haven't they been summoned? If I have to say it, Mo Rendi and Molly have refused to be summoned. It is not impossible to be included in the 'blacklist'. There is only one chance. But why is Ling Yiyi...? Could it be that... Under the so-called 'universal public beta', she still can't meet the requirements of being summoned?"

"No, since this [announcement] says that it is a public beta test, the summoning requirements must be lowered. According to the previous requirements of ten attributes of the three dimensions, if you hit a sign, you may not be able to hit even one that meets the requirements. 'Preparing Apostles'."

"Maybe... it's an eye problem?"

Yi Lin thought to himself.

He felt that something was fishy, ​​but now seemed not to be the time to study why Ling Yiyi was not summoned.

Prohibitions have been lifted.

It also means that the existence of "Apostles" and "Trials" will be completely exposed to the eyes of ordinary people.

From now on, when elements such as "apostles", "towers", "trials", "powers" and "supernormal" are no longer hidden in the shadows, all "abnormalities" will become "everyday". This world, because of this so-called "version update", will undergo earth-shaking changes.

New Era!

Even though the last sentence of [Announcement] had a strange tone.

But it is undeniable that the description in the [Announcement] is very accurate.

After tonight, when dawn rises, a new era is coming!

"Times have changed."

Since the constraints of the prohibited items disappeared with the "version update", Yi Lin quickly explained their identities to Ling Yiyi, Mo Li, and Mo Rendi.

"In the official terminology of the four towers, people like us who shuttle through various cruel trials and perform tasks are called 'apostles' by the towers. After tonight, the whole country... no, maybe the whole world, as long as Those who can survive the first preliminary apostle screening test will become the 'second batch' of apostles."

"I can't deduce how many people will die overnight, but there is no doubt that it will be many, many, many."

When Yi Lin said this, her tone was a little more indifferent: "However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Although I don't know why it developed like this, but in this way, natural selection, the capable ones People will stand out in this turbulent situation and become...the mainstay in the future."

To fight against the Knights of the Apocalypse, the more people, the better.

Even without this incident, when the four walking natural disasters and knights of the apocalypse come, with them as the center, countless people will still die.

Since the ending is the same, in Yi Lin's view, the drastic changes in this "national public beta" can actually screen out more elites to prepare for the future fight against Apocalypse.

Mo Rendi was okay, he frowned and fell into deep thought.

Molly and Ling Yiyi, under the protection of others, have been staying away from the "abnormality". At this moment, when Yi Lin suddenly said "the truth of the world" and the drastic changes the world was about to face, everyone looked surprised and didn't know what to say for a long time.

"I-I'm out of luck?"

Molly suddenly felt very sad.

Why was I so arrogant at that time?

Why click "NO"?

Yi Lin glanced at Molly. He didn't expect that this was the first thing Molly thought of after her shock subsided.

Wang Tiandi raised his paws and swiped the screen in front of him, as if he was browsing something.

Oda Mai also moved the fingers of her left hand in front of her, her eyes twinkling.

Yi Lin lowered his head and without wasting any time, he immediately opened [Announcement] and pressed his finger on [Click to view details] after the appendix.

It turns out that just click to view the details.

...and this kind of operation.

[Version 2.0 update instructions]

[1. Cancel the relic box reward in the same region server; cross-region server kills are modified to "there is a certain probability of dropping the relic box". Also open the Honor Store. 】

[2. Cancel the zoning restrictions of the four major towers. After obtaining a "temporary cross-region pass" or a "permanent cross-region pass", you can move freely across regions within the corresponding limited number of passes. But please note that I will not be held responsible once you are killed across regions. 】

【3. Added "Wishing Pond" function. Each apostle can spend 6888 points to draw various skills, props, resources, items and other rewards from the wishing well, of any type. Spend 68888 points at one time to perform "Ten Draws in a Row", which will guarantee a "rare level" reward and increase the probability of "epic level" rewards. 】

"What the hell?"

Seeing the details of the version update, Yi Lin subconsciously shouted, "Fuck you."

[4. The "Fixed Reward Probability UP" event will be implemented for a limited time every month. During the event, the "Getting Probability UP" rewards will be displayed in the wishing pool. 】

[5. Cancel the "random rewards" below the S rating and add a mission mode that can obtain a large number of "points". When an apostle dies due to various reasons and does not drop a relic box, all the relics of the "dead man" will be placed in the "Wishing Well" by default. 】

[6. After obtaining the official apostle qualification, the mandatory trial will be cancelled, and will be replaced by the "self-selected trial mode" with a 30-day cooling time. When the trial opens, five "doors" will appear in front of each apostle. The "doors" correspond to trials of different difficulties and "keywords". The apostle can choose a door to enter. Every time you spend 1,000 points "starting", you can browse the corresponding keywords without any cap. 】





Yi Lin, Oda Wu, and Wang Tiandi stood up at the same time, with expressions of shock and anger.

Can you still play like this?

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