Infinity Throne

Chapter 496 The third day on the battlefield begins with the explosion

"There is indeed something wrong with this weapon."

Yi Lin put the weapon back where it belonged.

But Xu Zhiyong didn't dare to pick it up.


Xu Anjing thought of Xu Zhiyong's weirdness just now, his heart surged, and he vaguely figured out something key.

Yi Lin did not show off and explained: "This is a trial for newcomers. Those who are summoned to this world are ordinary people without any 'ability'. On the battlefield in this world background, just a random soldier, I can tear them apart with my bare hands. Apart from the weapon given by Gul'dan Yanzu, they have no other way to survive."

Hearing this, Xu Jingjing felt chills running down his spine.

"In other words, even if they know there is something wrong with this weapon, they still have to rely on this weapon to survive in order to protect themselves."

Xu Jingjing's eyes narrowed: "Isn't this a fatal mission? Is this the meaning of our assistance?"

"No, you're wrong again." Yi Lin didn't give Xu Jingjing any face, and directly overcame her in terms of IQ, and said with a smile: "You should remember a sentence in the initial mission prompt, right? It's a common friendly reminder. obviously."

"Please avoid being overly active and participate in the battle reasonably."

Xu Anjing recalled it for a few seconds before speaking out those words.

"That's right," Yi Lin nodded and smiled: "It seems that the key to survival is to grasp a 'degree'. No wonder a three-day survival time is set. The most critical change should be in The third day. Let’s take one step at a time.”

Yi Lin was not in a hurry.

"That weapon..."

Xu Zhiyong listened to the conversation between the two. As an inexperienced person, he felt confused and couldn't understand much.

But the key point was that he understood that there was no way to survive this "mission". Moreover, Yi Lin's calm and calm expression, which seemed not to take this mission seriously, also made Xu Zhiyong gradually calm down, as if he had taken a reassurance.

Right now.


A loud horn sounded.

The orcs of the tribal army became excited again, pushed the reserve apostles out of the fortress, and started the next wave of clocking in after the intermission.

"Use it first, it doesn't matter, trust me. But be careful not to get too involved... It actually means that you can do what you can and don't be addicted to the power brought by the weapon."

Xu Zhiyong and Mrs. Xu were shocked and confused, but at this time, they had no choice but to believe in the "seniors" Yi Lin and Xu Anjing.

After hesitating for a moment, they could only carefully pick up their weapons again. This time, Xu Zhiyong's eyes were no longer blank and empty as before, and he was much calmer.


Just as Yi Lin speculated.

After they kept a low profile and did not wantonly gain points on the battlefield, the opposite BOSS also did not appear.

Although the Horde and the Alliance seemed to be fighting back and forth, the death and injury rate of both sides was still maintained in a delicate balance, slowly passing away.

When the number of surviving reserve apostles decreased, it became much easier for the Yi Lin team to take care of them.

On the battlefield in the afternoon, the number of casualties was finally controlled to less than five.

But Yi Lin also began to notice the strangeness of the preparatory apostle.

As the preparatory apostles used the [Scarlet Butcher Knife] to kill, they seemed to have completely changed. The speed and strength of the sword swings were completely different from the first day.

"Is it probably a state similar to a temporary BUFF bonus?"

Yi Lin relaxed and happily harvested heads with the revolvers of both hands, brushing the chaos value, but his perception was on the battlefield, and he did not relax.

As the preparation apostles increased in strength during the killing, the fighting between the soldiers could no longer threaten their lives.

At night.

The orcs sang happily again.

After two days of getting along with each other, once Yi Lin accepted the strange looks of these orcs, she found them to be cute and simple.

Under the protection of Xu Anjing, Xu Zhiyong and his wife did not kill excessively and remained rational.

[The current number of surviving reserve apostles: 67/100. 】

After dinner.

Yi Lin came to the corner where the preparatory apostles were, alone.

They seemed out of place with the other tribal legions and were surrounded in a corner of the fortress. The door was far away on the other side where the orcs were having a party, and they couldn't escape.

Yi Lin did not activate any stealth skills.

When Yi Lin walked carelessly towards the preparatory apostles, three or three of the preparatory apostles stood up and looked at Yi Lin with alert eyes.

They also had a pair of bloodshot eyes, filled with madness and murderous intent.

The same muscular young man in a vest from yesterday walked towards Yi Lin.

It seemed that in the past two days, he had used his own skills to temporarily become the "temporary spokesperson" for this group of preparatory apostles when facing the seniors.

"It's almost time to kill enough."

Yi Lin glanced at the knife in the young man's hand, and said something with a calm expression.

"What's the meaning?"

The young man licked his chapped and bleeding lower lip and asked.

"I'll just assume that you can still think clearly." Yi Lin smiled and said, "There is something wrong with the weapons Gul'dan Yanzu gave you."

"Hehehehe..." The young man suddenly grinned, and hoarse laughter came from his dry throat: "I knew it a long time ago."


Yi Lin raised his eyebrows.

"But so what?" The young man shook his head: "The more you kill, the higher the final clearance evaluation will be, and you will get more rewards. There is nothing wrong with that. As long as you go back alive, no matter how many traumas you suffer, as long as you return With just one breath, it can be completely repaired, right?"

"It seems that you have learned the rules very well in the past two days."

"Compared with you seniors, we dare not say that we understand you." The young man took a deep breath. The madness and murderous intent in his eyes faded a bit, and he took the initiative to reach out to Yi Lin: "My name is Ren Jian .”

"Haha, Yi Lin."

This time.

Yi Lin actually thought highly of this young man named Ren Jian.

Compared with Xu Zhiyong, his willpower is much higher. Surprisingly, in this state, he can still maintain a certain degree of sanity.

Yi Lin has already given a reminder about the weirdness of the weapon.

As for what kind of arrangements Ren Jian will make after returning to the team of preparatory apostles, Yi Lin cannot control it.

He is not the nanny of the Preparatory Apostle. Although each Preparatory Apostle is equivalent to 1,000 DP points, the legs and hands are on each other's bodies, and Yi Lin cannot influence the will of others. To put it simply, there is a fool who wants to die, and Yi Lin can't stop him.

"How about it?"

After Yi Lin returned from negotiations, Xu Jingjing asked curiously.

"It's okay, let's see tomorrow."

"Actually, what I find a little strange is that since this is a battlefield, the tribe seems to be too lax. Aren't they worried about the other party's night attack on the base camp?"

Yi Lin smiled: "I don't know if you have heard about the actual situation of the ancient battlefield with tens of thousands of people."


"For example, suppose there are two sides in the ancient battlefield, each with 10,000 people."

Yi Lin raised a finger:

"Then these 10,000 people will be divided into three armies: the front, middle and rear armies, each with 3,000 people, and another 1,000 for the logistics. When the battle starts in the morning, the front army begins to charge. What do you think of the center army, the rear army and the logistics army now? doing what?"

"Um...polishing weapons?"

"Haha," Yi Lin shook her index finger: "The central army is taking a break playing cards, the rear army is drinking and bragging, and the logistics army is sleeping and recuperating."

"Ah?" Xu Jingjing's eyes widened.

"What else? It will be noon after the front army has finished fighting. When it is the turn of the Chinese army to fight, the rear army has also sobered up. In fact, this may be a joke, but when used here, it feels almost the same. Don't think about it either. This war has been going on for three years. It’s good if you can still clock in and go to work. Who has time to carry out night raids? Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to have a good sleep after get off work? On this battlefield, isn’t everyone a wage earner? "

Although Xu Jingjing thought Yi Lin's jokes were ridiculous. But she turned to look at the orcs who were gathered in a circle at the bonfire banquet, howling unpleasantly and expressing excited expressions, and felt that what Yi Lin said was very reasonable.

Xu Zhiyong was also extremely tired and slept until dawn in fear.

This kind of intense training is normal for seniors such as Yi Lin. They sleep soundly in their tents under Gouzi's vigil.

The next day.

The sky is bright.

The horn sounded.

The preparatory apostles were already ready to make a move. This time, without any urging from the tribal legions, they directly raised their swords and killed them.


Sarah Bloodhoof didn't know what happened, so she directly picked up the double-headed stick that was thicker than a human being, and together with Old Pan, led the orc army to break out of the fortress.

"Kill these Alliance dogs!"

And on the opposite side.

The dwarf Bronzebeard was also holding the hammer, and his two short legs were spinning very fast, and his voice was like rolling thunder, reaching here.

"Slaughter these tribal pigs!"


"Wow, wow, wow!"

Starting from the daily exchange of insults between the two sides of the tribal alliance, today's war has begun.

This is already the third day!

The battlefield is indeed the best place to gain chaos points. With the crazy killing on the first day and the low-key points gain on the second day, Yi Lin has already gained more than 20,000 chaos points in just two days. This kind of efficiency in gaining chaos points, It's terrifying.

Yilin has currently accumulated nearly 80,000 chaos points, which is enough to increase the skill level of the Apocalypse module.

But he is not in a hurry. Upgrading any skill at present is just the icing on the cake and cannot bring about a qualitative leap. In addition, Yi Lin has to cope with this novice trial. With Yi Lin's current strength, it is more than enough and there is not much pressure. There is no need to rush into upgrading skills.

If he, the leader of Tianqi, the world's largest guild, can't carry this trial, then the difficulty of this trial can be said to be extremely outrageous.

The preparation apostles had experienced two days of killing, and their eyes were also red with blood today.

at this time.

The chaotic battlefield was divided into groups. Many of the preparatory apostles, whose eyes were red and looked crazy during the fighting, gradually began to change.

Originally he only had the figure of a normal person, but suddenly he swelled up like a balloon, and his whole body was covered with ferocious blood vessels like the roots of an old tree.


Yi Lin, who had been secretly observing the transformation of the preparing apostles, changed his face slightly, jumped into the air, came to the changed mengxins, and said loudly: "Throw away your swords!"

The "newcomers" turned their heads.


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