Infinity Throne

Chapter 707 Prototype Noble Phantasm (4600 words)

After one hour.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Yi Lin sat on the top of the clock tower, yawning, overlooking the city.


That's right.

Rather than "college" or "association", Yi Lin felt that it was more appropriate to use "city" to refer to the buildings built with the clock tower as the core.

The Magicians Association is surrounded by mountains.

The undulating mountains provide a natural barrier for this mysterious place.

When she arrived, Yi Lin felt strange.

There seems to be some kind of cover-up around the Magicians Association.

From a distance, it is obviously a mountain.

But when Cerberus came out, Yi Lin looked up and saw the clock tower.

"Is this magic too?"

It took Yi Lin an hour to walk around the entire Magicians Association.

In the dead of night, Yi Lin saw no one else except a few staff members wearing black uniforms and carrying a lamp patrolling the corridor.

The dark night is Yi Lin's best protective color.

Yi Lin even wondered whether the Magicians Association deliberately set up the structural map of the entire Magicians Association in many traffic arteries, allowing Yi Lin to explore it without any pressure, just like strolling through the back garden of her residence. .

The Magicians Association covers a much larger area than Yi Lin imagined.

The place where the clock tower is located, according to the markings on the roadside map, is just "one of" the twelve disciplines of the Magician's Association.

The twelve subjects are - General Basics, Individual Basics, Spirituality, Minerals, Animals, Inheritance, Plants, Celestials, Creation, Curses, Archeology, and Modern Magic.

The rest of the disciplines are hidden in London in various forms, underground or in buildings, just like "city within the city".

And in the secret, there are many hidden passages that connect these twelve disciplines and connect the entire Magicians Association into one.

The strange thing is that many channels are marked with "×" and do not seem to be in use.

In other words, the territory of the Magicians Association is the entire city of London.

I heard Miriam mention it before that her Knights League headquarters was also located on the outskirts of London. But it's quite a distance from the clock tower.

The foundation of the Knights Alliance's residence is Pendragon's ancestral home, and it is also the place where their ancestors died in battle. That hill is called "The Hill of King's Fall" in the ancestral motto of their Pendragon family. This was the information that Yi Lin used the ultimate method - the temptation of delicious food to get it out of Da Mao's mouth.

In just one day, Yi Lin has discovered the fatal weakness of the King of Knights: Her IQ will drop to a level slightly lower than that of ordinary people in the face of irresistible delicious food.

"If the Magician's Association is really as big as it appears on the surface, the second guild in the world will not be able to compete with the Knights' Alliance. It seems that my guess is not wrong."

Yi Lin took out a piece of soul food [Hundred Flowers Seaweed Cookies] and ate it happily on the clock tower without anyone else around.

Yi Lin didn't eat the midnight snack just now because she was worried about what was hidden in it.

I'm a little hungry now.

Let’s not mention other subjects for now.

This is the "classroom" of the Magician's Association, the first subject, and all basic subjects.

Building after building, they are well-proportioned.

Intricate corridors connect these classrooms.

Between the buildings, there are tree-lined paths and skillfully carved human-shaped relief fountains, which look like a well-arranged park.

Street lamps are dotted in the dark night.

At a glance, it was difficult for Yi Lin to figure out where these corridors led to. The route is just too complicated.

The locations marked on the map are also limited. Yi Lin discovered that some of the hidden structures Yi Lin discovered during his exploration were not marked on the map.

While taking a bath, Yi Lin once sent three little female spirits to explore through the wall.

He discovered that there seemed to be invisible barriers set up in many places, which were clearly visible to the spirit's vision. It was covered with lines that Yi Lin couldn't understand.

Yi Lin did not rush in without understanding those invisible barriers.

In this clock tower, "magic" is everywhere, constructing everything here.

"Magic" is like gears, running smoothly throughout the clock tower.

Yi Lin only got a glimpse of this brand new system and couldn't help but indulge in it. Otherwise, Yi Lin would not have spent an hour just exploring. Yi Lin spent a lot of time studying the structure of magic. Speaking of which, some of the patterns Yi Lin accidentally saw were somewhat similar to the ancient alchemy books Yi Lin borrowed from Xing Fei.

According to Xing Fei, Europe is also the birthplace of ancient alchemy.

"On the premise of not 'alerting' them, we can only explore this place for now." Yi Lin said, glancing at a slightly old building, and chuckled softly in the darkness. The next second, his figure moved, turned into a shadow, and disappeared from the place.

A night of silence.

In an unfamiliar environment, nothing exciting happened.

The next day.

Sun on the branches.

Yi Lin slept until she woke up naturally.

The sound of warblers and swallows came from the window.

The wardrobe in the guest room is also filled with various styles of European clothing.

Yi Lin chose a relatively low-key white shirt and casually unbuttoned the top two buttons. After Yi Lin finished dressing and washing, she walked out of the room.

Cerberus was already waiting outside the door.

When Yi Lin walked out, Cerberus didn't complain at all and said calmly: "Your Majesty, the three of you are already waiting in the VIP room."

From the outside, the corridor looks twisted and twisted, but inside, it is a straight corridor with no end in sight. Yi Lin was amazed by this blinding method without any sense of violation.

When we arrived at the VIP room, sure enough, the blond boy was already sitting in a wheelchair.

At the corresponding position of the dining table, high-end silver tableware and fine-grained dinner plates are neatly placed.

On the dinner plate, there are scrambled eggs, roasted tomatoes, sausages, bacon, soybeans with tomato sauce, fried potatoes, buttered toast, and croissants. There is only a little bit of each, a wide variety without being bloated, and the display is fancy and clean. On the plate, thick mushroom juice is poured evenly on the food.

The corresponding staple food is a bowl of fragrant oatmeal.

“The colors are just right, the presentation is delicious and you have a very good chef.”

Yi Lin was generous with her praise.

As the saying goes, when you are in the country, do as the Romans do, Yi Lin did not pretend this time. She put on a white scarf, raised her knife and fork, and got ready to eat.

Cerberus's voice came from behind: "Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Yilin. Could you please give me a drink? Do you want milk, juice, coffee, or breakfast tea?"

"Breakfast tea, thank you."

This is a traditional and classic English breakfast, very authentic. As a soul foodie, Yi Lin could tell at a glance that a lot of thought had gone into the processing of these ingredients and they were worth tasting.

The proud and elegant King of Knights, Miriam Artoria X Pendragon, had already been eating hard a few minutes ago and started eating in silence. Just a moment after Cerberus was serving tea, half of the food on Miriam's plate disappeared inexplicably, as if a gust of wind was blowing.

"Awesome, awesome, awesome."

Yi Lin couldn't help but give a thumbs up when she saw Miriam's miraculous but elegant way of eating.

Gu Tianqing stood silently, like a little transparent person.

After a hearty breakfast.

Cerberus bowed to everyone, then silently exited the room and locked the door.

in the room,

Only one of the twelve monarchs, Bartholomew Dillon, and Yi Lin were left.

Yi Lin was curious.

What would happen if he suddenly pulled out a gun at this time?

Of course, Yi Lin was just thinking about it, and it wasn't illegal.

Bartholomew Dylan closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, as if thinking about where to start.

The blond boy sitting in a wheelchair fiddled with his golden bangs on his forehead from time to time. He always felt a chill on his forehead.

There was silence for about half a minute.

Bartholomew Dylan begins:

"The Magician's Association has existed two thousand years ago and has a long history. We magicians are mysterious researchers and inheritors of mystery. We devote our lives to knowledge and dedicate our knowledge and lives to it. .”

Yi Lin smiled: "I like knowledge."

Bartholomew Dylan responded with a smile: "No one dislikes knowledge. In fact, throughout history, human evolution lies in the inheritance and development of knowledge. And the 'mystery' we study is also a kind of mystery that cannot be understood. A knowledge recognized by most of humanity.”

"The Magicians Association has successfully survived through world changes, technological impacts, and wars throughout history. In the past, our Magicians Association even had hidden branches all over the world."

"Until, ten years ago."

The young man sighed, as if he had remembered something, and his face became paler. A bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "When 'it' appeared, the Magicians Association was completely in name only. In fact, there are no more magicians in the world now." Association, only - Clock Tower.”

"And you are the 'outsiders' who have set foot in the Clock Tower for the first time in the past ten years."

Miriam looked solemn and said seriously: "It's an honor."

The young man waved his hand, signaling to the King of Knights that there was no need to be polite. His cold eyes fell on Yi Lin: "Guest from the East, do you know that the treasure belonging to the Pendragon family, 'Avalon', is also called 'Distant Utopia', what is it?"

Mirien and Gu Tianqing's eyes turned to Yi Lin at the same time.

The King of Knights' eyes almost burst into flames.

Speaking of which, it was all tears.

"Prop." Yi Lin smiled and said, "A companion prop that can't be taken off. By the way, it's epic."

As he spoke, Yi Lin and the young monarch looked at each other and observed each other's expressions.

The young man's eyelids were drooped, and behind the lenses, the emotion and look in his eyes were completely hidden.

Bartholomew Dylan did not refute Yi Lin's words, but just continued: "That is a 'prototype Noble Phantasm'."

Before Yi Lin and others could ask questions.

The boy did not continue to explain what the "Prototype Noble Phantasm" was.

"In order to separate the 'Prototype Noble Phantasm' from the host, there were originally corresponding magic rituals that could be done. However, when 'it' appeared, the 'Prototype Noble Phantasm' was given new power, 'Prototype Noble Phantasm' Tool' has become the 'mystery' itself."

"That is...props."

"The mystery is inseparable from the host and almost impossible to separate in any way."

On the side, Miriam had a complicated expression when she heard this. His eyes were full of murderous intent, his hair was hanging down, and his facial features were squeezed together, looking like he was about to cry. Of course, this is just Yi Lin's interpretation of Miriam's twisted expression. Maybe she is resisting the urge to draw her sword and kill people now.


Under the table, Yi Lin quietly pushed a card into Miriam's hand - it was a delicacy that Miriam praised highly.

After taking the soul food, Mirien looked down and her eyes lit up. Coupled with Yi Lin's deliberate question of "almost", Miriam calmed down again.


A false alarm.

Now it would be really embarrassing for Mirien to kill someone in public.

"Yes, almost." Bartholomew Dylan continued with an expressionless and tired face: "'It' gives the 'Prototype Noble Phantasm' new power, making the 'Prototype Noble Phantasm' that exists in the world, It has become a 'mystery' again. Including a certain 'thing' that has been hidden in the clock tower."

Yi Lin, Gu Tianqing, and Miriam listened quietly.

When Bartholomew Dylan said this, Yi Lin had roughly guessed what he was going to say next.


The young man continued:

"That 'thing' has been sealed in the clock tower as a 'research object'. Even ten years ago, when the world changed, the 'mysterious' attribute of that 'thing' was still not enough to restore it to the same level as the legend. ability that matches the requirements.”

"So, very few people know that 'thing' exists."

Miriam looked happy.

Hope is coming.

But as soon as this joy was born, before it even hit the ground, Yi Lin poured a basin of cold water on it.

Yi Lin changed into a comfortable position and leaned on the backrest. The knuckles of his right hand gently tapped the sterling silver armrest, making a crisp tapping sound. The other hand habitually picked at the cool dead skin on his forehead. He chuckled and interrupted the young monarch: "That thing is gone."

Miriam was dumbfounded.

Gu Tianqing also smiled.

Bartholomew Dylan raised his eyes again, with a hint of surprise in his jade-green eyes. He did not expect that this guest from the East would catch the key points in this conversation and guess the truth in a very short time.

"Yes, it was stolen."

"Very good." Yi Lin stood up: "Now things are clear. You, the Clock Tower, should have had an accident ten years ago. In fact, it is not difficult to guess that since Miriam mentioned that you exclude people like 'us' At that time, I was thinking about one thing.”

"Who does 'we' mean?"

"If you think about it carefully, you can guess it. The only thing we have in common. Then, another problem arises."

"That's what impact the arrival of the Tower of War has on 'you'."

"It's just that some people were summoned and became apostles. Yes, this should be a high probability event, because this was once an association of magicians specializing in 'mystery'. So the question is, becoming an apostle is undoubtedly the same as The purpose of 'pursuing knowledge' is contrary to the purpose. Because an apostle is a being who directly acquires a certain ability and releases various skills without asking the reason. The skills of an apostle are more powerful than the 'magic' you are studying. Like magic.”

"Obviously, in the eyes of a group of 'scholars' who study mysteries, 'apostles' are equivalent to aliens. Oh, Miriam, don't look at me like this, I read 'exclamation' on your stupid hair I don't know much about what happened ten years ago, but I can tell that now there are only a group of 'non-apostles' left in the Clock Tower, or in other words, you are all 'rejected people'. "

"And, for some reason, you can't easily step out of the clock tower. Haha, I found a lot of footprints around the three-way intersection, but most of them were walking inward, and there were no outward footprints. Moreover, the footprints There are traces of erasure. I speculate that it is possible that during this period, the Clock Tower was invaded and was blocked by you."

"It's very possible that this is what your 'kind' left behind. In other words, you don't dare to go out at all. You must guard the base camp of the Clock Tower. It's more likely that the only territory left in your Clock Tower is here. , the masters of the clock tower, the magicians, are trapped here instead. Right?"

"The above are all my guesses. If there is any wrong guess, please point it out."

Yi Lin stood up and looked at the young monarch sitting in the wheelchair across the long table with a smile.

Yi Lin spoke eloquently.

Miriam was stunned.

She...didn't understand.

Yi Lin said it all in one breath, a bit fast.

Opposite the long table,

One of the twelve monarchs, Bartholomew Dylan, fell silent.

"Crack, snap, snap."

After a moment of silence, Bartholomew Dylan raised his head again and clapped his hands again and again.


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