Infinity Throne

Chapter 714: Artificial Magic Eye (4,600 words, 3/3 extra for July monthly pass)

Chapter 714: Artificial Magic Eye (4,600 words, 33 more for July monthly pass)

One kilometer away.


"Ah ha!!!"


"That evil pen actually stands so high!"

"Who the hell asked you to shoot!"

"But he is too conspicuous, I can't help it!"

In the road bandit team, after cheering, several people in the car had differences and arguments.

The shooter was a professional sniper.

He stared blankly down at his index finger that had just pulled the trigger.

It's strange, he just wanted to take aim.

I don't know why,

When he saw the guy's face clearly through the eight-fold mirror, his index finger moved on its own!

Damn sniper talent!

Damn instinct!

Damn golden index finger!

The sniper blames everything on sniper instinct.

"Fuck! Alarmed them! GOGOGO!"

"Don't let the 'rabbit' get away!"


"Squad three or four, move around and outflank!"

"Keep alive! Remember, a dead 'rabbit' has no value!"


Five modified armored vehicles covered with iron sheets roared and rushed towards the village.

In addition to being apostles, they are also fierce bandits, well-equipped and equipped with plenty of bullets.

In foreign countries, it is easier for ordinary people to obtain thermal weapons than in China. So after the chaos broke out, groups of professional gangsters came into being. He usually robs homes and houses, intercepts passers-by, enjoys grudges, and lives a pleasant life, becoming more and more decisive.

Each armored vehicle has a standard five-man tactical configuration.

The sniper is responsible for taking aim, and only shoots and kills once he finds someone running away and cannot catch up.

The other four people are scouts, breakers, blasters, and veteran drivers. The team is well configured and very professional.

They are obviously professionally trained.

Three of them charged forward to break through and launch an attack.

The two vehicles at the back calculated the "rabbit's" escape route and covered it from behind to prevent the meat in the mouth from escaping.

Although there were some surprises during the process.

One of the snipers accidentally killed a rabbit.

But according to their speculation, judging from the road tracks, there were at least four or more people in this group of "rabbits". Moreover, all four of them were fat rabbits with mounts, so they used five foraging armored vehicles to track them all the way. This shows how much the road bandits attach great importance to these "fat rabbits".

In the village.

Yi Lin, who was shot in the head, stood up like a carp and sat up expressionlessly.


Mirien let out a low exclamation.

Although she didn't think that the dignified president of Tianqi Guild and her royal chef would die so easily from a sniper bomb.

But nothing is absolute. At that moment, Mirien really thought something had happened to Yilin. So when Yi Lin bounced up, the dull hair on Mirien's forehead trembled violently, and she was obviously a little surprised.

"You all hide and don't do anything."

Yi Lin rubbed his forehead, it hurt a little.

He had stacked ten layers of telekinetic armor on his forehead in advance, and with the [Laughing Mask] there, it was generally invulnerable. As planned, Yi Lin successfully blocked the sniper bullet with his forehead.

But it still hurts.

"I am angry."

Yi Lin faced Cerberus and Griffin, who looked shocked and speechless, and said, "Don't do anything, just hide. Remember, don't expose the identity of the magician! Mystery should be hidden!"

He learns now and sells it now, and talks about the magician's principles of action to increase his persuasiveness.

"But you?"

Cerberus reacted, covering her left eye with a little hesitation on her face.

"Haha," Yi Lin said with a smile, "could it be that this period of time together has made you mistakenly think that I am a serious magician? Miriam, tell her, who am I?"


The engine roared.

The turbo roars.

Along with a burst of light, the Night Dire came through the air.

Yilin turned over and climbed onto the Nightmare, then sped out of the village.

"He is the president of Apocalypse, the world's number one guild in the apostolic world."

Gu Tianqing shuffled the tarot cards gracefully, facing Cerberus and Griffin who were silent, and replied on Miriam's behalf.

Five armored vehicles were still hundreds of meters away from the village entrance.

They are preparing to disperse according to the established "hunting formation".

But at this moment.

"Someone rushed out of the village!"

Lying on the roof of the car, the scout held up his binoculars and shouted in the team channel.

"Oh, cake seller, what a lively bunny! I like it so much! Don't try to fight with me, let go of that skinny boy and let me do it!"

"How many people rushed out?"

"A person! There is only one person who rushed out of the village!"

"They must be planning to scatter and escape! Shit! Hurry and surround them!"

"Wait a minute! I saw something!"


One of the scouts opened his eyes wide and looked at the picture returned by the night vision telescope, he couldn't believe his eyes.

The man who rushed out on a motorcycle had a ferocious oriental face.


Actually laughed.

[Get chaos value 124! 】

[Kill the second-level apostle in the Tower of War server, get +200 honor points! 】

[Get chaos value 233! 】

[Kill the third-level apostle in the Tower of War server, get +300 honor points! 】

[Get chaos value...]

[Kill the second-level apostle in the Tower of War server...]

Yi Rin is alone and surrounds them.

The battle was resolved in a very short time.

The motorcycle, which roared and spewed out strange sounds, suddenly transformed, stood upright, and turned into a domineering steel giant. The Iron Giant easily used his bulldozer-like palms to push aside the armored vehicle that was sprinting at full speed.

boom! boom! boom!

The Iron Giant slapped him to the left and right, and the armored vehicle team was dispersed in an instant. They rolled around in the wilderness for several times and finally stopped.

A dark shadow moved quickly in the wilderness, with constant gunshots, easily harvesting the lives of panicked road bandits.

They know the fragility of life.

Because they are gangsters.

They simply killed the rabbits that refused to obey.

But before that, they didn’t know that their own lives were so fragile!

Screams, gunshots, and cries could be heard hundreds of meters away.

When the four Miriens followed the movement and found Yi Lin, they found that the melee had already ended.

The dark motorcycle was snorting gently at the side, and Yi Lin was groping for something above the corpses one by one.

"Oh, I came just in time. I just finished."

After Yi Lin touched the last "relic box", she calmly turned around and looked at the people, as if what happened just now was just a few flies swatted to death.

There were corpses everywhere, some died from bullets, some died from violent crushing, and some died from gunfire.

In short, there are different ways to die.

Yi Lin secretly felt regretful.

One-third of them died at the hands of their own people.

Maybe it was because Yi Lin's methods were so mysterious that they lost their minds in the dark and fired randomly. These bullets did not hit Yi Lin, but they killed many of his teammates.

It's a pity for Yi Lin because, if he didn't kill it with his own hands, he wouldn't have exploded the relic box.

What a big loss.

Chaos points, honor points, and relic boxes were all lost.

Why are you so panicked?

Wouldn't it be better to calm down, use your skills to the fullest, and take good aim at that car?

Yi Lin had anticipated this situation and deliberately made Night Dire transform and increase in size so as to serve as a living Cybertronian target.

Instead of hitting such an obvious target, he fired randomly, wasting a lot of lives.

"3224 chaos points, 3400 honor points, seven [common grade], one [rough grade], and one [rare grade]."

Yi Lin counted the harvest on the spot. He really couldn't laugh anymore.

He felt a little speechless.

Chaos points and honor point gains, forget it.

Why is this luck so outrageous?

Can you even extract [Rough Level]?

Yi Lin expressionlessly stuffed a pile of cards into the storage space.

The luck value of 2.0 is not that exaggerated.

It's probably this road bandit who doesn't have anything good on him.

After the armored vehicles that had been dismantled into parts exploded one after another, they ignited fire and dispersed the darkness.

One corpse after another, in the flames, made the sound of boiling grease and dripping wax.

The aroma of barbecue wafts everywhere.

But even Miriam, who has the "foodie" attribute, cannot have an appetite at this time.

Fortunately for Miriam and Gu Tianqing, they were originally from the circle of apostles and were used to seeing death and killing, so they didn't show much surprise.

But when Cerberus and Griffin looked at the calm Yi Lin, their expressions changed subtly.

During this time, Yi Lin acted harmlessly in the clock tower, like a gentle scholar who pursued knowledge.

But when Cerberus witnessed the killing in the darkness with her own eyes, she suddenly realized that this man with extremely high magical understanding was also a murderer in another world!

Miriam lowered her head and hesitated.

She recalled the scene where Yi Lin was shot in the head.

Before being shot, Yi Lin stood up straight and even stretched her neck forward, as if...

Miriam thought about it and couldn't hold herself any longer, so she whispered: "I doubt..."

But before she could finish her doubts, she was interrupted by Yi Lin who had finished counting the harvest:

"Suspicion without evidence is meaningless." Yi Lin said: "What happened here should have been reported back to their stronghold."

Griffin gritted her teeth, tugged hard on the shoulder strap of her backpack, and said numbly: "We can only rush over."

Yi Lin glanced at Griffin, waved her hands, and said with a smile: "Relax, don't be nervous. Normally, this matter will not have anything to do with your clock tower anyway."

This time, neither Griffin nor Cerberus had time to correct the word "you" in Yi Lin's words that separated him from the magician group. Griffin and Cerberus had a rare moment of eye contact.

On the side, Gu Tianqing noticed Yi Lin's words and raised the corners of her mouth: "'No matter what'? I'm a little curious about what you did, President."

"Of course," Yi Lin grinned, quickly throwing away the depression of touching the relic box. In the dark night, two rows of neat teeth reflected a strong light under the surrounding fire: "Guarantees made on uncertain matters are most likely lies. You must know that I am an honest person."

"As for what I's very simple. Every time before I do something, I say something in their ears,"

"The apocalypse is coming,"

"Look, it's that simple to blame yourself."

Gu Tianqing: "..."

Mirien: "..."

Cerberus: "..."

Griffin: "..."

ten minutes later.

A few people drove quietly and carefully towards the coastline.

en route,

Several people stopped, and there was fire in the distance. Cerberus stood on a high place and looked into the distance with his strange left eye.

"They went to search the village we were in just now."

Cerberus quickly came to a conclusion.

"I've always wanted to ask, is that eye of yours the legendary magician's ultimate amplifier, the magic eye?"

Yi Lin watched helplessly as Cerberus calmly put the blindfold back on, and he finally couldn't help but ask.

When Cerberus exposed this eye, he seemed to have anticipated the moment when Yi Lin couldn't help but ask questions.

So when Yi Lin asked back, she almost didn't hesitate and gave the answer quickly:

"It's not that rare thing. This is an 'artificial magic eye'. Compared with the real magic eye, it is much worse. But it is also an expensive magic gift. The implanted artificial magic eye is better than the ordinary magic eye. The magic gift is faster to activate."

Cerberus closed his eyes again, and Yi Lin resisted the urge to touch it.

As a new magician, he is very curious about everything in this profession.

The magic eye is not mentioned in detail in many classics. Fortunately, Yi Lin had read enough and found a few passages in several ancient classics.

If you make an artificial magic eye, it is not difficult to understand that it is a type of magic gift, which is more special than ordinary magic gifts.

"Speaking of magic costumes," Yi Lin got back on the motorcycle, looked at Cerberus, and asked with a smile: "I remember Bartholomew Dylan asked you to be my mentor, right? It's not about magic. There is an ancient tradition in the teacher circle. The mentor will take the initiative to give an 'AZOTH Sword' as a gift to his apprentice. Why don't I see you giving it to me?"

Cerberus stumbled upon hearing this. She coughed twice, as if remembering something, and shook her head: "That custom has been canceled a long time ago."

"Oh why?"

Cerberus glanced at Yi Lin strangely: "It's better that you don't know."

"Speaking of which," Yi Lin quickly glanced in the direction of Griffin, but in a very short period of time, he looked away again. He said in a casual tone: "Actually, with our strength, we have no ability at all." It is necessary for you and Griffin to leave the Clock Tower at the same time. We only need a guide, not too much combat power."

Beside, Griffin seemed to have heard Yi Lin's words and snorted coldly.

Cerberus lowered his head: "...Lord Bartholomew, you are always cautious."

"Really, that's it."

Yi Lin nodded, indicating that she understood.


Miriam saw several people driving motorcycles and leaning side by side, whispering. She gave a hard "shush" and scolded Yilin, Cerberus, and Griffin in a low voice with a straight face. : "Don't be distracted, the road bandit's blockade is ahead!"

It is said to be a blockade, but it is actually a simple barbed wire fence. The barbed wire is electrified and makes a sizzling sound from time to time, which is a bit annoying.

The watchtowers, which are more than ten meters high, are built with some simple steel bars and cement, and a shed is built on top. Someone was sleeping in the shed, looking around with binoculars. There are even snipers on some observation decks.

The long barbed wire fence stretched for more than ten kilometers, almost forming a small country within a country.

Yi Lin finally understood why Mirien took the east sea route when she took them to London.

I see.

"President, what should I do now?"

A quick look showed that the other party was obviously very energetic. Gu Tianqing looked at Yi Lin with a smile, as if he was curious about Yi Lin's plan.

Not too nervous, just having fun.

"For road bandits, their layout is a bit professional." Yi Lin looked at it from a distance at night, touched his chin, and said to himself, and couldn't help but praise the other party's professionalism. But being a professional is a professional, and there are still a lot of loopholes. At the very least - in the electrified barbed wire fence, Mirien could easily tear open a hole and rush in without anyone else.

"Come on, come on, come together."

Yi Lin didn't know when she started to play the role of captain, even holding the map of Cerberus in her hand. He pulled everyone over and spoke his mind.

"Eh!" Mirien's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she trembled with a smile as she said, "I know this tactic. It is said to come from an ancient Eastern proverb: call the tigress into the male tiger's room."

Gu Tianqing: "?"

Yi Lin covered her eyes and sighed: "I think there is something wrong with your teaching materials... Forget it, now is not the time to mention this. Then, the operation to mobilize the tiger away from the mountain begins now."

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