Infinity Throne

Chapter 763 When she became light... dark light. (4500 words)

it's all over.

When Yi Lin left the "Singularity Point", she felt like she was in a dream.

An unreal dream.

His cross-district journey started and ended in Mirien.

It's like nothing has changed.

This time is not a trial of trials, there is no beginning, no return, only an end.

Yi Lin didn't get any promotion or any reward. It seemed that nothing had changed.

But one thing Yi Lin knew very well was that someone stayed there forever.

When Yi Lin opened her eyes again.

Everything was dark.

His body was still burning with blood.

The bloody light dispelled the surrounding darkness, allowing Yi Lin to barely distinguish that she was in an empty underground cave.


Above the head, there is a cave with turbulent water flowing down like a waterfall.

The experience in Uruk was only a few days, but so many things happened that Yi Lin felt as if several months had passed.

He recalled that he was sucked into the singularity by a door.

Yi Lin felt a sharp pain in her chest.

There was a rusty chain on his chest, penetrating him.

If it were before, he would not be able to recognize this chain.

But after the battle in Uruk, Yi Lin took a few seconds to distinguish the faint and unique texture on the rusty chain with the help of the blood coming out of her body.

He recognized it.

"Is it Enkidu!?"

Yi Lin had no expression on her face and shattered the chain on her chest with a palm.

At this moment, this chain does not contain any magic power. It seems to be just a rusty chain that makes people susceptible to tetanus.

After breaking the chain, the wound on Yi Lin's chest healed quickly.

In addition to the chains at Yi Lin's feet, there were six other chains in the darkness, extending deep into the darkness.

But at the end of the chain, there was no one.

Not even a body.

Yi Lin took a deep breath.

He felt a little pain in his chest.

That must be the pain coming from the wound.

Following the chain, Yi Lin came to the depths.

In this empty underground cave, there was no other sound except Yi Lin's breathing and the sound of running water behind her.

Quiet, dead, deserted.

At the source of the chain, there is a skeleton.

A complete skeleton.

The skeleton was covered with a fine layer of powder.

In the powder, there is a faint rust color, which is the weathered armor.

Around the skeleton, there are green vines and moss covering the skeleton.

This complete skeleton is frozen in a posture with hands raised in the air and legs deeply pressed down, as if he was carrying something on his shoulders before he died.

Everywhere on the skeleton is full of cracks.

This skeleton had actually been broken into pieces long ago.

It was broken while he was alive.

But he still maintained his intact appearance.

Yi Lin opened her mouth and was speechless.

The experiences in the singularity flashed through my mind bit by bit.

After calming down, Yi Lin calmly sorted things out and gradually understood everything.

Everything, everything, everything.

Even the words Gilgamesh said with a sneer and a joking tone were still lingering in his ears.

"Of course I know, he's just a mere god."

"Humanity will eventually win!"

"Please witness with your own eyes the future of Uruk."

"Our will will bring a true dawn to future generations!"

"You said you would bring us victory!"

"Uruk, stay here forever!"

In silence.

Yi Lin suddenly showed a relieved smile.

"Rest in peace, Gilgamesh."

Yi Lin finished speaking.

That strong and stubborn skeleton seemed to understand Yi Lin's words for an instant. The skeleton shook slightly and turned into vegetarian powder and sprinkled it down.

Yi Lin struck out with a palm, and a pit opened in the ground beneath her feet.

Yi Lin buried the handful of soil, the bone powder everywhere, and the remains of the Heavenly Lock into the pit.

Gilgamesh was good friends with Enkidu during his lifetime.

Yi Lin buried them together, fulfilling Gilgamesh's wish.

"What a tsundere. With a little bit of discernment, who wouldn't be able to see that you and Enkidu have a very good relationship."

Yi Lin swept again and the pit closed, leaving only a lonely small mound.

In front of the graves of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the Chain of Heaven, Yi Lin complained softly.

At the end, Gilgamesh took down a city with his own strength.

With his human body, he withstood the falling force of the Heavenly Palace and protected the remaining women and children inside.

This is what Gilgamesh calls "fire."

His actions left a precious fire for the future five thousand years later.

After five thousand years, the human race has once again prospered.

"not enough."

Humanity today is not enough.

Yi Lin murmured softly after burying Gilgamesh's bones.

He finally understood who the real enemy of mankind was.

He also understood what the real disaster this world was about to face was.

Knights of the Apocalypse is just the beginning.

Revelation does not mean the end.

Just when Yi Lin mourned silently at the grave.

There was a commotion over the cave.

A group of people fell into the cave from the turbulent lake water.

Among them, there are a few who are particularly high-level, with magic lights shining all over their bodies, floating down.

A woman with a black cat perched on her shoulder.

When they came to the grave, the black cat on the woman's shoulder made a sharp cry.

In addition to the woman and the black cat, there was also an acquaintance of Yi Lin who came to the cave together.

It sounds familiar, but actually it's not that familiar.

One of the Lords of the Clock Tower...Barthemero!

He is still a teenager.

But the look on his face and eyes made him look senile.

Except them.

There are two other people who have a magical aura that is comparable to that of Bartholomew.

Four monarchs!

The rest of those who came here were all wearing clean magician robes.

It can be easily identified from the textures on their clothing that these magicians are of a high level.

Among them, there are even several "Color Level" magicians.

"Why are you still alive!"

The moment Barthemero saw Yi Lin, he clapped his hands on the wheelchair with the same surprise, his voice trembling.

This is impossible!


Once the plan succeeds, everyone who enters the singularity will die!

Everyone will become the nutrients of the Holy Grail, thus allowing the true Holy Grail to be born!

Holy Grail, Holy Grail!

This is the treasure that many magicians pursue throughout their lives.

But now it’s gone!

If anyone can come out alive, it means the ritual has failed!


Yi Lin is still in the state maintained by the [Bloodthirsty Catastrophe] skill.

He gently raised an index finger to his mouth.

"Keep your voice down, don't disturb them."

After a brief shock.

Others reacted.

They are all "insiders" in this plan.

Even if it fails, so what?

At worst, just do it again!

Except for Bartholomew, everyone else can afford to wait!

But Yi Lin's reaction made them feel a little strange.

Yi Lin's expression didn't look like he was bluffing.

Alarmed them?

Who was disturbed?

Who are you trying to scare?


Next to him, there was a color level magician who had long been unhappy with Yi Rin and had repeatedly glared at Yi Rin in the library. He also acted as a monitor. He just pointed angrily and said one word loudly, and then stopped abruptly.

But the words behind it couldn't be said at all.

Yi Lin, who was supposed to be standing in front of the grave, appeared behind the man at some unknown time.


Yi Lin easily broke his neck.

"It's noisy."

Yi Lin smiled.

His current attributes have all reached the level of breaking the lock.

He is a magician, but once his strength and agility reach a certain level, his performance in close combat is equally frightening.

You can say that.

He is now on the mental side, the strength side, and even the agility side.

Yi Rin now can be called "Polygon Warrior Rin".

He watched helplessly as a high-level magician fell to his knees crookedly because his neck was broken. This scene made everyone present feel numb.

Only then did everyone remember one thing.

Something they ignored, but was very important.

Yi Lin stayed in the clock tower for a little too long.

How long?

After a long time, everyone, including Bartholomew, only remembered that Yi Lin was a little black magician who was not good at learning.

But they have forgotten that Yi Lin is the evil star that makes all the guild giants in their own territory frightened and dare not provoke him!

That president of the Apocalypse Guild!

Yi Lin lowered his voice and raised his eyelids without any emotion in his eyes. He looked at the old monarch Barthelmero in the wheelchair, and slowly raised his palm: "I have one last question."

The empty-eyed monarch Bartholomew raised his head blankly, pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

"Barthamero G. Dylan...the middle name, what does the G mean?"

Bartholomew remained silent.


There was a fluctuation in Barthemero's eyes.


Yi Lin nodded indifferently, and swung his hands and wrists into square and round light arrays.

The light array condensed into a long knife-shaped light and shadow in Yi Lin's hand.

The light and shadow were dazzling, and Yi Lin struck out with a palm.

Bartholomew and his wheelchair split into two pieces in shock.


Some of the magicians witnessed this cruel scene with their own eyes.

Although they are proficient in various types of magic, when it comes to cruelty, they are still far behind.

The magician who grew up in the clock tower has seen too little blood and fire, sorrow and sorrow, and has a fragile heart.

Some people can't stand it any longer.

With a shake of his hands, he fired two "curse bullets" at Yi Lin.


The two spell bullets were aimed quite accurately, but in the end they bounced off Yi Lin's forehead.

Humans are herd creatures.

Someone took action, and others suddenly realized that they couldn't sit still and wait for death. Then a strange scene appeared in the cave.

A group of people shook their fingers desperately, chanted curses, and shot at Yi Lin randomly.

But they seem to have forgotten that in addition to the basic curse magic "curse bullet", they also know more magic.

"Why did you choose the curse system?"

Yi Lin felt the dead skin on her forehead and sighed helplessly as she became more and more full.

He was like a ghost, walking past magicians one after another. Their heads were first blown off from their necks, and then they flew high and fell heavily.

The strange black cat was so frightened that its pupils became round, and it turned around and ran away.

"You shouldn't think that I haven't noticed that you are the true form of the monarch."

The Destruction Revolver, which Yi Lin had long carried in her back, exploded with one shot, hitting the cat on the wall of the cave and turning it into a mass of cat-shaped flesh.

The scene was a bit cruel.

Get the prompt of chaos value and refresh the screen like crazy in front of Yi Lin.

The brush went crazy.

Kill! !




Although Yi Lin is not proficient in many magic tricks, he is very familiar with the tricks of magicians. Even a monarch needs certain prerequisites before launching magic. As soon as Yi Lin saw the opponent raise his finger, the magic seal was destroyed before he could dodge it, without giving the opponent a chance to use his ultimate move.

Forty-nine seconds later,

Yi Lin's eyes were covered with broken corpses.


Looking at the corpses on the ground, Yi Lin took a long breath.

So far.

The duration of [Bloodthirsty Disaster] is almost over.

Thank you so much for sending yourselves here.

Thank you very much.

Yilin felt grateful and pushed these corpses to the edge of the cave, letting them rot with time.

He should have noticed something was wrong with Bartholomew.

Yi Lin had a thought called "regret" in her heart.

But sometimes, people always have to experience it before they can understand it with hindsight, connect the cause and effect, and figure everything out.

The collection of books in the clock tower introduces the deeds of many ancient families.

Only there is no Einzbern family.

Among the many types of magic, there is a kind of magic that is rare and has a low success rate.

"Soul Moving Magic".

This kind of magic can transfer the soul and consciousness into another body at a great cost.

Sounds awesome, right?

But the price is that as the number of transfers increases, the soul will gradually decay, suffering from illness all day long, and death will be countless times more miserable than normal death from old age.

Lord Barthemero is most likely an ancestor of a certain Einzbern family.

His fanatical persistence has kept him dormant to this day, planning everything.

But is it really just persistence?

Yi Lin doesn't think so.

Before Bartholomew died, he did not resist at all.

It seemed that the failure of the Holy Grail summoning ceremony made him despair.

Yi Lin speculated that maybe if she didn't kill him, he wouldn't be able to live long without the Holy Grail.

The death of Mirien, the destruction of Uruk, the passage of five thousand years, and the depression caused by everything Yilin experienced in the past few days, were relieved a lot with the forty-nine seconds of killing.

He looked back at the graves of the two of them. Yi Lin didn't plan to stay here for too long and was ready to leave.

But right now.

A sudden change occurred.

When he raised his head, he suddenly discovered that the lake water falling turbulently from above his head had been tinged with a strange blood-colored glow from unknown time.

A beam of light stole over the lake and waterfall overhead and projected down, giving the dark underground cave a layer of evil red.

This red light, like blood, is not only extremely bright, but also has a faint chilling aura like a peerless magic weapon.

Yi Lin was surprised and confused.

That red light made him feel a sudden palpitation in his heart.

Tread, tread, tread.

From the darkness, the footsteps of two people came.

Two figures walked out of the darkness.

The sound of his footsteps is one light and one heavy, one deep and one shallow.

As the two of them walked toward the silver light, their figures gradually became clearer.

One of them is a blonde woman wearing a simple black dress, with an exquisite butterfly mask on her face.

The other one is a man with white shawl hair and a smile on his face. The man wore an exquisite magician's robe. The style of the robe was not a uniform unique to the Clock Tower. He followed the woman, and the two of them seemed to regard Yi Lin, whose presence was overwhelming, as transparent, and walked straight towards the silver beam of light.


The moment the woman approached.

The hairs all over Yi Lin's body stood on end.

An icy chill rushed from head to foot, making Yilin feel as if she was immersed in ice water for a moment.

No, to describe it more accurately, Yi Lin felt that the moment the woman approached, she suddenly had the illusion of walking barefoot in a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​swords. No skin on her body was intact, and she was being bound and whipped by countless blades and steel whips.

"Who are you?"

In surprise, Yi Lin raised her hand.

Now he has murderous intent and will not reject anyone who comes.

The woman seemed unaware and took a few more steps towards the blood-colored light pillar.

"Well, if you have something to say, it's our first time meeting you. I'm Merlin. I'm not a bad person... Oops, it's too late."

The man who called himself Merlin showed a friendly smile and was about to smooth things over, but suddenly he covered his face.

The blond woman wearing a butterfly mask suddenly pulled out a sword.

A completely black sword.

On the sword, the dark aurora gathered silently.

From drawing the sword to condensing the black aurora, the blonde woman moved quickly without any hesitation.

That gesture was just like Yi Rin killing the magicians, it was natural and justified.

Woman, a sword fell.

The dark aurora instantly penetrated Yi Lin's chest.

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