Infinity Throne

Chapter 790 Between reincarnations

The way to enter the trial this time was different from usual.

Big difference.

In the endless gray light, Yi Lin drifted with the current.

He felt that his body was very light, floating involuntarily with the light.

Ahead, there was a hazy light and shadow that couldn't be clearly seen.

Yi Lin left, leaving in a cool and unrestrained way, and going in an open manner.


The time Xiao Xi mentioned is right now, right now, right here.

One day, he had to set foot on the road arranged by Xiao Xi and come here.

He will go to an unknown and dangerous place.

Yi Lin didn't know what Xiao Xi had planned for him in the next world.

But what Yi Lin knew was that this might be the only way to see the dawn in despair.

Sometimes, Yi Lin can't even tell whether the past determines the future or the future determines the past.


In the streamer.

There was a noisy sound in Yi Lin's ears, his vision gradually became blurred, and his consciousness began to dissipate.

I drifted here for an unknown amount of time.


In front of Yi Lin's eyes, light appeared again.

Yi Lin's consciousness returned to consciousness, and he began to look at the surrounding space.

There is nothing in this gray space.

This feeling...huh? It sounds a bit like the white space when he first came to the world of Ouranos.

If a "guiding elf" appeared in front of him next, that would be truly amazing.

In the gray world, there are strange clouds lingering in the depths, like the first opening of Menghong, mysterious and unpredictable.

After looking around, Yi Lin finally remembered to see what state he was in now.

Seeing this, Yi Lin's whole body went numb.

Wait, the above sentence is slightly inappropriate in description.

To be precise: Yilin's entire egg was numb.

The current situation can be summed up in one sentence: start with an egg.

...He is the egg.

Am I stupid?

Yi Lin wanted to move her hands and feet...but she couldn't. If I move anywhere else... I can't move it.

He became an egg floating in this space, unable to move.

Why did Xier arrange such a strange start for me?

Yi Lin really wanted to summon the god Xi'er at this moment, and then pinched her chubby face and questioned her, why Mao always cheated her.

This habit of yours is unacceptable, Xier!

Moving here, moving there, Yi Lin tried for a while, but after finding that nothing could change the current situation, Yi Lin simply gave up, and An Xin lay down like an egg.

In fact, Yi Lin even wanted to close her eyes and sleep.

But an egg has no eyes, and it can't even do a simple action like closing its eyes, which is quite speechless.

I don’t know how long it took.

The scene in the distance finally changed.

Three cyan dice slowly floated towards the egg entrenched in Menghong's world.

When Yi Lin saw that there was something going on, she immediately became energetic.

Sure enough, the three dice were prepared for him. They were floating in the air. Yi Lin remained unchanged in response to all changes. The three dice hung above his head, motionless.

After a long egg laying period, a turning point is coming.

[This is "between reincarnations". 】

[But there is no reincarnation in this world...except for you. 】

[Remember, it was you who made me choose you in the end. 】

[I know you have many questions in your heart, but believe me, one day, you and I will both understand the meaning of what you are standing here at this moment. 】

[You have gone through everything and finally arrived here at a certain time and moment...]

[This place is not connected to the "paradise" is a place outside the law. Therefore, this place became the glimmer of hope. 】

Xiao Xi's voice came to Yi Lin's ears.

[I don’t have much time. In a hurry, I left this recording for you, but I know that this recording will soon... sizzle... 】

Xiaoxi's voice is the feminine and moving voice of "Young Wife Nozomi" that Yi Lin heard in the Age of Gods, not the cute and cute voice of "Young Wife Nozomi" who still lives in modern times and plays riddles all day long.

The plot prompt this time is a bit special.

It was not conveyed to Yi Lin in words, but in this way.

In the second half of the recording, there was only harsh noise, and Yi Lin could no longer get any more intelligence or information.

Yi Lin couldn't laugh or cry about this, and was helpless.

"I know you are in a hurry, but please explain yourself clearly!"

You talked for a long time, but you got to the point!

After half a ring, even the "sizzling" noise was gone.

Everything is quiet.

Yi Lin, the egg, does not sigh on her lips, but sighs in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the restrictions on Xiao Xi were more cruel than imagined.

It seems that I can only rely on myself next.

Before Yi Lin stepped into the [Only Door], she was mentally prepared for the severe situation on the road ahead.

But at least the first half of the recording made Yi Lin understand one thing.

For some reason, Xi finally chose herself.

At a certain time, at a certain moment, I came here.

But what's so special here?

This world is not connected to "Paradise"?

While Yi Lin was thinking, one of the three cyan dice floating above the "Yilin Egg" lit up with a faint light and fell towards Yi Lin.

There was movement outside the egg, interrupting Yi Lin's contemplation and making him come back to his senses.

Don't think too much first, let's see what cheats Xiaoxi has arranged for herself.

Isn’t this obvious that the plug-in has arrived?

Yi Lin glared at the falling dice.

The dice is not an ordinary six-sided structure, but has countless sides. It is impossible to count how many sides this dice has at a glance. On each die surface, there seems to be writing as small as mosquitoes. But now Yi Lin started with an egg and could not see the content of the text clearly.

But he always felt that the dice or something did not suit him and was not a good thing.

Okay~ shake it first and then talk.

Dice, aren't dices just for rolling?


When the most serious thought of "rolling a dice" began to appear in Yi Lin's mind, the falling dice, as Yi Lin expected, began to spin crazily.

While the dice was spinning, many light balls of different colors appeared above Mengmeng.

By the way, in the "between reincarnations" that Yi Lin is in at the moment, it is actually impossible to distinguish between up, down, and left, but Yi Lin feels that it is up, so let's go up.

Let’s talk about the light ball again.

During the reincarnation, balls of light of various colors appeared, dotting the gray mist.

Yi Lin could no longer count the number of light balls, but he could roughly calculate the proportion of light balls of different colors from the flashes of light.

The number of light balls, from most to least, is divided into six colors: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red.

Among them, white light balls accounted for more than 80%, a vast area.

And the smallest number of red light balls, like blood and fire, are dotted among them, and there are only a few.

Yi Lin easily came to the conclusion without reasoning: the quantity probably represented the rarity.

But what is this shaking? Equipment? Or a prop?

Yi Lin was a little puzzled, so after shaking it, she continued to wait and see.

The dice are still rolling.

Suddenly, a white ball of light was filtered out and integrated into the egg.


Xiao Xi's hateful young woman's voice sounded in Yi Lin's ears.

[Get civilian (white) talent: Carpenter Family! 】

[Attack -1, Comprehension +20. 】

Yi Lin's egg trembled violently for several times, as if calling out "Wo Cao".

But Yi Lin couldn't stop this process. As the dice continued to spin, the next ball of light hit the egg again.

This time it was better, it was actually blue. If Yi Lin had tear ducts, he would feel so excited that he would cry.

[Get the Talent (Blue) Talent: Versatility! 】

[Alchemy, weapon refining, manufacturing, painting, calligraphy and other crafts, talent +20. 】

Yo? This ball works!

Before Yi Lin had time to digest the joy of getting the ball of light, the next ball came again.

This time it was a blue ball of light.

[Acquire the Talent (Blue) Talent: The Legacy of the Ancients! 】

[Your family has an ancient and incomplete secret book passed down from your family, which is gratifying. 】

The fourth ball of light turned out to be an even rarer purple color.

Now Yi Lin figured out the pattern. If Xiao Xi had not arranged the result of this talent shake in advance, then there is a certain pattern? At the very least, it won’t get lower and lower.

That's good, that's good.

Otherwise, with Yi Lin's damn luck, it's not impossible to get all the white talents.

【congratulations! Obtain the saint (purple) talent: extremely smart! 】

[Intelligence +50, Charm -300. 】

Yi Lin was wondering what the use of this understanding was.

The measurement of data here seems to be different from previous standards.

According to Yi Lin's usual data, if you lose 300 points of charm, you can be hunted down just walking on the road, so why live.

But since it is a purple talent, it seems like it should be a good thing.

As for the lost charm points, Yi Lin is used to it, so it's not a big problem.

At this point, the rotation speed of the dice begins to slow down.

After shaking for a long time, the fifth ball arrived belatedly.

It turned out to be the rarest red ball of light.

[Congratulations, you have obtained the God-given (red) talent: Heavenly Jealousy Wizard! 】

[Comprehension +200, Five Elements Spiritual Root Qualification -30, Cultivation Speed ​​-30, Life Limit -30, Health -30. 】

The egg began to struggle.

It doesn't seem to want to.

But the red ball was forced into the egg.

Eventually, the two become one.

After shaking the last red ball of light, the dice seemed to have finally completed its mission, turning into dots of light and dissipating in the depths of Menghong.

A bit of white light appeared in front of Yi Lin's field of vision, and he was sucked towards the white light by an irresistible suction force.

He tried to turn back, but he had no head. But he knew that in the "between reincarnations", there were still two dice that had not been used.

White light flooded Yi Lin's vision.

I do not know how long it has been.

A baby was born and struggled to open its eyes that were covered with amniotic fluid and blood.

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