Chapter 152

Moria was even stunned there, dumbfounded, her expression was very cute, her mouth opened wide, she looked dazed.

On the Black Pearl, the cadres were also shocked, and they didn’t understand why their captain would suddenly invite such little pirates.

The other party looked a little weird and taller, but there was nothing special about it.


Judging from their current eyes, it is indeed unremarkable.

“Invite me to join your pirate group?”

Moria widened her eyes and asked in shock.

He suspected that he had heard it wrong, or that the other party was joking.

“Yes, Moria, join my pirate group!”

“You, your friends, and the crew can all join in!”

Jiāng Liú smiled and nodded, then looked at the other people behind him.

The pirates who were shrouded in his gaze were all arousing spirits, and only felt excited in his heart. Such a big man even noticed them.

18  “Is this true?”

Moria still couldn’t believe it, and asked blankly.

“It’s true, you are not dreaming!”

Jiāng Liú smiled.

Moria took a deep breath, then patted her cheek with both hands, making a loud popping sound.

Then, a complicated, hesitant expression appeared on his face.

“I want to think about it and discuss it with my crew.”

Moria felt a tremor in her heart when she said it.

He even discussed things with such a big man. If the other party is a cruel guy, he will probably screw his head off after a smile.


“However, I look forward to your good news, Moria!”

Jiāng Liú smiled, and just stood there and waited.

Moria breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around to gather her crew together.

“So, what should we do?”

His brows frowned, and the other party gave him a big problem, unexpectedly invited him to join the Black Flag Pirates.

“Does this still need to be considered? Captain!”

“We may not have a choice!”

“Promise, it is our honor to be appreciated by such a famous character!”

“Compared to this adult, we are like ants. He can pinch to death at will, but at this time, he will invite you to join.”

“The legendary captain of the Black Flag Pirate Group is unexpectedly gentle and amiable.”

The crew communicated in low voices, some frowned, some were very excited, and some were very excited.

“Agree? Join the Black Flag Pirates.”

Moria murmured.

He didn’t seem to be surprised by this answer, and he didn’t think much about it. Just think about the other’s gentle attitude, and naturally there will be no burden in my heart.

It is undoubtedly shocking that the world’s top big man came to invite him such an obscure little guy.

Indeed, as the crew said, it was his honor.

“Agree, Captain!”

The crew said in unison.

Moria had nothing to say, he turned around, walked towards Jiāng Liú, took a deep breath, and then solemnly said: “Captain Jiāng Liú, we have made a decision!”


Jiāng Liú raised his head and looked at each other with a smile.

“From today, we will sail on this sea as people with black flags.”

“Thank you for being a big man like you, for being able to look down upon me!”

Moria bends down deeply and salutes.

He really has no choice. No one knows how he and the crew will end up after he refuses.

The black flag is a terrifying pirate who can confront Marine head-on.

“Then, you are welcome to join, Moria!”

Jiāng Liú stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

Moria also stretched out her hand. He was bigger than Jiāng Liú. In order to show his respect, his legs were bent and he held the opponent’s hand.

Afterwards, Jiāng Liú’s laughter came out.

“It’s really a happy thing!”

“Is there any wine? Moria!”

“Waldo, Lederfield, Bing Jack, you all come over and say hello to our new crew.”

After a while, a banquet was held on Moria’s ship.

This is almost a routine thing for new crew members to join. Drinking and eating meat, they can get to know each other very quickly.

The banquet lasted for about a day. On the ship, drunk people lay all over the ship, and there were snoring noises everywhere.

Jiāng Liú was drunk and confused, sitting there cross-legged, opposite Moria with his head tilted down, and beside him was the empty bottle of wine being drunk.

“I still can’t understand, with your current status and strength, why would you invite such a small pirate group to join us.”

Waldo said behind him, his voice low.

“You and I have also had moments of weakness, I believe Moria, he will grow into a strong!”

Jiāng Liú said softly.

“I think people can never be wrong! Waldo!”

No sound came from behind him, and Vardor tilted his head and fell asleep leaning on the object next to him.

Slowly raising his head, Jiāng Liú looked up at the sky.

The sunset glow at dusk is extremely beautiful, especially when you watch such a beautiful scenery on the sea, it is even more impressive.

On the side, Moria, who was asleep deeply, moved her fingers lightly and snored loudly.

Time passed slowly and the breeze came, but Jiāng Liú could not fall asleep.

He drank a lot, but it was obvious that none of the people in the room could drink, and they all got down.

Gradually, as night came, the weather became darker.


Suddenly, a sharp chirping sound rang, but it was a little deep and magnificent when it reached the ears.

“It’s not like the chirping of ordinary birds.”

Jiāng Liú looked in the direction of the sound, and a dense shadow rushed toward him from the southwest.

His pupils suddenly contracted and his expression became serious.

A huge body, shaking its wings, with a flowing light on it, is whizzing past his head.

Behind it is a group of birds.

This is a very strange and weird scene that Jiāng Liú has never seen before.

“Is it a dragon?”

Muttered, curiosity arose in his heart.

Unlike the tyrannosaurus that Kaido transformed into, this dragon has two wings, is strong and large, and has a green body, more like a western dragon.

“Millennium dragon.”

Suddenly, Jiāng Liú thought of a creature in the original book.

According to rumors, this kind of dragon has long biomass. After humans obtain it, they can have a long lifespan and immortality.

“Even here, I will encounter such a creature.”

His eyes narrowed slightly, and in the next second, Jiāng Liú’s figure floated up and went away in the blink of an eye. .

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