Chapter 65: The Real Usage of Feather Gold!

"Master, ah..."

The fish meat was fed to his mouth, and Bai Ran's face was expressionless.

Kagura stared at Bai Ran's handsome face, and his ruby eyes flashed with a sly light.

After a night of adjustment, Kagura has returned to Imperial Sister mode.

Thinking that the teasing could not be done but was ridiculed in vain, Kagura was unwilling.

So, he launched an offensive again, and was about to regain his face as a royal sister!

And across from their seats.

Uzumaki Mito and Jiu Shinna suddenly couldn't eat.

After introduction, Uzumaki Mito knew that the beautiful woman in front of him who looked like an elf was Bai Ran's friend.

But in this way, it doesn't look like an ordinary friend.

Worries flashed in Uzumaki Mito's heart, and she couldn't help but worry about her family's Kozuna.

Looking closely at Kagura, his attractive and beautiful face will pose a big threat to Tsunade.

Especially those eyes that seem to be able to speak, can take the heart, and are as magnificent as gems.

However, when she saw Kagura's moon arms, she was finally relieved.

Although Kagura is also in good shape, her family's Tsunade has an advantage that ordinary people cannot match!

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Mito felt proud in his heart, proud of his granddaughter.

No man can refuse a good-looking, somewhere huge woman!

Uzumaki Mito relaxed.

But Jiu Xinnai next to him was not very happy.

The cute tiger teeth bit her chopsticks and stared at Kagura with big eyes, as if they wanted to pierce her.

If you look closely, you can even find a trace of flame in the depths of your pupils, as well as a raging battle intent.

This woman obviously guessed her thoughts, but she still made such a bold move to her Bai Ran brother in front of her with such fanfare.


This is a provocation by Chiguoguo!

In Jiu Shinnai's opinion, this Kagura is giving her a war book!

Just as Jiu Xinnai was about to do something, a sound of footsteps suddenly sounded from far and near.

The next moment, a white hand slammed on the table.

The tableware on the table was suddenly shaken, and when it landed on the table again, it made a ding-and-ding sound.

Tsunade stared at Kagura, but he smiled and said without smiling, "I haven't come back for so long, and there are actually guests at home?" "

She stared at Kagura's face, and a great sense of crisis rose in her heart.

Seeing this, Kagura put down the chopsticks in his hand, got up and introduced himself: "Hello, you are Tsunade, my name is Kagura, and I am the master's bed warmer." "


Tsunade's face was full of surprise, and he gave Bai Ran a strange look.

Could it be that Bai Ran likes this tune?

She can obviously too!

Thinking of this, Tsunade's face blushed for a moment.

And then hurriedly shake this thought out of your head.

Subconsciously ignored the four words of bed warming maid.

Ponder the name Kagura.

Tsunade has a particularly deep memory of this name.

After all, he learned from Bai Ran's mouth, and once guessed that he had a good relationship with Bai Ran.

So Tsunade remembers it very deeply.

As a result, he and Bai Ran did not see each other for a few days, and this woman named Kagura came over?

And looking at the intimate gesture just now, Kagura's threat in Tsunade's palm rose sharply.

On the other side, Kagura was also looking at Tsunade.

Although she was never masked, when Bai Ran gave her phoenix feather head to Tsunade, she knew of the existence of such a person.

It really was a beauty.

Kagura said secretly in his heart.

But what caught her eye more was Tsunade's body.

This.. That's a bit of an exaggeration...

Kagura's face twitched slightly, and he secretly complained: "The future child can be considered blessed." "

Sensing that Kagura's gaze had been stuck somewhere, Tsunade looked down and was stunned.

Looking at Kagura's figure again, his mood suddenly became happy.

Originally, I was thinking about how to give her a dismount, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

In a sense, she won!

This wave of confrontation is a victory for her Tsunade!

Seeing this, Kagura's face turned dark.

Why can't demon power change the figure?

For the first time, Kagura had this question.

Bai Ran noticed Tsunade's small movements and was speechless in his heart.

However, what surprised him was that Kagura did not make a fuss about the feathered gold.

Kagura sat down dejectedly, his eyes glancing lightly at the head that was worn on Tsunade's blond hair.

Kagura would certainly be upset when her own things were worn on other women's heads, but after all, it was given away by her master himself.

If she begged Tsunade and said it was her own, wouldn't it embarrass her master?

Everything is for the sake of the master, and only a qualified subordinate is a qualified subordinate.

And from the moment Bai Ran became her master, everything she had already belonged to Bai Ran.

It's just a head, send it, and another day she's making one.

The first meeting between the two women ended 'happily'.

Tsunade sat down next to Hakuran, thinking of Konoha's situation, and confirmed the information with Uzumaki Mito.

At the same time, he also noticed the nine-tailed lying on Jiu Xinnai's lap, and his eyes were surprised.

This cute look made Tsunade rua fiercely, causing the Nine Tails to be annoyed.

Tsunade was extremely proud when he heard that Hakuran single-handedly crushed the Nine Tails and Uchiha Ichiro, who possessed a kaleidoscope.

There was no surprise in Bai Ran's ability to turn into a giant dog.

After all, when she fought against Shouhe, she was already prepared in her heart.

And Bai Ran has also said before that he is a monster.

What shocked her was that Bai Ran's true body was actually several times larger than the Nine Tails, and she secretly smacked her tongue in her heart.

Is there anyone in this ninja world stronger than her man?

After understanding everything, especially the punishment for Tuan Zang, her eyes instantly became cold.

Destroying Konoha like this, actually just removing the position?

And there is also the thing of designing rope trees.

Tsunade got up and said coldly, "I'll go to the old man and ask for an explanation!" "

When the words fell, he did not greet everyone, and directly disappeared with the instantaneous technique.

It didn't take long.

In the early morning busyness, the door of Hokage's office was violently kicked open from the outside with a muffled sound.

A figure walked in fiercely.

Sarutobi looked up and saw that it was Tsunade, and his face twitched.

Distressed, he looked at the broken door.

Because of Konoha's reconstruction, the whole of Konoha is now in a state of financial crisis.

If this door is broken, it will cost another wave of money.

"Three generations of old men, why is the punishment for Tuanzang so light!"

Tsunade slapped the table and went straight to the point.

Sarutobi was silent, and there was no surprise that Tsunade knew about Danzo.

After all, I don't know when, this content that he classified as confidential actually made everyone in Konoha know.

Even children can say a word or two.

He sighed and said, "Tsunade, just returned from the front line, let's go and rest for a while, I will take care of these things." "

Tsunade sneered when he heard this.

"It seems that you really don't plan to do anything to Tuanzo."

Sarutobi was silent again, "After all, he is an elder of Konoha, and he has also made great contributions to Konoha, moreover, he is also a disciple of your second grandfather. "

"Huh." Tsunade sneered again, "If he really treats the second grandfather as a teacher, he won't kill Ropeki at all and take away his heart!" "

Ape Flying Sun was choked.

This matter was mentioned by Qimu Shuomao in the war report.

It also recorded in detail Bai Ran's strange means that can revive people.

He also knew that Tsunade was full of resentment towards Danzo.

"I have already warned Tuan Zang about this matter, and he promises not to do it again!"

"Hehe, it turned out to be just a warning..."

Tsunade's eyes were filled with disappointment as he looked at Sarutobi.

Her brother's life was actually just a warning?

Her heart was completely cold.

Indifferent said: "Konoha, it's really getting more and more decayed." "

"I won't stop at this."

Leaving such a sentence, Tsunade turned and left.

Ape Flying Sun was silent and sighed in his heart.

A dark part spoke up, "Tsunade-sama doesn't know what to do, don't you have to care?" "

Ape Fei Ri waved his hand tiredly and said, "Let her vent." "

In the past, when there was any unhappiness in Tsunade's heart, it was solved as long as he vented.

Although the matter was a little serious this time, Ape Flying Sun Slash also did not pay attention to it.

He didn't know how serious the consequences would be.


Walk out of the Hokage Building. Tsunade took a deep breath.

The ape flying sun slashing not only disappointed her, but also made him very disgusting.

Tuan Zang is the second grandfather's disciple, so the rope tree is still the second grandfather's grandson!

In terms of weight, it is not much heavier than the regiment.

Moreover, their Senju clan followed their grandfather's wishes, dispersed almost all the clansmen, and integrated them into the entire Konoha, retaining only the direct bloodline.

But in recent years, she has found that those Senju who have changed their names and surnames have less and less presence in Konoha, and almost every war and mission is the most dangerous.

As a result, their survival rate is extremely low.

She hadn't thought about it before, but now after being disappointed with Sarutobi, Tsunade naturally had malicious speculations about him.

Perhaps, the ape flying sun slash is to use war and missions to reduce the bloodline of their Thousand Hands clan.

The more he thought about it, the more Tsunade's heart sank.

Is this still the Konoha she remembers?

She couldn't help but be suspicious.

In her eyes, the entire sky of Konoha seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze.

Such a Konoha, grandpa must be very disappointed when he sees it in the pure land.

In that case, let her shatter this haze that shrouds Konoha!

Tsunade's eyes froze, his fists clenched, and he said coldly: "Let's start with Danzo first..."

At this moment, her afterlight suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure.

She couldn't help but exclaim, "Kagura? "

"Oh? Finally come to your senses? "

Kagura closed the folding fan in his hand and said with a smile.

Tsunade wondered, "Why are you here?" "

"The master called me to come and help you."


"Bai Ran?"

Tsunade muttered.

She looked complicated: "Could it be that Bai Ran had already guessed it..."

Kagura, however, didn't care what Tsunade was in and said, "Let's go." "

Just about to leave, as if he suddenly thought of something, he said to the steel bundle: "By the way, lend me your head." "


In Kagura removed the headgear from her hair.

In Tsunade's confused eyes, he poured demon power into his head.

The next moment, the feather head expanded rapidly,

In the blink of an eye, the small feather head turns into a huge feather that can ride people. Gently float in the air.

"This: This is? "

Tsunade's eyes were confused.

Seeing this, Kagura chuckled and said, "This is the real use of feathered heads." "

As soon as the words fell, Kagura gently jumped on the feather and said, "Let's go." "

Tsunade jumped on the feather.

The two instantly rode the wind and flew into the air, Kagura did not hesitate, found a direction, and controlled the feathers to fly quickly.

Seeing this, Tsunade couldn't help but say, "Do you know where the roots are?" "

She had lived in Konoha for so many years and did not know where the base of the root was built.

Kagura did not hesitate, as if he was sure of the direction of the target.

Kagura controlled the feathers and chuckled, "Don't worry, the wind will tell me." "

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