Chapter 95 You seem to be distressed

The fiery battle of the waste of the country of the waste, the water, the thunder, the fire flying, from time to time I also exploded in this place, setting off a rain of blood.

On the seaside by the sea, several teams led by the Hyuga clan quietly touched the supply location of the Mist Hidden Village.

Since the Land of Water is a small island surrounded by the sea, it is necessary to take the waterway to transport supplies, and as long as the waterway is cut off, the Mist Ninja of the Land of Wono is a battle of trapped beasts.

That's why Konoha made this plan, with Uchiha Fugaku leading a part of the elite to the front to attract the attention of the main force of Mist.

Then Hinata Hinata led several squads to secretly sneak into the rear of the fog, clean up the fog in the rear, cut off the route for transporting materials in the fog, and dispose of the rest of the ninjas on both sides.

Of course, if you want to deal with the Ninja Dao Seven, you will inevitably incur huge losses.

Therefore, after controlling the transportation route of Mist Yin, it is good to fight a protracted war with them.

"740" and when they lose their physical strength, energy, and have no food, they will naturally collapse.

Of course, the high-level of Wuyin Village is not jealous, and when they find that the troops transporting materials are delayed, they will definitely have some doubts.

However, by that time, Konoha had also annihilated most of the main forces of Mist.

In short, this mission, no matter if it is, will not lose.

Hinata rolled her eyes and observed the number and distribution of ninjas in the rear.

After seeing that there was no enemy that was too powerful, Hinata Hinata gestured at the ninja behind him.

Then quickly attacked, and the clean amount of mist ninja killed, without giving them a chance to signal.

After solving the Mist Ninja, Hinata Hinata ordered the deputy beside him: "Send two squads to pick up the other ninja squads." "

"Yes! Hinata-sama! "

When the others were almost there, Hinata arranged for several teams of his own two Hyuga members to hold the coastline and observe the movement in the direction of Kirihide Village.

After sending someone to inform him when he saw someone from the sea, he took a large army to support the Konoha ninja on the frontal battlefield.

On the frontal battlefield, the battle between the two sides was hot, but the Konoha ninja always gave Lin Yuri a strange feeling.

"Not good! A group of Konoha ninjas suddenly came from behind!! "

There was a sudden scream behind the Mist Yin troops, and the seven people of the Ninja Knife suddenly stopped the movement in their hands and looked back.

I saw a ninja with Konoha's forehead guard suddenly appear, killing a large number of Mist Ninja in an instant.

They simply didn't have time to react, or they didn't expect that their rear would suddenly kill the Konoha ninja, resulting in no reaction time to escape.

Lin Yuyu's face turned dark, as if he knew what was strange about the Konoha ninja.

They are not desperately trying at all, but are stalling for time!


Everything that happened today seemed to surprise her.

She couldn't figure out at all, how could Konoha, who had lost the ape flying sun slash and faced the two major ninja villages at the same time, dare to take the initiative to attack the Mist Hidden Village?!

You know, their Water Country has not declared war on Konoha, and Konoha is not afraid to face the attack of the three major ninja villages at the same time?!

I'm afraid she doesn't know the phrase that more lice don't itch, besides, your Wuyin Village has arranged for the vanguard troops to plunge straight into the back of the Fire Nation, who is still waiting for you to declare war!

Don't hurry up and take advantage of the uneven combat strength of Wuyin Village, and kill a wave after a wave.

Otherwise, when all the large forces of the Mist Hidden Village land in the Land of Wo, Konoha may have to die even if he is not dead.

The sudden change caused the faces of the other members of the Ninja Dao Seven to change.

They want to mix and brush up on battle merits, but they don't want to die here.

The transport site was cut off, and even if he did not die in battle, he had to starve to death.

Several people glanced at each other and saw what the other party meant.

Breakthrough! Must break through!

Snatch the transport point back!!

The seven people who usually have ghosts in their hearts and even want to kill each other, but now because of life and death issues, they finally decided to cooperate with each other and do their best!

"All Mist Ninjas, drag the Konoha ninjas in the front, surrounded by our seven protruding rears!"

The other Mist Ninjas heard the order and quickly carried it out.

After all, they are all well-trained ninjas, strong execution, and everyone has experience, and understands that after the transportation route is cut by the enemy, it is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and only breaking through the encirclement is the only way to survive.

"Long knife ninja spider slit!"

The first to bear the brunt was Orochimaru, and the long knife swung into the air in front of him, and the Konoha ninja immediately waited.

However, seeing that there was no movement, the Konoha ninja were a little confused. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As soon as he wanted to move, he was stopped by Hinata Hinata in front of him.

Hinata's temples on both sides of the temple burst out, and his white eyes stared at the ground.

"Be careful, wired on the ground!"

"Gee." Kurishimaru said unpleasantly, "The Hyuga clan is really annoying. "

In this way, wouldn't his long knife ninjutsu be useless?

"Get up, let me come! Explosive knife ninja method broken and strangled to death! "

Without pear even eight a forward rush, the scroll on the explosive knife encircles Hinata Hinata in a circle 0.

The next second, boom!!

The scroll exploded instantly, and Hinata Hinata couldn't help but laugh maniacally as he looked at Hinata, who was drowned in smoke from the explosion.

"Go back to heaven!!"

Hinata's calm voice made Muri Shinhachi's smile freeze on his face.

A swirling energy shield formed by a blue chakra blew away the thick smoke, revealing Hinata's figure without a trace of dust.

"Impossible! Absolutely indispensable!! "

Wu Li couldn't believe it, he knew that there were people in this ninja world who could block the explosive damage of the explosive knife, but this person definitely couldn't be able to do it with just a single Shinobi!

What's more, doesn't the Hyuga clan play with their eyes! What the hell is this technique that resembles absolute defense?!

Returning to heaven as the secret of the Zong family, it is normal that no pears are even unclear.

After all, the Hyuga clan that is active in the ninja world is a separate family, and as a return to heaven that only the clan is qualified to learn, of course, it has not been shown in the ninja world.

And Hinata Hinata can learn to return to the sky entirely through his own talent.

He was also very glad that after seeing his brother's gesture of returning to heaven, he had been studying hard, otherwise, he would definitely not survive in the face of such a terrifying explosion.

Although Hinata Hinata was fine, the other Konoha ninjas affected died and were crippled.

Seeing this, Hinata looked solemn.

Although the seven people of the Ninja Dao were powerful, he knew in his heart that it was not people who were powerful, but the seven special Chakra knives.

Without those seven ninja swords, the seven people would be just ordinary 4.6 upper ninja.

However, they still muttered about the strangeness of these seven ninja swords.

A mackerel capable of devouring ninjutsu chakra.

A decapitation knife that absorbs blood and regenerates itself.

Thunder Tooth with the thunder attribute Chakra.

A long knife stitch that pierces everything and stitches it together.

A blunt knife that can crush all defenses.

Blaster droplets that combine perfectly with the explosion.

A double-bladed flounder that can deliver Chakra long-range attacks.

Hey, it seems that some underestimated the ability of the Ninja Dao Seven.

Hinata smiled bitterly in her heart, the idea was perfect, but the reality didn't seem to be the same as what she thought.

Can he and Uchiha Fugaku really get them into a protracted war?

"You seem to be distressed."

Just when he felt that his decision was wrong, a familiar and cold voice suddenly appeared in the sky.

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