The sales of the "Dota" skin are far below the expectations of the boss of the ants.

Boss Ant was a little irritable in his heart.

Xu Guangzhong had an idea at this time and thought of a solution: "Boss, I have an idea." "

Boss Ant: "Say." "

Xu Guangzhong said: "It's still a radical method, but change the content." Find someone you can trust and provoke the players of Dota, which roughly means 'Look, League of Legends players love League of Legends a lot, and buy skins without hesitation and spend money, you Dota players are reluctant to buy skins, and they are still called Love Dota?', Dota players must be stimulated when they hear it. "

When Boss Ant heard this, his brows stretched and he gave Xu Guangzhong a thumbs up.

This routine is one after another.


"Okay, that's it!"

An hour later, League of Legends players began to mock Dota fans on the Internet as fake fans and refused to even buy skins.

Dota was furious when he heard this, and then started buying skins.

The effect was immediate, and the ant boss watched the sales of Dota's skin continue to rise.

Soon, 200,000 skins were sold, with a revenue of 18.6 million!

Boss Ant smiled.

He believes that today this number can rise to 30 million, or 40 million, 50 million.

...... 920



Ye Xuan, on his side, was meeting with game operators from all over the world at this time.

After hearing that "League of Legends" sold 200 million people's game skins in one day, these operators immediately couldn't sit still, and hurriedly rushed over from all over the world to inspect "League of Legends", and if this is really the case, they will speed up the introduction to their countries.

Of course, today's meeting is just a simple meeting, and there is no rush to a formal meeting.

During the meeting, Ning Nanshi suddenly pushed the door in, came to Ye Xuan's side, and said in her ear:

"Boss, it seems that someone on the Internet is doing something......

Ning Nanshi told Ye Xuan about the ridicule on the Internet about Dota fans not buying skins and the skyrocketing sales of Dota skins.

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows: "Do you suspect that someone is deliberately sowing discord?"

Ning Nanshi nodded: "Yes, I deliberately checked the person who first made this remark, it is the new number of League of Legends, there is no level, and the skin has not been drawn...... It should have been the enemy who had mixed in. "

The corner of Ye Xuan's mouth hooked: "It seems that Boss Ant did it...... Otherwise, you will send the navy to say that the 'Internet café fight' was directed by Penguin himself, and at the same time, the scolding war between League of Legends and Dota was also provoked by him, in order to see that the League of Legends skin is selling hot, so he provoked the incident and wanted to sell the Dota skin......"

Ye Xuan didn't know if it was Boss Ant who did it, but ...... There is no need for evidence at all, netizens only like to believe what they want to know.

Ning Nanshi secretly said in her heart, 'The boss is really good!', and then hurriedly ordered the people below to implement this plan.

Half an hour later, the Internet began to conspire - everything is a conspiracy of penguins, provoking the contradiction of Dota and 1o1 in order to sell skins.

One by one, they are reasonable, eye-catching, logical, and motive, and the results are confirmed...... Everything is as if it were real.

Now it's the turn of the Dota fan mentality to explode.

They shouted 10,000 disbelief, but Neijing gradually became suspicious of the penguins.

In the Dota post bar, a "Dota" god-level player said so sadly in the post:

"I've been scolding 1o1 for so long, and now I'm full of anger, but now I find that it's all directed and acted by Penguin...... I was disheartened, I couldn't scold anymore, I didn't want to scold anymore, so I deleted "Dota" and quit the game circle. "

Other Dota fans also posted.

"From now on, penguins will be black all their lives, goodbye to Dota. "

"Deleted, deleted! Dota only stays in a good memory. "

The more "Dota" fans are, the more they feel betrayed, and they are the ones who suffer the most in their hearts.

After being sad, simply delete the game and say goodbye to Dota.

The heart is tired.

As more and more "Dota" die-hard fans delete the game and leave, especially those Dota gods, the de-fanning action of "Dota" fans has intensified.

"Dota, goodbye. "

"Dota, you are my youth, I will still remember you in the future......"

In the control background of the game department of Dota, you can clearly see that the number of people who are currently online is constantly decreasing.

Current: 30,000 online ......

Half an hour later: 320,000 online ......

An hour later: 260,000 people online......

Two hours later: 180,000 people online......

This drop speed made all the Dota employees tremble. The joy of just selling 20 million skins is now like a bucket of ice water.

It's biting!

A bad premonition spreads in everyone's minds.

They searched for the reason in the post bar and forum like crazy, and then they were all frozen, panicked, and frightened.

They realize one thing:

Dota ...... It's over!

Soon, they heard the news that the boss had fallen in the office and was bleeding.

The entire Penguin Group, all employees, have a false sense that the future of Penguin is going to become more gloomy.


On the other hand, YY skills are jubilant, just like the New Year.

Because of the League of Legends data, it has reached a new high.

The number of daily active users exceeded the 1.5 million mark, and the online number exceeded the 5 million mark at the same time!

The total sales of skins exceeded the 4 mark!

It's like a celebration of the collapse of Dota, a former enemy, or a tribute to a former enemy.

In this case, the delegations of the world's major game operators have successively driven to Internet cafes in Jiangdu to conduct on-site inspections.

Then I found that 95% of the customers in most Internet cafes were playing "League of Legends", and other games were almost extinct.

Every Internet café is no exception.

It's unprecedented!

"It's incredible!"

"It's crazy!"

These game operators are taking League of Legends more and more seriously!

"This League of Legends is a gold mine!!"

"We must win the right to operate our own domestic region!"

"No matter what the cost, it's negotiable!"


PS: Isn't it a surprise that this chapter is an unplanned update?

ps: Lovely book friends, the plot happens in a parallel world, some things may not be the same as what happened in this world, read the novel easily, regardless of the small details.


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