"League of Legends" is in full swing in the world, and YY is jubilant.

And at this moment, a sudden news came.

"Boss, the operators of the League of Legends countries have sent news that various countries have begun to make unfavorable remarks about our artificial intelligence Luo Tianyi, and the scale is not small, and it is obviously an organized behavior. "

Ning Nanshi hurriedly walked into the office and reported to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan frowned: "It seems that the overlord country has already made a move, I didn't expect it to move so quickly!"

Why is it said that the hegemon is the hand of the hegemon? Because the hegemon is the world's largest exporter of news.

Its transnational corporations also effectively control the flow of information throughout the world in the broadcasting and newspaper industries.

At present, the Associated Press is the world's largest news agency, with 242 stations around the world, distributing 20 million words of telegrams and 1,000 news photos every day to an estimated 2 billion people in 121 countries and regions around the world.

Poor Third World countries cannot afford to build their own global news networks, and most of their news, especially international news, is purchased from the media of the hegemonic state.

In other words, the hegemony of the hegemonic country is, to a certain extent, supported by this ability to export news.

No country other than the hegemon has the ability to mobilize so much manpower and material resources in a short period of time to make a negative critique of artificial intelligence.

"I thought about the overlord making a move, but I didn't expect it to be so quick and so impatient. It seems that the hegemon is feeling the threat posed to them by artificial intelligence. "

Ye Xuan was right, the overlord's vigilance against artificial intelligence Luo Tianyi had been listed as the highest threat level.

They're scared!

For a long time, most of the world's news has been screened by the hegemon's side before being sent to the world, which will, to a certain extent, create and tout the perfect image of the hegemon, and hit the image of those hostile foreign countries.

One of the number one targets is **.

Through the news media, they instilled various image words about the rabbit country to the world, such as: ghost towns, zombie enterprises, pollution, poverty, backwardness, poor economy, low education level, traditional Chinese medicine is poison, poor law and order, beware of crime, and the people of the rabbit country are living in dire straits.

Some time ago, there was an incident in which Asians killed a carload of people in smuggling into Europe, and the hegemon began to propagate that it must be that the ** people live too hard and want to smuggle to Europe to enjoy a better life.

At home, this kind of news must be scoffed, please, what is good about that place in Europe that is worth smuggling?

But the hegemon controls the news and tells people all over the world about it, and many people will believe it.

Therefore, the control of news channels is very important for the hegemon!

And now, the artificial intelligence Luo Tianyi, the Xiong Alliance has invaded the world!

In other words, China (Harmony) can release news to the world through people at any time, and it is more accurate and labor-saving than the overlord's delivery!

On the other hand, the hegemon has been infiltrating the whole world through social tools (such as Facemsn) to easily grasp the user data of the whole world (except for the forbidden land of China (Harmony)), which is extremely important information!

And now, the YY technology intelligence from China (Harmony) is clearly threatening its position.

As a result, the hegemon began to advance to the operation.

News stations all over the world are starting to do their job, distributing copies of "AI Threat Theory", "Conspiracy Theory", "Apocalypse" and so on.

"What a shameless and domineering country!"

"I'm afraid that many countries will start to ban Luo Tianyi next, right?"

Ye Xuan sneered.

Do you really think it's so easy to get those players to give up on AI?

It's naïve.

It's like a person who is used to living in a five-star hotel, and let him go to a smoky tavern with seven or eight people in one room?

How can you stand it?

It is easy to go from thrift to luxury, and it is difficult to go from luxury to thrift.

Sure enough, in the next half month, operators from various countries sent messages saying that they had received orders from the coming countries to prohibit the "League of Legends" game from carrying the artificial intelligence program Luo Tianyi. Unfortunately, this order ended up being only on paper, because too many people were demonstrating.

"On September 19, the Gallic Rooster Kingdom triggered a march of 30,000 people for the ban on Luo Tianyi......"

On the 920th, Arthur and the European countries of the Volition responded one after another, scolding their superiors for their nonsense. "

"On the 921st, the maple leaf and the kangaroo country also responded to the ......"

"922 Days ......"

The overlord's side is simply angry!

You pig teammates, why are you so bad, you can't even ban an artificial intelligence!

But soon the overlord itself panicked, because they set themselves on fire and spread the demonstration to the hegemon's side.

Every day, people march and demonstrate on the streets outside the Congress and the Presidential Palace in Washington.

"We need Luo Tianyi!"

"Artificial intelligence is the future!"

Lots of young people are scolding the president and the Congress.

As for the national propaganda of homeland security and the end of mankind? I'm sorry, I don't listen, I want artificial intelligence Luo Tianyi!

The trend of traveling every day and getting bigger and bigger makes the official of the hegemon extremely passive.

Ye Xuan watched these news here in China, and he was extremely happy.

And domestic netizens are also extremely gossipy about this matter, and even took #Luo Tianyi to capture the world# and #霸主国灰头土脸#的话题顶了微博前十 for several days in a row.

——————— Column—

ps: It's still a little bit of a cardin.,I'm going to pick it up first.,Today's first four changes_

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