The convening of the new shareholders' meeting has been widely spread in the headquarters of Yip's Group, and many employees know that this shareholders' meeting will be the fuse of the great change of Yip's Group.

Is it the victory of the new chairman?

Or will the shareholders jointly kick the new chairman out of the Yip Group?

Whatever the outcome, they can only passively accept it.

Boom boom boom ———

The sound of the supercar's engine came from outside, and then I saw a red sports car like a burning war horse, like thunder, directly into the group parking lot, and then a beautiful drift directly into the parking space, the distance between the front and rear cars, accurate to the millimeter.

The flanks open.

Ye Xuan was wearing a black suit, full of mystery, majesty, coolness, and handsomeness, and appeared in front of everyone.

The dazzle is unbeatable!

Handsome momentum is unstoppable!

"Hello Chairman!".

All employees subconsciously saluted in unison.

Some of the female employees have already taken a straight shot.

"Don't you think the chairman is so handsome!".

"You still need to think that it's super handsome!"

"That drift just now, it's a charming male god!".

"Rich, handsome, oh my God, it's a perfect male god!".

"I hope the chairman can stay in office, I don't want to face those big-bellied shareholders every day. "

"It's over, it's 11 o'clock, and the shareholder meeting has been in session for an hour...... The chairman is only now in ......".

Chapter 1

At this time, on the top floor of the Ye Group, the No. 1 conference room, today all the large and small shareholders of the Ye Group gathered together, one by one, in suits and leather shoes, like the upper class of society, talking and laughing, to discuss a major matter.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was cheerful.

This is the beginning of a gluttonous feast!

There is no reason not to be excited, and all shareholders can already expect their personal wealth to skyrocket in the next few months!

Jiang Jianqiu is in a good mood, because he is the initiator of this 'battle', so he can get the most benefits. He glanced at all the shareholders and finally landed on an empty seat, frowning slightly.

"Why hasn't Zhang Hongyuan come yet?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Jianqiu picked up his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Hongyuan's phone directly.

The call was answered quickly.

Jiang Jianqiu: "Why haven't you come yet?"

Zhang Hongyuan: "I'm sorry, I just hurt my leg, and now I'm applying medicine, I won't go to the shareholders' meeting, I have asked the secretary to send my share power of attorney, and there is still half an hour to ......."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jianqiu soon received several photos, which were photos of Zhang Hongyuan's injured legs and ears.

Jiang Jianqiu did not doubt him, but he was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Hongyuan's loss of the chain at a critical time.

Time passed minute by minute ......

...... from 9 o'clock

Wait until 10 o'clock ......

The new chairman has not yet arrived.

Those shareholders are a little impatient, even a little impatient.

If the chairman does not come, according to the system process, the shareholders' meeting will not be able to continue, in which case they will not be able to remove the chairman.

"Damn, there's not a little sense of time!".

"Modern enterprises pay attention to efficiency, time is money, time is profit, such a chairman must be dismissed!".

Jiang Jianqiu stood up and spoke at this time: "Everyone be quiet, be quiet...... The chairman didn't come, but we can hold the meeting first, discuss a result first, and then sign it for the chairman?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was approved by many shareholders.

And so, the meeting began.

Proposals are quickly discussed, and ...... are quickly passed

The content of these proposals, all of which are resolutions such as asset restructuring and personnel appointments, can be summed up as cutting the cake for high-quality assets, and each shareholder sits in a row to eat the cake and inserts people on their own side, so that they can logically transfer these assets to their own names in the future. As for those inferior assets, as well as assets with a lot of liabilities, they were all thrown to Ye Xuan.


Shareholders praise their ingenuity!

Wait until 11 o'clock ......

The discussion at the meeting was almost over, and it was fruitful, and it made people's hearts flutter when they looked at it.

Ye's Group, the thing in the bag!

The atmosphere is even more enthusiastic.

At this moment, the door of the meeting opened, and Ye Xuan walked in with his secretary Ning Nanshi.

The warm atmosphere is quiet!

Ye Xuan swept around, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Are you chatting very happily?" "

Sure enough, a small shareholder jumped out.

"Haha, the chairman came just in time, the chairman didn't come just now, we see that time is precious and can't be wasted, so we discussed it in advance, and with the preliminary discussion results, it's just right for you to take a look at the chairman!".

Wang Bo was triumphant, with a big belly, and came to Ye Xuan as a victor.

Wang Bo, the nephew of a high-ranking official in Sichuan, the rise of the Ye Group is naturally inseparable from the support of local officials, and the exchange of interests is naturally indispensable. Wang Bo is one of the minority shareholders of the interest exchange.

Name: Bo Wang

Age: 40

Yip's Group shares: 0.2%.

Weaknesses: Forcing good people to become prostitutes, murdering masterminds, gathering crowds to skate, hiding 300 grams in Room 1601, Building 9, Jinyuewan Community, Linhe Street.

Inner thoughts: Hahaha~~ Let me give him a dismount first, the domineering of the gentleman, I am the most familiar!

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