Ye Xuan, who was sitting in Pagani in the distance, called up Jiang Jianqiu's information column in his mind, and found that it was already a blood-red ......

"You can't live if you do your own evil!" Ye Xuan sneered and hit the steering wheel, didn't stay here for long, and drove away from Hengde Road.

Although Hengde Road is not the main road in Jiangdu, there are many vehicles coming and going.

Seeing that there was a major car accident here, many good deeds parked their cars on the side of the road, got out of the car and took pictures with their mobile phones.

"The big truck hit someone, and it hit a luxury car worth millions, everyone forward it!".

"Look at the truck driver walking staggeringly, he must have been drinking!".

"This kind of big scene is not common, millions of Bentleys are about to be smashed into scrap metal, and the people inside may not need to be rescued!"

"Call the police, people who can afford to drive this kind of luxury car definitely have a lot of ......


There were constant discussions all around, but Wang Xiang was much more sober at this time.

Glancing at the shattered car in front of him, Wang Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.

After more than ten minutes, people from the traffic bureau and the criminal police team of the fire brigade arrived, and Wang Xiang kicked open the car door and jumped in.

Xiao Liang, the captain of the criminal police, walked to the Bentley car with a gloomy face, bent down to look inside, and sighed heavily.

Jiang Jianqiu, Lao Xu and the driver, the three died on the spot, and there was no need to rescue them.

Wang Xiang had no intention of running away, and was pressed by two policemen to Xiao Liang, but when he saw the body dragged out of the car by the doctor, he suddenly fell into a stupor.

"This ...... Isn't that the guy who got me into the car accident......? How are you sitting in this car?".

Doubts flashed in his mind, but Wang Xiang was not a fool, he would not tell him about his premeditated murder in front of the police.

The boss who gave the money was dead, and the other million was gone, and Wang Xiang collapsed on the ground in despair.

Xiao Liang turned his head to look at him with a cold face, smelled the pungent smell of wine on Wang Xiang's body, and ordered his subordinates behind him in a deep voice: "Take it back to record a confession, confirm the identity of the deceased as soon as possible, and seal off the scene!"

The people of the traffic team quickly investigated Jiang Jianqiu's information, and in less than half an hour, the news of the death of the Ye Group's shareholder in a car accident spread almost throughout Jiangdu.

In Jiang Jianqiu's villa, his wife Jiang Xiaoyan was extremely calm, and there was even a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"Jiang Jianqiu is dead, and the five percent equity of the Ye Group ...... But it's all mine!".

Although Jiang Jianqiu is worth tens of billions, he has no children and no daughters in his life, and his parents died of illness in his early years, and he only has a few brothers and relatives.

After his death, Jiang Xiaoyan naturally became the first heir to the property, including the equity worth tens of billions.

Some people are happy and some are worried, when Jiang Xiaoyan was planning how to transfer the equity to his own name, the more than ten small shareholders of the Ye Group were all in chaos.

In the center of Jiangdu, in a luxuriously decorated clubhouse, more than a dozen minority shareholders of the Yip Group are gathering in a box on the top floor.

It's just that these people don't look very good-looking, they bow their heads and don't say a word, and the atmosphere in the box is extremely depressing.

"Don't be stunned, let's talk about what to do next!" a burly middle-aged man stood up from the sofa with a blushing face.

"What else can I do? Jiang Jianqiu is dead, how can we fight with that kid Ye Xuan?"

"I don't think Jiang Jianqiu's death is simple, maybe...... It's what Ye Xuan found someone to do!".

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense, let's talk, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first!".

"I had something at home, so I left first. "

"I'm gone, too. "

These small shareholders are all grass on the wall, they didn't take advantage of anything at the last shareholders' meeting, and now Jiang Jianqiu died in a car accident again, and everyone is worried about whether they will be Ye Xuan's next "target".

The burly man who spoke just now glanced at the more than ten people in the box angrily, and walked out of the box with a cold face.

But after he walked out of the club and got into the car, he instructed the driver to rush in the direction of the villa where Jiang Jianqiu lived......

"A group of brainless things, Jiang Jianqiu died in a car accident in a daze, this matter is absolutely inseparable from Ye Xuan, but without evidence, who can do anything to Ye Xuan? The most important thing now is to get Jiang Jianqiu's 5% equity!"

Guan Changjie looks like a rough man on the surface, and he has always been quite low-key in the shareholder alliance, but he started from scratch, has been up and down in the business world for decades, and he is empty when he pulls out a single hair, and he is quite scheming, and he is a standard ruthless role.

After learning the news of Jiang Jianqiu's death in a car accident, Guan Changjie immediately thought of the five percent equity.

Summoned more than a dozen shareholders to the clubhouse, he mainly wanted to see if anyone would grab this piece of fat with him.

Half an hour later, Guan Changjie came to Jiang Jianqiu's villa.

He had a good relationship with Jiang Jianqiu before, and he had been here a few times, so he was quite familiar with Jiang Jianqiu's wife.

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