An assistant on the co-pilot looked at the towering hotel building in front of him and said, "Teacher Liu, seeing that the relationship between Du Yimeng and Na Ye Shao is not ordinary, he invited us to eat here today so that Du Yimeng can successfully advance in the competition of "The Voice of China", right


In this society, it is not uncommon for rich people to raise a few stars, Ye Xuan is worth a lot of money, Du Yimeng looks good, in order to make Du Yimeng famous, it is normal to spend tens of millions to buy a mentor.

The assistant who drove the car shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I don't think things are so simple, didn't Ye Shao say that he wanted to talk about cooperation?

"Don't guess, if you come, you will be safe, and let's see what Young Master Ye has planned!"

After the car stopped, Ye Xuan took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to his secretary Ning Nanshi, asking her to arrange a VIP box on the top floor of the Geman Hotel.

After Liu Huan and his two assistants got out of the car, Ye Xuan pushed open the car door ......

Entering the hotel gate, Ye Xuan led the group straight to the elevator entrance, and after coming to the top floor, the elevator door slowly opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit who was very gentlemanly hurriedly greeted him.

"Chairman, the box is ready for you!".

On the top floor of this hotel is the restaurant with a view, although the area is not small, but there are only 10 private rooms in total.

And if you want to dine here, you must make a reservation three days in advance, and the box fee alone will start at 100,000 yuan.

In addition to the middle-aged man at the elevator entrance in the huge restaurant, there were five chefs with high hats standing by the dining car not far away, Ye Xuan looked around, nodded slightly, and followed the middle-aged man towards the best box.

Pushing open the door of the box, Liu Huan and his two assistants couldn't help but be stunned, Du Yimeng was even more surprised to grow his mouth, only Ye Xuan was quite calm, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although there is no decoration in this box, the three walls have been replaced with tempered glass, and the top and feet are also transparent, eating here is like sitting on the clouds, and the scenery of the entire Jiangdu city center is unobstructed.

After everyone sat down, the middle-aged man politely handed each person a meal list, and spent two or three minutes ordering, and then Ye Xuan ordered: "After the dishes are ready, you can leave, the restaurant on the top floor is not open to the public today, and no one is allowed to come up!"

The middle-aged man's body was shocked, and he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

The wine is a good wine, twenty years of excellent wine, and the food is also good, three stars Michelin level.

After the door of the box room was closed, Liu Huan, who was sitting opposite Ye Xuan, seemed to be a little nervous, and said with a dry smile: "Mr. Ye, what cooperation do you want to talk about, let's get straight to the point, otherwise I won't be able to eat this meal!"

Ye Xuan smiled and didn't answer, just glanced at the assistants sitting on Liu Huan's left and right sides.

Liu Huan is also a smart person, and immediately understood what Ye Xuan meant, and swore and promised: "Mr. Ye, rest assured, the two of them have been by my side for more than ten years, and they can definitely be trusted!"

"Well, what I want to talk to Mr. Liu about...... The copyright of the original song!" Ye Xuan took a shallow sip of red wine and said very directly.

Liu Huan was stunned for a moment, didn't understand the meaning of Ye Xuan's words, and replied with a frown: "Which song is Mr. Ye talking about?"

"Copyright of all songs!".

Liu Huan gasped, then shook his head and said with a wry smile: "The musicians who are really engaged in creation now are not as good as those big stars who often appear on camera...... Piracy is rampant in the market, and the songs that musicians have worked hard for months to create are pirated and downloaded, and all music platforms have never thought of buying copyrights from us, they are all pirated and very rampant!".

Liu Huan began to create when he was a teenager, and he knew the hard work of musicians, so he sighed and raised his head to drink all the wine in the cup, his face full of helplessness.

The musician's album contains more than ten songs, which may have been created by him for a year or two, and it only sells for more than thirty or fifty yuan!

But there are too many pirated copies in the market, and the online music platforms are all pirated, which indirectly fuels the arrogance of pirates.

Ye Xuan: "So I came to Mr. Liu to use your influence to contact those original musicians, buy their song copyrights, and even help them defend their rights!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Liu Huan's right hand, which was about to raise a glass, shook unconsciously, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, and the entire box became quiet for a while.

"There are too many pirated copies in the market, and Mr. Ye is doing this business...... Aren't you afraid of losing money?".

After a long while, Liu Huan came back to his senses, stared at Ye Xuan with a solemn face and asked.

How many songs are there on the market? How much does a song cost? As the saying goes, there is no treachery, no business, what did Ye Xuan do when he bought so many copyrights?

These are all doubts in Liu Huan's heart!

But Ye Xuan's sentence just now 'helping original singers defend their rights' completely spoke to Liu Huan's heart.

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