Conference Room 1.

Ye Xuan sat in the main seat as the chairman, and the president, executive president, vice president, general manager, director, vice president, and directors of various departments ...... Level by level, a total of 32 people, seated one by one in order.

From low to high, one by one they kept reporting to Ye Xuan, some people were more serious, but more people had a perfunctory attitude, and they felt that Ye Xuan didn't understand these things at all, thinking that they would just fool around and pass.

Ye Xuan listened to the report quietly while writing and drawing in his notebook.

In fact, at this time, he focused more on checking the profiles of these 32 company executives.

Name: Zhou Tianming (President) (Silver).

Loyalty: 20

Inner activity: Now the new chairman is not as unbearable as rumored, and he has the majesty of the former chairman, and he should be the successor secretly cultivated by the former chairman, which should not be underestimated, I still ignore the invitation of those small shareholders alliance for the time being, and wait and see for a while.

Name: Liu Minghua (Vice President) (Black Iron).

Loyalty: 1

Inner activities: The strength of the minority shareholders alliance is not small, accounting for 43% of the shares, and it has deep roots and deep roots within the group; while the chairman's shares are only 44%, which is weak and has no help; in this one-sided situation, I accepted the invitation of the minority shareholders alliance the day before yesterday and prepared to jointly kick the new chairman out of the management seat at the shareholders' meeting five days later. Although my remuneration is only 0.1% of the shares, it is also more than 100 million dollars, which is enough for me to spend a lifetime.

Name: Wang Quanjian (Director of Commerce) (bronze).

Loyalty: 0

Inner activity: The yellow-haired child doesn't know how to operate the enterprise at all, which is just convenient for me to embezzle the amount of the Dongcheng business negotiation this time, even if 1% is cut out, it is more than 5 million oil and water. If you don't take it, the sky will thunder.

Ye Xuan swept past Liu Minghua and saw Wang Quanjian, director of the Ministry of Commerce, his eyes narrowed.

Loyalty is 0!!

This is the only person in the audience who has 0 loyalty to him.

It suddenly attracted Ye Xuan's attention.

Ye Xuan clicked on Wang Quanjian's profile panel - personal experience - work experience - within half a year -

There is Wang Quanjian's very detailed work experience, including office routines, business negotiations, business entertainment, corruption, and having an affair with a female subordinate in ......the department, etc

Very detailed!!

Ye Xuan opened up the specific embezzlement matters, and even the whereabouts of the embezzled amount, the bank account number, the location of the safe, the password of the safe, and so on...... It's all recorded on it.

Ye Xuan copied some of the clues of corruption evidence, and then edited a text message and sent it to the Municipal Security Bureau in Jiangdu.

Two hours later.

Secretary Ning Nanshi: "Next, I would like to invite Wang Quanjian, director of the Ministry of Commerce, to report on the work. "

Wang Quanjian stood up and didn't smile: "Dear chairman, there are no particularly major matters in my work at present, only some trivial matters, so I won't bother the chairman, I will find time to report to Vice President Liu Minghua, who is in charge of the leader." "

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed and looked at Liu Minghua.

Liu Minghua coughed, straightened up and said: "Chairman, you have just come to the group, and you have not been to work seriously, so you don't know a lot about the group, enterprise management is not as simple as eating and drinking, it is very complicated, the chairman has not held a management position before, and many business things do not understand, so the following report can be less, this is my opinion." "

Ye Xuan smiled lightly: "Is Vice President Liu questioning my ability?".

Liu Minghua waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is a fact, the chairman does not have any experience in enterprise management, it is better not to command blindly, so as not to put the group in trouble." "

He had already decided to kick Ye Xuan out of the group management seat, so he was not afraid of tearing his face at this time.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked at this time: "Does Wang Quanjian report to you on weekdays?"

Liu Minghua: "I am the leader in charge, so I naturally report to me. "

Ye Xuan smiled faintly: "Understood." "

Liu Minghua felt inexplicable, but when he saw Ye Xuan's gaze, his heart couldn't help jumping, as if something bad had happened.

He clicked on Liu Minghua's information column.

Profile panel - personal experience - work experience - time within half a year -

Sure enough, he found something amazing.

As the boss of ID Wang Quanjian, Liu Minghua naturally got a lot of benefits from Wang Quanjian's hands, every time Wang Quanjian embezzled, Liu Minghua could get two tenths to four tenths of the 'dividends'.

In the same way, Ye Xuan recorded the whereabouts of Liu Minghua's embezzled amount, bank account number, location of the safe, and password of the safe on a piece of paper.

That's when ......

Tuk tuk tuk ~~~

The second secretary knocked on the door and came in, came to the front of Chairman Ye Xuan, and whispered: "Chairman, someone from the police is here, saying that you called it." "

Ye Xuan nodded: "I called them, let them in." "

Secretary No. 2 nodded and left, and walked into the conference room with four police officers in less than 30 seconds.

Everyone's faces changed!

A mention in my heart!

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