In the email, Xiao Qin found out that the truck driver received 1 million from Jiang Jianqiu's assistant, obviously buying a murderer.

He also found out that Jiang Jianqiu's car, truck, and Ye Xuan's car were all on the same highway at that time, no more than 700 meters apart.

The suspicion is here, why did the truck driver collect the money, not only did he not hit Ye Xuan, but he hit Jiang Jianqiu?

It's very unreasonable!

There must be a problem!

"Hmph, Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan, I finally caught my sore feet!".

Xiao Yitian sneered three times.

He knew how to deal with Ye Xuan.

"In addition to using this against him, the hacker's attack plan cannot stop ......".

He called Xiao Qin's phone again: "The hacker's plan will be executed at 22:00 tonight!".

Xiao Qin on the other side of the phone: "Roger, boss." "



YY Music Headquarters.

20 p.m.

Ye Xuan is here again.

At this time, the data of YY Music is as follows.

Number of enrollments: 62.14 million

The number of app downloaders: 48.58 million (some people use the website).

The highest number of online listeners: 49.02 million

Number of VIP members (9.9 yuan a month): 343552 people

Playlist creation: 1.63 million.

Number of sound users: 55.32 million.

Number of comments: 142.5 million

It's a gorgeous statistic.

And it's only 20:00.

There is no doubt that YY music was an instant hit, red and purple!

Tuk tuk tuk ~~

Ning Nanshi knocked on the door and came in, handing over a pile of paper: "Ye Dong, this is the latest situation of the platforms such as Jiuku and Qianqian Listening to Songs that you want during this time." "

Ye Xuan took the pile of paper and flipped through it.

Soon his brow furrowed.

"Our YY Music is online, and these platforms are only so active, and there is no action against YY Music at all? "

Ye Xuan threw the pile of paper.

"You get out. "

Ning Nanshi left and gently closed the door of the study.

Ye Xuan clicked on the three bosses of Qianqian, Jiuku, and Yuexun to see what these three people were doing.

Because I used it last time, there are these three people in the system's 'address book'.

Name: Xiao Yat Tian

Recent Behavior: Investigate Ye Xuan's past.

Heart: Jiang Jianqiu's car accident, although it may not be Ye Xuan's hand, but I can use it to splash water on Ye Xuan's kid. I just need to use a fishing boat like "Can you kill people and get away with it if you have money" to provoke the hatred of the rich among those Internet fools, and even if it wasn't Ye Xuan's killer, it is estimated that no one would believe it, right? The group of fools on the Internet only believe what they want to believe. As long as this plan is successful, I don't have to go to the dark web to hire a killer.

Ye Xuan: "......


Originally, I just wanted to see how Xiao Yitian dealt with YY music, but I didn't expect to see something amazing.

This old thing wants to splash dirty water on me?

If Jiang Jianqiu's car accident was lifted by him, then he would really be mud and lose his crotch, not, but.

There are also dark webs and killers, which also aroused Ye Qiu's vigilance.

"It seems that bodyguards are indispensable, and you must pay attention to safety when traveling. "

However, only a thousand days to be a thief does not have a thousand days to prevent thieves, and taking the initiative is Ye Xuan's style.

He flipped through Siu Yat-tin's profile and slowly tipped through it by date.

As a result, he saw that Xiao Yitian even wanted to find a hacker to attack YY Music when YY Music was online.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan smiled.

Now he has a god-level [programming], in disguise, he is a god-level hacker, because hackers are, to put it bluntly, just a program ape that attacks computers and servers with various software and instructions.

Looking for hackers to attack YY Music is looking for death!

In the field of computers, no one can surpass him!

"By the way, I can implant Trojan horses on his mobile phone and computer, as well as his secretary, assistant, and right-hand men. "

"When the time comes, whether they are looking for a water army to smear me or a killer, they will leave evidence and be used by me. "

looked at Xiao Yitian's life experience again, and Ye Xuan really found a lot of useful things, which was enough for him to be sentenced to prison.

Subsequently, Ye Xuan flipped through the personal information columns of Mr. Ma, the boss of Yuexun, and Pang Yuan, the boss of Jiuku, and also found a lot of good things.

Record them one by one.

"Lu Qiang, come in. "

Ye Xuan called his bodyguard captain in.

Name: Lu Qiang

Skills: Fighting (Advanced), Firearms Shooting (Advanced), 、......

Ye Xuan didn't think about it, and directly copied the fighting technique (advanced) and firearm shooting (advanced).


Directly promoted to the god level.

- God of Fighting: Your body is extremely powerful, you have unparalleled combat experience, strong physical fighting instincts, excellent danger instincts, and in hand-to-hand combat, you are a god, invincible in the world.

- Gun God: A gun in hand, I have it in the world, you are the god of guns.

At this moment, Ye Xuan felt that his body was rapidly becoming stronger, fat was burning, his muscles were becoming tighter, and his power was constantly gushing out, surging.

At this moment, Lu Qiang's hair suddenly exploded, as if he had encountered a terrifying predator.

"Boss...... He!".

Lu Qiang looked at Ye Xuan in disbelief, and his heart set off a turbulent wave.

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