Finally, Su Xiaozhou was appointed by Ye Xuan as the security director of the Cyber Security Department.

However, Ye Xuan is a person who holds grudges, so the salary given to Su Xiaozhou is 3,000 yuan, which is only enough to pay the social security provident fund, which does not match his position and technology at all.

However, Su Xiaozhou was very happy, because in the future, he would be a person with a backstage, and there would be a great god, and he could benefit a lot by leaking a little technology.

The time soon came to 24 o'clock.

Ye Xuan returned to the work area, and at this time all the employees gathered together

At this time, the data of YY music:

Enrollment: 82.14 million

The number of app downloaders: 62.58 million (some people use the website).

The highest number of online listeners: 59.02 million

Number of VIP members (9.9 yuan a month): 5.23 million

Playlist creation: 3.63 million.

Number of sound users: 75.32 million.

Number of comments: 242.5 million

Users who spent more than 1 hour: 8.3 million.

In other words, the stay rate is very high, and it is not the kind that you leave after registering for the lottery.

This data is a big hit!


Ye Xuan took out his mobile phone and took a picture of this scene on the big screen.


"Thanks to the strong support of all users, YY Music has been a great success when it is launched!

Upload an image.

Click to publish.

After the Weibo post was posted, it quickly flooded with comments.

"YY music is very easy to use, and it has refreshed my perception of the music platform. "

"I've deleted thousands of music, it's rubbish. "

"With deletion, compared with YY Music, the other three major music platforms are garbage. "

"This is my favorite playlist (link), do you have any friends?

"Say it out loud, I'm a Diamond VIP member, I'm proud!".

"So far, I've listened to 300 songs, and I've upgraded to level 2 and 3%, who is taller than me?".

"Excuse me, I'm already at level 2 80%, 400 songs. "

"Fuck, is it a pervert upstairs? 400 songs, an average of 2 and a half minutes per song, that's 1000 minutes, nearly 17 hours, don't you have to rest?".

"Achievement Party, you don't understand~~~".


Xiao Yat-tian's side.

His face was full of hideousness and irritability.

YY Registration: 82.14 million

The data is too terrifying, it's almost close to 80% of the usual data of Qianqian Music, and this is the first day of data of YY Music, if you let the data soar for a few more days, wouldn't it be going to fly?

It's just hopeless data.

His right-hand man, Xiao Qin, was standing in front of him with his head down and guilt at this time.

"Say, why didn't the hacker plan go through?".

Xiao Yitian was annoyed.

If hackers attack YY Music at the last moment, then YY Music is bound to collapse, and the so-called glory is bound to become a joke.

However, the hackers did not attack!

Xiao Yat had to slam the table.

Xiao Qin was ashamed: "Boss, I'm sorry, it's me who didn't do my job well, and I can't contact that hacker now." "

Xiao Yitian's face was hideous: "You mean, the deposit was also paid, but in the end the matter was not completed?

Xiao Qin's head lowered: "Yes, boss." I think maybe the hacker has been discovered, after all, the hacker can't see the light, so reputation is very important, and generally there will be no breach of contract. "

Xiao Yitian: "Didn't you say that hacker is the third on the list of ** hackers?Why is it so rubbish?".

Xiao Qin: "It is indeed the third place on the hacker list, and the strength is real...... So, I suspect that YY music has a master at it. "

Masters ......

Xiao Yitian was deflated, lying on the sofa, waving weakly: "Forget it, this matter is over...... The success of YY Music will inevitably be seriously affected by our Qianqian Listening Songs, and the stock market will open in 9 hours, and the stock price of Qianqian Listening Songs will definitely avalanche at that time!".

"Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan, why are you forcing me!".

A tyrannical, crazy thought filled Xiao Yat-tian's mind.

"Xiao Qin!" Xiao Yitian's voice was low.

"Boss. Xiao Qin bowed slightly.

"Find a killer and do him!" Xiao Yitian gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"Boss......" Xiao Qin hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded violently: "Okay, boss, you won't miss this time!" But it may take a little more time, because you may have to hire killers from abroad, which is safer." "

Xiao Yitian frowned: "How long will it take?"

Xiao Qin: "It will take at least a month, and after the killer comes, if you want to investigate, it is impossible to start it all at once, so once it passes, maybe two months will be gone." "

Xiao Yitian nodded: "Okay, just be professional enough!".

Xiao Qin: "Boss, don't worry, it must be a professional killer, at least on the world's killer list, but this price may be more expensive, after all, Ye Xuan's identity is not ordinary, and the security force must be extraordinary." "

Xiao Yitian: "How much?"

Xiao Qin: "Dark web price, 20 million, US dollars." "

Xiao Yitian slapped the table: "Okay, 20 million US dollars, I'll give it!".

Xiao Qin nodded: "Then I'll contact you now." "


On Ye Xuan's side, just through the information column, Xiao Yitian saw the chat process of hiring a murderer.

"Take a risk, I like it~~~".

He tapped on the computer keyboard, quickly connected to Xiao Yitian and Xiao Qin's mobile phones through the Trojan program, and then copied all the recordings just now.

That's a good thing.

If this thing is handed over to the state, then Xiao Yitian will really be finished.

This is a Trojan horse planted by Ye Xuan a long time ago, and it will always be silently activating the recording function, and now it comes in handy.

And ......

"The killer is coming, and it seems that I can take advantage of this and do something big. "

Ye Xuan thought of a very sassy plan!

Hey, hey, hey~~


ps: There are still a few thousand words of 120,000 words, that is, on the shelf, too lazy to write a testimonial on the shelf, after all, there is no time, huge busy~~

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