Thousands of people listen to the song on this side.

Now that Qianqian Tingge has suffered a stock delisting, after the bank debt collection and asset auction, it has been completely finished, and even the website part has been packaged and sold to the difficult brother Yuexun at a low price.

After Xiao Yitian abandoned Qianqian to listen to songs, he traveled lightly, and immediately established Qianqian Live broadcast one minute after YY broadcast was launched.

He keenly saw the potential of YY broadcast, and he was ready to replicate YY live broadcast.

The 400 program ape that has been prepared for a long time has been tackling tough problems day and night, copying every function of YY broadcast, and now four days have passed, and the research and development progress of Qianqian live broadcast has exceeded 30%.

It's really hard to use money to make progress.

"This is my new business!"

Xiao Yitian, who is already in his fifties, is like an old man, although he is not young, he is still full of fighting spirit, ambitious, and refuses to admit defeat.

"Ye Xuan, you must not have thought that I would not admit defeat!"

"You wait for me!"

Xiao Yitian stood upstairs, overlooking the large office area below, and his heart was hot.

However, there is still a part of the plan that is not in place.

This link is related to the subsequent success or failure.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Qin's number: "Where is the killer 147?"

Xiao Qin: "Boss, just now the killer replied to the message on the dark web, he has come to **, and is currently collecting Ye Xuan's information, and I have forwarded Ye Xuan's information to him." Rest assured, the killer is professional, the sixth killer in the world, and there will be no problem. "

Xiao Yitian suddenly relaxed: "Okay, I'll wait for his good news!"

Hang up the phone.

Xiao Yitian's hanging heart fell to the ground.

The last link is in place.

As long as Ye Xuan dies, YY broadcast will inevitably be turbulent, and Qianqian live broadcast will inevitably take advantage of the situation at that time.



Geman Hotel.

Presidential Suite.

The handsome killer Michael sat on the sofa, operating the computer, and he matched the code with Xiao Qin, the connector on the ** side, through the dark web, and received Ye Xuan's relevant information.

Height, weight, strengths, strengths, personality......

Lifestyle habits, favorite food (CHDH......

Everything is very detailed.

In addition, there is also Ye Xuan's bodyguard team, and the bodyguards all have detailed information.

Obviously, that Xiao Qin must have the channel ability to know Ye's bodyguard team so well.

"I didn't expect the information to be quite detailed......"

Michael was surprised, but as a killer, caution is a must, so this information can only be used for reference, and he needs to gather information on his own.

So, Michael changed into a super blonde beauty, a women's clothing boss, with a microbore camera, and came to the Ye Group the next day.

This time, he (she) pretended to be a female elite business representative of a large foreign company, and wanted to come to the chairman to discuss cooperation.

Easily deceived the security guards of the Yip Group under the pretext of business negotiations, and he walked into the Yip Group.

"First, look at the target's recent trip. "

Only when the opponent's itinerary is determined can you choose the time and place to start and formulate an assassination plan.

"As a super-rich person, every minute and every second is precious, so the itinerary must be very meticulous and accurate to the minute. "

This is the experience that Michael gained when he assassinated other super-rich and super-dignitaries.

"And, as a big boss with such a huge asset, safety is very important, so the itinerary must be kept very confidential. "

"According to past experience, his schedule must only be in the chairman's office, or the secretary's office!"

The corners of Michael's mouth hooked.

I, Michael, professional!

Next, he played a good role as a female elite of a foreign company in business negotiations, deceived the front desk, and deceived many people who came to inquire, and then took the elevator to the top floor office.

On the entire top floor, there are only the chairman's office, the secretary's office, and the conference room.

It just so happened that there was no one in the secretary's office at this time.

Michael was overjoyed, because according to intelligence, Ye Xuan did not come to the company today, but at home (manor). That is, there is no one on the entire top floor?!

Lady Luck takes care of it!

(Ye Xuan in the manor is watching you...... )

Michael easily entered the secretary's office and then entered the chairman's office through the door inside the secretary's office.

Sure enough, no one.

Next Michael started the itinerary.

(Ye Xuan in the manor is watching you...... )

An hour later......

I didn't find a single hair!

Michael has a black question mark face.

Then, he went to the secretary's office and continued to rummage, spent half an hour, and still didn't find anything?

What the heck?

He went downstairs with a confused face, came to the hall on the first floor, and suddenly swept his gaze and fixed on a large LCD screen.


"Chairman's schedule?"

He looked at the large LCD screen in the hall in a daze, Ye Xuan's itinerary was clearly placed in front of him.

"I'll give you a lung!!"

A sentence in Chinese blurted out.



On the other side of the manor.


"I feel sorry for him for 3 seconds, hahaha~~"

Ye Xuan is watching the whole process of the women's clothing boss Michael entering the Ye Group through remote monitoring equipment.

The last sentence with a thick Northeast accent, 'I'll push your lungs', completely amused Ye Xuan.

。 _

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