The stone had been pressed against the manhole cover.

Ye Xuan stopped the schadenfreude in the live broadcast room: "Okay, give me silence and continue to watch our Mr. Killer's performance." "

Inside the sewers.

The handsome Michael was covered in dirt at this time, but he was full of joy of victory at this time.

He looked at the manhole cover above his head.

According to his precise calculations, the location of this manhole cover is at the back of the villa, although it is not as good as the exit of the manhole cover in the back garden, but it is not bad.

"Although the process was a little more difficult, I still came out!"

He began to climb up, the sewer was relatively high, 3m to the right, and the 1.95m Michael was completely out of reach. So he needs to go up 20cm-40cm to push open the sewer manhole cover.

The drains were wet, mossy and a bit slippery.

And then... Michael fell into a mess and rolled down the "920" side of the sewer.


Michael yelled angrily, if it weren't for his toolkit being washed away, this difficulty could have been easily overcome, but now, he could only climb up in embarrassment.

Second Climb ..... Pour.....

Third Climb ..... Pour.....

Fourth Climb ..... Pour.....

Michael almost cried in anger, what a bully!

Since coming to **, everything has not gone well, as if there is always a mastermind behind the scenes. Could it be the mysterious power of **?

The live broadcast room has already laughed over, many people laughed until their faces were stiff and painful, laughed and had stomach cramps, and some even laughed so much that they jumped out of the.

The fifth time, Michael finally found a few protrusions on the four walls of the sewer and stood firm.

Ye Xuan said to the live broadcast room: "Okay, it's time to start, keep your eyes open, the time to witness the miracle has arrived!"

Michael stands on his feet under the sewer manhole cover and puts his hands under the sewer manhole cover.

"I can't use force all at once, after all, my strength is not comparable to ordinary people, and if I overturn the manhole cover and alarm those bodyguards, it will be troublesome......"

With a component...... The manhole cover remained motionless.

With two components...... The manhole cover remained motionless.

...... with three points The manhole cover remained motionless.


Michael's smile faded away.

Michael's face gradually distorted.

He had already used all his strength, and even used all the strength of the eater,

With two components...... The manhole cover remained motionless.

Michael was stunned 1

"What's going on?"

Michael's face went from red to purple, from purple to blue, to black.... Constantly changing.

The live broadcast room laughed again.


"Hey, what's hurting?"

"My conscience hurts, hahahaha~~~"

Michael took a few deep breaths, fortunately, as an international killer, his psychological quality is still good, and his anger will not help, it will only make it worse.

He turned around and continued to climb back, sounding the background music of "Redemption", unyielding, stubborn, and strong.

After another 30 minutes of searching, Michael finally found another sewer opening.

The live broadcast room was heckling again.

"Crush the stone!"

"Crush the stone!"

"Crush the stone!"

Ye Xuan rolled his eyes wildly.

Didn't you feel a pain in your conscience just now? Why doesn't it hurt now?

A bunch of garbage viewers!

"Okay, I can't play anymore, that sewer exit is already the last exit, and if you don't let him come up, he's going to run away. "

Ye Xuan switched the camera, and the picture in the live broadcast room shifted to the sewer manhole cover outside.

"This gift, presumably our Mr. Killer should like it very much. "

I saw that around the mouth of the manhole cover, more than a dozen elite special police officers were loaded with live ammunition, fully armed, and the muzzles of the guns were aimed at the mouth of the manhole cover in a circle.

The live broadcast room gasped.

"Big guy, are you too ruthless in doing this?"

"Suddenly I started to feel sorry for the killer handsome guy again. "

"Heartache for a minute!"

"Distressed for a minute +1086!"

Of course, it is still schadenfreude that should be gloated.

Soon, the manhole cover moved.

Apparently Michael below was pushing the manhole cover hard.

"Roar, roar, come, come, really come"

"Don't blink

In the live broadcast room, the 3 million viewers have already frozen, as if they were beaten with chicken blood.

"A world-class classic emoji pack is about to be born!"

"Take a deep breath"

"Don't blink"

"Whoa~ I can't wait to see the expression of the killer handsome guy. "

Soon, the manhole cover was pushed out, and 30% ...... 50%...... 70%......

Michael crept out his head......


The muzzles of a dozen black holes were aimed at his head in unison0.......

Michael: "???"



At this moment, hundreds of expressions changed on his face, and each frame could make an emoji.


The more than 30 million viewers in the live broadcast room once again laughed crazy.

"Haha~~ Who is it good for me to laugh to death"

"No, my paralyzed jumped out laughing. "

"Ouch~~ laughing so much that my navel is about to move. "

"It's miserable, the worst killer in history!"

Soon, Michael was caught, searched, and tied up.

At this time, Ye Xuan laughed out loud and snapped his fingers.

"Fireworks, ring them off for me!"

Bang bang bang ~~~

Around the manor, fireworks began to rise into the air, bursting into brilliant flowers in the air.

Ye Xuan came to the front of the killer Michael, shook hands and thanked him again and again: "Thank you Mr. Michael for your dedication and bringing us a night full of joy." "

Michael: "......"

And the bodyguard Lu Qiang followed behind Ye Xuan, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Ye Xuan stuffed the flowers into Michael's hand and continued to thank: "Brother, thank you, you are really good, at least let me save more than a billion advertising costs." "

Michael: 5.1"..."

Then, Ye Xuan and Michael stood together with their shoulders.

"Come, take a picture, take a group photo......"

Lu Qiang had already taken out his mobile phone, adjusted the photo mode, and aimed at Ye Xuan and Michael.

Ye Xuan raised his scissor hand: "3, 2, 1, eggplant!"


A photo is frozen, on the photo, Ye Xuan is smiling, and Michael is grief-stricken.

The live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

"Big guy, you're such a devil!"

"It's not a sass, it's a~"

At this time, Michael has woken up, he was completely trapped, thinking back to the scene where he came to **, it is obvious that everything is controlled by a black hand behind the scenes!

At this time, his mood, a thousand words, converged into one word.


。 _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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