"Boss, do you really have to do anything?"

YY's general manager in charge found Ye Xuan with a worried face, hoping that Ye Xuan could think of a way, after all, his boss's various moves are really awesome.

"Don't rush yet, wait for them to throw some more money. Ye Xuan's eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth were smiling.

Under Ye Xuan's continuous attention, he has roughly counted how much money Qianqian Live has spent now. Just invited those more than 100 celebrities, and spent more than 1.3 billion.

After all, Qianqian's live broadcast invites all first-line and second-tier traffic stars, more precisely, the kind of traffic 'superstars' who have no works, but Weibo topics and fan popularity are very high, these stars have a large number of fans, but the price is also very expensive, after all, your live broadcast is simply lowering my grade, and the appearance fee is more expensive than usual, ranging from millions to tens of millions.

In addition, the advertising promotion is also very ruthless, especially the insertion of advertisements by TV stations, which is even more expensive. As the so-called promotion is cool for a while, the money crematorium has spent more than 500 million.

In this way, 1.8 billion is gone.

"Unfortunately, that's not enough. "

Ye Xuan has been holding back the bad water, and the loss is only 1.8 billion, which is too little, at least let them lose two or three billion.

"In the next few days, a piece of news will be disclosed. "

The general manager of YY broadcast's eyes lit up: "Please ask the boss to order!"

He knows that the plan that the boss thinks of is generally to make the opponent desperate, which is a real record. 920

The boss is invincible!

The boss is awesome!

Ye Xuan instructed: "Let's just say that I am very dissatisfied with the current popularity of Qianqian Live, so I asked the Ministry of Commerce to find all major TVs across the country, all variety shows, and insert a large number of advertisements." Tell the story and make as much trouble as possible. "

The general manager was stunned: "Boss, why don't you quietly contact the TV station?"

"Quietly?" Ye Xuan rolled his eyes: "If you are quiet, how can you make Qianqian Live pay attention to it?"

The general manager was even more puzzled: "Boss, aren't you afraid that your opponent Qianqian Live will also learn this trick?

Ye Xuan laughed: "I just want them to rob ...... Listen, my purpose is not to buy ads, but to force them to spend more money, to give you a task, you personally check it, to force them to spend money, and the more you spend, the better. If it's done well, I'll double your salary for the month. "

The general manager left with confusion and doubts.

He doesn't understand what the boss wants to do, if Qianqian Live really wins the advertising space of so many popular variety shows on so many TV stations, wouldn't Qianqian Live be even more popular?

I don't understand it at all!

"The boss will definitely not be untargeted, this plan, there must be some traps waiting for Y broadcast. "

"Yes, absolutely!"

The general manager was still in awe and admired Ye Xuan, so although he didn't understand the deep meaning of Ye Xuan's plan, he still carried it out to the letter.

He believes in the strength of the boss!

Soon, the news that Ye Xuan was very angry spread that day.

In less than an hour, the plan reached Xiao Yat-tian's ears from the mouth of the cleaner.

"Haha, it seems that Ye Xuan is panicking, okay!"

"Commercials for popular variety shows?"

"Hmph, I'm going to live broadcast thousands of times!

Soon Xiao Yat-tian instructed the Ministry of Commerce to immediately send people to major mainstream TV stations across the country to negotiate the advertising costs of popular variety shows.

And at this time, YY broadcast the people of the Ministry of Commerce.

At this time, the two sides were full of gunpowder and began to bid wildly.

It took 4 time, Xiao Tian smashed 4 and bought 6 variety show advertisements, because YY broadcast was competing next to him, so the price was at least 20% more.

However, Xiao Yitian was very satisfied, because he once again defeated YY Live, once again proving that Qianqian Live is indeed more powerful than YY Live.

So, he found someone to buy a bunch of press releases, stepped on YY live broadcast, and boasted that Qianqian live broadcast was about to rise.


Just when Qianqian Live was triumphant, hacker and security supervisor Su Xiaozhou excitedly ran to Ye (aifb) Xuan and told him about a discovery.

"Big guy, I found a bug in Qianqian's live broadcast!"

In the past few days, Qianqian's live broadcast has been too arrogant, and Su Xiaozhou, who was born as a hacker, was not happy, so he ran to find the bug of Qianqian's live broadcast. This search was really discovered by him, and it was a very well-known bug.

Su Xiaozhou was greatly surprised, and hurriedly ran to Ye Xuan to invite credit: "Big guy, I found that there is a back door that can be infinitely brushed aircraft carriers, this is the most valuable virtual gift for thousands of live broadcasts, each worth 1,000 yuan, that is to say, I can infinitely brush aircraft carriers in various live broadcast rooms, and I will die for this girl!"

"Big guy, or I'm going to fuck it!"

In this regard, Ye Xuan naturally would not refuse.

In the previous life on Earth, the first live betta fish suffered this incident, and suffered heavy losses overnight, and finally gritted his teeth and researched a defensive array to keep the hackers out.

"Big guy, I'm going to start!"

Su Xiaozhou screamed excitedly, and his hungry hands began to manipulate many broilers to die in thousands of live broadcasts to brush the aircraft carrier, each live broadcast brushed it seven or eight, and it was random.

Those anchors looked at it, wow, there are so many aircraft carriers, and they were overjoyed.

By the time Qianqian Live reacted, Su Xiaozhou had already brushed more than 100,000 aircraft carriers.


Thousands of live broadcasts.

Xiao Yitian, who received the news, rushed from home to the headquarters of Qianqian Live with a gloomy face.

"What's going on? Why are so many aircraft carriers brushed by people?"

Thinking that more than 100,000 aircraft carriers are more than 100 million funds, Xiao Yitian was distressed and bleeding.

The security director replied nervously: "We don't know, we must have been caught by hackers." "

Xiao Yitian was furious: "Why don't you find this hacker quickly!" aren't you boasting that your team is very strong?"

The security director is actually a hacker, and his strength is very strong, ranking tenth among domestic hackers, but ...... His strength is a joke in front of Su Xiaozhou.

Half an hour later, Qianqian's live broadcast was swiped with 500,000 aircraft carriers, and the hackers left calmly!

Xiao Yitian's face was dark.

Although these 500,000 aircraft carriers can be recovered by thousands of live broadcasts on the grounds of hacker attacks, after all, it will make the anchors deviate, and the outside media does not know how to report it.

Xiao Yitian roared angrily: "Check, find out who the hacker is for me!"

The security director smiled bitterly: "Boss, I can't find it, the other party's strength is too strong, and we can't track the other party's location at all." "

Xiao Yitian gritted his teeth: "It must be that Ye Xuan, damnable!"




Ye Xuan, on his side, sneezed.

Hackers attacking and brushing aircraft carriers or something, after all, is a small road, and it can only bring a little trouble to the other party.

"Counting up, Qianqian Live has spent a total of 2.2 billion now, and it shouldn't cost more in the future. "

"In that case, let's close the net!"

The corners of Ye Xuan's mouth hooked.

I made a call to Ning Nanshi.

"Let's do it!"

The enemy has already entered the pit, so let's fill it.

。 _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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