Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 226: Warlock Council

Moreover, he was even more prepared now after the training he received in the academy. He was a master of everything, whether it came to technology, geography, fighting, or other things. 

He had also learned the Art of Tricks. He wasn't the naive Lucifer from before. Instead, he was what he wanted to be. Now he could be anyone he wanted while also being a cunning enemy.

While Lucifer was planning to be two steps ahead of others, he heard a sound behind him. It was the sound of the lift opening. 

Curious, he turned back with his back resting against the railing to see who it was. 

As he looked back, he saw a young girl who seemed to be seventeen or eighteen years old. 

The girl had beautiful silver hair, just like Lucifer's, but hers were longer. Her silky smooth hair came down to her hips. 

Her fair skin shone even more under the beautiful light of the moon. As for her height, she seemed to only be slightly shorter than Lucifer. 

The girl was dressed in a casual black shoulderless dress that covered down to her knees. There was also a black ribbon tied on her hair that matched her style. 

As for her neck, she seemed to be wearing a golden pendant like Lucifer was wearing, but her pendant had a red crystal embedded in the center. 

Lucifer acted casual as if he hadn't infiltrated the ship. He was supposed to be here. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know someone was going to be here," the girl told Lucifer. "Did I disturb you at all?"

"The world is very big. But the numbers of humans aren't low either. There's always going to be someone somewhere. You shouldn't apologize," Lucifer replied calmly.

"Oh, a philosopher, I see," the girl let out as she smiled. She walked towards Lucifer and stood beside him as she also looked at the sea.

"I don't think I saw you here before. And we've been on this ship for weeks. I'm surprised how you stayed hidden," the girl said. 

"When it comes to you, I can say the same thing, can't I? I've been on this ship for a long time, but I didn't see you either. I'm surprised how you stayed hidden," Lucifer replied. 

"Haha, fair enough, I guess," the girl let out. "So, where are you going?" 

"I'm going to Dracia on a business trip, you?" Lucifer said, lying. He knew that the ship was going to stop at Dracia Beach next after stopping at Elisium. 

"I'm going to Elisium," the girl answered. 

"Why Elisium?' Lucifer asked, curious. 

"You can say it's a business trip as well," the girl answered vaguely. 

"Anyway, it was nice talking to you. Goodnight," she further said before she left. 

Throughout the conversation, none of them asked the name of the other person. 

"Elisium, huh. Welcome to Elisium, I guess," Lucifer said, sighing. 

He sat down on the deck as he got tired from standing up. He didn't even realize when he fell asleep while sitting here. 

It was only in the morning when the rays of the sun fell on his face that he woke up. 

His stomach was growling. 

He stood up as he yawned. He walked downstairs to eat something after he washed his face. 

After entering the dining room, he was amused. Most of the seats were filled already. 

"There's an empty one," he said as he soon noticed an empty table. He walked there and took the seat. 

"Goodmorning, Sir."

A waiter soon came to Lucifer as he served the breakfast, which seemed to be an expensive dish. 

"Ah, good morning."

Just as Lucifer was about to eat, he heard a female voice. He looked up to notice that it was the same girl as last night. 

"Good morning," he also replied. 

"May I sit here?" The girl asked Lucifer respectfully. 

"Sure. Be my guest," Lucifer answered like a proper gentleman. 

From his tone, words, and behavior, not a single person could have guessed that he wasn't a millionaire. Despite never having enjoyed that much luxury, he seemed to be a natural at it. 

"Thank you," the girl said as she sat down. 

The waiter served her as well. 

"Since it's our second meeting, may I ask your name?" She asked Lucifer. 

"My name? Lucifer," Lucifer replied calmly. "Yours?"

"I'm Jenilia. Jenilia Owens. Nice to meet you again," the girl replied. 

"Same here," Lucifer replied. 

As the two of them were eating, a young girl came up to them who seemed to be sixteen or seventeen years old. 

"Miss Jenilia, is that you?" The dark-haired girl asked Jenilia.

"That's right," Jenilia replied, smiling. 

"I can't explain how happy I am to meet you. You're my idol. I'm so happy. Can I take a pic?" the girl asked again. 

"Sure," Jenilia replied as she smiled. She stood up and let the girl take a selfie with her. 

"Thank you so much. And thank you for keeping us all safe!" The dark-haired girl said before she left. 

"You seem to be quite popular," Lucifer said as he took a sip of water. 

"I guess you can say that. But only in my continent. I'm surprised someone in this place knew about me," Jenilia replied. "She must be from the same continent as me."

"You're famous in your entire continent? What do you do? Actress or something?" Lucifer asked, confused. "And why did that girl thank you for keeping her safe?"

"Oh, that? No. I'm not an actress. I don't think I have what it takes," Jenilia replied. 

"I disagree. You certainly have the looks. And you can become an actress after a little training. Anyway, what do you actually do?" Lucifer asked, curious. 

"I'm an Intern Member of the Warlock Council," Jenilia explained. 

"Warlock Council?" Lucifer asked, frowning. "What's that?"

"Oh right. You won't understand. This continent doesn't have anything like that. But in our continent, we have a Warlock Council which consists of our most talented Warlocks," the girl explained. 

" Each country has one representative in the Warlock Council. Some countries even have two or more depending on their strengths. Their purpose is to keep peace and stop any big conflicts in the continent," she further said. 

"And I'm an intern there. If my performance is good in the next five years, I'll become a member of the council. Since I'm the youngest intern, I'm somewhat famous, I guess," she continued. 

"Interesting. So you're a Warlock," Lucifer said softly. 

"That's right. But you don't have to worry. We Warlocks are also ordinary people like you for the most part," the girl told Lucifer, thinking that she had intimidated him. 

"So what if we are stronger than you? We won't harm you. Instead, we'll keep you safe," she further said. 

Lucifer didn't know if he should laugh at her or cry. He had killed so many Warlocks in his time. Why would he be scared of her?

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