Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 237: They Broke my trust

Lucifer and Jiang took a cab which started taking them to the residential area where Lucifer used to live. 

The drive back was long as they needed to travel through cities. They even changed a few cabs as they continued traveling. 

It was only after a few days that they reached the Legion City where Lucifer's home was. 

"That's right. You can drop us here. Our home isn't far," Lucifer told the Cab driver as he stopped him at the entrance of the city. He didn't want him to drop them at the exact place. 

Lucifer and Jiang stepped out of the car and paid the driver before they started walking away. 

"You know, going through a flight would have been easier," Jiang told Lucifer, tired of all the traveling. 

"That's right. But that would be dangerous too since I'm going to need a passport," Lucifer replied, frowning. 

"You don't have a passport?' Jiang asked, confused. 

"Where do you think I'll get one from?" Lucifer asked, rolling his eyes. 

"So we'll have to drive everywhere?" Jiang asked, confused. "How about we get a fake one then?"

"We'll talk about it later," Lucifer replied casually. 

Jiang and Lucifer kept walking. It was also the point when the two of them started getting hungry. Jiang's stomach was the first one to growl though.

"Can we at least stop somewhere to eat now? Look, there's a restaurant right there!" He asked as he rubbed his stomach. 

Lucifer looked in the direction where Jiang was pointing in. He was able to see a restaurant, but this also brought back so many memories. 

It was the restaurant where he had killed people. He could still feel the turmoil of emotions he was going through that day.

"It's still running. I'm surprised," Lucifer muttered. "Come, let's eat there."

With his hands in his pocket, Lucifer walked to the restaurant. Jiang opened the doors for him, and they both entered inside. 

When Lucifer entered the restaurant, he noticed that there were two portraits on the walls that belonged to the couple that Lucifer had killed on that dark day. 

Now that he knew better, he understood that there were a few things he could have handled better. But he couldn't change the clock now.

There was a young man on the counter who seemed to be in his early twenties. The dark-haired man had similarities to the man in the portrait. 

Lucifer and Jiang sat at the table, and the man came to them with the menu. 

He gave them two menus as he started waiting for their orders. 

"I'll have a Mistic Soup along with some fresh pancakes," Jiang ordered right away. 

As for Lucifer, he didn't order. Instead, he kept looking at the portrait on the wall. 

"May I ask who the people in those portraits are?" he asked the dark-haired man.

"They are my parents. They were killed by some criminal eight years ago along with other people in this restaurant. I handle the restaurant now," the young man answered. 

"Oh? There was a massacre here? Were you not here at that time?" Lucifer asked, curious. 

"I was in a hostel, studying. I found out much later. Anyway, enough of the sad talk. Please order whatever you like," the dark-haired man let out, changing the topic. 

"I'll have what he's having," Lucifer let out casually.

The young man went back and told the order to his wife, who was the chef here. 

Sitting with Lucifer, Jiang could understand a few things. 

"Were you the one that..."

Lucifer didn't say anything and simply nodded his head. 

"Did they do something wrong to upset you?" Jiang asked, curious.

"They broke my trust," Lucifer replied calmly.

He casually glanced at Jiang as he continued, "No matter how bad I feel for anyone. If someone betrayed my trust, I'd still kill them. And I'll kill them ruthlessly. You may treat it as a warning for you."

"G-got it," Jiang let out, smiling wryly. 

The dark-haired man brought the soup and the pancakes for the both of them after a short time. 

As Lucifer glanced at the soup, he was surprised. This was the same soup that this guy's mother had given him when he was a kid. 

'How she was and how she became... That just shows how fast people can change,' Lucifer thought as he took the spoon and started eating.


"Here's the bill."

After the two finished eating, the man came with the bill. Lucifer paid for everything and even included a tip before he started leaving.

He stopped right at the entrance as he glanced back. 

After taking one last glance at the portraits, he left. 


Lucifer and Jiang started walking towards the neighborhood, expecting heavy security. But as they reached there, they were stunned. 

Let alone security; there was literally nothing there. There were no houses or anything. Only rubble and pieces of broken houses could be seen as far as the eyes went. 

Without thinking twice, Lucifer started running towards the spot where his house used to be, only to be greeted with something unrecognizable. 

His house... It wasn't there. 

"Is that where your house was?" Jiang asked, catching up to Lucifer.

Lucifer didn't say anything and just looked at the rubble of his house. The house of his parents... His house... It was destroyed entirely.

"Let me check what happened here," Jiang said, frowning. 

He brought his phone out and started checking on the net. 

"Ah, so that's what it was. There's going to be a shopping complex here. It looks like the government sold this land to some builders," Jiang explained, frowning. 

"How can they sell our land?" Lucifer asked, clenching his fist. 

"I think it's because they owned the land after your father's death. I mean, technically, you're the owner of this land, but they took over. I doubt we can do anything at this point," Jiang said, sighing. 

"These people never change their habit of taking from me, do they?" Lucifer asked, frowning. "I don't care what happens; nothing will be made in this land! It'll stay like this forever, reminding me that my house and my family were taken from me.'

"How can we stop that thought? The construction will start next week?" Jiang explained, frowning.

"Is that so? Get me the address of the builder who owns the land now," Lucifer let out as he started walking away. "It's time I meet him."

"Are you going to kill him?" Jiang asked, concerned. "He's a very rich guy and has great security detail. There are security cameras inside his mansion everywhere."

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